McCain on memo and Russia

Timeline Lucy. I've been screaming about this for forever. McCain was brought in only at the last in December to perform a giant dog and pony show. The FBI and the DOJ had long since had the dossier.

Well if that is so why was David Kramer sent to London and met with Christopher Steele if the FBI already had the Steele Dossier? What was the reason why Kramer was in London meeting Steele?

Exactly. I've been asking this question for forever now. The FBI and the DOJ are already using the dossier to get the FISA warrents. The stories from the dossier are already being shopped to how many media outlets? Most aren't buying but it does not mean that the dossier and its contents were being shopped to the media.

Meanwhile all of a sudden out of the blue Simpson from Fusion GPS along with a former Brit ambassador get to McCain as he was attending a conference in Canada get to him with "damaging allegations" about Trump and Russia which propel MR. MAVERICKY into high gear to get a dossier every one already had.

How odd.

How do you know the FBI already had the Steele Dossier, I mean I forget what is the timeline with the beginning when they got the FISA warrants?

Here. They USED the dossier in October. McCain went running in December.


By patribotics Posted on Sep 20, 2017September 20, 2017
Fun With FISA; The Trump Russia Treason Timeline

I hope in this piece to clear up some confusion relating to the specific FISA warrants that covered Mr. Manafort. In order to get to the good stuff first, I am first providing the FISA warrant timeline for Trump Russia, and then offering analysis as to how I draw the conclusions within it.

The Treason Timeline
All links are my own exclusive reporting, which I hope other journalists will ethically acknowledge, as I they confirm my stories, except where noted in the text.

June: FISA warrant sought and denied on Page, Trump, Manafort and Epshteyn

June 9th: Treasonmeeting in Trump Tower. Exclusive by the New York Times. Paul Manafort’s phone hot-miked by GCHQ. Audio and notes of the meeting recovered and given to CIA and NSA. FBI does not listen, no FISA warrant.

June 24th: Scot 24, the Treasonmeeting 2, takes place in Scotland, where Donald Trump finalizes the details of how Cambridge Analytica will launder hacked data from state voter databases and the DNC’s Vertica databases with AI targeting, in order to win the election. It is the day after Brexit, where Russia and Cambridge Analytica had employed similar techniques in Britain

July 6-8: Carter Page takes tape of Trump promising overturning sanctions for help with hacking to Moscow. There is no FISA warrant on Page in July, but multiple foreign intelligence services, including at least the UK, Ukraine and Germany, had hacked and hot-wired Page’s phone.

July 18-22nd: the GOP Convention. Sergei Kislyak is taped offering dirty Russian money to the entire GOP. Reince Priebus and Paul Ryan are among two of those taped accepting it. The FBI places the entire GOP under a RICO investigation. No FISA warrant is needed for these intercepts as U.S. persons were gathered under “incidental collection”

“Late July”: – James Comey states his counterintelligence campaign into Trump and Russia begins. It is also a criminal inquiry, he says.

Summer: (But on or after late July) The Washington Post exclusively reports that Carter Page is made the subject of a FISA warrant “in the summer”. We cannot say for sure that the warrant was granted in July.

Between late July and October, Carter Page doubtless yielded evidence obtained under FISA that servers from Alfa Bank and SVB Bank are instrumental to the hack on the election. Because no warrant is sought on those banks until mid October.

October 7th: the DNI reports that the Russian state hacked the DNC, and that this was authorized by the highest levels of the Russian government; and that a ‘private Russian company had breached 22 states voter databases.

October 15th: – FISA warrants are granted for “Any US Person” connected to two Russian banks, Alfa and SVB Bank, the latter of which has a deal with Sberbank, suspected of money laundering and financial offenses relating to Trump and Russia

I note with caution, because one author of the Washington Post piece, Ellen Nakashima, has been very wrong before when she uncritically reported as a fact what Mike Pence told her on Mike Flynn – that he was not under FBI investigation – that the Post stated that Page was the only direct FISA named target granted in 2016:

Page is the only American to have had his communications directly targeted with a FISA warrant in 2016 as part of the Russia probe, officials said.

Fun With FISA; The Trump Russia Treason Timeline

Now The Memo has been released, they next need to release what exactly was written in the FISA Warrant applications and again like The Memo completely unedited and names need to begin to be named this was a Conspiracy from the TOP and at the TOP was Obama because he still was the American President and he had to have said okay to all of this, they used the Steele Dossier which was 100% horsecrap and they KNEW it was and they used the contents of that to get the FISA Warrants and that has got to be illegal and if so then heads need to begin to roll because they attempted to pervert American Democracy and interfere in America's democratic election process.

