Maybe the Republicans ought to dump trump?

Do you believe Trump is an honest person?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
If this poll continues and the same results hold true, and other polls verify the same numbers, maybe trump will avoid impeachment and an embarrassment (Goldwater - ish) election loss.

'Hung jury': Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll

From the link:

60 percent say Donald Trump has not been honest and truthful when it comes to the Russia probe
Q: Agree/disagree that Trump has been honest & truthful when it comes to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.

What say you?

Try to be less bat shit crazy.

Yako yrt ll'I
One of the things that is grasped so dearly is, if Trump loses in 2020, the Republican Party may take years to recover. Trump broke it and it has no choice but to follow his lead today. You honestly believe that the Reps are bending Trump? Not even close. Trump is driving the Reps. So you strumpets, work some serious overtime (and keep using the GRU created MEMEs) and make sure the Orange one is reelected. If not, you may have to Jerry Jones the Koolaid.
Maybe the Republicans ought to dump trump?
If this poll continues and the same results hold t <insipid nitwittery snipped as a service to my fellow man>

What say you?
Oh look! Yet another predictably dull troll thread from you know who.

If you have nothing nice to write, do what The DICK Cheney suggested, i.e. Go F. yourself.

Dude. He was being nicer to you than you deserve with this thread.

If it was good enough for The DICK, it's good enough for me.
Maybe the Republicans ought to dump trump?
If this poll continues and the same results hold t <insipid nitwittery snipped as a service to my fellow man>

What say you?
Oh look! Yet another predictably dull troll thread from you know who.

If you have nothing nice to write, do what The DICK Cheney suggested, i.e. Go F. yourself.

Dude. He was being nicer to you than you deserve with this thread.

If it was good enough for The DICK, it's good enough for me.

Trump is not going to be impeached. And if you lefties were able to do so, you would be ending democracy in this nation.

Vice President Cheney has nothing to do with this.
Sure, Dump Trump. I am open to persuasion. Let me throw my chapeau into the ring. I don't guarantee I will stop war, gun violence or illegal immigration. But I do make a mean gluten free spaghetti dinner. Better than that meanyTrump could provide. Or Even Uncle Bernie. I am your candidate in 2020. The anti gluten candidate.
If this poll continues and the same results hold true, and other polls verify the same numbers, maybe trump will avoid impeachment and an embarrassment (Goldwater - ish) election loss.

'Hung jury': Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll

From the link:

60 percent say Donald Trump has not been honest and truthful when it comes to the Russia probe
Q: Agree/disagree that Trump has been honest & truthful when it comes to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.

What say you?
I don't care. I already didn't trust him.
I did. You see he made promises and is trying to keep them. His personality is that he must try to do so. It may not be exact as he promoted when running, but it will be tried one way or the other. The swampers keep showing up as we see reality. Judge Napolitano the latest one. To see all of the false Repub plants is disheartening. People followed for years and decades once respected but now found to be frauds. And they keep chirping with no guilt. The screwing does not end with Repub voters. If you live long enough you will see when Progs come back to power.
You forgot to mention a "Deep State" that is out to get Trump. Yes, the Democrat funded "Deep State" who want to railroad pinhead Trump so that Mike the human Q- Tip can become Prez.
If this poll continues and the same results hold true, and other polls verify the same numbers, maybe trump will avoid impeachment and an embarrassment (Goldwater - ish) election loss.

'Hung jury': Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll

From the link:

60 percent say Donald Trump has not been honest and truthful when it comes to the Russia probe
Q: Agree/disagree that Trump has been honest & truthful when it comes to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.

What say you?

Should they nominate Bitchlary?
If this poll continues and the same results hold true, and other polls verify the same numbers, maybe trump will avoid impeachment and an embarrassment (Goldwater - ish) election loss.

'Hung jury': Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll

From the link:

60 percent say Donald Trump has not been honest and truthful when it comes to the Russia probe
Q: Agree/disagree that Trump has been honest & truthful when it comes to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.

What say you?
russsia russia russia my god. The only ones who still think there is a russia russia russia problem are delusional nut cakes grasping at it like a pipe dream.
Obama was aware of what russia was doing and told our intelegence officals to stand down thats the question you should be asking why.
Stop trying to link trump to it or aliens or leprechauns or sea monsters get a grip on reality and stop trying to hurt your own nation fool
If this poll continues and the same results hold true, and other polls verify the same numbers, maybe trump will avoid impeachment and an embarrassment (Goldwater - ish) election loss.

'Hung jury': Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll

From the link:

60 percent say Donald Trump has not been honest and truthful when it comes to the Russia probe
Q: Agree/disagree that Trump has been honest & truthful when it comes to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.

What say you?

Which one of those idiotic 21 Moon Bats candidates are you going to support Moon Bat?

One of the filthy lying hateful Neggras?

The Whore?

The Queer?

The Indian Princess?

One of the several Communists?

If this poll continues and the same results hold true, and other polls verify the same numbers, maybe trump will avoid impeachment and an embarrassment (Goldwater - ish) election loss.

'Hung jury': Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll

From the link:

60 percent say Donald Trump has not been honest and truthful when it comes to the Russia probe
Q: Agree/disagree that Trump has been honest & truthful when it comes to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.

What say you?
Naturally, you and NBC are asking the wrong question.

Day after day, hour after hour, the Democrat media scream lie after lie about the GOP and Trump. Yet, you can only muster 60% with that kind of brainwashing.

