Matt Gaetz gets schooled on Critical Race Theory

Breakdown on how this con-versation is going:

Cultist: I hate "X"!

Non-Cultist: What is it about "X" you don't like?

Cultist: It is "Y"!

Non-Cultist: Can you give examples for us?

Cultist: You are a "Yist"! (sprinklings of person attacks)

Non-Cultist: Do you know what "Y" means? Can you define it for us?

Cultist: You are a "Yist"! (sprinklings of deflections/off-topics)

Non-Cultist: So, you can't give examples of the parts of "X" you don't like and you can't define "Y"!

Cultist: I DECLARE VICTORY!!!!!!
Do you ever add anything of value to any debate?....
(sprinklings of person attacks)
You don't ever say just puke out nonsense....
Can you give us some examples of how that has been done and to whom?
I already told you

They are passed over for promotion

And no I dont have any names to offer at this time
So, you have no idea who was passed over, how many were passed over, and why they were passed over. Honey, officers get passed over for promotion ALL THE TIME for a variety of reasons. Didn't you know that?
1) give an example of something from CRT that you object to
I will:

CRT emphasizes how racism and disparate racial outcomes can be the result of complex, changing and often subtle social and institutional dynamics, rather than explicit and intentional prejudices by individuals.

What could they possibly mean?

What could possibly be the goal here?

You forget that I got into grad school off of grades I "earned" by writing like my name was Chairman Mao.
In other words.....racism and disparate racial outcomes are the result of complex things, changing things, subtle things.

You think racism is simple and can be explained away as individual responsibilities?

I see your problem here. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

I know you don't get it. That's why you have been conned so easily.

I'll slow down for your uneducated ass.

What does "disparate racial outcomes" mean to you? Let's start there.
(sprinklings of personal attacks)

Disparate racial outcomes....different racial outcomes.
Breakdown on how this con-versation is going:

Cultist: I hate "X"!

Non-Cultist: What is it about "X" you don't like?

Cultist: It is "Y"!

Non-Cultist: Can you give examples for us?

Cultist: You are a "Yist"! (sprinklings of person attacks)

Non-Cultist: Do you know what "Y" means? Can you define it for us?

Cultist: You are a "Yist"! (sprinklings of deflections/off-topics)

Non-Cultist: So, you can't give examples of the parts of "X" you don't like and you can't define "Y"!

Cultist: I DECLARE VICTORY!!!!!!
Do you ever add anything of value to any debate?....
(sprinklings of person attacks)
You don't ever say just puke out nonsense....
(sprinklings of personal attacks)
1) give an example of something from CRT that you object to
I will:

CRT emphasizes how racism and disparate racial outcomes can be the result of complex, changing and often subtle social and institutional dynamics, rather than explicit and intentional prejudices by individuals.

What could they possibly mean?

What could possibly be the goal here?

You forget that I got into grad school off of grades I "earned" by writing like my name was Chairman Mao.
In other words.....racism and disparate racial outcomes are the result of complex things, changing things, subtle things.

You think racism is simple and can be explained away as individual responsibilities?

I see your problem here. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

I know you don't get it. That's why you have been conned so easily.

I'll slow down for your uneducated ass.

What does "disparate racial outcomes" mean to you? Let's start there.
(sprinklings of personal attacks)

Disparate racial outcomes....different racial outcomes.
Different racial outcomes......why?

(here is where you blow it) <----(is that "sprinkling in personal attacks"?)
Breakdown on how this con-versation is going:

Cultist: I hate "X"!

Non-Cultist: What is it about "X" you don't like?

Cultist: It is "Y"!

Non-Cultist: Can you give examples for us?

Cultist: You are a "Yist"! (sprinklings of person attacks)

Non-Cultist: Do you know what "Y" means? Can you define it for us?

Cultist: You are a "Yist"! (sprinklings of deflections/off-topics)

Non-Cultist: So, you can't give examples of the parts of "X" you don't like and you can't define "Y"!

