May The Farce Be With You


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
The fallout from the Sanders farce is just starting but yet having its effects. About 25% of the Sanders supporters are going Trump because he holds the same stance on TPP as Sanders did. About 15% of the Sanders supporters are now going to Jill Stein and not knowing her I cannot tell you why.

But the anger at democrats both Sanders AND Clinton is growing. For Sanders its his full fledged sell out to a person who for better than six months he decried as the very person who was bought and paid for by Wallstreet. There is not enough server space on this site to list reasons people hate Hillary.

Jill Stein also running has described Sanders support of Clinton as....

"The final nail in the coffin" referring to the DNC's ability and willingness to clean its own house. Twitter account from which Sanders got MANY supporters and money are roasting him for his sell out...


Just how bad do Sanders supporters see his backing of Clinton?
"Sanders is standing beside the epitome of the one percent, the person who has got millions of dollars from Goldman [Sachs], from Morgan Stanley, anyone who benefited in the 2008-09 bailouts of the big banks. So, it just becomes an absolute farce."

So the bottom line is Sanders supporters see this.

But how about the libertarians? What do they see for the future?

"It’s great for his supporters go after him. About half of them, the polls show, said they will never vote for Hillary. So Trump is attempting to build out of this a sort of right-left coalition. He wants to attract them to his banner. It’s all fun. I think it actually hurts Hillary, and it certainly hurts Bernie. It really cuts the ground out from Bernie’s feet for whatever he intends to do in the future - unless it is just to be a Senator for the Pentagon from Vermont, which this alleged pro-peace guy actually is…"
Lew Rockwell, chairman of the libertarian organization The Ludwig von Mises Institute:

Folks, if that man is right and he does NOT belong to either party and 50% of Sanders supporters vote Trump and 15% of Sanders supporters vote Stein?
That leaves a 35% split to vote for Clinton OR stay at home. Hillary NEEDS that entire 35% just to offset the Cruz supporters who will vote Trump.

I think at the end of the day it will be recorded it was the Trump supporters AND the Sanders supporters who "Bush" wacked the DNC elite.
'Bernie Sanders started a revolution, then handed it to the Establishment’

Lew Rockwell, chairman of The Mises Institute: Who knows what bribes and threats were used to bring Bernie along. Bernie is not the outsider he pretends to be. He is really one of the guys in the US Senate. But it was fun to see how awkward their body language was. He wasn’t happy with the whole thing. They can’t stand each other, is what people tell me, and it certainly looks like that.

It’s great for his supporters go after him. About half of them, the polls show, said they will never vote for Hillary. So Trump is attempting to build out of this a sort of right-left coalition. He wants to attract them to his banner. It’s all fun. I think it actually hurts Hillary, and it certainly hurts Bernie. It really cuts the ground out from Bernie’s feet for whatever he intends to do in the future - unless it is just to be a Senator for the Pentagon from Vermont, which this alleged pro-peace guy actually is…

'Bernie Sanders started a revolution, then handed it to the Establishment

Bernie's supporters must feel fooled: they believed him, followed him, wildly attacked Trump's supporters and finally have been abandoned. Hopefully now, they will redirect their attention and wild energy from Trump's supporters to Hillary's supporters. We'll see soon, I guess...
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The fallout from the Sanders farce is just starting but yet having its effects. About 25% of the Sanders supporters are going Trump because he holds the same stance on TPP as Sanders did. About 15% of the Sanders supporters are now going to Jill Stein and not knowing her I cannot tell you why.

But the anger at democrats both Sanders AND Clinton is growing. For Sanders its his full fledged sell out to a person who for better than six months he decried as the very person who was bought and paid for by Wallstreet. There is not enough server space on this site to list reasons people hate Hillary.

Jill Stein also running has described Sanders support of Clinton as....


"The final nail in the coffin" referring to the DNC's ability and willingness to clean its own house. Twitter account from which Sanders got MANY supporters and money are roasting him for his sell out...


Just how bad do Sanders supporters see his backing of Clinton?
"Sanders is standing beside the epitome of the one percent, the person who has got millions of dollars from Goldman [Sachs], from Morgan Stanley, anyone who benefited in the 2008-09 bailouts of the big banks. So, it just becomes an absolute farce."

So the bottom line is Sanders supporters see this.


But how about the libertarians? What do they see for the future?

"It’s great for his supporters go after him. About half of them, the polls show, said they will never vote for Hillary. So Trump is attempting to build out of this a sort of right-left coalition. He wants to attract them to his banner. It’s all fun. I think it actually hurts Hillary, and it certainly hurts Bernie. It really cuts the ground out from Bernie’s feet for whatever he intends to do in the future - unless it is just to be a Senator for the Pentagon from Vermont, which this alleged pro-peace guy actually is…"
Lew Rockwell, chairman of the libertarian organization The Ludwig von Mises Institute:

Folks, if that man is right and he does NOT belong to either party and 50% of Sanders supporters vote Trump and 15% of Sanders supporters vote Stein?
That leaves a 35% split to vote for Clinton OR stay at home. Hillary NEEDS that entire 35% just to offset the Cruz supporters who will vote Trump.