While not all of the Steele Dossier has been proven to be true, some of the information has been found to be true, and none has been found to be false. They’re still checking on the rest.
Timeline Lucy. I've been screaming about this for forever. McCain was brought in only at the last in December to perform a giant dog and pony show. The FBI and the DOJ had long since had the dossier.

Well if that is so why was David Kramer sent to London and met with Christopher Steele if the FBI already had the Steele Dossier? What was the reason why Kramer was in London meeting Steele?

Exactly. I've been asking this question for forever now. The FBI and the DOJ are already using the dossier to get the FISA warrents. The stories from the dossier are already being shopped to how many media outlets? Most aren't buying but it does not mean that the dossier and its contents were being shopped to the media.

Meanwhile all of a sudden out of the blue Simpson from Fusion GPS along with a former Brit ambassador get to McCain as he was attending a conference in Canada get to him with "damaging allegations" about Trump and Russia which propel MR. MAVERICKY into high gear to get a dossier every one already had.

How odd.

How do you know the FBI already had the Steele Dossier, I mean I forget what is the timeline with the beginning when they got the FISA warrants?

Here. They USED the dossier in October. McCain went running in December.


By patribotics Posted on Sep 20, 2017September 20, 2017
Fun With FISA; The Trump Russia Treason Timeline

I hope in this piece to clear up some confusion relating to the specific FISA warrants that covered Mr. Manafort. In order to get to the good stuff first, I am first providing the FISA warrant timeline for Trump Russia, and then offering analysis as to how I draw the conclusions within it.

The Treason Timeline
All links are my own exclusive reporting, which I hope other journalists will ethically acknowledge, as I they confirm my stories, except where noted in the text.

June: FISA warrant sought and denied on Page, Trump, Manafort and Epshteyn

June 9th: Treasonmeeting in Trump Tower. Exclusive by the New York Times. Paul Manafort’s phone hot-miked by GCHQ. Audio and notes of the meeting recovered and given to CIA and NSA. FBI does not listen, no FISA warrant.

June 24th: Scot 24, the Treasonmeeting 2, takes place in Scotland, where Donald Trump finalizes the details of how Cambridge Analytica will launder hacked data from state voter databases and the DNC’s Vertica databases with AI targeting, in order to win the election. It is the day after Brexit, where Russia and Cambridge Analytica had employed similar techniques in Britain

July 6-8: Carter Page takes tape of Trump promising overturning sanctions for help with hacking to Moscow. There is no FISA warrant on Page in July, but multiple foreign intelligence services, including at least the UK, Ukraine and Germany, had hacked and hot-wired Page’s phone.

July 18-22nd: the GOP Convention. Sergei Kislyak is taped offering dirty Russian money to the entire GOP. Reince Priebus and Paul Ryan are among two of those taped accepting it. The FBI places the entire GOP under a RICO investigation. No FISA warrant is needed for these intercepts as U.S. persons were gathered under “incidental collection”

“Late July”: – James Comey states his counterintelligence campaign into Trump and Russia begins. It is also a criminal inquiry, he says.

Summer: (But on or after late July) The Washington Post exclusively reports that Carter Page is made the subject of a FISA warrant “in the summer”. We cannot say for sure that the warrant was granted in July.

Between late July and October, Carter Page doubtless yielded evidence obtained under FISA that servers from Alfa Bank and SVB Bank are instrumental to the hack on the election. Because no warrant is sought on those banks until mid October.

October 7th: the DNI reports that the Russian state hacked the DNC, and that this was authorized by the highest levels of the Russian government; and that a ‘private Russian company had breached 22 states voter databases.

October 15th: – FISA warrants are granted for “Any US Person” connected to two Russian banks, Alfa and SVB Bank, the latter of which has a deal with Sberbank, suspected of money laundering and financial offenses relating to Trump and Russia

I note with caution, because one author of the Washington Post piece, Ellen Nakashima, has been very wrong before when she uncritically reported as a fact what Mike Pence told her on Mike Flynn – that he was not under FBI investigation – that the Post stated that Page was the only direct FISA named target granted in 2016:

Page is the only American to have had his communications directly targeted with a FISA warrant in 2016 as part of the Russia probe, officials said.