So, let us see the NBC poll that asks, "Has the media been honest and truthful when it comes to the Russian probe?"

I'm thinking that you and they are afraid to ask that question.
If this poll continues and the same results hold true, and other polls verify the same numbers, maybe trump will avoid impeachment and an embarrassment (Goldwater - ish) election loss.

'Hung jury': Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll

From the link:

60 percent say Donald Trump has not been honest and truthful when it comes to the Russia probe
Q: Agree/disagree that Trump has been honest & truthful when it comes to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.

What say you?

Trump is as honest as Bill Clinton...

That is my answer for you...

Now do you think those that voted for him care if has been honest or they cared that Hillary did not win the Oval Office?

A question which is an enigma ^^^, a new variety of idiot-gram. Congratulation.

I do believe those who voted for Trump believed him. Trump is a gifted demagogue, and unfortunately also a charlatan. The mysterious aspect of the question is this, how many who voted for him, are today experiencing voter remorse?

The aspect that they didn't want HRC to be their next president is the conflict, she was awarded more votes (nearly 3 million) than trump; thus, an unknown number of voters chose to vote Green or Libertarian, and we cannot know what their motivation was.

The amount that voted Green and Libertarian is not unknown and can be found on Wikipedia.

The true idiot is the one still spewing the popular vote when discussing the Presidential Election because the fact is why Hillary won the Popular Vote was because of her four million win in California but she lost too many States to win the vote that matters and that is the Electoral College.

If you believe all you wrote about Trump then ask yourself why the Clinton's and Trump family so close until 2016?

Birds of the same feather flock together!

Is Trump a charlatan?

Most Politicians and Preachers and Lawyers are!

To act like Trump is a new kind of dirty shows how idiotic someone can be!

Run a better candidate and not someone that loved Trump money when her and her husband took donations from him!

Oh, I voted for Johnson because Trump and Hillary were the worst two candidates since Gore and Bush!
If this poll continues and the same results hold true, and other polls verify the same numbers, maybe trump will avoid impeachment and an embarrassment (Goldwater - ish) election loss.

'Hung jury': Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll

From the link:

60 percent say Donald Trump has not been honest and truthful when it comes to the Russia probe
Q: Agree/disagree that Trump has been honest & truthful when it comes to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.

What say you?
Says a piece of shit that trusts career politicians....

Can we please stop with these bullshit equivalency pleads?

Trump makes career politicians look like Boy/Girl Scouts.
If this poll continues and the same results hold true, and other polls verify the same numbers, maybe trump will avoid impeachment and an embarrassment (Goldwater - ish) election loss.

'Hung jury': Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll

From the link:

60 percent say Donald Trump has not been honest and truthful when it comes to the Russia probe
Q: Agree/disagree that Trump has been honest & truthful when it comes to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.

What say you?
Says a piece of shit that trusts career politicians....

Can we please stop with these bullshit equivalency pleads?

Trump makes career politicians look like Boy/Girl Scouts.
You’re sadly mistaken
If this poll continues and the same results hold true, and other polls verify the same numbers, maybe trump will avoid impeachment and an embarrassment (Goldwater - ish) election loss.

'Hung jury': Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll

From the link:

60 percent say Donald Trump has not been honest and truthful when it comes to the Russia probe
Q: Agree/disagree that Trump has been honest & truthful when it comes to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.

What say you?
Says a piece of shit that trusts career politicians....

Can we please stop with these bullshit equivalency pleads?

Trump makes career politicians look like Boy/Girl Scouts.
You’re sadly mistaken


In 828 days, President Trump has made 10,111
false or misleading claims

REPEATED 160 TIMES: “We're building the wall, by the way, we're going to have over 400 miles of wall built by the end of next year.”

- No, Trump’s wall is not yet being built.

REPEATED 143 TIMES: “We passed the largest package of tax cuts and reforms in our nation's history.”

- Trump’s tax cut amounts to nearly 0.9 percent of the gross domestic product, meaning it is far smaller than President Ronald Reagan’s tax cut in 1981, which was 2.89 percent of GDP. Trump’s tax cut is the eighth largest tax cut — and even smaller than two tax cuts passed under Barack Obama.

Last edited:
Maybe the Republicans ought to dump trump?
If this poll continues and the same results hold t <insipid nitwittery snipped as a service to my fellow man>

What say you?
Oh look! Yet another predictably dull troll thread from you know who.

If you have nothing nice to write, do what The DICK Cheney suggested, i.e. Go F. yourself.
One of the things that is grasped so dearly is, if Trump loses in 2020, the Republican Party may take years to recover. Trump broke it and it has no choice but to follow his lead today. You honestly believe that the Reps are bending Trump? Not even close. Trump is driving the Reps. So you strumpets, work some serious overtime (and keep using the GRU created MEMEs) and make sure the Orange one is reelected. If not, you may have to Jerry Jones the Koolaid.
No other Repub was going to win that election. Cruz had the best chance but getting the blue dog Dem votes and people who vote for other reasons were not going to put him over. If Hillary won there may have never been a Repub winner again.
One of the things that is grasped so dearly is, if Trump loses in 2020, the Republican Party may take years to recover. Trump broke it and it has no choice but to follow his lead today. You honestly believe that the Reps are bending Trump? Not even close. Trump is driving the Reps. So you strumpets, work some serious overtime (and keep using the GRU created MEMEs) and make sure the Orange one is reelected. If not, you may have to Jerry Jones the Koolaid.
The GOP establishment has always been broken... All career politicians are fuck ups

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