McCain: Opponents lying about Iraq history Maliki wanted 20,000 troops

To you, probably never.

LOL, it only matters to you on certain occasions.

The majority STILL don't want the ACA.....but you don't care about that.

You are dismissed sally.

Okay, cite the occasions when I supported keeping troops in a foreign country when the American people by an overwhelmingly majority wanted them out.

Or shut up, Rootread.

so you admit you're a hypocrite. if the majority of americans don't want something you want, screw the american people.

McCain had a unique POW experience. Initially, he was taken to the infamous Hanoi Hilton prison camp, where he was interrogated. By McCain’s own account, after three or four days, he cracked. He promised his Vietnamese captors, "I’ll give you military information if you will take me to the hospital."

His Vietnamese capturers soon realized their POW, John Sidney McCain III, came from a well-bred line of American military elites. McCain’s father, John Jr., and grandfather, John Sr., were both full Admirals. A destroyer, the USS John S. McCain, is named after both of them.

While his son was held captive in Hanoi, John McCain Jr., from 1968 to 1972, was the Commander-in-Chief of U.S. Pacific Command; Admiral McCain was in charge of all US forces in the Pacific including those fighting in Vietnam.

One can only wonder when the concierge at the Hanoi Hilton started taking calls from Admiral McCain. Rather quickly, one surmises, for the Vietnamese soon took John Boy McCain to a hospital reserved for Vietnamese officers. Unlike his fellow POWs, he received care from a Soviet doctor.

“This poor stooge has propaganda value,” the Vietnamese realized. The Admiral’s bad boy was used to special treatment and his captors knew that. They were working him.

For his part, McCain acknowledges that the Vietnamese rushed him to a hospital, but denies he was given any "special medical treatment."

However….two weeks into his stay at the Vietnamese hospital, the Hanoi press began quoting him. It was not “name rank and serial number, or kill me,” as specified by the military code of conduct. McCain divulged specific military information: he gave the name of the aircraft carrier on which he was based, the number of US pilots that had been lost, the number of aircraft in his flight formation, as well as information about the location of rescue ships. (5)

MORE: McNasty » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

It gets even better...

Don't troll Lakhota. We are not discussing McCain and I don't want the thread derailed.

You can check out the sources that back up that McCain has been more than willing to help out Team Obama to the point that he is hated by many conservatives.

But here you are in your smarmy way even disparaging the man's POW years.

All in all you are a pathetic piece of shit as always.
NEVER, and I mean NEVER happened. McCain refused.

HISTORY (and even Revision of it), is NOT your friend.

STFU LaDorka.:eusa_hand:

McCain was tortured, he talked some. Mocking his service is a sad comment on society today. Another man I knew suffered the same fate, later became the first post war ambassador to Vietnam, Pete Peterson. Both fine & honorable Americans, always.
Honesty. Thank YOU.

My father "didn't see much action" in Vietnam, compared to WWII & Korea, but he saw enough to convince him the Vietcong were blood thirsty monsters. I was a kid, it stopped my anti-war babble, and I learned enough later to know he was correct. The Killing Fields isn't a work of fiction.
McCain is not a fine and honorable American. Not any more.

When are you guys going to begin rooting for our team? guys are sad.

The fact I disagree with his politics now does not alter his service to this nation(.) I am not going to toe any "team" line, ever.
if we left 20,000 troops there, i highly doubt this would be happening in iraq right. in fact, i am positive.

You & McCain are idiots. 20,000 Iraqi military melted away as 800 rebels approached Iraq cities. Their people & military do not support their leader. This is a political problem, not a military one.

If we only left 3,000 US troops, they would easily destroy 800 rebels. Plus we could surge forces in & out of Iraq as needed. The Iraq government did not want US there & we left. The amount of US troops had no real bearing on security. The only choice is were in or out.

Iraq's government is crap & the people & military refuse to support or defend it. So now the people are going to rid themselves of that government & form a new one.

It's a political one? Are you fucking kidding me? Check out the terrorist army ISIS beheading their way to Baghdad.

They aren't insurgents. They aren't pissed off disenfranchised Sunnis. They are an offshoot of AQ for heavens sake.

But they make AQ look like Martha Stewarts baking brownies. Hell's bells they just offed 1700 in one fell swoop in one town.

Get a freaking grip. ISIS is a terrorist ARMY.
if we left 20,000 troops there, i highly doubt this would be happening in iraq right. in fact, i am positive.

You & McCain are idiots. 20,000 Iraqi military melted away as 800 rebels approached Iraq cities. Their people & military do not support their leader. This is a political problem, not a military one.

