Maybe this is why Hamas picks on innocent civilians in Israel, only 2% of Jews own guns

You can consider Yigal Amir "an isolated incident" but Menachem Begin's Irgun was not.

Well there's the ocean. Israel controls everything that goes in or out of Gaza
for the record----some really deluded people DO believe that Israel controls
that which goes in and out of Gaza-----Of course it is not true----but some
people LOVE to believe garbage. One important point is that Gaza has a VERY
BIG border with EGYPT----Arlette may not know-----EGYPT IS A MUSLIM country
and closely allied with the "PALESTINIANS" (whoever they are). That large border
is not the ONLY connection that Gaza has with OUTSIDE-----but Arlette does not
Gaza is surrounded by a concrete wall, build to protect God's chosen people from terrorist attacks like the one last week by Hamas. That's the fucked up way they live over there. God's chosen people living in a fortified compound, armed to the teeth. Nukes even. Scared all the time. And there's folks here wanting us to live that way. No thanks God. Take a hike

When Hamas attacked the Peace Concert, they came in by simply knocking down a fence and they used some bulldozers. there was no concrete wall involved. What keeps Gaza palestinians locked down is their leadership because they are constantly looking for war Israel would make peace but Hamas wants a single Islamic State, no Jews. Its in their charter. They are dedicated to the elimination of all Jews.
And you probably dont realize most Jewish civilians over there are unarmed. The ones slaughtered at the peace concert were unarmed and unafraid. Israel has also been divided, they have many liberal Jews living there pushing for Palestinian rights. DO you think there are any Palaestinians inside Gaza pushing for getting along with Israel? do you know if that is found out, those people are tortured to death by hamas?
There is a reason Israelis do what they do.
for the record----some really deluded people DO believe that Israel controls
that which goes in and out of Gaza-----Of course it is not true----but some
people LOVE to believe garbage. One important point is that Gaza has a VERY
BIG border with EGYPT----Arlette may not know-----EGYPT IS A MUSLIM country
and closely allied with the "PALESTINIANS" (whoever they are). That large border
is not the ONLY connection that Gaza has with OUTSIDE-----but Arlette does not
Yes she believes that those thousands of missiles are just magically delivered by Amazon. She also doesnt understand a lot of money flows through Gaza. They have a lot of outside support but the Hamas leadership makes sure none of that money reaches the civilians. Hamas needs their civilians to be hungry, angry and ready to fight. And their constant actions against Israel makes them want to limit contact.
for the record----some really deluded people DO believe that Israel controls
that which goes in and out of Gaza-----Of course it is not true---- ....
So, you know nothing about the Israeli sea route blockade operating in international waters that prevents humanitarian aid from reaching Gaza. I guess you weren't taught that in jelly bean school.
So, you know nothing about the Israeli sea route blockade operating in international waters that prevents humanitarian aid from reaching Gaza. I guess you weren't taught that in jelly bean school.

How do they get thousands of rockets? They arent manufactured there, they're shipped in from Iran.
Israel blockaded them because of security reasons. Maybe that should be something reconsidered after
Hamas is taken out.
So, you know nothing about the Israeli sea route blockade operating in international waters that prevents humanitarian aid from reaching Gaza. I guess you weren't taught that in jelly bean school.
I am very well aware of the sea blockade against TERRORISM
materials----AND the blockade against unfettered terrorist access by
sea against islamic terrorists. I did attend jelly bean school about a
dozen times as a child-----where I learned what Jelly beaners like you
get shoved down their idiot throats. I am also aware of the very
LONG border between egypt and Gaza which has nothing to do
with Israel and the HUGE SHIPMENTS of good including food and
medicines via the EREZ crossing (between Israel in Gaza) and the less
liberal Rafah crossing----controlled by Egypt-----keeping 'palestinians'
OUT OF EGYPT and humanitarian aid. Israeli hospitals are chock full
of Gazan and other "palestinian" Patients------long ago I was furnished
with a list of maladies common amongst "palestinians' should I make
the mistake of spending some time there
The Zionist pigs were shooting Palestinians dead when all the Arabs had was rocks so don't give me this "picking on the unarmed" bullshit.

Will you stand there and let me throw rocks at your head? Dont worry, a rock cant hurt you, though I might pick a few nice fat ones. I know you can stand there and take it. Rocks are not considered a weapon
Ok, so here's a sad story of a Palestinian Teen, shot dead by israeli soldiers. Only he was throwing rocks at moving cars on a highway along with other kids. Doing that can be fatal to drivers, which was the motive of the teens, because they do that shit all the time. Israelis fired warning shots and the teens kept throwing rocks at moving cars..

In the second video, you can see how Palestinian Kids are trained by the adults to put themselves in harms way by attacking Israeli check points. WONDERFUL PARENTS. DO you Liberals really believe these people are rational? Sadly in that part of the world the ONLY thing people resspect is power, not agreemnts.

for the record----some really deluded people DO believe that Israel controls
that which goes in and out of Gaza-----Of course it is not true----
So, you know nothing about the Israeli sea route blockade operating in international waters that prevents humanitarian aid from reaching Gaza. I guess you weren't taught that in jelly bean school.

I am very aware of the sea blockade.
So, you were lying.
So, you were lying.
I never lie----I correctly stated, in response to the slut---that Israel
DOES NOT control everything that goes in and out of Gaza. To expand
on that idea----OF COURSE contraband gets thru----just as contraband
ends up in the hands of islamo nazi pigs and sluts even in the United
You just did lie. I caught you "red-handed" in a lie. Clear and straightforward.
you are desperate---typical of the islamo nazi "character" and a parrot of
islamo nazi memes----I know your personality disorder well

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