MASS SHOOTING: Louisville Bank Multiple victims

The bullets tear up the flesh much more successfully.

No......a bullet from any rifle or shotgun will be more powerful than a hand gu

A shotgun at the range of a mass public shootimg will be far worse that any rifle....but we know the shotgun is the next gun on your list

Not that I don't believe you, but I would like to see some images or footage. I don't trust the MSM with headlines. I've read he used a "Long Gun" which is a rifle, and AR's are a "Long Gun". But I want to see the evidence. In the Nashville shooting we saw footage, pics, and videos almost immediately. This shooting seems to be inducing a different narrative for some reason.
Not that I don't believe you, but I would like to see some images or footage. I don't trust the MSM with headlines. I've read he used a "Long Gun" which is a rifle, and AR's are a "Long Gun". But I want to see the evidence. In the Nashville shooting we saw footage, pics, and videos almost immediately. This shooting seems to be inducing a different narrative for some reason.
You really need to get on to the next shooting. I am not sure why you doubt ABC? Maybe you are waiting for FOX? Then you will needs to decide it what they publish is actual facts or just their opinion. Or better yet, are they actually publishing the truth or are they trying to satisfy their viewers?

They admitted in court that they are entertainment...not news.

The bullets tear up the flesh much more successfully.
Lol .. what source are you reading this regurgitated bullet point (no pun intended) from? If this were the case, then this would contradict the claim that the 5.56 (do you know what that means?) round would be ideal for hunting.
Lol .. what source are you reading this regurgitated bullet point (no pun intended) from? If this were the case, then this would contradict the claim that the 5.56 (do you know what that means?) round would be ideal for hunting.

Back in the early 1980s, I described the origins of the AR-15 rifle, and its military counterpart the M-16, in an Atlantic article called “A Bureaucratic Horror Story” and a book called National Defense. This week I did an item about the AR-15’s role as the main weapon in America’s modern mass shootings. It explained that one reason for the AR-15’s killing power is that its bullets were designed not to pass straight through an object but to “tumble” when they hit, destroying flesh along the way and leaving a large exit wound on departure.
Enlighten me. What could we learn in this particular case from the why?

Well, wait here, and I'll go back to college and get a criminology degree, then come back to explain this to you.

Are you seriously saying there's NO value in studying the motivations for criminal behavior like this? No wonder you're so fixated on the GUN, your brain seems incapable of actual thought. You are the physical embodiment of intellectual laziness.
Kentucky has a democrat governor btw. Andy Beshear.
It's crazy the various directions this thread as gone. Gun control. FBI. Biden. NRA. CIA mind control even.

How about we all take a moment to let the facts play out before we determine exactly which party the evidence points to. This could be nothing more than a lover's quarrel or someone angry about being passed over for a promotion. At least for the moment I'm not sure that Biden should be blamed for today's shooting. Or Trump. Or anyone OTHER than the shooter himself.
While I do agree with this, it is part of what bothers me.

After all of these shootings, one of the first things that happens, is a near complete and total information black out about the perpetrators.

They delete and lock down all social media accounts of the perpetrators, usually.

They control all the information that the public is allowed to know about the perps. and only the corporate media, the police, and the investigative agencies are allowed to tell the public, what the government wants the public to know about the perps.

Instead, what the public is fed, is a steady stream of fear porn about guns, and statistics about guns deaths, as well as tragedy porn about the how horrible the incident was, and the pain the guns caused.

In the end, we will find out very little about the shooter, how he was raised, if he was ever in the care of a mental health professional, what relationships he had, what medications he was ever one, if he was ever in the care of a therepist, etc.

This is usually the best source of finding out about a mass shooter, but it never gives actual links to the social media of the perpetrators. :rolleyes:

5. Connor Sturgeon, Who Does Not Appear to Have a Criminal Record, Made Political Posts on Reddit & Twitter, Alongside Posts About Depression​

Oh yeah? Where are the links to them? Can we read them? :dunno:
(There are a few links, not many. This of course, is not the fault of

You really need to get on to the next shooting. I am not sure why you doubt ABC? Maybe you are waiting for FOX? Then you will needs to decide it what they publish is actual facts or just their opinion. Or better yet, are they actually publishing the truth or are they trying to satisfy their viewers?

