Mass shooting: At Least 11 Shot At Gilroy Garlic Festival

Apparently guy was asked by people screaming "why are you doing this" and he responded "because I'm really angry".

6 Year old boy killed so that some POS could get his anger out in the form of mass murder. This is the world we live in.
Correction: This is the country we live in.
There is risk inherent to freedom. The more security one has; the less freedom one has. There’s no way around it. You just have to decide which is more important to you. Real, traditional Americans who align more closely with the founders vision for this nation, choose freedom every time...
Our founders Never. Ever. In A Million Years. would have found our level of gun homicide and ever increasing mass shootings of innocent civilians an acceptable trade for "freedom."
That's bullshit.
That’s pure speculation on your part. No one finds it acceptable by the way. That’s why it isn’t accepted. It’s criminalized.
I have went to that garlic festival before. It is a small little farming community. That it smells like garlic every where. I cannot see why would of shooter targeted that place. But it might be gang related. San Jose Ca is not that far from there. San Jose has a big Hispanic gang problem, but it was a lone shooter. It is a multicultural event. And the shooting was preplanned, because he has cut out an opening in the fence. Maybe the shooter was doing a hit for a drug cartel. .But he wouldn't have gunned them down in a public place. That they would of have shot their victims at their homes or somewhere else. But the shooter could be a White person that just hated Mexicans. Because that city is populated with migrant workers. Sounds like the shooter was on a suicide mission.

This is almost certainly not gang related, this was random, collective murder.

Just some unstable, emotional sick psycho who decided that shooting people would help his anger and depression. I don't know the persons back story, but to kill innocent people that had nothing to do with his suffering or hurt, is about as cowardly as it gets. What the hell did a 6 year old have to do with his problems? Regardless of his reasoning,it's not sound, this person isn't stable.

Again, the world we live in. Desensitized to violence and a complete lack of respect for life. As I get older it's clear, from music, to video games, movies and human interactions between one another on a day to day basis, the future is not bright for civilization. Those qualities of empathy are lost, and it's not just USA that's dealing with the repercussions of such a society.
It was just announced that the shooter was a White male. Of course he was mentally ill. What probably had made him to do what he has done. It is this atmosphere of hate that is going around. The left is encouraging minorities to attack Whites. He probably has been beaten by a group of Hispanics recently. And so he probably just released his anger on the people. But then it could of have been an ANTIFA's plot. It was one of their agenda to shoot up public events. They wants to start a race war. And this is the best way to do it. Gilroy has a lot of European farm owners, surrounded by a lot of migrant workers and Hispanics citizens.. which the media is pushing this story that White people hates people of color.

So it's the minorities fault the White/Iranian man had to shoot them?
I read it's gang stuff. Full-auto AKs.

Gangs seem to have no problem getting them out there.

In California with all their crazy gun restrictions.
Mass shooting in the US doesn't discriminate....15000 deaths on average each year.
Not due to mass shootings you liar. And less then 12000 a year until last year. Seems the left is up in arms and murdering people cause they can not handle losing the election in 2016. I mean if you can lie so can I right?

You're a callous jerk, the six year old murdered by a gun lost his right to life, liberty and happiness. Common sense gun regulations may not prevent a monster from getting a gun, but no regulations assure a monster will get a gun and kill innocent people.

It's time to amend the Second Amendment, and allow the people in every state to establish common sense regulations - continuing to do the same thing, and even advocate more guns in the hands of more people, is insane.
It says 2 shooters. White guy in 30s?

One shooter is dead.

Odds on them laying this on Trump?

It's already confirmed that the shooter was a pro-Trump terrorist.

And he killed a 5 year old kid.
It says 2 shooters. White guy in 30s?

One shooter is dead.

Odds on them laying this on Trump?

It's already confirmed that the shooter was a pro-Trump terrorist.

And he killed a 5 year old kid.
You got a link on that? (pro-Trump terrorist part)
A garlic festival. Who would shoot up a freaking garlic festival? Only in California. The perp was shot dead by the brave Police Officers that the left seems to hate and revile.
It was a really angry Iranian.
kinda left out the Italian part of his heritage, eh? Knee-jerk hack. not that it matter..he was American..same as any citizen. Except crazy.
Waiting to hear a democrat pretend they are so heart broken! After a weekend of thousands of babies getting dismembered in abortions!
And scold the GUN not the person.
If you know where babies are being dismembered get off your dumb ass and do something about it. This is your defense of a mass murderer?
I do I just voted to put in two supreme court judges that are against abortion .. hehehe.. we are winning biatch ..
awww let me hear how sad you are about this shooting but say nothing about the 90 blacks shot this weekend in towns run by democrats..

Let’s hear your outrage snowflake

So gang violence & mass killings are OK because abortion is legal.

I get it.
Any minute 2AGuy will be showing up telling us how we don't need any more gun laws and swimming pools are more dangerous.
pretty sure what the shooter did was illegal already.

now - what laws would you propose to stop this? so far i've yet to encounter anyone wanting MORE gun control come up with a solution that didn't involve just getting rid of all guns period.
I'm for getting rid of all guns.

But since we can't get rid of all guns, I guess we should keep trying the GOP policy of Thoughts & Prayers. It's working so well.
Apparently guy was asked by people screaming "why are you doing this" and he responded "because I'm really angry".