Fun With FISA; The Trump Russia Treason Timeline

Now The Memo has been released, they next need to release what exactly was written in the FISA Warrant applications and again like The Memo completely unedited and names need to begin to be named this was a Conspiracy from the TOP and at the TOP was Obama because he still was the American President and he had to have said okay to all of this, they used the Steele Dossier which was 100% horsecrap and they KNEW it was and they used the contents of that to get the FISA Warrants and that has got to be illegal and if so then heads need to begin to roll because they attempted to pervert American Democracy and interfere in America's democratic election process.

watch for this. FISA warrants obtained by lying. FRUIT OF THE POISONOUS TREE in our legal system.

Fruit of the Poisonous Tree
A doctrine that extends the exclusionary rule to make evidence inadmissible in court if it was derived from evidence that was illegally obtained. As the metaphor suggests, if the evidential "tree" is tainted, so is its "fruit." The doctrine was established in 1920 by the decision in Silverthorne Lumber Co. v. United States, and the phrase "fruit of the poisonous tree" was coined by Justice Frankfurter in his 1939 opinion in Nardone v. United States.
McCain was working with The FBI to funnel Russian Propaganda to The Rssian Moles in The FBI.

Of course he would say this because he was Part Of The Plot.

If this guy had any integrity instead of being a lunatic, senile Trump Hater, HE’D BE FUCKING OUTRAGED!

Sen. John McCain On Nunes Memo Release: 'We Are Doing Putin's Job For Him' | HuffPost

McCain seems to feel that Putin is tearing America apart and not the two parties doing to tearing. LMAO!

Also, McCain seems to have already come to the conclusion that Trump is guilty of collusion, so why is an investigation even needed if the evidence is there? Moreover, why is McCain not putting forth an impeachment process of some kind with such evidence or is he making it all up?

There are but two possibilities, Trump is guilty or those who support the witch hunt swearing that is it all true are guilty of collusion with the Russians. Either way, people need to go to jail, Putin be damned.

Surely no one can disagree.
Sen. John McCain On Nunes Memo Release: 'We Are Doing Putin's Job For Him' | HuffPost

McCain seems to feel that Putin is tearing America apart and not the two parties doing to tearing. LMAO!

Also, McCain seems to have already come to the conclusion that Trump is guilty of collusion, so why is an investigation even needed if the evidence is there? Moreover, why is McCain not putting forth an impeachment process of some kind with such evidence or is he making it all up?

There are but two possibilities, Trump is guilty or those who support the witch hunt swearing that is it all true are guilty of collusion with the Russians. Either way, people need to go to jail, Putin be damned.

Surely no one can disagree.
He should be a lot more worried about eternal hell right now.
Sen. John McCain On Nunes Memo Release: 'We Are Doing Putin's Job For Him' | HuffPost

McCain seems to feel that Putin is tearing America apart and not the two parties doing to tearing. LMAO!

Also, McCain seems to have already come to the conclusion that Trump is guilty of collusion, so why is an investigation even needed if the evidence is there? Moreover, why is McCain not putting forth an impeachment process of some kind with such evidence or is he making it all up?

There are but two possibilities, Trump is guilty or those who support the witch hunt swearing that is it all true are guilty of collusion with the Russians. Either way, people need to go to jail, Putin be damned.

Surely no one can disagree.

McCain has become a joke.
This guy is all over the place. He himself said in that the dossier was a disgrace. He said that. And now speaks totally out of the other side of his mouth and throws out some garbage that even Democrats aren't saying.
He is a joke.
Well if that is so why was David Kramer sent to London and met with Christopher Steele if the FBI already had the Steele Dossier? What was the reason why Kramer was in London meeting Steele?

Exactly. I've been asking this question for forever now. The FBI and the DOJ are already using the dossier to get the FISA warrents. The stories from the dossier are already being shopped to how many media outlets? Most aren't buying but it does not mean that the dossier and its contents were being shopped to the media.

Meanwhile all of a sudden out of the blue Simpson from Fusion GPS along with a former Brit ambassador get to McCain as he was attending a conference in Canada get to him with "damaging allegations" about Trump and Russia which propel MR. MAVERICKY into high gear to get a dossier every one already had.

How odd.

How do you know the FBI already had the Steele Dossier, I mean I forget what is the timeline with the beginning when they got the FISA warrants?

Here. They USED the dossier in October. McCain went running in December.


By patribotics Posted on Sep 20, 2017September 20, 2017
Fun With FISA; The Trump Russia Treason Timeline

I hope in this piece to clear up some confusion relating to the specific FISA warrants that covered Mr. Manafort. In order to get to the good stuff first, I am first providing the FISA warrant timeline for Trump Russia, and then offering analysis as to how I draw the conclusions within it.

