Maybe Safe But Definitely Not Effective - 60% in Hospital Have Vax

Dear Leader Biden said you won’t get the virus if you get the beta test substance injected.

He is a lying scumbag. He just said that the Taliban let anyone get through to the Kaboul Airport who are in possession of a US passport. His own secretary of Defense contradicted him and announced that Americans who tried to get to the Airport got beat up by the savages of the Taliban. One simply cannot trust that low life.
I hope they can install this guy as our president til a new one is elected. He is a US general, and he seems to not be afraid to tell the truth however ugly it might be. He is African American. He is a military leader. He probably can work with both sides of the isle. That Kamala con is outta the question as far as that.
He is a lying scumbag. He just said that the Taliban let anyone get through to the Kaboul Airport who are in possession of a US passport. His own secretary of Defense contradicted him and announced that Americans who tried to get to the Airport got beat up by the savages of the Taliban. One simply cannot trust that low life.
I hope they can install this guy as our president til a new one is elected. He is a US general, and he seems to not be afraid to tell the truth however ugly it might be. He is African American. He is a military leader. He probably can work with both sides of the isle. That Kamala con is outta the question as far as that.
I’m glad y’all finally care when leaders lie! Thank you
Do you have the next excuse lined up once the FDA approval goes through?
We already know Democrats have politicized the ChiCom Flu to the point science is irrelevant. Exhibit A is Joe telling the American people you can’t get the ChiCom Flu if you get the beta test substance injected.
Did someone tell you that vaccinated people CAN'T get covid at all?

Or did you just make that up?

The fact is that vaccinated people can get covid...but at far lower rates...even with Delta...and that if they do they are far less likely to suffer severe consequences.

But StupidIrishBitch is pretending not to know this

She’s not pretending.
We already know Democrats have politicized the ChiCom Flu to the point science is irrelevant. Exhibit A is Joe telling the American people you can’t get the ChiCom Flu if you get the beta test substance injected.
Science is always relevant. Stop playing politics and you might see that. Pull your head out of your ass and go talk to your doctor
Science is always relevant. Stop playing politics and you might see that. Pull your head out of your ass and go talk to your doctor
Science? Like humans can change sex on a whim? You can’t get CV if you got vaccinated? There’s no difference between male and female?
Science is always relevant. Stop playing politics and you might see that. Pull your head out of your ass and go talk to your doctor
60% of CV hospital patients in Israel has been injected with the beta test substance.
Science? Like humans can change sex on a whim? You can’t get CV if you got vaccinated? There’s no difference between male and female?
If you think changing the subject to a totally different issue helps your case then you are sorely mistaken
Yeah, so? How much of their population is vaccinated?
In order for the FDA to approve anything it must be safe and effective.
Safe? Maybe
Effective? Nope. 60% in the hospital after the beta test substance injected is not effective.
In order for the FDA to approve anything it must be safe and effective.
Safe? Maybe
Effective? Nope. 60% in the hospital after the beta test substance injected is not effective.
Most people killed in car accidents were wearing seatbelts.

Seatbelts are ineffective?

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