Mayoral elections in Chicago tonight

Even though Gollum is only polling around 13%, I'll be mildly surprised if it doesn't get to a run off election.
As long as our elections are compromised by both sides of the UNiparty, the actual votes no longer matter

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Currently, there are about 57,000 votes outstanding.

Lori needs to gain 17,000 more votes than Johnson gains to get into the runoff.


Doesn't seem likely, but I can't find a map of results, which would be very helpful.
So, how many suitcases are needed to make 17,000?

I don't think she's got a chance.

Even if Vallas only gets 20% of the remaining, and Johnson gets only 10% (5700 votes), then Lori will need
17,000 + 5700 to get into the runoff. That would be 40% of the remaining votes, and she's not been getting half that.

If I could find a map, I could have better certainty.

Are the prisons counted as one of the wards?
Race has been called!

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Not really, you still have the runoff.

I'm surprised Garcia wasn't in the top two.

So now this is going to become a race between Vallas, who is the Fascist Order of Police candidate, and Johnson, who is the Burn, Loot, Murder candidate.

Should get interesting.
That's a seriously pathetic outcome for an incumbent in any elected office. Third place. Even among the voters of crime-loving left wrong-wing SHITcago, Lori LightInTheLoafers has to have been perceived as having done an extraordinarily bad job as Mayor, to lose that badly.

For an ordinary instance of a really bad incumbent losing an election, you'd at least see the anti-incumbent vote split between two candidates, but adding up to something close to what the incumbent got. This wasn't just an ordinary loss for Ms. LightInTheLoafers; this was an utter repudiation of her.
That's a seriously pathetic outcome for an incumbent in any elected office. Third place, with fewer votes than the top two candidates combined. Even among the voters of crime-loving left wrong-wing SHITcago, Lori LightInTheLoafers has to have been perceived as having done an extraordinarily bad job as Mayor, to lose that badly.
Correct. Totally unqualified, but politically correct with all the progressive boxes checked off. I didn't realize until now how racist, misogynistic and homophobic the citizens of Chicago are.

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