The Treason Timeline
All links are my own exclusive reporting, which I hope other journalists will ethically acknowledge, as I they confirm my stories, except where noted in the text.

June: FISA warrant sought and denied on Page, Trump, Manafort and Epshteyn

June 9th: Treasonmeeting in Trump Tower. Exclusive by the New York Times. Paul Manafort’s phone hot-miked by GCHQ. Audio and notes of the meeting recovered and given to CIA and NSA. FBI does not listen, no FISA warrant.

June 24th: Scot 24, the Treasonmeeting 2, takes place in Scotland, where Donald Trump finalizes the details of how Cambridge Analytica will launder hacked data from state voter databases and the DNC’s Vertica databases with AI targeting, in order to win the election. It is the day after Brexit, where Russia and Cambridge Analytica had employed similar techniques in Britain

July 6-8: Carter Page takes tape of Trump promising overturning sanctions for help with hacking to Moscow. There is no FISA warrant on Page in July, but multiple foreign intelligence services, including at least the UK, Ukraine and Germany, had hacked and hot-wired Page’s phone.

July 18-22nd: the GOP Convention. Sergei Kislyak is taped offering dirty Russian money to the entire GOP. Reince Priebus and Paul Ryan are among two of those taped accepting it. The FBI places the entire GOP under a RICO investigation. No FISA warrant is needed for these intercepts as U.S. persons were gathered under “incidental collection”

“Late July”: – James Comey states his counterintelligence campaign into Trump and Russia begins. It is also a criminal inquiry, he says.

Summer: (But on or after late July) The Washington Post exclusively reports that Carter Page is made the subject of a FISA warrant “in the summer”. We cannot say for sure that the warrant was granted in July.

Between late July and October, Carter Page doubtless yielded evidence obtained under FISA that servers from Alfa Bank and SVB Bank are instrumental to the hack on the election. Because no warrant is sought on those banks until mid October.

October 7th: the DNI reports that the Russian state hacked the DNC, and that this was authorized by the highest levels of the Russian government; and that a ‘private Russian company had breached 22 states voter databases.

October 15th: – FISA warrants are granted for “Any US Person” connected to two Russian banks, Alfa and SVB Bank, the latter of which has a deal with Sberbank, suspected of money laundering and financial offenses relating to Trump and Russia

I note with caution, because one author of the Washington Post piece, Ellen Nakashima, has been very wrong before when she uncritically reported as a fact what Mike Pence told her on Mike Flynn – that he was not under FBI investigation – that the Post stated that Page was the only direct FISA named target granted in 2016:

Page is the only American to have had his communications directly targeted with a FISA warrant in 2016 as part of the Russia probe, officials said.

Fun With FISA; The Trump Russia Treason Timeline

Now The Memo has been released, they next need to release what exactly was written in the FISA Warrant applications and again like The Memo completely unedited and names need to begin to be named this was a Conspiracy from the TOP and at the TOP was Obama because he still was the American President and he had to have said okay to all of this, they used the Steele Dossier which was 100% horsecrap and they KNEW it was and they used the contents of that to get the FISA Warrants and that has got to be illegal and if so then heads need to begin to roll because they attempted to pervert American Democracy and interfere in America's democratic election process.

While not all of the Steele Dossier has been proven to be true, some of the information has been found to be true, and none has been found to be false. They’re still checking on the rest.

I've been on this dossier right from the get go. Why don't you tell me the parts that have been proven? Go for it.

None has been found false? :lmao:

Michael Cohen in Prague baby is a complete and utter fairy tale. That bullshit was completely busted wide open by a writer for the Atlantic who checked his alibi, his fucking passport and Jake Tapper even proved that STEELE HAD THE WRONG MICHAEL COHEN IN PRAGUE.

Stop the lying bullshit on this.
Talk about the Swamp..........McCain is it.

IMHO The Donald needs to make Rod "Rodent Face" Rosenstein an offer he cannot refuse :eusa_whistle: and then whoever replaces him needs to appoint a Special Prosecutor who has NO connection to the Clintons OR Obama OR James Comey who can be trusted to be 100% Independent and he or she should investigate what is in The Memo and what is in the FISA application warrants and ALL those named from Hillary, Obama, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, John McCain, David Kramer etc all need investigating and they all should be told they do not have Immunity From Prosecution no matter who they are that if Conspiracy to Pervert the Democratic Process is found then they will be prosecuted also that if No Conspiracy to Pervert the Democratic Process is not found then they are okay.

