McCain on memo and Russia

Lynchings would be illegal.

These are sentences typically and historically imposed upon traitors after Due Process has been followed and The Defendent’s Rights to a Trial By a Jury of HIS PEERS have been observed!

The only acceptable sentence for a traitor after being found guilty is The Death Penalty.

Perhaps Lethal Injection, Stoning or The Guillotine is more to your liking?

I want Fucking Prosecutions and Serious Sentences!

And so I have no objections to The Death Penalty for Treason!

I do not want death penalty, but some jail time sounds good.

Awww....just a couple of little old fashioned lynchings?? To remind Democrats of their History???


Who gets it first? Trump or Nunes?
Talk about the Swamp..........McCain is it.

IMHO The Donald needs to make Rod "Rodent Face" Rosenstein an offer he cannot refuse :eusa_whistle: and then whoever replaces him needs to appoint a Special Prosecutor who has NO connection to the Clintons OR Obama OR James Comey who can be trusted to be 100% Independent and he or she should investigate what is in The Memo and what is in the FISA application warrants and ALL those named from Hillary, Obama, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, John McCain, David Kramer etc all need investigating and they all should be told they do not have Immunity From Prosecution no matter who they are that if Conspiracy to Pervert the Democratic Process is found then they will be prosecuted also that if No Conspiracy to Pervert the Democratic Process is not found then they are okay.

I add this Jeff Sessions person he seems TOTALLY useless on ALL levels, this suggests he is compromised probably they have blackmail material on him or something like that, thats the usual way, look how the Democrats ALL freaked out when it was rumoured that The Donald might fire and/or move to another department Jeff Sessions, his BIGGEST fan club was from The Senate and House of Representatives Democrats they are desperate for some reason for Sessions to stay bizarro considering they ALL consider him a KKK Supporting Racist Bigot White Supremacist do you not think? They hate Sessions, but they want him to stay because it's obvious he's compromised and because he is compromised that is why he has NO testicles and is useless on ALL levels, the man is not doing the job he is appointed to do because his hands are roped behind his back.

Lucy with all due respect I have to disagree a smidge on Sessions. He is an honorable man. You see that was my greatest fear.

We have an honorable and fair AG in Sessions (he really looks like the Keebler elf so its hard to hate him) but Sessions in a time of political war like we are in is like nominating Mr. Rogers to be our Consigliere (Italian consigliere "counselor", pronounced [konsiʎˈʎɛːre], roughly kohn-see-YEHR-eh; plural consiglieri)

Yikes! We need Guilliani or a Christie.

So why isn't Jeff Sessions doing anything, he has done NOTHING about ANYTHING, so what's his problem?

He recused himself under pressure. Rosenstein basically is in charge of all things Russia. AND he goes back to Uranium. One. Sessions on all other legal matters has been a complete pit bull. I will give him that. Sanctuary cities to MS13 he has rocked.

"He recused himself under pressure."

When there was absolutely NO reason why he had to recuse himself....under pressure yes ie. blackmail, who has Jeff Sessions testicles in their lock box WANTED Rod "Rodent Face" Rosenstein in charge of the horsecrap Russian investigation and what was the FIRST thing Rosenstein did? Yes that's right....Hillary's friend and James Comey's friend was appointed and preceeded to hire what is it now EIGHTEEN people to help him who have DIRECT connections to Hillary and also are shown to have given campaign contributions to Hillary and other Democrats.

You know this friend of Hillary and James Comey's....another Swamp Creature:

Writing more fantasy stories I see.
Sen. John McCain On Nunes Memo Release: 'We Are Doing Putin's Job For Him' | HuffPost

McCain seems to feel that Putin is tearing America apart and not the two parties doing to tearing. LMAO!

Also, McCain seems to have already come to the conclusion that Trump is guilty of collusion, so why is an investigation even needed if the evidence is there? Moreover, why is McCain not putting forth an impeachment process of some kind with such evidence or is he making it all up?

There are but two possibilities, Trump is guilty or those who support the witch hunt swearing that is it all true are guilty of collusion with the Russians. Either way, people need to go to jail, Putin be damned.

