Maybe the Republicans ought to dump trump?

Do you believe Trump is an honest person?

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One of the things that is grasped so dearly is, if Trump loses in 2020, the Republican Party may take years to recover. Trump broke it and it has no choice but to follow his lead today. You honestly believe that the Reps are bending Trump? Not even close. Trump is driving the Reps. So you strumpets, work some serious overtime (and keep using the GRU created MEMEs) and make sure the Orange one is reelected. If not, you may have to Jerry Jones the Koolaid.
No other Repub was going to win that election. Cruz had the best chance but getting the blue dog Dem votes and people who vote for other reasons were not going to put him over. If Hillary won there may have never been a Repub winner again.

If Hillary had won, the GOP would have received a wakeup call. Much like getting Trump should do a wakeup call to the Dems. All of a sudden, the fringe group dems are being left behind for the more moderates. And that is what it's going to take. I am not paying a whole lot of attention to any of the Candidates right now until it gets down to the wire. As for Trump, I ignore much of what he has to say because it's probably a lie anyway. It's going to be a fun, fun, and weird Election this time around.
One of the things that is grasped so dearly is, if Trump loses in 2020, the Republican Party may take years to recover. Trump broke it and it has no choice but to follow his lead today. You honestly believe that the Reps are bending Trump? Not even close. Trump is driving the Reps. So you strumpets, work some serious overtime (and keep using the GRU created MEMEs) and make sure the Orange one is reelected. If not, you may have to Jerry Jones the Koolaid.
The GOP establishment has always been broken... All career politicians are fuck ups

It became broke right after Nixon was reelected. Then it got to be a dry season for decent candidates. What people don't understand is that Reagan, like Trump were Democrats that just ran under the other party.
If this poll continues and the same results hold true, and other polls verify the same numbers, maybe trump will avoid impeachment and an embarrassment (Goldwater - ish) election loss.

'Hung jury': Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll

From the link:

60 percent say Donald Trump has not been honest and truthful when it comes to the Russia probe
Q: Agree/disagree that Trump has been honest & truthful when it comes to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.

What say you?
For most presidents, 60% of the voters thinking he is dishonesty would be enough to drop out but not Trump. Trump sees honesty an impediment to doing his job. His supporters consider his dishonesty a qualification for the office.
If this poll continues and the same results hold true, and other polls verify the same numbers, maybe trump will avoid impeachment and an embarrassment (Goldwater - ish) election loss.

'Hung jury': Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll

From the link:

60 percent say Donald Trump has not been honest and truthful when it comes to the Russia probe
Q: Agree/disagree that Trump has been honest & truthful when it comes to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.

What say you?

Suppose Mr. Mueller turns tail on the libs, and switches sides? The way he chummed up with AG Barr, the defection hinted by Rod Rosenstein, the Exoneration Report might all foreshadow this.

It would be interesting to see Mueller change allegiances during a Congressional hearing, and would be reminiscent of Hulk Hogan revealing himself to be the 3rd man at Bash on the Beach and stabbing the WCW in the back at the formation of the New World Order.
I don't think Mueller has any allegiance to change.
Wow politicans lie shouldn't this be filed in the breaking news forum? Every President has lied even George Washington the President we were told could not tell a lie lied all the Democrats wanting to be their party's 2020 nominee have lied and if one of them is elected President they will continue to lie.
What a fucking crock of shit. Trump is a bold faced lying snake oil salesman. He doesn’t give a shit about anything but himself and his “legacy”. Again,you Trumpees are being bamboozled by a true narcissistic, low road taking charlatan and for whatever reason you, seemingly, can’t get enough. What a fucking joke. His sham presidency had me at “alternative facts”

I'll take Trump every day of the week and twice on Sundays over 15 minutes of any of the libtards running for the Dem nomination!
One of the things that is grasped so dearly is, if Trump loses in 2020, the Republican Party may take years to recover. Trump broke it and it has no choice but to follow his lead today. You honestly believe that the Reps are bending Trump? Not even close. Trump is driving the Reps. So you strumpets, work some serious overtime (and keep using the GRU created MEMEs) and make sure the Orange one is reelected. If not, you may have to Jerry Jones the Koolaid.