If we only left 3,000 US troops, they would easily destroy 800 rebels. Plus we could surge forces in & out of Iraq as needed. The Iraq government did not want US there & we left. The amount of US troops had no real bearing on security. The only choice is were in or out.

Iraq's government is crap & the people & military refuse to support or defend it. So now the people are going to rid themselves of that government & form a new one.

It's a political one? Are you fucking kidding me? Check out the terrorist army ISIS beheading their way to Baghdad.

They aren't insurgents. They aren't pissed off disenfranchised Sunnis. They are an offshoot of AQ for heavens sake.

But they make AQ look like Martha Stewarts baking brownies. Hell's bells they just offed 1700 in one fell swoop in one town.

Get a freaking grip. ISIS is a terrorist ARMY.

Indeed, as IF AQ wasn't bad enough? ISIS was REJECTED by AQ for being too radical. Holy CRAP!
McCain is not a fine and honorable American. Not any more.

When are you guys going to begin rooting for our team? guys are sad.

The fact I disagree with his politics now does not alter his service to this nation(.) I am not going to toe any "team" line, ever.

Good for you.

I applaud your honesty.:eusa_clap:
Well, well, well. Seek and ye shall find liberal bullshit. It turns out they wanted a continued US presence in Iraq.

Here's the deal from the man who was directly involved in the talks. McCain minces no words.

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said opponents are lying when they say the Iraqi government did not want a continued troop presence in the country when U.S. combat missions ended in 2011.

The Arizona senator has blamed the current militant Sunni uprising in Iraq on the failure of the United States to secure a status of forces agreement in 2011. He said some Democrats are trying to explain that away by inaccurately claiming the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki did not want troops to remain.

"Opponents and those who want to justify this colossal failure that has caused the greatest threat to United States's national security since the end of the Cold War, they're trying to justify it by saying that Maliki didn't want American troops there," he told PBS on Wednesday night.

And here is the key to how the negotiations fell apart. And the problem wasn't the Iraqis.

McCain and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) were in direct talks with the Iraqi government at the time, McCain said, and Iraq was ready for a deal before the number of troops the United States proposed leaving fell sharply.

"What Senator Kaine is saying is just totally false," McCain said. "In fact, it's a lie, because Lindsey Graham and I were there."

"The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff himself said that the number of troops that we were proposing cascaded down to 3,000, when it had been recommended to be 20,000," McCain added.

He said Iraq, at that point, determined an agreement “wasn't worth the problem.”

That senile old traitor sure tries to put icing on the lie cake doesn't he?

Look. McCain is a hawk. Always has been. Always will be. What he conveniently forgot is that, even according to right wing source, and whatever he says is based upon wishful thinking. Neither al Maliki, and more importantly - his legislature - wanted the US to stay.

Nevertheless, the McCain-Graham statement is an example of a claim that is lacking important context. Although key elements of the Iraqi political system were supportive of a SOFA, the statement ignores that there was not enough support for approval in the Iraqi parliament.

As far as al Maliki? He couldn't wait to get rid of us.

Iraq's prime minister said Saturday that U.S. troops are leaving Iraq after nearly nine years of war because Baghdad rejected American demands that any U.S. military forces to stay would have to be shielded from prosecution or lawsuits.

The comments by Nouri al-Maliki, a Shiite, made clear that it was Iraq who refused to let the U.S. military remain under the Americans' terms. has already been pointed out...Obama wanted to keep troops in Iraq because he knew what would happen today as a result of al Maliki's refusal to accept others into the government.

But continued violence across Iraq, coupled with growing influence by the Shiite power Iran over the government in Baghdad, prompted the Obama administration earlier this year to push to keep thousands of U.S. troops here for years to come. The two nations negotiated for months over whether U.S. forces should stay — a politically delicate issue for Obama and al-Maliki, both of whom faced widespread opposition from their respective publics to continue a war that was never popular in either nation.
McCain is not a fine and honorable American. Not any more.

When are you guys going to begin rooting for our team? guys are sad.

The fact I disagree with his politics now does not alter his service to this nation(.) I am not going to toe any "team" line, ever.

The team I speak of is America. You rooting for our team? I think you are.

I couldn't give a shit about McCains politics. He is a liar and he is dissing his teammates on a daily basis. He is a disgrace.
Well, well, well. Seek and ye shall find liberal bullshit. It turns out they wanted a continued US presence in Iraq.

Here's the deal from the man who was directly involved in the talks. McCain minces no words.