Cultist: I DECLARE VICTORY!!!!!!
Do you ever add anything of value to any debate?....
(sprinklings of person attacks)
You don't ever say just puke out nonsense....
(sprinklings of personal attacks)
You are getting more than a sprinkle tard...
up your he a Marxist (one thing) or is he a Commie (another thing altogether)?
Not at all

Marxism is the textbook of communism
They try to make all sorts of distinctions, but the one thing they all have in common is property taken from some and given to others.
Marxism's definition is about "property taken from some and given to others"? You sure about that?
Why don't you give us the definition?
1) give an example of something from CRT that you object to
I will:

CRT emphasizes how racism and disparate racial outcomes can be the result of complex, changing and often subtle social and institutional dynamics, rather than explicit and intentional prejudices by individuals.

What could they possibly mean?

What could possibly be the goal here?

You forget that I got into grad school off of grades I "earned" by writing like my name was Chairman Mao.
In other words.....racism and disparate racial outcomes are the result of complex things, changing things, subtle things.

You think racism is simple and can be explained away as individual responsibilities?

I see your problem here. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

I know you don't get it. That's why you have been conned so easily.

I'll slow down for your uneducated ass.

What does "disparate racial outcomes" mean to you? Let's start there.
(sprinklings of personal attacks)

Disparate racial outcomes....different racial outcomes.
Different racial outcomes......why?

(here is where you blow it) <----(is that "sprinkling in personal attacks"?)
We see different racial outcomes all the time....are you denying that that happens? Let's look at the cases of George Floyd and Dylann Roof for simple example of Disparate racial outcomes.
up your he a Marxist (one thing) or is he a Commie (another thing altogether)?
Not at all

Marxism is the textbook of communism
They try to make all sorts of distinctions, but the one thing they all have in common is property taken from some and given to others.
Marxism's definition is about "property taken from some and given to others"? You sure about that?
Why don't you give us the definition?
I'm not the one throwing it around like con-fetti, hun. You are. Try again.
Breakdown on how this con-versation is going:

Cultist: I hate "X"!

Non-Cultist: What is it about "X" you don't like?

Cultist: It is "Y"!

Non-Cultist: Can you give examples for us?

Cultist: You are a "Yist"! (sprinklings of person attacks)

Non-Cultist: Do you know what "Y" means? Can you define it for us?

Cultist: You are a "Yist"! (sprinklings of deflections/off-topics)

Non-Cultist: So, you can't give examples of the parts of "X" you don't like and you can't define "Y"!

Cultist: I DECLARE VICTORY!!!!!!
Do you ever add anything of value to any debate?....
(sprinklings of person attacks)
You don't ever say just puke out nonsense....
(sprinklings of personal attacks)
You are getting more than a sprinkle tard...
(sprinklings of personal attacks)

Noticing you have con-tributed nothing to the discussion on CRT or Marxism ("X" and "Y")
Breakdown on how this con-versation is going:

Cultist: I hate "X"!

Non-Cultist: What is it about "X" you don't like?

Cultist: It is "Y"!

Non-Cultist: Can you give examples for us?

Cultist: You are a "Yist"! (sprinklings of person attacks)

Non-Cultist: Do you know what "Y" means? Can you define it for us?

Cultist: You are a "Yist"! (sprinklings of deflections/off-topics)

Non-Cultist: So, you can't give examples of the parts of "X" you don't like and you can't define "Y"!

Cultist: I DECLARE VICTORY!!!!!!
Do you ever add anything of value to any debate?....
(sprinklings of person attacks)
You don't ever say just puke out nonsense....
(sprinklings of personal attacks)
You are getting more than a sprinkle tard...
(sprinklings of personal attacks)

Noticing you have con-tributed nothing to the discussion on CRT or Marxism ("X" and "Y")
When I say something on an issue there is nothing left to be said....
1) give an example of something from CRT that you object to
I will:

CRT emphasizes how racism and disparate racial outcomes can be the result of complex, changing and often subtle social and institutional dynamics, rather than explicit and intentional prejudices by individuals.

What could they possibly mean?

What could possibly be the goal here?

You forget that I got into grad school off of grades I "earned" by writing like my name was Chairman Mao.
In other words.....racism and disparate racial outcomes are the result of complex things, changing things, subtle things.

You think racism is simple and can be explained away as individual responsibilities?

I see your problem here. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

I know you don't get it. That's why you have been conned so easily.

I'll slow down for your uneducated ass.

What does "disparate racial outcomes" mean to you? Let's start there.
(sprinklings of personal attacks)

Disparate racial outcomes....different racial outcomes.
Different racial outcomes......why?