I add this Jeff Sessions person he seems TOTALLY useless on ALL levels, this suggests he is compromised probably they have blackmail material on him or something like that, thats the usual way, look how the Democrats ALL freaked out when it was rumoured that The Donald might fire and/or move to another department Jeff Sessions, his BIGGEST fan club was from The Senate and House of Representatives Democrats they are desperate for some reason for Sessions to stay bizarro considering they ALL consider him a KKK Supporting Racist Bigot White Supremacist do you not think? They hate Sessions, but they want him to stay because it's obvious he's compromised and because he is compromised that is why he has NO testicles and is useless on ALL levels, the man is not doing the job he is appointed to do because his hands are roped behind his back.
Talk about the Swamp..........McCain is it.

IMHO The Donald needs to make Rod "Rodent Face" Rosenstein an offer he cannot refuse :eusa_whistle: and then whoever replaces him needs to appoint a Special Prosecutor who has NO connection to the Clintons OR Obama OR James Comey who can be trusted to be 100% Independent and he or she should investigate what is in The Memo and what is in the FISA application warrants and ALL those named from Hillary, Obama, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, John McCain, David Kramer etc all need investigating and they all should be told they do not have Immunity From Prosecution no matter who they are that if Conspiracy to Pervert the Democratic Process is found then they will be prosecuted also that if No Conspiracy to Pervert the Democratic Process is not found then they are okay.

I add this Jeff Sessions person he seems TOTALLY useless on ALL levels, this suggests he is compromised probably they have blackmail material on him or something like that, thats the usual way, look how the Democrats ALL freaked out when it was rumoured that The Donald might fire and/or move to another department Jeff Sessions, his BIGGEST fan club was from The Senate and House of Representatives Democrats they are desperate for some reason for Sessions to stay bizarro considering they ALL consider him a KKK Supporting Racist Bigot White Supremacist do you not think? They hate Sessions, but they want him to stay because it's obvious he's compromised and because he is compromised that is why he has NO testicles and is useless on ALL levels, the man is not doing the job he is appointed to do because his hands are roped behind his back.

And if they do that..which I agree with...I will be stunned.
Talk about the Swamp..........McCain is it.

IMHO The Donald needs to make Rod "Rodent Face" Rosenstein an offer he cannot refuse :eusa_whistle: and then whoever replaces him needs to appoint a Special Prosecutor who has NO connection to the Clintons OR Obama OR James Comey who can be trusted to be 100% Independent and he or she should investigate what is in The Memo and what is in the FISA application warrants and ALL those named from Hillary, Obama, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, John McCain, David Kramer etc all need investigating and they all should be told they do not have Immunity From Prosecution no matter who they are that if Conspiracy to Pervert the Democratic Process is found then they will be prosecuted also that if No Conspiracy to Pervert the Democratic Process is not found then they are okay.

I add this Jeff Sessions person he seems TOTALLY useless on ALL levels, this suggests he is compromised probably they have blackmail material on him or something like that, thats the usual way, look how the Democrats ALL freaked out when it was rumoured that The Donald might fire and/or move to another department Jeff Sessions, his BIGGEST fan club was from The Senate and House of Representatives Democrats they are desperate for some reason for Sessions to stay bizarro considering they ALL consider him a KKK Supporting Racist Bigot White Supremacist do you not think? They hate Sessions, but they want him to stay because it's obvious he's compromised and because he is compromised that is why he has NO testicles and is useless on ALL levels, the man is not doing the job he is appointed to do because his hands are roped behind his back.

Lucy with all due respect I have to disagree a smidge on Sessions. He is an honorable man. You see that was my greatest fear.

We have an honorable and fair AG in Sessions (he really looks like the Keebler elf so its hard to hate him) but Sessions in a time of political war like we are in is like nominating Mr. Rogers to be our Consigliere (Italian consigliere "counselor", pronounced [konsiʎˈʎɛːre], roughly kohn-see-YEHR-eh; plural consiglieri)

Yikes! We need Guilliani or a Christie.
Talk about the Swamp..........McCain is it.

IMHO The Donald needs to make Rod "Rodent Face" Rosenstein an offer he cannot refuse :eusa_whistle: and then whoever replaces him needs to appoint a Special Prosecutor who has NO connection to the Clintons OR Obama OR James Comey who can be trusted to be 100% Independent and he or she should investigate what is in The Memo and what is in the FISA application warrants and ALL those named from Hillary, Obama, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, John McCain, David Kramer etc all need investigating and they all should be told they do not have Immunity From Prosecution no matter who they are that if Conspiracy to Pervert the Democratic Process is found then they will be prosecuted also that if No Conspiracy to Pervert the Democratic Process is not found then they are okay.

