MASS SHOOTING: Louisville Bank Multiple victims

The problem is the right’s refusal to do anything at all – conservatives surrendering to the inevitability of mass shootings.
The majority of gun owners are the right, and the most responsible.
There are the mentally and emotionally unstable, who for whatever reason snap and do the unthinkable.
The reason that most "Right'" don't do anything is because the vast majority aren't the one commiting gun crimes.

The majority of gun crimes in the his country are thugs and gang-bangers. But no one wants to address that issue because then, you're a racist for calling out a sub-culture that murders their own, lives primarily on system welfare, worships a ghetto life style while chasng that WAP. Don't get me wrong, that is not every black person as their are some that do want to escape that sub culture. But that is the culture committing the crimes, gangs and thugs. That's the statistical facts.
‘More guns’ is not the answer – the notion is ridiculous idiocy.
I can't disagree with that.
‘It’s a mental health issue’ – yet Republicans do nothing to fund mental health programs and refuse to expand Medicaid.

No, an AWB is not the solution, but neither is conservatives ignoring the problem and lying about mass shootings being the ‘price of liberty.’
I don't disagree either. The 2A was established for the people, when needed, to be able to stand up to a gov't that has become tyrannical and needs stopped. You have to have arms capable of such overthrow. I don't think conservatives "Don't care", but part of the problem, is defending the illogical rhetoric and conjecture from the left. I don't think anyone thinks that we shouldn't do more for mental health.

IMO, the ATF and local law enforcement should do something about gangs and inner city crime. Get illegal guns off the streets. But I digress. The left ignore the stats and rinse and repeat the same rhetoric.
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Kentucky governor had a close friend who was killed.

He’s going to spring to action and give extra T’s and P’s to ensure that this never ever happens again…for a few days.
That might well help. After all, the City of Louisville as well as the Commonwealth of Kentucky are both ruled by Far Left Democrats.

Not to mention the socialist autocrat, Joe the Somnolent, reigning in Washington.
Sounds like you are saddened by the needless gun violence. You always maje it political in order to defend guns.
Kentucky governor had a close friend who was killed.

He’s going to spring to action and give extra T’s and P’s to ensure that this never ever happens again…for a few days.

Maybe if his party, the democrat party, would stop attacking the police, and prevent them from doing their jobs.....and maybe if his party, the democrat party, would stop releasing violent gun criminals on no cash bail, some of the gun murder would stop......

Maybe he could start there....

Wasn't the location a no-firearm area? You mean someone didn't pay attention to that liberal safe space, and used a firearm?

What was the mental health of the shooter? Bet it follows trends we've seen in most mass shootings. and the shooter responded to the media sponsored sensationalism of other mass shootings.
A lot of those websites force you to choose your pronouns.

And since it was his (former?) place of employment, I’m guessing he had more than just suicide on his mind.

These people need to be on anti-psychotics. Or euthanized.
Linkedin doesn't force you to select them. I just checked. I'd have to go in and manually add them to my profile.
This guy voluntarily chose to add them to his profile.

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, poor guy. Let’s all give him T’s and P’s.

So he can’t be legitimately grieving because a close friend of his just died? What are you getting at? Governors are personally responsible for all murders that occur in their state?

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