They admitted in court that they are entertainment...not news.

Something that would serve you well is to stop speculating about what other do and or think because they may think differently than you. If you trust the MSM, good for you. I do not, and that goes for Fox. Nice try again.

Back in the early 1980s, I described the origins of the AR-15 rifle, and its military counterpart the M-16, in an Atlantic article called “A Bureaucratic Horror Story” and a book called National Defense. This week I did an item about the AR-15’s role as the main weapon in America’s modern mass shootings. It explained that one reason for the AR-15’s killing power is that its bullets were designed not to pass straight through an object but to “tumble” when they hit, destroying flesh along the way and leaving a large exit wound on departure.

Not an isolated phenomena exclusive only to the AR-15/M-16.

Wobbling in bullets happens because of a lack of momentum on the round combined with the effects of the projectile’s oblong shape. The shape is important because when the shooting arc deteriorates, the bullet will begin to wobble as the forces of gravity take hold.

Does the AR-15 Bullet Tumble? Fact vs. Myth

Profile photo for Paul Labrador
Paul Labrador

Retired LTC, US Army

Originally Answered: Where did the myth that bullets fired from AR 15 design to tumble upon a striking flesh cone from?

ALL spitzer shaped bullets (ie pointy ones), will destabilize and “tumble” once they hit a medium denser than air. That includes the 5.56mm bullet fire from the M16/AR-15. The reason why is because spitzer shaped bullets are base heavy and once they destabilize, the stable position for a bullet is base forward. Think of it like a football in flight that is tipped by a defenseman. The only thing holding the football on it’s trajectory is the gyroscopic spin imparted on it by the thrower. Once the spin is disrupted, it wobbles all over the place.

Something that would serve you well is to stop speculating about what other do and or think because they may think differently than you. If you trust the MSM, good for you. I do not, and that goes for Fox. Nice try again.
Naw...I know you MAGA types. You listen to FOX or Newsmax or one of the stations that tell you what you want to hear. No need to respond.
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Back in the early 1980s, I described the origins of the AR-15 rifle, and its military counterpart the M-16, in an Atlantic article called “A Bureaucratic Horror Story” and a book called National Defense. This week I did an item about the AR-15’s role as the main weapon in America’s modern mass shootings. It explained that one reason for the AR-15’s killing power is that its bullets were designed not to pass straight through an object but to “tumble” when they hit, destroying flesh along the way and leaving a large exit wound on departure.
So the AR-15 is a good hunting rifle ..

Back in the early 1980s, I described the origins of the AR-15 rifle, and its military counterpart the M-16, in an Atlantic article called “A Bureaucratic Horror Story” and a book called National Defense. This week I did an item about the AR-15’s role as the main weapon in America’s modern mass shootings. It explained that one reason for the AR-15’s killing power is that its bullets were designed not to pass straight through an object but to “tumble” when they hit, destroying flesh along the way and leaving a large exit wound on departure.

Back in the 80s the AR-15 wasn't used for mass public was hand guns.....

The "tumble," bullshit again?

They are a light bullet, very light.........and at the ranges of mass public shootings, a shotgun is far worse...
Workplace violence just like in Fort Hood. What can you do about it? Don't announce to Tranny or muslim they "will be" getting laid off (fired) ahead of time?
Workplace violence just like in Fort Hood. What can you do about it? Don't announce to Tranny or muslim they "will be" getting laid off (fired) ahead of time?
Or even worse, a far right, unhinged, election denying, MAGA. They are the ones one the edge.
Or even worse, a far right, unhinged, election denying, MAGA. They are the ones one the edge.

Not really.....almost all political violence in this country, including the year long burning, looting and murders in our country were by blm and antifa, democrat party brown shirts........then you have the latest shooters....leftwingers by far in the last 4...

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