Matt Gaetz gets schooled on Critical Race Theory

1) give an example of something from CRT that you object to
I will:

CRT emphasizes how racism and disparate racial outcomes can be the result of complex, changing and often subtle social and institutional dynamics, rather than explicit and intentional prejudices by individuals.

What could they possibly mean?

What could possibly be the goal here?

You forget that I got into grad school off of grades I "earned" by writing like my name was Chairman Mao.
In other words.....racism and disparate racial outcomes are the result of complex things, changing things, subtle things.

You think racism is simple and can be explained away as individual responsibilities?

I see your problem here. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

I know you don't get it. That's why you have been conned so easily.

I'll slow down for your uneducated ass.

What does "disparate racial outcomes" mean to you? Let's start there.
(sprinklings of personal attacks)

Disparate racial outcomes....different racial outcomes.
Different racial outcomes......why?

(here is where you blow it) <----(is that "sprinkling in personal attacks"?)
We see different racial outcomes all the time....are you denying that that happens? Let's look at the cases of George Floyd and Dylann Roof for simple example of Disparate racial outcomes.
That's a different issue.

I am focusing on different financial or economic outcomes.

Should I not be? Or is it that you should be?
Think redlining. Think this story times thousands if not millions: Black Homeowner's Appraisal Doubled After a White Friend Stood in for Her.
That has proven to be complete BULLSHIT and you know it.

But, again even if that were true (it's not), that is a different issue, or a mere symptom of the underlying "disparate" impact.

You're not getting out of this. You know damn well how the proponents of CRT intend to "right" all these "wrongs" and you're to gutless to admit it.
No, it has not been proven to be complete bullshit. But you are certainly welcome to link to some kind of proof that it was bullshit for us to all look over. Prove your point there.
I don't have to prove it true or false, because I ASSUMED it to be true. DID YOU MISS THE REST OF MY POST??

"because I ASSUMED it to be true".....................well there you have it. Building your beliefs on quicksand. Prove that that story is complete bullshit. You claim it is.............surely you have some facts to base that on?
Because it doesn't fucking matter. You have never heard "for argument's sake" in your life.

You want to sit here and quibble about the actual story and not the real issues, because you are incapable of discussing the real issues. You are the quintessential pettifogger.
Wait....the truth "doesn't fucking matter" to you? Well, I can see that. I see your problem now. You've hitched your wagon to a cult where the truth "doesn't fucking matter".

And if you had paid attention, I have been discussing the REAL issues.....part of which is KNOWING what words mean, knowing that parts of CRT you object to. You cannot articulate either what the definition of Marxism is, even tho you call something or someone Marxist, and you cannot articulate what part(s) of CRT you object to clearly even tho you claim you hate it and it's bad.

You see the problem there, right?
I will go ahead and sum this up for everyone.

Disparate economic conditions will be remedied by property confiscation and redistribution. CRT is Marxist/Socialist/Communist -- all the same fucking thing.
What part of CRT is Marxism/Socialism/Communist? (btw those are THREE DIFFERENT political philosophies) for us some quotes from CRT making that clear.
I will go ahead and sum this up for everyone.

Disparate economic conditions will be remedied by property confiscation and redistribution. CRT is Marxist/Socialist/Communist -- all the same fucking thing.
What part of CRT is Marxism/Socialism/Communist? (btw those are THREE DIFFERENT political philosophies) for us some quotes from CRT making that clear.
The part where all the bitching from CRT leads to the ultimate question.... WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT THIS DISPARATE OUTCOME????

You can pretend all you fucking want.
By the way:

Communism: A stateless society where the means of production is held in common and decisions are made democratically (has never existed longer that a few days)

Socialism: A society where the State owns the means of production.

But Leninism is Communism, not socialism.
Then, why did the Soviet State own the means of production?

Communism, hun. Like I said, it was in Animal Farm, some more equal than others.
You don't know the definition of communism.

How sad.

Get the fuck outta here. You're not even in the same fucking league as me.
I'm not the one throwing the word "communism" around and calling other posters "communists". Surely you know the meaning of words you use to accuse things and people of? Yes?

Cultist: I DECLARE VICTORY!!!!! :heehee:
I will go ahead and sum this up for everyone.

Disparate economic conditions will be remedied by property confiscation and redistribution. CRT is Marxist/Socialist/Communist -- all the same fucking thing.
What part of CRT is Marxism/Socialism/Communist? (btw those are THREE DIFFERENT political philosophies) for us some quotes from CRT making that clear.
The part where all the bitching from CRT leads to the ultimate question.... WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT THIS DISPARATE OUTCOME????

You can pretend all you fucking want.
What do YOU think should be done about such disparate outcomes? Ignore it? How's that worked out for this country so far? Is this what you want?
But Leninism is Communism, not socialism.
Then, why did the Soviet State own the means of production?

Communism, hun. Like I said, it was in Animal Farm, some more equal than others.
You don't know the definition of communism.

How sad.

Get the fuck outta here. You're not even in the same fucking league as me.
I'm not the one throwing the word "communism" around and calling other posters "communists". Surely you know the meaning of words you use to accuse things and people of? Yes?

Cultist: I DECLARE VICTORY!!!!! :heehee:
Commie is a great pejorative for those who want to steal property from others via violent revolution (communism) or government force (socialism).

The one important thing they have in common----property theft.

Now, fuck off, COMMIE.
But Leninism is Communism, not socialism.
Then, why did the Soviet State own the means of production?

