McCabe emails show FBI group gave hilary special treatment to cover up her crimes...

This is what I mean. Deal with facts every Trumps snowflakes shuts up.

Am I a good or what?
Like SandyHook massacre was a hoax, 911 was an inside jobs, Las Vegas massacre paddock was a hoax stage by the government, Obama house in DC build a wall to keep illegals out, the earth is flat. This is the person (Dale) you are dealing with. Brain wired wrong.

Well said. Who knows what happened to this guy, but he needs an intervention from people who care about him.
Uranium One is nothing , nothing, as Shepard Smith said on Fox news. The Trump campaign is the new Watergate.

How so?

Russia told the American public about the DNC rigging their nomination and you say Trump is the one in trouble?

That's like saying you stole a candy bar from the local quikie Mart and blamed someone tattle telling on you to the towel head owner

And this reminds me how come Muslims not upset with this ?

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DNC rigging their nomination, too funny. Trump campaigned colluded with the Russians, they wanted him to win, and Trump who knows everything, smarter than all, probably new about it, his son and Kushner did, Flynn and Manafort, all of them most likely. ? suspicious is Devos and her brother.

How did they concluded?


We are all waiting, but several have been indicted and charged. We will know when Mueller finishes.

That doesn't answer my question.. you know damn well Debbie rigged the just don't want to admit it

No she didn't just like the two lovebirds didn't interfere in Mueller's investigation.
Uranium One is nothing , nothing, as Shepard Smith said on Fox news. The Trump campaign is the new Watergate.

How so?

Russia told the American public about the DNC rigging their nomination and you say Trump is the one in trouble?

That's like saying you stole a candy bar from the local quikie Mart and blamed someone tattle telling on you to the towel head owner

And this reminds me how come Muslims not upset with this ?

View attachment 167551

DNC rigging their nomination, too funny. Trump campaigned colluded with the Russians, they wanted him to win, and Trump who knows everything, smarter than all, probably new about it, his son and Kushner did, Flynn and Manafort, all of them most likely. ? suspicious is Devos and her brother.

How did they concluded?


You know what, Bernie and his chairmen were never Democrats, and still are not. He is an independent as should of ran as such.

He switched party's...that's legal to do so.

No he is still an Independent and should of ran as such, like Jill Stein. An Independent should not use DNC money.
POTUS should wipe the floor of the 3-Ring Mueller circus and I mean fast. Hopefully we will get a late Christmas gift next week of massive firings and shut down of the Mueller dog and pony show

POTUS should wipe the floor of the 3-Ring Mueller circus and I mean fast. Hopefully we will get a late Christmas gift next week of massive firings and shut down of the Mueller dog and pony show


You mean just like Nixon tried, not much difference there. Fire all FBI and Judges who do not worship the orange man.
POTUS should wipe the floor of the 3-Ring Mueller circus and I mean fast. Hopefully we will get a late Christmas gift next week of massive firings and shut down of the Mueller dog and pony show

That would free all these guys up to go on TV and claim Trump was covering something up. That would actually look WORSE for Trump.

There's a reason why Reagan didn't fire Walsh and Clinton didn't fire Starr.
Hillary broke a whole bunch of laws with her private email server.
Remember how the Press went apesh#t over Scooter Libby
Where is the justice?

Uranium One is a very old story.
Only came up because that is what corrupted Trump and his cronies using it as a distraction.
When this Uranium one finally exposed. Is that mean Trump will be exonerated?
Is that mean Trump is free from being a traitor?

Is that mean Hillary will be impeach?


Say, isn't Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada prosecuting SEC violations from 2005?

Is the Uranium One treason older than that?

No, it happened under the most corrupt administration in American history, the one where they LITERALLY appointed a Mafia Don as Secretary of State.
Of course none of those are being investigated by the republicans.

Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada claims to be investigating "Russian Collusion." There it is, where is our intrepid witch hunter? :dunno:

Why aren't the REPUBLICANS investigating it? So then you ADMIT that Mewler is a partisan crook who is ONLY going after Trump and doesn't give a flying fuck about the facts.

Remember it’s the republicans investigating republican president. Remember its the republicans that hired Mueller. Not the democrats.
Awwww truth hurts.

Assistant AG Rod Rosenstein is a life long democrat. Grand Inquisitor of the Witch Hunt Robert Mewler-Torquemada is a Jeb! RINO.

But fear not Comrade, the Republicans are indeed investigating the blatant corruption of the DOJ, FBI, and Mewler-Torquemada.

{“We’ve had this investigation about Russian collusion, maybe we need an investigation about high-ranking Obama officials colluding to try to prevent Trump from being president,” Paul said. “That’s more serious than even Watergate.” (Fox News Insider)}
Hillary broke a whole bunch of laws with her private email server.
Remember how the Press went apesh#t over Scooter Libby
Where is the justice?

The American Gutter press of NY Times, Jeff Bezos Hate Blog (formerly the Washington Post), CNN, and ANBCBS inc. can't be trusted to accurately report the day of the week. They first check to see the effect on the party prior to stating what day it is.
Al Capone springs to mind, Comrade Stalin.

No, no, Al was convicted for something he probably didn't do because they couldn't get him on the things he DID do.

Hillary only did bad things in your fetid imaginations.

Capone got away with murder, racketeering, assault, etc. because he bought off corrupt judges and politicians, just as Hillary does.
The Obabble Admin corruption is Worse Than Watergate...which is why The Resistance is apoplectic about getting rid of Trump. They don't want the truth to be known.
The Obabble Admin corruption is Worse Than Watergate...which is why The Resistance is apoplectic about getting rid of Trump. They don't want the truth to be known.

If the Maoists had just left well enough alone, Trump was prepared to let Hillary and ISIS Barry get away with it. But the dumbass Stalinist democrats had to try and stage a coup; so now it all comes out, Barry working with Hezbollah, Hillary colluding with Putin, all of it.
Hillary broke a whole bunch of laws with her private email server.
Remember how the Press went apesh#t over Scooter Libby
Where is the justice?

Except no one really went apeshit over Scooter, who never served a day in jail.

Here's the thing, you had a thorough investigation, and the best they could say is that the server was "careless".
Capone got away with murder, racketeering, assault, etc. because he bought off corrupt judges and politicians, just as Hillary does.

No, actually, he got away with it because we had a stupid law that tried to keep people from getting their booze and Capone was giving them their booze.

On the other hand, you guys have spent 25 years and hundreds of millions of dollars investigating the Clintons, and all you came up with was "He lied about a blow job' and "she used the wrong email".
The Obabble Admin corruption is Worse Than Watergate...which is why The Resistance is apoplectic about getting rid of Trump. They don't want the truth to be known.

If the Maoists had just left well enough alone, Trump was prepared to let Hillary and ISIS Barry get away with it. But the dumbass Stalinist democrats had to try and stage a coup; so now it all comes out, Barry working with Hezbollah, Hillary colluding with Putin, all of it.

Indeed, and as you know, when your enemy is engaged in a circular firing squad, it's best to make some popcorn and find a comfy seat with a good view.
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