Massive Voter Fraud Update - in One Hour!

After Judge Alito's order, there is no way to call Pennsylvania now!!!

This is good news for Trump!!!!:clap:

Heroic individuals are stepping up testifying the massive election fraud, right in the den of evil. These are true American heroes, everyone should look up to them.

Holy shit! I wasn't going to believe that there was any fraud until I saw this.

That's a REAL postal employee (I can tell because of the uniform and mail bag over his shoulder), which makes his claim TRUE!

Damn, Biden! You fooled me yet again!

This is only the tip of the iceberg. This is a stolen election.

If you look at the alternative facts, you are correct.

Indeed these bidenloving trolls will never accept the truth that alternative news groups that are reporting this fraud,don’t have an agenda as the msm media does,that they are not controlled by the corporations so they seek the truth. The msm media never has done any investigating for decades now,they are just a tool for the government reporting what they want you to hear,nothing more,that will never register with their warped minds.

Right on!

And organizations like OAN do an excellent job of coming up with easily believable tidbits of alternative fact that can easily be regurgitated by their minions.
All mail in votes need to be tossed out. I agree with Tom Fitton in that one solution is to redo the election with only American citizens with ID who vote in person. Why are democrats so afraid of that concept? Even Price Waterhouse would take months to figure out what happened, plus the democrat fraud began before Nov. 3.
All mail in votes need to be tossed out. I agree with Tom Fitton in that one solution is to redo the election with only American citizens with ID who vote in person.
Better than that, the fraudulent Dem votes that lack the official watermark are about to be thrown out.
After Judge Alito's order, there is no way to call Pennsylvania now!!!

This is good news for Trump!!!!:clap:

How do you figure?

How many new votes do you think were received in the mail after 8pm?

You do realize that the current tally is made up of the in person vote plus the early mail-in vote received prior to 8pm, don't you?

And that this ruling will not change the current numbers, right? didn't realize that? That must be very upsetting for you.
After Judge Alito's order, there is no way to call Pennsylvania now!!!

This is good news for Trump!!!!:clap:

How do you figure?

How many new votes do you think were received in the mail after 8pm?

You do realize that the current tally is made up of the in person vote plus the early mail-in vote received prior to 8pm, don't you?

And that this ruling will not change the current numbers, right? didn't realize that? That must be very upsetting for you.

No, you are wrong.

I am not upset Xi.

Not at all. In fact I am hopeful that the thruth about the cheating by the Rats will come out. :)
After Judge Alito's order, there is no way to call Pennsylvania now!!!

This is good news for Trump!!!!:clap:

How do you figure?

How many new votes do you think were received in the mail after 8pm?

You do realize that the current tally is made up of the in person vote plus the early mail-in vote received prior to 8pm, don't you?

And that this ruling will not change the current numbers, right? didn't realize that? That must be very upsetting for you.

No, you are wrong.

I am not upset Xi.

Not at all. In fact I am hopeful that the thruth about the cheating by the Rats will come out. :)

How do you figure that I am wrong?

Please explain

Heroic individuals are stepping up testifying the massive election fraud, right in the den of evil. These are true American heroes, everyone should look up to them.

The Republican chairman for Michigan I think it was said that they had more than 100 whistleblowers reporting electoral fraud, and more than 100 in PA as well.

I think hundreds more are out there in the rest of the country.

"Computer glitch"....Uh-huh, sure.

Riiiiight a 'glitch' that just happen to favor Democrats riiiiiiight. There's no such thing as a computer glitch, computers do precisely what you code them to do a billion times over.

It is just amazing how all these mistakes with computers, sharpie markers, water main breaks, unmarked ballots being counted and 'fixed' are all in the favor of Dimocrats?

What are the odds?
courts are going to force some close races..........shit is gonna get

They deserve may not change the outcome....but maybe we can throw some election cheats in it is a felony.

Heroic individuals are stepping up testifying the massive election fraud, right in the den of evil. These are true American heroes, everyone should look up to them.

Stop the Bullshit. It's over. Trump is flushed like the orange turd he is. Even the Republican leaders of telling Trump to shut the fuck up now.

Yet still better than any demscum.
As ballot counting – and the alleged fraud, ballot tampering, and ballot creation that goes along with it – continues in Pennsylvania, a lawsuit filed in Federal Court calls out the Pennsylvania Secretary of State and the many county election supervisors for allowing 21,000 dead people to remain active on the voter rolls.
After the 2000 and 2016 General Elections, Congress allocated monies to both refine and harden the voting systems in the 50 states. Included in the requirement for accepting this funding was the mandate that voter rolls be purged of voters who were either deceased or who had moved from the voting jurisdictions.
Evidently, Kathy Boockvar, the Democrat Secretary of State in Pennsylvania, didn’t understand that mandate going into arguably the most important election of our lifetimes.
A lawsuit filed by the advocacy group Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), charges that there are at least 21,000 dead people active on Pennsylvania’s registered voter lists. The foundation’s lawsuit focuses on Pennsylvania election officials’ failure to “reasonably maintain” their voter registration records.

FRAUD: Michigan Knowingly Issued Ballots For Dead People, Including 118 Year Old Born In 1902
Before the State of Michigan briefly terminated access to this info online it was reported that seven people older than the oldest living human being are on Michigan’s voter rolls
That voter fraud is happening in Michigan is a provable given. Now comes news that seven people older than the oldest recorded person still alive today voted in Michigan this election cycle; seven verifiable dead people voted in Michigan in the 2020 General Election.
While the former Secretary of State for Michigan, Ruth Johnson, a Republican, accepted and used federal dollars to harden the election system and purge voters rolls of dead people and those no longer living in the state, the current Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, has reversed those updates and safeguards.
According to Benjamin Wetmore at Gateway Pundit, “At least seven Michigan voters were sent live absentee ballots whose voter registration records their birth year as prior to 1902. As of Monday, five were recorded as having been returned and counted.”
The oldest person alive today was born in 1903, therefore, each of these Michigan “voters” must reside in a cemetery.

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