I add this Jeff Sessions person he seems TOTALLY useless on ALL levels, this suggests he is compromised probably they have blackmail material on him or something like that, thats the usual way, look how the Democrats ALL freaked out when it was rumoured that The Donald might fire and/or move to another department Jeff Sessions, his BIGGEST fan club was from The Senate and House of Representatives Democrats they are desperate for some reason for Sessions to stay bizarro considering they ALL consider him a KKK Supporting Racist Bigot White Supremacist do you not think? They hate Sessions, but they want him to stay because it's obvious he's compromised and because he is compromised that is why he has NO testicles and is useless on ALL levels, the man is not doing the job he is appointed to do because his hands are roped behind his back.

And if they do that..which I agree with...I will be stunned.

IMHO this is very serious stuff, this was designed to directly pervert your American Democracy and if they would have succeeded you would just have become a Banana Republic no different than some crazy African Banana Republic or some crazy Central American Banana Republic albeit more sophisticated but ONLY on surface level but a Banana Republic is still a Banana Republic.

This is very serious stuff and it should be investigated and regardless of political persuasion I think all you American citizens should be concerned, your very Republic and your democratic election process was happily going to be pissed on and trashed and burned and that should concern ALL those who value Democracy and free and fair elections.
Sen. John McCain On Nunes Memo Release: 'We Are Doing Putin's Job For Him' | HuffPost

McCain seems to feel that Putin is tearing America apart and not the two parties doing to tearing. LMAO!

Also, McCain seems to have already come to the conclusion that Trump is guilty of collusion, so why is an investigation even needed if the evidence is there? Moreover, why is McCain not putting forth an impeachment process of some kind with such evidence or is he making it all up?

There are but two possibilities, Trump is guilty or those who support the witch hunt swearing that is it all true are guilty of collusion with the Russians. Either way, people need to go to jail, Putin be damned.

Surely no one can disagree.

Huh? What are you saying?
Talk about the Swamp..........McCain is it.

IMHO The Donald needs to make Rod "Rodent Face" Rosenstein an offer he cannot refuse :eusa_whistle: and then whoever replaces him needs to appoint a Special Prosecutor who has NO connection to the Clintons OR Obama OR James Comey who can be trusted to be 100% Independent and he or she should investigate what is in The Memo and what is in the FISA application warrants and ALL those named from Hillary, Obama, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, John McCain, David Kramer etc all need investigating and they all should be told they do not have Immunity From Prosecution no matter who they are that if Conspiracy to Pervert the Democratic Process is found then they will be prosecuted also that if No Conspiracy to Pervert the Democratic Process is not found then they are okay.

I add this Jeff Sessions person he seems TOTALLY useless on ALL levels, this suggests he is compromised probably they have blackmail material on him or something like that, thats the usual way, look how the Democrats ALL freaked out when it was rumoured that The Donald might fire and/or move to another department Jeff Sessions, his BIGGEST fan club was from The Senate and House of Representatives Democrats they are desperate for some reason for Sessions to stay bizarro considering they ALL consider him a KKK Supporting Racist Bigot White Supremacist do you not think? They hate Sessions, but they want him to stay because it's obvious he's compromised and because he is compromised that is why he has NO testicles and is useless on ALL levels, the man is not doing the job he is appointed to do because his hands are roped behind his back.

Lucy with all due respect I have to disagree a smidge on Sessions. He is an honorable man. You see that was my greatest fear.

We have an honorable and fair AG in Sessions (he really looks like the Keebler elf so its hard to hate him) but Sessions in a time of political war like we are in is like nominating Mr. Rogers to be our Consigliere (Italian consigliere "counselor", pronounced [konsiʎˈʎɛːre], roughly kohn-see-YEHR-eh; plural consiglieri)

Yikes! We need Guilliani or a Christie.

So why isn't Jeff Sessions doing anything, he has done NOTHING about ANYTHING, so what's his problem?
Treason Traditionally involves one of three sentences:

Death by Hanging
Death by Firing Squad
Death by Drawing and Quartering

I want Fucking Prosecutions and Serious Sentences!

And so I have no objections to The Death Penalty for Treason!

I do not want death penalty, but some jail time sounds good.

"Death by Drawing and Quartering"

This one I vote for but it is Death by Hanging, Drawing and Quartering well the British used to Semi Hang them first, they Drew them, then Semi Hanged them then when still alive they disembowelled them and Quartered them and also I vote for it to be Live on Worldwide Television so we can all watch :smoke:

Hanged, drawn and quartered - Wikipedia
Well if that is so why was David Kramer sent to London and met with Christopher Steele if the FBI already had the Steele Dossier? What was the reason why Kramer was in London meeting Steele?