Surely no one can disagree.

McCain has become a joke.
This guy is all over the place. He himself said in that the dossier was a disgrace. He said that. And now speaks totally out of the other side of his mouth and throws out some garbage that even Democrats aren't saying.
He is a joke.

He's dissing his fellow Senators. Not good.


He doesn't care he is an American Traitor his loyalty is elsewhere as such he thinks nothing of stabbing his fellow Senators in the back or stabbing anyone in the back. He will be dead soon anyway and the deepest and worst section of Hell awaits him.

In Dante's The Divine Comedy in Part I Inferno - Canto XXXII Round 2: Antenora named for Antenor * a Trojan soldier who betrayed the City of Troy to the Achaeans (the Greeks) the Antenora section of The Ninth Circle of Hell which is the WORST and DEEPEST section of Hell is reserved strictly for Traitors to their nation, their city or their political party, I think John McCain qualifies in all Traitor to the American nation, Traitor to his City of Washington DC and Traitor to his political party. John McCain will take his place next to Judas Iscariot, Cassius, Brutus and Lucifer himself who began as Our Lord's favourite, most glorious and most beautiful Archangel until he rebelled against Our Lord in an act of Treachery and was cast down with the other Fallen Angels into The Abyss and his name changed from Lucifer (Morning Star) to Satan (Adversary) all takes place mainly in Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14.

* Antenor:


Have you read Dante's The Divine Comedy gtopa1 ? If not I recommend it and it is available to buy on Amazon.

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While McCain is a great war hero he became a whiney little bitch after Obama beat him. He never recovered. And now a celebrity with no experience has the job he failed to achieve and I'm sure that's like salt on an open wound for him.
IMHO The Donald needs to make Rod "Rodent Face" Rosenstein an offer he cannot refuse :eusa_whistle: and then whoever replaces him needs to appoint a Special Prosecutor who has NO connection to the Clintons OR Obama OR James Comey who can be trusted to be 100% Independent and he or she should investigate what is in The Memo and what is in the FISA application warrants and ALL those named from Hillary, Obama, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, John McCain, David Kramer etc all need investigating and they all should be told they do not have Immunity From Prosecution no matter who they are that if Conspiracy to Pervert the Democratic Process is found then they will be prosecuted also that if No Conspiracy to Pervert the Democratic Process is not found then they are okay.

I add this Jeff Sessions person he seems TOTALLY useless on ALL levels, this suggests he is compromised probably they have blackmail material on him or something like that, thats the usual way, look how the Democrats ALL freaked out when it was rumoured that The Donald might fire and/or move to another department Jeff Sessions, his BIGGEST fan club was from The Senate and House of Representatives Democrats they are desperate for some reason for Sessions to stay bizarro considering they ALL consider him a KKK Supporting Racist Bigot White Supremacist do you not think? They hate Sessions, but they want him to stay because it's obvious he's compromised and because he is compromised that is why he has NO testicles and is useless on ALL levels, the man is not doing the job he is appointed to do because his hands are roped behind his back.

Lucy with all due respect I have to disagree a smidge on Sessions. He is an honorable man. You see that was my greatest fear.

We have an honorable and fair AG in Sessions (he really looks like the Keebler elf so its hard to hate him) but Sessions in a time of political war like we are in is like nominating Mr. Rogers to be our Consigliere (Italian consigliere "counselor", pronounced [konsiʎˈʎɛːre], roughly kohn-see-YEHR-eh; plural consiglieri)

Yikes! We need Guilliani or a Christie.

So why isn't Jeff Sessions doing anything, he has done NOTHING about ANYTHING, so what's his problem?

He recused himself under pressure. Rosenstein basically is in charge of all things Russia. AND he goes back to Uranium. One. Sessions on all other legal matters has been a complete pit bull. I will give him that. Sanctuary cities to MS13 he has rocked.

"He recused himself under pressure."

When there was absolutely NO reason why he had to recuse himself....under pressure yes ie. blackmail, who has Jeff Sessions testicles in their lock box WANTED Rod "Rodent Face" Rosenstein in charge of the horsecrap Russian investigation and what was the FIRST thing Rosenstein did? Yes that's right....Hillary's friend and James Comey's friend was appointed and preceeded to hire what is it now EIGHTEEN people to help him who have DIRECT connections to Hillary and also are shown to have given campaign contributions to Hillary and other Democrats.