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said opponents are lying when they say the Iraqi government did not want a continued troop presence in the country when U.S. combat missions ended in 2011.

The Arizona senator has blamed the current militant Sunni uprising in Iraq on the failure of the United States to secure a status of forces agreement in 2011. He said some Democrats are trying to explain that away by inaccurately claiming the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki did not want troops to remain.

"Opponents and those who want to justify this colossal failure that has caused the greatest threat to United States's national security since the end of the Cold War, they're trying to justify it by saying that Maliki didn't want American troops there," he told PBS on Wednesday night.

And here is the key to how the negotiations fell apart. And the problem wasn't the Iraqis.

McCain and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) were in direct talks with the Iraqi government at the time, McCain said, and Iraq was ready for a deal before the number of troops the United States proposed leaving fell sharply.

"What Senator Kaine is saying is just totally false," McCain said. "In fact, it's a lie, because Lindsey Graham and I were there."

"The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff himself said that the number of troops that we were proposing cascaded down to 3,000, when it had been recommended to be 20,000," McCain added.

He said Iraq, at that point, determined an agreement “wasn't worth the problem.”

That senile old traitor sure tries to put icing on the lie cake doesn't he?

Look. McCain is a hawk. Always has been. Always will be. What he conveniently forgot is that, even according to right wing source, and whatever he says is based upon wishful thinking. Neither al Maliki, and more importantly - his legislature - wanted the US to stay.

Nevertheless, the McCain-Graham statement is an example of a claim that is lacking important context. Although key elements of the Iraqi political system were supportive of a SOFA, the statement ignores that there was not enough support for approval in the Iraqi parliament.

As far as al Maliki? He couldn't wait to get rid of us.

Iraq's prime minister said Saturday that U.S. troops are leaving Iraq after nearly nine years of war because Baghdad rejected American demands that any U.S. military forces to stay would have to be shielded from prosecution or lawsuits.

The comments by Nouri al-Maliki, a Shiite, made clear that it was Iraq who refused to let the U.S. military remain under the Americans' terms. has already been pointed out...Obama wanted to keep troops in Iraq because he knew what would happen today as a result of al Maliki's refusal to accept others into the government.

But continued violence across Iraq, coupled with growing influence by the Shiite power Iran over the government in Baghdad, prompted the Obama administration earlier this year to push to keep thousands of U.S. troops here for years to come. The two nations negotiated for months over whether U.S. forces should stay — a politically delicate issue for Obama and al-Maliki, both of whom faced widespread opposition from their respective publics to continue a war that was never popular in either nation.

You mean being INCLUSIVE Fag boy? Statist/Liberal rhetoric and a fucking EXCUSE.

STOW IT Pole smoker.:eusa_hand:
Well, well, well. Seek and ye shall find liberal bullshit. It turns out they wanted a continued US presence in Iraq.

Here's the deal from the man who was directly involved in the talks. McCain minces no words.

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said opponents are lying when they say the Iraqi government did not want a continued troop presence in the country when U.S. combat missions ended in 2011.

The Arizona senator has blamed the current militant Sunni uprising in Iraq on the failure of the United States to secure a status of forces agreement in 2011. He said some Democrats are trying to explain that away by inaccurately claiming the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki did not want troops to remain.

"Opponents and those who want to justify this colossal failure that has caused the greatest threat to United States's national security since the end of the Cold War, they're trying to justify it by saying that Maliki didn't want American troops there," he told PBS on Wednesday night.

And here is the key to how the negotiations fell apart. And the problem wasn't the Iraqis.

McCain and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) were in direct talks with the Iraqi government at the time, McCain said, and Iraq was ready for a deal before the number of troops the United States proposed leaving fell sharply.

"What Senator Kaine is saying is just totally false," McCain said. "In fact, it's a lie, because Lindsey Graham and I were there."

"The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff himself said that the number of troops that we were proposing cascaded down to 3,000, when it had been recommended to be 20,000," McCain added.

He said Iraq, at that point, determined an agreement “wasn't worth the problem.”
McCain suffers from the vapors anytime US servicemen go a day without being engaged in combat somewhere.
Here's the key. Maliki wanted troops to remain. He wanted training to continue. There was a hiccup over immunity but they wanted to continue talks.

Bottom line Obama bailed on negotiations. And bailed on Iraq.

Iraqi leaders announced in August that they were opening talks with the US on maintaining some sort of training presence in the country past this year.

But there has been little traction since then as the US military continues to draw down its forces.

Obama set a deadline, Maliki played chicken, and got run over.