Exactly. I've been asking this question for forever now. The FBI and the DOJ are already using the dossier to get the FISA warrents. The stories from the dossier are already being shopped to how many media outlets? Most aren't buying but it does not mean that the dossier and its contents were being shopped to the media.

Meanwhile all of a sudden out of the blue Simpson from Fusion GPS along with a former Brit ambassador get to McCain as he was attending a conference in Canada get to him with "damaging allegations" about Trump and Russia which propel MR. MAVERICKY into high gear to get a dossier every one already had.

How odd.

How do you know the FBI already had the Steele Dossier, I mean I forget what is the timeline with the beginning when they got the FISA warrants?

Here. They USED the dossier in October. McCain went running in December.


By patribotics Posted on Sep 20, 2017September 20, 2017
Fun With FISA; The Trump Russia Treason Timeline

I hope in this piece to clear up some confusion relating to the specific FISA warrants that covered Mr. Manafort. In order to get to the good stuff first, I am first providing the FISA warrant timeline for Trump Russia, and then offering analysis as to how I draw the conclusions within it.

The Treason Timeline
All links are my own exclusive reporting, which I hope other journalists will ethically acknowledge, as I they confirm my stories, except where noted in the text.

June: FISA warrant sought and denied on Page, Trump, Manafort and Epshteyn

June 9th: Treasonmeeting in Trump Tower. Exclusive by the New York Times. Paul Manafort’s phone hot-miked by GCHQ. Audio and notes of the meeting recovered and given to CIA and NSA. FBI does not listen, no FISA warrant.

June 24th: Scot 24, the Treasonmeeting 2, takes place in Scotland, where Donald Trump finalizes the details of how Cambridge Analytica will launder hacked data from state voter databases and the DNC’s Vertica databases with AI targeting, in order to win the election. It is the day after Brexit, where Russia and Cambridge Analytica had employed similar techniques in Britain

July 6-8: Carter Page takes tape of Trump promising overturning sanctions for help with hacking to Moscow. There is no FISA warrant on Page in July, but multiple foreign intelligence services, including at least the UK, Ukraine and Germany, had hacked and hot-wired Page’s phone.

July 18-22nd: the GOP Convention. Sergei Kislyak is taped offering dirty Russian money to the entire GOP. Reince Priebus and Paul Ryan are among two of those taped accepting it. The FBI places the entire GOP under a RICO investigation. No FISA warrant is needed for these intercepts as U.S. persons were gathered under “incidental collection”

“Late July”: – James Comey states his counterintelligence campaign into Trump and Russia begins. It is also a criminal inquiry, he says.

Summer: (But on or after late July) The Washington Post exclusively reports that Carter Page is made the subject of a FISA warrant “in the summer”. We cannot say for sure that the warrant was granted in July.

Between late July and October, Carter Page doubtless yielded evidence obtained under FISA that servers from Alfa Bank and SVB Bank are instrumental to the hack on the election. Because no warrant is sought on those banks until mid October.

October 7th: the DNI reports that the Russian state hacked the DNC, and that this was authorized by the highest levels of the Russian government; and that a ‘private Russian company had breached 22 states voter databases.

October 15th: – FISA warrants are granted for “Any US Person” connected to two Russian banks, Alfa and SVB Bank, the latter of which has a deal with Sberbank, suspected of money laundering and financial offenses relating to Trump and Russia

I note with caution, because one author of the Washington Post piece, Ellen Nakashima, has been very wrong before when she uncritically reported as a fact what Mike Pence told her on Mike Flynn – that he was not under FBI investigation – that the Post stated that Page was the only direct FISA named target granted in 2016:

Page is the only American to have had his communications directly targeted with a FISA warrant in 2016 as part of the Russia probe, officials said.

Fun With FISA; The Trump Russia Treason Timeline

Now The Memo has been released, they next need to release what exactly was written in the FISA Warrant applications and again like The Memo completely unedited and names need to begin to be named this was a Conspiracy from the TOP and at the TOP was Obama because he still was the American President and he had to have said okay to all of this, they used the Steele Dossier which was 100% horsecrap and they KNEW it was and they used the contents of that to get the FISA Warrants and that has got to be illegal and if so then heads need to begin to roll because they attempted to pervert American Democracy and interfere in America's democratic election process.