6 Year old boy killed so that some POS could get his anger out in the form of mass murder. This is the world we live in.
Correction: This is the country we live in.
There is risk inherent to freedom. The more security one has; the less freedom one has. There’s no way around it. You just have to decide which is more important to you. Real, traditional Americans who align more closely with the founders vision for this nation, choose freedom every time...
Our founders Never. Ever. In A Million Years. would have found our level of gun homicide and ever increasing mass shootings of innocent civilians an acceptable trade for "freedom."
That's bullshit.
That’s pure speculation on your part. No one finds it acceptable by the way. That’s why it isn’t accepted. It’s criminalized.
No more pure speculation on my part than it was on yours to think the opposite. Our founders' vision never included this. Never. Ever.
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I read it's gang stuff. Full-auto AKs.

Gangs seem to have no problem getting them out there.

In California with all their crazy gun restrictions.
Mass shooting in the US doesn't discriminate....15000 deaths on average each year.

Perhaps you’re so stupid as to be including all the inner city shooting gallery deaths? That mistake would be the only possible way to get anywhere near 15,000.
Apparently guy was asked by people screaming "why are you doing this" and he responded "because I'm really angry".

6 Year old boy killed so that some POS could get his anger out in the form of mass murder. This is the world we live in.
Correction: This is the country we live in.

There is risk inherent to freedom. The more security one has; the less freedom one has. There’s no way around it. You just have to decide which is more important to you. Real, traditional Americans who align more closely with the founders vision for this nation, choose freedom every time...

What greater act limited liberty, life and happiness to a six year old boy then a monster with a gun? The idea that no solutions exist is the last and worst defense of 2aguy and others who put their right to guns unrestricted / uncontrolled.

They and the NRA are culpable for the deaths of innocent people by firearms purchsed by a monster.
A garlic festival. Who would shoot up a freaking garlic festival? Only in California. The perp was shot dead by the brave Police Officers that the left seems to hate and revile.
It was a really angry Iranian.
kinda left out the Italian part of his heritage, eh? Knee-jerk hack. not that it matter..he was American..same as any citizen. Except crazy.
Sadly Italy has been overrun with people from the middle east who are seeking the generous welfare of Europe. That doesn't make the invaders Italian, French, Spanish or any other ethnicity. This shooter is as American as the San Bernardino shooters or John Walker Lindh.
So you don't like to take responsibility for your own safety?
Of course I do. Where does it say I need to be strapped to take control of my own safety?! That’s a pretty stupid statement
Your reaction is very revealing. What the fuck is strapped? You're in the same situation and the gunman sees you and a family member. What do you do?
I do whatever I can to keep everybody safe, what kind of question is that?! Let me ask you something’s. Do you always have a gun on you? Do you take it to your kids school? To concerts, movie theaters, baseball games?

If not then why? Is that an example of you not taking responsibility for your own safety?
If you feel the need too ponder what kind of question I asked you,then you are not prepared to protect anyone. Yes I always carry. Regradless what a sign may say
Ok captain commando do what you gotta do... don’t worry about me I’ve been just fine
between you and me I choose not to be a victim and wait to be protected you, on the other hand, have cast your die and it came up craps
Apparently guy was asked by people screaming "why are you doing this" and he responded "because I'm really angry".

6 Year old boy killed so that some POS could get his anger out in the form of mass murder. This is the world we live in.
Correction: This is the country we live in.

There is risk inherent to freedom. The more security one has; the less freedom one has. There’s no way around it. You just have to decide which is more important to you. Real, traditional Americans who align more closely with the founders vision for this nation, choose freedom every time...

What greater act limited liberty, life and happiness to a six year old boy then a monster with a gun? The idea that no solutions exist is the last and worst defense of 2aguy and others who put their right to guns unrestricted / uncontrolled.

They and the NRA are culpable for the deaths of innocent people by firearms purchsed by a monster.
Had it not been a man with a gun that stopped the shooter after one minute this would have been a democrat wet dream
Apparently guy was asked by people screaming "why are you doing this" and he responded "because I'm really angry".

6 Year old boy killed so that some POS could get his anger out in the form of mass murder. This is the world we live in.
Correction: This is the country we live in.
There is risk inherent to freedom. The more security one has; the less freedom one has. There’s no way around it. You just have to decide which is more important to you. Real, traditional Americans who align more closely with the founders vision for this nation, choose freedom every time...
Our founders Never. Ever. In A Million Years. would have found our level of gun homicide and ever increasing mass shootings of innocent civilians an acceptable trade for "freedom."
That's bullshit.
That’s pure speculation on your part. No one finds it acceptable by the way. That’s why it isn’t accepted. It’s criminalized.
Mass shootings and the killing of innocents is the price we pay for our 2nd amendment rights. Not calling for the repeal of the 2nd and I believe in private gun ownership.
We live in a culture of violence...and it is accepted by the vast majority. Whine if you will..and then turn on another action flick with 70 deaths by gun. Maybe kick back with a 1st person shooter and kill everything in cyberspace. While your children watch and learn.
Our culture is what it is--and I want a gun or protect myself from everyone else's guns.

To paraphrase:
From time to time the Tree of Liberty must be watered....with the blood of innocents.
It's fake news. Weapons of any kind are prohibited.

Christmas Hill Park rules prohibit bringing the following items on Festival grounds:

  • Alcohol of any kind
  • Bottles, glass and cans
  • Coolers – large or small
  • Frisbees and water projecting devices
  • Pocketknives and weapons of any kind.
Hey shitforbrains, ever hear the expression that if you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns? Go back and try to find were you lost your mind why don't you? And if you find it, try using it.
Mulford Act - Wikipedia

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