Mayor bass plans to house homeless in hotels

And put the burden back on LE. That is what doesn't work.
Law enforcement’s job will be simple

Just pick them up (gently if possible) and run them in

Then 10 minutes in a magistrate court and off they go to rehab

The challenge will be to keep drugs out of the camps

But it can be done
Why don’t Progressives open their homes to the homeless?????
Thats because libs may be crazy but they arent stupid

No intelligent person wants these wasted human lives in their home

Drug needles on the floor, cigarette burns on the furniture

You’d have to send your children to live with a relative

Nor do libs want them down the street in their neighborhood

But even the libbest of the libs know they have to do something
Why don’t Progressives open their homes to the homeless?????

That's easy enough to answer.

Where conditions change with the individual, some things remain the same.
When one finds themself in a homeless situation and does not have the desire to escape it, then there is little that can be done.

Otherwise ... When it comes to most homeless people, in prolonged destitution ...
One must understand that there is not a single thought going through that person's mind that is "on the rails".

To actually help that person will be a long and arduous journey wrought with blood, sweat and tears (hopefully more crying and bleeding on their part) ...
And an investment in monetary, emotional, and physical capital that very few can sustain in providing.

It is much easier to feel better about yourself casting a ballot and acting like that is actually going to accomplish something ... :thup:

According to Republicans that claim tobe Christians we let them die on the streets.
So, you propose that working class e taxed at 110% of their wages for your insults towards Christians. The godless state has program after program abused to the rafters. It takes two to tango. A breakdown of the issues in percentages with the homeless needs to be discussed in detail. Many homeless do not like close quarters with others because problems occur including safety.
Law enforcement’s job will be simple

Just pick them up (gently if possible) and run them in

Then 10 minutes in a magistrate court and off they go to rehab

The challenge will be to keep drugs out of the camps

But it can be done
What do you think this place is?

she said housing to be built in EVERY neighborhood.....yea we will see if any are built in the wealthy ones.....
just like the illegals that wound up on marthas vineyard, for less than a day---due to barrag-o having a million dollar+ mansion there.....where did the traitor, barrag-0, get ITS millions, at the age of 45---i mean everybody has that kind of $$$ at that age, right?----on the backs of AMERICANS, thats where
It's a good idea to lease the units that are empty. Studies have proven the cost savings is dramatically reduced. Less costs to city and county facilities, ie; fire, police, first responders, medical clinics and hospitals.

Medical facilities, fire, police, etc are not utilized any less. If some hobo is going to do something that requires one of those it doesn't matter if he is a tent city in a hotel, he is still going to have medical problems, get hurt, cause a fire and so on.

The other funds are still shook off onto the city in another form. They have to pay the hotel and the hotel is going to charge it's maximum rates it never charges otherwise.

If you go in a hotel look at the information placard on the inside of the room on it will say something about 500 dollar room rates. Now that hotel may only charge 125 or even 200 and never even close to 500, but they can. They just don't charge 500 because no one will pay it. So if the state is footing the bill I guarantee you that hotel will charge that 500 dollars for each room.

Plus the hotel isn't going to feed all these hobos for free, they will go broke even restocking a measley concierge bar constantly all day every day. Either the hotel has limited food not meant for mass consumption for 3 meals a day for every single guest that is included in the rate, or it has a full sized kitchen which you have to pay through the nose to eat in like a 17 dollar hamburger.

And what about the hotels insurance supplimentals they have to pay? If they take it unordinary guests for extended periods of time on certain scales the insurance adjuster will take the info and raise their rates based off their formula and risk vs pay out.

What about the hotels loss of business? Get enough hobos in a hotel regular guests won't want to stay there.

What about increased security costs? You can't run a hotel over with homeless people with criminal backgrounds, drug problems, mental health conditions and so on without increased security. Even if you see a cop there he is being paid extra doing that on overtime, even standing in a movie he is there on off hours being paid extra.

The idea of "just lease em out and everything is awesome" is short sighted and ignorant.
Medical facilities, fire, police, etc are not utilized any less. If some hobo is going to do something that requires one of those it doesn't matter if he is a tent city in a hotel, he is still going to have medical problems, get hurt, cause a fire and so on.

The other funds are still shook off onto the city in another form. They have to pay the hotel and the hotel is going to charge it's maximum rates it never charges otherwise.

If you go in a hotel look at the information placard on the inside of the room on it will say something about 500 dollar room rates. Now that hotel may only charge 125 or even 200 and never even close to 500, but they can. They just don't charge 500 because no one will pay it. So if the state is footing the bill I guarantee you that hotel will charge that 500 dollars for each room.

Plus the hotel isn't going to feed all these hobos for free, they will go broke even restocking a measley concierge bar constantly all day every day. Either the hotel has limited food not meant for mass consumption for 3 meals a day for every single guest that is included in the rate, or it has a full sized kitchen which you have to pay through the nose to eat in like a 17 dollar hamburger.

And what about the hotels insurance supplimentals they have to pay? If they take it unordinary guests for extended periods of time on certain scales the insurance adjuster will take the info and raise their rates based off their formula and risk vs pay out.

What about the hotels loss of business? Get enough hobos in a hotel regular guests won't want to stay there.

What about increased security costs? You can't run a hotel over with homeless people with criminal backgrounds, drug problems, mental health conditions and so on without increased security. Even if you see a cop there he is being paid extra doing that on overtime, even standing in a movie he is there on off hours being paid extra.

The idea of "just lease em out and everything is awesome" is short sighted and ignorant.
You don't know what the plan is. You don't know what will reduce the costs.

Supportive housing reduces costs to taxpayers. States that impliment these types of housing programs have shown reductions up to 60%. Utah is one State that does this.
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Los Angeles crazy black mayor is working toward putting hotels out of business, among other solutions.
Check out time in these hotels is 11am. She wants an occupancy report at 2pm so that the homeless can be in a room by 4. Many people do not check into a room that early in the day. The hotels will be filled with the drug addicted, mentally ill long before travellers can get close to a hotel.

Next will be using her emergency powers to seize private property of homeowners with guest rooms.
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Los Angeles crazy black mayor is working toward putting hotels out of business, among other solutions.
Check out time in these hotels is 11am. She wants an occupancy report at 2pm so that the homeless can be in a room by 4. Many people do not check into a room that early in the day. The hotels will be filled with the drug addicted, mentally ill long before travellers can get close to a hotel.

Next will be using her emergency powers to seize private property of homeowners with guest rooms.
LA Mayor has proposed a vote on this in an upcoming 2024 election. Solutions or people bashing and bitching doesn't solve a damn thing.
It's a good idea to lease the units that are empty. Studies have proven the cost savings is dramatically reduced. Less costs to city and county facilities, ie; fire, police, first responders, medical clinics and hospitals.
No. Costs are dramatically increased. The costs of refurbishment alone once a mentally ill drug addict has had access to these rooms are staggering. Assaults in the hallways result in lawsuits. Elevators must have someone in them at all times to stop attacks and rapes.

There is no real savings in first responders as overdoses, fires, fights, happen whether in a hotel or not.

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