Communism, hun. Like I said, it was in Animal Farm, some more equal than others.
You don't know the definition of communism.

How sad.

Get the fuck outta here. You're not even in the same fucking league as me.
I'm not the one throwing the word "communism" around and calling other posters "communists". Surely you know the meaning of words you use to accuse things and people of? Yes?

Cultist: I DECLARE VICTORY!!!!! :heehee:
Commie is a great pejorative for those who want to steal property from others via violent revolution (communism) or government force (socialism).

The one important thing they have in common----property theft.

Now, fuck off, COMMIE.
Ok, now what makes you think I "want to steal property from others via violent revolution"? Link some legitimate instances that make you believe that.
I will go ahead and sum this up for everyone.

Disparate economic conditions will be remedied by property confiscation and redistribution. CRT is Marxist/Socialist/Communist -- all the same fucking thing.
What part of CRT is Marxism/Socialism/Communist? (btw those are THREE DIFFERENT political philosophies) for us some quotes from CRT making that clear.
The part where all the bitching from CRT leads to the ultimate question.... WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT THIS DISPARATE OUTCOME????

You can pretend all you fucking want.
What do YOU think should be done about such disparate outcomes? Ignore it? How's that worked out for this country so far? Is this what you want? View attachment 505424
What do you propose we do about people who make poor decisions? I tend to believe letting people suffer the consequences of their own stupid actions and laziness has worked BRILLIANTLY.

Name the country that has EVER existed that has been BETTER than America.

You just like to ignore reality, because it makes you mad.
But Leninism is Communism, not socialism.
Then, why did the Soviet State own the means of production?

Communism, hun. Like I said, it was in Animal Farm, some more equal than others.
You don't know the definition of communism.

How sad.

Get the fuck outta here. You're not even in the same fucking league as me.
I'm not the one throwing the word "communism" around and calling other posters "communists". Surely you know the meaning of words you use to accuse things and people of? Yes?

Cultist: I DECLARE VICTORY!!!!! :heehee:
Commie is a great pejorative for those who want to steal property from others via violent revolution (communism) or government force (socialism).

The one important thing they have in common----property theft.

Now, fuck off, COMMIE.
Ok, now what makes you think I "want to steal property from others via violent revolution"? Link some legitimate instances that make you believe that.
You just love to cherry pick my statements and set up strawmen to blow over, don't you?

When did I ever say YOU, BODECEA, wanted to violently steal property?

Quit pettifogging.
I heard Milley "schooling" Gaetz (i.e. spouting rationalized bullshit).
He should be busted down like a cheap GI Joe doll. He's a dupe and a monkey with a chest full
of pretty ribbons lying to defend the Marxist-bred critical race theory.

He's a shameful tool.

It started after the war in Iraq, where republicans abandoned their support for our soldiers, and has been finalized in their attacking the very military itself. Fox news called for "defunding" the military.
Milley is a suck up and always has been...he placates to whomever can pin another ribbon on his chest....we call officers like him pentagon desktop suckups...and he and others like him in our military are why we are still at war and haven't won the war we engaged in after 9-11...

Did you count the number of stripes on his sleeves? Do you even know what they represent?
Commie is a great pejorative for those who want to steal property from others ...

The one important thing they have in common----property theft.

Now, fuck off, COMMIE.
The fascinating thing about that, is how it applies to the united states. With super majorities of congress and the states, they pulled off the greatest theft of property in history. And it was republicans that made it happen.
your job is to prove that they are doing that very thing you claim they are doing. Provide us with the evidence, please.
No thats not my job

What you believe is your problem and I’m not going to beat my head against a wall in a futile effort to change your mind

The military can get any officer or enlisted man that the chain of command deems unfit
I will go ahead and sum this up for everyone.

Disparate economic conditions will be remedied by property confiscation and redistribution. CRT is Marxist/Socialist/Communist -- all the same fucking thing.
What part of CRT is Marxism/Socialism/Communist? (btw those are THREE DIFFERENT political philosophies) for us some quotes from CRT making that clear.
The part where all the bitching from CRT leads to the ultimate question.... WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT THIS DISPARATE OUTCOME????

You can pretend all you fucking want.
What do YOU think should be done about such disparate outcomes? Ignore it? How's that worked out for this country so far? Is this what you want? View attachment 505424
What do you propose we do about people who make poor decisions? I tend to believe letting people suffer the consequences of their own stupid actions and laziness has worked BRILLIANTLY.

You make that sound so simple...."make poor decisions"..."own stupid actions"...."laziness"....that all sounds so familiar.... :eusa_think:
Name the country that has EVER existed that has been BETTER than America.

New Zealand's pretty well killing it right now compared to us. Just sayin'

You just like to ignore reality, because it makes you mad.

I'm not ignoring reality. I'm not making everything so simple and (forgive me) black and white. Life is much more complicated than that.
Milley is a suck up and always has been...he placates to whomever can pin another ribbon on his chest....we call officers like him pentagon desktop suckups...and he and others like him in our military are why we are still at war and haven't won the war we engaged in after 9-11...

Did you count the number of stripes on his sleeves? Do you even know what they represent?
Benedict Arnold was a good soldier till he defected to the British
your job is to prove that they are doing that very thing you claim they are doing. Provide us with the evidence, please.
No thats not my job

What you believe is your problem and I’m not going to beat my head against a wall in a futile effort to change your mind

The military can get any officer or enlisted man that the chain of command deems unfit
So you have no just believe what you are told to believe. That makes you a very very easy person to lead into things like Jan 6th.

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