You know this friend of Hillary and James Comey's....another Swamp Creature:

Writing more fantasy stories I see.

No it's accurate, of course you would not comprehend being a low IQ Troll or whatever.
While McCain is a great war hero he became a whiney little bitch after Obama beat him. He never recovered. And now a celebrity with no experience has the job he failed to achieve and I'm sure that's like salt on an open wound for him.

McCain is no "Great War Hero".
Yes, he is.

And that is the last I'll say on the matter.

Sen. John McCain On Nunes Memo Release: 'We Are Doing Putin's Job For Him' | HuffPost

McCain seems to feel that Putin is tearing America apart and not the two parties doing to tearing. LMAO!

Also, McCain seems to have already come to the conclusion that Trump is guilty of collusion, so why is an investigation even needed if the evidence is there? Moreover, why is McCain not putting forth an impeachment process of some kind with such evidence or is he making it all up?

There are but two possibilities, Trump is guilty or those who support the witch hunt swearing that is it all true are guilty of collusion with the Russians. Either way, people need to go to jail, Putin be damned.

Surely no one can disagree.
He is a sell out to America. Our modern day Arnold.
Back to the reality of McCains involvement in this sordid mess. He needs to come forward and testify why he, his Foundation and his employees assisted in moving the dossier and also publicizing the dossier.

Steele is accusing McCain and his allies of distributing the unverified dossier in the lawsuit against him.
Sen. John McCain On Nunes Memo Release: 'We Are Doing Putin's Job For Him' | HuffPost

McCain seems to feel that Putin is tearing America apart and not the two parties doing to tearing. LMAO!

Also, McCain seems to have already come to the conclusion that Trump is guilty of collusion, so why is an investigation even needed if the evidence is there? Moreover, why is McCain not putting forth an impeachment process of some kind with such evidence or is he making it all up?

There are but two possibilities, Trump is guilty or those who support the witch hunt swearing that is it all true are guilty of collusion with the Russians. Either way, people need to go to jail, Putin be damned.

Surely no one can disagree.
He is a sell out to America. Our modern day Arnold.

At least Arnold was skilled at what he did.
We now have Republicans in collusion to obfuscate Trump's collusion.

There is likely a Constitutional crisis coming. If the people don't get out into the streets in the millions these criminals in the Republican party will believe they are permantly above the law.


That fucker has his shit-stained fingerprints all over the Steele Dossier.

Good thing he is dying soon.

Do you really think the Grim Reaper can pry him out of the halls of Congress?

My money is on McCain.
Hell, I voted for him in 2008 in hopes that he and Palin would be victorious and McCain would kick the bucket shortly thereafter.
That fucker has his shit-stained fingerprints all over the Steele Dossier.

Good thing he is dying soon.

no shit. He had his dude from HIS foundation run to Britain to grab a copy of this fake dossier when the FBI had the dossier all along. He's fucking dirty as hell.

McCain's man is named David Kramer, Kramer went to London and met Christopher Steele and returned to America with the Steele Dossier and then it was handed to the Hillary Clinton Campaign and the FBI, read the two links I posted it's all in there and more also.

Timeline. I know who his man is from the McCain Foundation . Former State department official. It was a dog and pony show with McCain. The dossier was already out there and all had copies by the time they set up the drama of McCain sending his man to Britain.

Looking for a fall guy?
Lucy with all due respect I have to disagree a smidge on Sessions. He is an honorable man. You see that was my greatest fear.

We have an honorable and fair AG in Sessions (he really looks like the Keebler elf so its hard to hate him) but Sessions in a time of political war like we are in is like nominating Mr. Rogers to be our Consigliere (Italian consigliere "counselor", pronounced [konsiʎˈʎɛːre], roughly kohn-see-YEHR-eh; plural consiglieri)

Yikes! We need Guilliani or a Christie.

I'm leaning towards a Pinochet at times.

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