(here is where you blow it) <----(is that "sprinkling in personal attacks"?)
We see different racial outcomes all the time....are you denying that that happens? Let's look at the cases of George Floyd and Dylann Roof for simple example of Disparate racial outcomes.
That's a different issue.

I am focusing on different financial or economic outcomes.

Should I not be? Or is it that you should be?
Breakdown on how this con-versation is going:

Cultist: I hate "X"!

Non-Cultist: What is it about "X" you don't like?

Cultist: It is "Y"!

Non-Cultist: Can you give examples for us?

Cultist: You are a "Yist"! (sprinklings of person attacks)

Non-Cultist: Do you know what "Y" means? Can you define it for us?

Cultist: You are a "Yist"! (sprinklings of deflections/off-topics)

Non-Cultist: So, you can't give examples of the parts of "X" you don't like and you can't define "Y"!

Cultist: I DECLARE VICTORY!!!!!!
Do you ever add anything of value to any debate?....
(sprinklings of person attacks)
You don't ever say just puke out nonsense....
(sprinklings of personal attacks)
You are getting more than a sprinkle tard...
(sprinklings of personal attacks)

Noticing you have con-tributed nothing to the discussion on CRT or Marxism ("X" and "Y")
Neither have you.
Can you give us some examples of how that has been done and to whom?
I already told you

They are passed over for promotion

And no I dont have any names to offer at this time
How do you know why people are passed over for promotion? Are you privy to their FitReps and what they say? Do you even know what a FitRep looks like? I had FitReps my whole career. How many have YOU seen and what is in them?
Dont try to “buy” the pot by pretending to be privy to high level inside knowledge you dont have

If the chain of command wants you out they will find a way to do it

And right now the military wants as few whites as they can get away with
How so? Give us the (your) definition of Marxism and how it is the textbook of communism.
Better yet I’ll give you the textbook itself

Karl Marx and the Communist Manifesto

Well, that's fun....throw a whole book at someone. When did you read it? Point out the specific definition of Marxism you got from your reading of that book.
I have never read the whole book from cover to cover

Not many people have

Marx was an anti capitalist and he advocated a collective society where everyone received equal shares of the wealth

This was to be accomplished in two stages

First by socialism where the motto is “from each according to their ability, to each according to need”

And some private ownership is allowed

Socialism is only the stepping stone to communism where there no private ownership at all

Feel free to copy this and use it yourself in the future
How so? Give us the (your) definition of Marxism and how it is the textbook of communism.
Better yet I’ll give you the textbook itself

Karl Marx and the Communist Manifesto

Well, that's fun....throw a whole book at someone. When did you read it? Point out the specific definition of Marxism you got from your reading of that book.
I have never read the whole book from cover to cover

Not many people have

Marx was an anti capitalist and he advocated a collective society where everyone received equal shares of the wealth

This was to be accomplished in two stages

First by socialism where the motto is “from each according to their ability, to each according to need”

And some private ownership is allowed

Socialism is only the stepping stone to communism where there no private ownership at all

Feel free to copy this and use it yourself in the future
And it turns out that Marx was fucking wrong about the direction of his collectivist theory. Communism leads to Socialism, not the reverse. A stateless collective cannot last more than a few days.
Breakdown on how this con-versation is going:

Cultist: I hate "X"!

Non-Cultist: What is it about "X" you don't like?

Cultist: It is "Y"!

Non-Cultist: Can you give examples for us?

Cultist: You are a "Yist"! (sprinklings of person attacks)

Non-Cultist: Do you know what "Y" means? Can you define it for us?

Cultist: You are a "Yist"! (sprinklings of deflections/off-topics)

Non-Cultist: So, you can't give examples of the parts of "X" you don't like and you can't define "Y"!

Cultist: I DECLARE VICTORY!!!!!!
Do you ever add anything of value to any debate?....
(sprinklings of person attacks)
You don't ever say just puke out nonsense....
(sprinklings of personal attacks)
You are getting more than a sprinkle tard...
(sprinklings of personal attacks)

Noticing you have con-tributed nothing to the discussion on CRT or Marxism ("X" and "Y")
When I say something on an issue there is nothing left to be said....
Cultist: I DECLARE VICTORY!!!! :heehee:

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