I think at the end of the day it will be recorded it was the Trump supporters AND the Sanders supporters who "Bush" wacked the DNC elite.
'Bernie Sanders started a revolution, then handed it to the Establishment’


NOBODY's going from Sanders to Rump, Pinkie. That would be like sitting down in a restaurant and going "oh you're out of the filet mignon? OK then I'll have a cat shit salad and the sauteed hiking boot with a glass of battery acid".
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Lew Rockwell, chairman of The Mises Institute: Who knows what bribes and threats were used to bring Bernie along. Bernie is not the outsider he pretends to be. He is really one of the guys in the US Senate. But it was fun to see how awkward their body language was. He wasn’t happy with the whole thing. They can’t stand each other, is what people tell me, and it certainly looks like that.

It’s great for his supporters go after him. About half of them, the polls show, said they will never vote for Hillary. So Trump is attempting to build out of this a sort of right-left coalition. He wants to attract them to his banner. It’s all fun. I think it actually hurts Hillary, and it certainly hurts Bernie. It really cuts the ground out from Bernie’s feet for whatever he intends to do in the future - unless it is just to be a Senator for the Pentagon from Vermont, which this alleged pro-peace guy actually is…

'Bernie Sanders started a revolution, then handed it to the Establishment’
I figure its half bribe half threat. She could not beat him in debate.
Had he chosen to use the emails in debate he would have destroyed her.
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The fallout from the Sanders farce is just starting but yet having its effects. About 25% of the Sanders supporters are going Trump because he holds the same stance on TPP as Sanders did. About 15% of the Sanders supporters are now going to Jill Stein and not knowing her I cannot tell you why.

But the anger at democrats both Sanders AND Clinton is growing. For Sanders its his full fledged sell out to a person who for better than six months he decried as the very person who was bought and paid for by Wallstreet. There is not enough server space on this site to list reasons people hate Hillary.

Jill Stein also running has described Sanders support of Clinton as....


"The final nail in the coffin" referring to the DNC's ability and willingness to clean its own house. Twitter account from which Sanders got MANY supporters and money are roasting him for his sell out...


Just how bad do Sanders supporters see his backing of Clinton?
"Sanders is standing beside the epitome of the one percent, the person who has got millions of dollars from Goldman [Sachs], from Morgan Stanley, anyone who benefited in the 2008-09 bailouts of the big banks. So, it just becomes an absolute farce."

So the bottom line is Sanders supporters see this.


But how about the libertarians? What do they see for the future?

"It’s great for his supporters go after him. About half of them, the polls show, said they will never vote for Hillary. So Trump is attempting to build out of this a sort of right-left coalition. He wants to attract them to his banner. It’s all fun. I think it actually hurts Hillary, and it certainly hurts Bernie. It really cuts the ground out from Bernie’s feet for whatever he intends to do in the future - unless it is just to be a Senator for the Pentagon from Vermont, which this alleged pro-peace guy actually is…"
Lew Rockwell, chairman of the libertarian organization The Ludwig von Mises Institute:

Folks, if that man is right and he does NOT belong to either party and 50% of Sanders supporters vote Trump and 15% of Sanders supporters vote Stein?
That leaves a 35% split to vote for Clinton OR stay at home. Hillary NEEDS that entire 35% just to offset the Cruz supporters who will vote Trump.

I think at the end of the day it will be recorded it was the Trump supporters AND the Sanders supporters who "Bush" wacked the DNC elite.
'Bernie Sanders started a revolution, then handed it to the Establishment’


NOBODY's going from Sanders to Rump, Pinkie. That would be like sitting down in a restaurant and going "oh you're out of the filet mignon? OK then I'll have a cat shit salad and the sauteed hiking boot with a glass of battery acid".
Sanders AND Trump AGREED on TPP idiot. Those who hold to that base WILL go Trump. Sanders AND Trump AGREED on tariffs and those that agree to that base WILL go Trump.
Sanders is the future. It's no farce.

Generation X and Y are both budding Communists and they love him.
It's all a game. Politics is a cruel game played against this once great nation and her citizens. Politics is a power and influence struggle. Politics is egos, self-service, greed, and fifteen minutes in front of the cameras. Politics is favoritism, and serving backers and donors.

Hillary is a master at peddling power and influence. Bernie is an established member of "The Washington Brotherhood", and is nothing more than a puppet dancing to the music played by those that gain from his longevity in Washington.
It's all a game. Politics is a cruel game played against this once great nation and her citizens. Politics is a power and influence struggle. Politics is egos, self-service, greed, and fifteen minutes in front of the cameras. Politics is favoritism, and serving backers and donors.

Hillary is a master at peddling power and influence. Bernie is an established member of "The Washington Brotherhood", and is nothing more than a puppet dancing to the music played by those that gain from his longevity in Washington.
But a lot of his supporters truly held to that 60s revolution stuff.
He sold them out and those 60s revolution folks? There WILL be a price to pay.
Bernie sold out to Hitlery and all it is going to cost us for his free stuff is another trillion dollars, out of our pockets mind you, not Bernie's, not Hitlery's. Hitlery wins, Sanders wins, and we lose yet again.