While not all of the Steele Dossier has been proven to be true, some of the information has been found to be true, and none has been found to be false. They’re still checking on the rest.
you go with that. heaven help that I tell you differently. we know what we know. you live with your head in the sand. you're allowed.
Talk about the Swamp..........McCain is it.

IMHO The Donald needs to make Rod "Rodent Face" Rosenstein an offer he cannot refuse :eusa_whistle: and then whoever replaces him needs to appoint a Special Prosecutor who has NO connection to the Clintons OR Obama OR James Comey who can be trusted to be 100% Independent and he or she should investigate what is in The Memo and what is in the FISA application warrants and ALL those named from Hillary, Obama, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, John McCain, David Kramer etc all need investigating and they all should be told they do not have Immunity From Prosecution no matter who they are that if Conspiracy to Pervert the Democratic Process is found then they will be prosecuted also that if No Conspiracy to Pervert the Democratic Process is not found then they are okay.

I add this Jeff Sessions person he seems TOTALLY useless on ALL levels, this suggests he is compromised probably they have blackmail material on him or something like that, thats the usual way, look how the Democrats ALL freaked out when it was rumoured that The Donald might fire and/or move to another department Jeff Sessions, his BIGGEST fan club was from The Senate and House of Representatives Democrats they are desperate for some reason for Sessions to stay bizarro considering they ALL consider him a KKK Supporting Racist Bigot White Supremacist do you not think? They hate Sessions, but they want him to stay because it's obvious he's compromised and because he is compromised that is why he has NO testicles and is useless on ALL levels, the man is not doing the job he is appointed to do because his hands are roped behind his back.

Lucy with all due respect I have to disagree a smidge on Sessions. He is an honorable man. You see that was my greatest fear.

We have an honorable and fair AG in Sessions (he really looks like the Keebler elf so its hard to hate him) but Sessions in a time of political war like we are in is like nominating Mr. Rogers to be our Consigliere (Italian consigliere "counselor", pronounced [konsiʎˈʎɛːre], roughly kohn-see-YEHR-eh; plural consiglieri)

Yikes! We need Guilliani or a Christie.
We have to discuss one common known fact. No one is clean. Everyone has a skeleton in a closet. I have 10 closets full of them.

Now let us discuss the best weapon used in politics. Blackmail.

It may shock you to know how that is used. Now imagine what sort of skeletons politicians have that have been in office for 20 years like Sessions.

Trying to drain the swamp in Washington may be as futile as sweeping sand off of the beach.
Talk about the Swamp..........McCain is it.

IMHO The Donald needs to make Rod "Rodent Face" Rosenstein an offer he cannot refuse :eusa_whistle: and then whoever replaces him needs to appoint a Special Prosecutor who has NO connection to the Clintons OR Obama OR James Comey who can be trusted to be 100% Independent and he or she should investigate what is in The Memo and what is in the FISA application warrants and ALL those named from Hillary, Obama, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, John McCain, David Kramer etc all need investigating and they all should be told they do not have Immunity From Prosecution no matter who they are that if Conspiracy to Pervert the Democratic Process is found then they will be prosecuted also that if No Conspiracy to Pervert the Democratic Process is not found then they are okay.

I add this Jeff Sessions person he seems TOTALLY useless on ALL levels, this suggests he is compromised probably they have blackmail material on him or something like that, thats the usual way, look how the Democrats ALL freaked out when it was rumoured that The Donald might fire and/or move to another department Jeff Sessions, his BIGGEST fan club was from The Senate and House of Representatives Democrats they are desperate for some reason for Sessions to stay bizarro considering they ALL consider him a KKK Supporting Racist Bigot White Supremacist do you not think? They hate Sessions, but they want him to stay because it's obvious he's compromised and because he is compromised that is why he has NO testicles and is useless on ALL levels, the man is not doing the job he is appointed to do because his hands are roped behind his back.

Lucy with all due respect I have to disagree a smidge on Sessions. He is an honorable man. You see that was my greatest fear.

We have an honorable and fair AG in Sessions (he really looks like the Keebler elf so its hard to hate him) but Sessions in a time of political war like we are in is like nominating Mr. Rogers to be our Consigliere (Italian consigliere "counselor", pronounced [konsiʎˈʎɛːre], roughly kohn-see-YEHR-eh; plural consiglieri)

Yikes! We need Guilliani or a Christie.

So why isn't Jeff Sessions doing anything, he has done NOTHING about ANYTHING, so what's his problem?

I have wondered that myself. I have followed him a long time, and he was never this way before.

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