What does the owner of the Dallas Cowboys have to do with Koolaid?
Maybe the Republicans ought to dump trump?
If this poll continues and the same results hold t <insipid nitwittery snipped as a service to my fellow man>

What say you?
Oh look! Yet another predictably dull troll thread from you know who.

If you have nothing nice to write, do what The DICK Cheney suggested, i.e. Go F. yourself.
Odd that an insipid lefty would be taking suggestions from that bastard.
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One of the things that is grasped so dearly is, if Trump loses in 2020, the Republican Party may take years to recover. Trump broke it and it has no choice but to follow his lead today. You honestly believe that the Reps are bending Trump? Not even close. Trump is driving the Reps. So you strumpets, work some serious overtime (and keep using the GRU created MEMEs) and make sure the Orange one is reelected. If not, you may have to Jerry Jones the Koolaid.
Perhaps Jim Jones is who you have in mind.
If this poll continues and the same results hold true, and other polls verify the same numbers, maybe trump will avoid impeachment and an embarrassment (Goldwater - ish) election loss.

'Hung jury': Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll

From the link:

60 percent say Donald Trump has not been honest and truthful when it comes to the Russia probe
Q: Agree/disagree that Trump has been honest & truthful when it comes to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.

What say you?
In general I don't think he is always honest. I don't think any president outside of maybe Carter ever was.
Takes nothing away from the fact that he is doing a good job running the country and certainly has nothing to do with Russia.

Yup and you can bet the GOP will back him in 2020. They like winning and Trump will win in 2020 backed by a great economy. UE the lowest its been since 69 and jobs all over the country.

The Dems have a clown car full of those running but not a one of them will beat Trump.
...he's the most transparent president ever...


In what Alternative Universe do you exist?

Time to pull those Tax Returns to see if the Emoluments Clause has been violated.

Bull$hit "audit" excuses be damned.
...The Dems have a clown car full of those running but not a one of them will beat Trump.

But only because the Dems are driving White Straight Christians away and into the GOP camp by the millions.

The Dems need to throw the Illegal Beaners and Muzzies and phaggs under the bus and come back to the Center.

But they won't... therefore, The Creature will win a second term... what a tragedy.
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If this poll continues and the same results hold true, and other polls verify the same numbers, maybe trump will avoid impeachment and an embarrassment (Goldwater - ish) election loss.

'Hung jury': Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll

From the link:

60 percent say Donald Trump has not been honest and truthful when it comes to the Russia probe
Q: Agree/disagree that Trump has been honest & truthful when it comes to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.

What say you?
/——/ Yup. We always take advice from the losers who can’t seem to defeat Trump. So let’s all help the poor democRATs by dumping the sitting president slated to win bigly in 2020.
...The Dems have a clown car full of those running but not a one of them will beat Trump.

But only because the Dems are driving White Straight Christians away and into the GOP camp by the millions.

The Dems need to throw the Illegal Beaners and Muzzies and phaggs under the bus and come back to the Center.

But they won't... therefore, The Creature will win a second term... what a tragedy.

You call it a tragedy I call it a win for America.
If this poll continues and the same results hold true, and other polls verify the same numbers, maybe trump will avoid impeachment and an embarrassment (Goldwater - ish) election loss.

'Hung jury': Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll

From the link:

60 percent say Donald Trump has not been honest and truthful when it comes to the Russia probe
Q: Agree/disagree that Trump has been honest & truthful when it comes to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.

What say you?
In general I don't think he is always honest. I don't think any president outside of maybe Carter ever was.
Takes nothing away from the fact that he is doing a good job running the country and certainly has nothing to do with Russia.