Just for the record, the next time a politician tells you for a mere trillion dollars you to can have a freebie, bring this to mind:
IOU 100.00 dollars. I will pay you in 1 million seconds. You'll have you money in 11 days.
IOU 100.00 dollars. I will pay you in 1 billion seconds. You'll have your money in 31 years.
IOU 100.00 dollars. I will pay you in 1 trillion seconds. You'll have your money in 33,000 years.

Here is what "free college" looks like. That $20,000 car that rusts before it's paid off, will now cost you $50,000. <That is the real definition of "free".

And it has to stop. We need a business man who understands debt, not a politician who loves it.
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The fallout from the Sanders farce is just starting but yet having its effects. About 25% of the Sanders supporters are going Trump because he holds the same stance on TPP as Sanders did. About 15% of the Sanders supporters are now going to Jill Stein and not knowing her I cannot tell you why.

But the anger at democrats both Sanders AND Clinton is growing. For Sanders its his full fledged sell out to a person who for better than six months he decried as the very person who was bought and paid for by Wallstreet. There is not enough server space on this site to list reasons people hate Hillary.

Jill Stein also running has described Sanders support of Clinton as....


"The final nail in the coffin" referring to the DNC's ability and willingness to clean its own house. Twitter account from which Sanders got MANY supporters and money are roasting him for his sell out...


Just how bad do Sanders supporters see his backing of Clinton?
"Sanders is standing beside the epitome of the one percent, the person who has got millions of dollars from Goldman [Sachs], from Morgan Stanley, anyone who benefited in the 2008-09 bailouts of the big banks. So, it just becomes an absolute farce."

So the bottom line is Sanders supporters see this.


But how about the libertarians? What do they see for the future?

"It’s great for his supporters go after him. About half of them, the polls show, said they will never vote for Hillary. So Trump is attempting to build out of this a sort of right-left coalition. He wants to attract them to his banner. It’s all fun. I think it actually hurts Hillary, and it certainly hurts Bernie. It really cuts the ground out from Bernie’s feet for whatever he intends to do in the future - unless it is just to be a Senator for the Pentagon from Vermont, which this alleged pro-peace guy actually is…"
Lew Rockwell, chairman of the libertarian organization The Ludwig von Mises Institute:

Folks, if that man is right and he does NOT belong to either party and 50% of Sanders supporters vote Trump and 15% of Sanders supporters vote Stein?
That leaves a 35% split to vote for Clinton OR stay at home. Hillary NEEDS that entire 35% just to offset the Cruz supporters who will vote Trump.

I think at the end of the day it will be recorded it was the Trump supporters AND the Sanders supporters who "Bush" wacked the DNC elite.
'Bernie Sanders started a revolution, then handed it to the Establishment’


NOBODY's going from Sanders to Rump, Pinkie. That would be like sitting down in a restaurant and going "oh you're out of the filet mignon? OK then I'll have a cat shit salad and the sauteed hiking boot with a glass of battery acid".
Sanders AND Trump AGREED on TPP idiot. Those who hold to that base WILL go Trump. Sanders AND Trump AGREED on tariffs and those that agree to that base WILL go Trump.

Nobody dim enough to Hump Rump is going to know what a "tariff" even IS. They're going to think it's the name of one of the judges on Dancing with the Stars.
Being a registered LP since 1980 I think the bond market will decide the election against Hillary
A lot of people as we BOTH know vote their wallet and when you vote your wallet you vote to KEEP your money.

True but people forget 2+2=4.

Negative interest rates are deflationary by definition.

Stock buy backs to improve EPS when earnings and net profit is declining is what is driving the stock market up and those buy backs are financed with relatively short maturity debt.

The EU is ground zero with the UK having low but positive interest rates and the EU is floating negative interest rate zero coupon bonds. That means that this quarter savings going from the EU to UK will start to explode. Hillary will be toast prior to the election. Trump will have comparable negatives, which hopefully will help Gary Johnson.
Being a registered LP since 1980 I think the bond market will decide the election against Hillary
A lot of people as we BOTH know vote their wallet and when you vote your wallet you vote to KEEP your money.

True but people forget 2+2=4.

Negative interest rates are deflationary by definition.

Stock buy backs to improve EPS when earnings and net profit is declining is what is driving the stock market up and those buy backs are financed with relatively short maturity debt.

The EU is ground zero with the UK having low but positive interest rates and the EU is floating negative interest rate zero coupon bonds. That means that this quarter savings going from the EU to UK will start to explode. Hillary will be toast prior to the election. Trump will have comparable negatives, which hopefully will help Gary Johnson.
Gary will be helped by this fall out no doubt. But for liberals to assume ALL will go to Clinton is wrong. A majority of Sanders were put back in play. The ANTI Clinton democrats are still going to be ANTI Clinton. There is going to be a three way split of Sanders supporters. And Hillary may not get the lions share.

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