Mayor bass plans to house homeless in hotels

What should we do with the homeless?

As always, when government fails, turn to the private market to bail them out.

For years we have built housing projects across the country. Why not put them in these housing projects instead? If they need more, build more.

The problem with this idea is that the homeless are probably like any other community. Put the homeless in nice hotel rooms with maid service, and word gets around. Then all the homeless will flock to LA and you're right back where you started. The only difference is the former homeless will have hotel rooms, and the new arrivals will be out on the street waiting for one

So this is no solution.

In the 1.7 trillion waste bill, 45 billion is going to help Ukraine. 4 million bucks is going to a Michelle Obama trail. Another couple of million for an LGTBQ museum. Another couple of million for a wax museum of black people. The college student vote buying alone is close to a half-trillion dollars. And who knows if we are going to spend another 80 billion on more IRS agents nobody wants.

Couldn't all this money be used to help these homeless people on the federal level instead of wasting it on pet Democrat projects?

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