Yup and you can bet the GOP will back him in 2020. They like winning and Trump will win in 2020 backed by a great economy. UE the lowest its been since 69 and jobs all over the country.

The Dems have a clown car full of those running but not a one of them will beat Trump.

The Democrat Party will have 2 dozen or more candidates, but none of them are worth a shit. Biden and Sanders lead the pack, and both them are really, really old. They may be well qualified for mayor for a community in Florida full of retired socialists, but the job is President of the United States. President Trump may be almost as old- but he's still very active, and there is no comparison to these two doddering old men. Medical doctors have concluded that Trump is , without a doubt, the healthiest man ever to serve as President and his lab results are unbelievably superb.

Beyond the front runners, Phony Indians, Phony Mexicans, Mayor Pete swishing around light in his loafers, guys who take their mother to porn movies, etc. A large and pathetic field.

Really, the Democrats should look to dig up the Clintons
Maybe the Republicans ought to dump trump?
If this poll continues and the same results hold t <insipid nitwittery snipped as a service to my fellow man>

What say you?
Oh look! Yet another predictably dull troll thread from you know who.

If you have nothing nice to write, do what The DICK Cheney suggested, i.e. Go F. yourself.

I don't need to tell you or any of those who can't write an expository post to one of my opinions; it's very clear in a world of the blind, the one eyed man is king.
We couldn't get above 3% on the GDP for freaking eight years of Obama. People died at Benghazi and people died as a result of operation Fast Furious. Barry told America that good factory jobs were gone and not coming back. Today we have roaring economy, relative peace and factories are moving back to the U.S. but the crazy angry left hates it. Is TDS really a mental illness?

In summary, Obama bad, Trump wonderful. Is that correct?

A complete expository biography of two presidents, fully annotated from their birth until today, and concluded with a large number of probative facts to support your conclusion.

Most telling was how you managed to blame Obama for the Great Recession, which began in Dec. 2007 and lasted until June 2009 + the facts that Trump has never once mislead the public. I see the method used to come to your conclusion, a complete rewrite of history.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama you fucking moron
Another Trumpette blaming Obama for making them vote for Trump./
Wow politicans lie shouldn't this be filed in the breaking news forum? Every President has lied even George Washington the President we were told could not tell a lie lied all the Democrats wanting to be their party's 2020 nominee have lied and if one of them is elected President they will continue to lie.
What a fucking crock of shit. Trump is a bold faced lying snake oil salesman. He doesn’t give a shit about anything but himself and his “legacy”. Again,you Trumpees are being bamboozled by a true narcissistic, low road taking charlatan and for whatever reason you, seemingly, can’t get enough. What a fucking joke. His sham presidency had me at “alternative facts”

I'll take Trump every day of the week and twice on Sundays over 15 minutes of any of the libtards running for the Dem nomination!

Why? Do you enjoy chaos? Do you enjoy being mislead, everyday and half a dozen times on twitter? Do you enjoy the White House Musical Chairs? How about NATO, do you find alienating our allies good policy, admiral?

Do you enjoy having a man-child as commander-in-chief? A foreign policy wrought, that is beaten out of shape by gets and goes, threats and love fests?

Q. What is Trump's foreign policy
A. Even he doesn't know, he flips, then he flops, then he flips again.

Q. What is his Domestic Policy
A. To enrich his family, the special interests and destroy every policy of the past administration.
One of the things that is grasped so dearly is, if Trump loses in 2020, the Republican Party may take years to recover. Trump broke it and it has no choice but to follow his lead today. You honestly believe that the Reps are bending Trump? Not even close. Trump is driving the Reps. So you strumpets, work some serious overtime (and keep using the GRU created MEMEs) and make sure the Orange one is reelected. If not, you may have to Jerry Jones the Koolaid.
Perhaps Jim Jones is who you have in mind.

Yes,, you are correct. But, then again, the way that the Cowboys play maybe it would be a good thing for them to sample that koolaid as well.

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