Just right. And, no, SOFA are not hiccup.
Here's the key. Maliki wanted troops to remain. He wanted training to continue. There was a hiccup over immunity but they wanted to continue talks.

Bottom line Obama bailed on negotiations. And bailed on Iraq.

Iraqi leaders announced in August that they were opening talks with the US on maintaining some sort of training presence in the country past this year.

But there has been little traction since then as the US military continues to draw down its forces.

Obama set a deadline, Maliki played chicken, and got run over.

Just right. And, no, SOFA are not hiccup.
NO...Obama wanted inclusiveness...a LIBERAL that YOU defend, or didn't Joey Biden's statement hit home for you where HE wanted to separate Iraq into three parts?

One thing I'll say for McCain. He is an honest man. I get really angry with him so many times because he is in my mind over willing to play hands across the aisle.

But he doesn't do it in back rooms. He's upfront and in your face. I can still admire that quality even though vehemently disagreeing with him on so many positions.

Case in point. The Egypt trip to save Morsi and the MB. I was spitting bullets over that. But he took the responsibility to help out Obama at his request.

My hair was on fire, but I could still respect him for his decision and commitment.

i wish you were on fire....No McCain is not an honest man. maybe he was before 2000 but his run against Bush changed him.
Here's the key. Maliki wanted troops to remain. He wanted training to continue. There was a hiccup over immunity but they wanted to continue talks.

Bottom line Obama bailed on negotiations. And bailed on Iraq.

Iraqi leaders announced in August that they were opening talks with the US on maintaining some sort of training presence in the country past this year.

But there has been little traction since then as the US military continues to draw down its forces.

Obama set a deadline, Maliki played chicken, and got run over.

Just right. And, no, SOFA are not hiccup.

and guess where that has obama now....

no surprise you ONCE AGAIN defend obama mr. republican


still waiting for that cite in the announcement section liar....
McCain was tortured, he talked some. Mocking his service is a sad comment on society today. Another man I knew suffered the same fate, later became the first post war ambassador to Vietnam, Pete Peterson. Both fine & honorable Americans, always.
Honesty. Thank YOU.

My father "didn't see much action" in Vietnam, compared to WWII & Korea, but he saw enough to convince him the Vietcong were blood thirsty monsters. I was a kid, it stopped my anti-war babble, and I learned enough later to know he was correct. The Killing Fields isn't a work of fiction.

But the Killing Fields wasn't the Vietcong, it was the Khmer Rouge. The Vietnamese actually ended the Killing Fields by invading Cambodia and toppling Pol Pot.
I am guessing that you do not care that those posing the threat now are those that our Boi King armed a very short time ago?

What little arming was done was criticized by McCain as insufficient.

That might work for you in your bubble but not here.

The President armed those that we are about to fight.

Let that sink I in no way EVER expect one of you to ever criticize the asshole in the Oval Office.....but with every passing day he makes you more stupid than the day before.

I'm on record opposing the surge in Afghanistan, opposing military action in Libya, opposing military action in Syria, and opposing going back into Iraq.

All of which are actions by Obama. Happy now, Rootard?
So Republicans wanted an indefinite occupation of a country that you lied to invade?

It's a good thing that none of your family or friends were being dismembered over there, right?

First only the most partisan idiots buy into the lied to line anymore seriously you need a new talking point on that front second if you have a status of forces agreement your not occupying the country your there with that governments permission.
Just so everyone knows who we are dealing with in Iraq and Syria....

'This is our football, it's made of skin #World Cup': After posting sickening beheading video of Iraqi policeman, ISIS boast of slaughtering 1,700 soldiers


Image of officer's decapitated head tweeted with sickening message: 'This is our ball. It's made of skin #WorldCup'

Battle lines drawn as Iraqi forces gather at base just 20 miles outside Baghdad after militants seize two more towns

President Obama rules out sending troops back to Iraq but promises to review military options including air strikes

Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki claims security forces have now started to clear several cities of 'the terrorists'

More than 20 UK nationals thought to be trapped in territories where Islamists are carrying out summary executions

Al Qaeda-inspired militants stage jubilant parade of American Humvee patrol cars seized from collapsing Iraqi army

Masked fighters wave the black flag of the Islamic State and flash the 'V' sign while shouting 'towards Baghdad!'

Insurgents have also captured two helicopters, 15 tanks and armoured cars that used to belong to U.S. military

Iraq's refugee population has increased by almost 800,000 this year as the government struggles against rebels

ISIS boast of slaughtering 1,700 soldiers after posting beheading video of Iraqi policeman | Mail Online
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