McCain's "War Hero" Status in Extreme Doubt. Trump Was Right ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
The August 10, 2015 issue of Globe magazine has a stunning headline on its front page.
It reads >> "TRUMP IS RIGHT! McCAIN IS NOT A WAR HERO" Experts who have reviewed McCain's military record, have been saying the same thing for years. Some even accuse him of being a stool pigeon and blabbing military secrets to the North Vietnamese.

And it looks like the Globe has some strong sources to back up their claim.

1. Colonel David Hackworth, who earned more than 90 medals, including 10 Silver Stars while serving in World War II and Vietnam, said when McCain surrendered to the North Vietnamese in 1967, he told his captors he would provide them with "military information" if they took him to a hospital. Hackworth said "He provided aid and comfort to the enemy." He said also about McCain > "He signed a confession and declared himself a 'black criminal who performed deeds of an air pirate.'
These and other interviews were used as propaganda to fan the flames of the anti-war movement, which was blazing hot at the time. While McCain claims to have endured beatings, torture, and broken bones, during 5 years with the North Vietnamese, "no other POW was witness to these accounts", according to Hackworth.
Hackworth also said the refusal of an offer of early release was not a heroic action by McCain (as he has been lauded for). Actually, he was ordered to turn it down by his commander, and he just followed orders (2 ex-POWs told Hackworth)

2. Hugh E. Scott, a Vietnam vet and journalist, says McCain was nicknamed "Songbird" by his captors, because he sang like a canary, freely giving them information.

3. Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Sydney Schanberg claimed McCain "worked very hard to hide from the public, stunning information about American prisoners in Vietnam who, unlike him, didn't return home." Schanberg also states that McCain got outrageous perks from his North Vietnamese captors including "a woman companion and all kinds if things like that." The Globe claims that the internet has lit up with posts supporting Trump for unmasking McCain. It ends it's article by saying > "Trump doesn't need to apologize for anything - he told the truth."

Not part of the Globe article, but I have read things saying that McCain's medals came to him only because of help from his father, who was a Navy admiral.

Front page Globe Magazine
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The August 10, 2015 issue of Globe magazine has a stunning headline on its front page.
It reads >> "TRUMP IS RIGHT! McCAIN US NOT A WAR HERO" Experts who have reviewed McCain's military record, have been saying the same thing for years. Some even accuse him of being a stool pigeon and blabbing military secrets to the North Vietnamese.

And it looks like the Globe has some strong sources to back up their claim.

1. Colonel David Hackworth, who earned more than 90 medals, including 10 Silver Stars while serving in World War II and Vietnam, said when McCain surrendered to the North Vietnamese in 1967, he told his captors he would provide them with "military information" if they took him to a hospital. Hackworth said "He provided aid and comfort to the enemy." He said also about McCain > "He signed a confession and declared himself a 'black criminal who performed deeds of an air pirate.'
These and other interviews were used as propaganda to fan the flames of the anti-war movement, which was blazing hot at the time. While McCain claims to have endured beatings, torture, and broken bones, during 5 years with the North Vietnamese, "no other POW was witness to these accounts", according to Hackworth.
Hackworth also said the refusal of an offer of early release was not a heroic action by McCain (as he has been lauded for). Actually, he was ordered to turn it down by his commander, and he just followed orders (2 ex-POWs told Hackworth)

2. Hugh E. Scott, a Vietnam vet and journalist, says McCain was nicknamed "Songbird" by his captors, because he sang like a canary, freely giving them information.

3. Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Sydney Schanberg claimed McCain "worked very hard to hide from the public, stunning information about American prisoners in Vietnam who, unlike him, didn't return home." Schanberg also states that McCain got outrageous perks from his North Vietnamese captors including "a woman companion and all kinds if things like that." The Globe claims that the internet has lit up with posts supporting Trump for unmasking McCain. It ends it's article by saying > "Trump doesn't need to apologize for anything - he told the truth."

Not part of the Globe article, but I have read things saying that McCain's medals came to him only because of help from his father, who was a Navy admiral.

Front page Globe Magazine

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Conservatives do enjoy attacking Veterans.

Especially combat Veterans.
Far right reactionary social cons hate veterans who will not support their far right nonsense.

McCain is of course a hero.

Hackworth was the one who fouled up the hostage rescue attempt in Iran.
Far right reactionary social cons hate veterans who will not support their far right nonsense.

McCain is of course a hero.

Hackworth was the one who fouled up the hostage rescue attempt in Iran.
Hackworth's meda are for REAL. All you do is demean your self.

And left wing loons hate veterans who spoil what they thought was their big shot at shooting down the Trump campaign. Sorry liberal loons. Try again. :itsok:
The August 10, 2015 issue of Globe magazine has a stunning headline on its front page.
It reads >> "TRUMP IS RIGHT! McCAIN US NOT A WAR HERO" Experts who have reviewed McCain's military record, have been saying the same thing for years. Some even accuse him of being a stool pigeon and blabbing military secrets to the North Vietnamese.

And it looks like the Globe has some strong sources to back up their claim.

1. Colonel David Hackworth, who earned more than 90 medals, including 10 Silver Stars while serving in World War II and Vietnam, said when McCain surrendered to the North Vietnamese in 1967, he told his captors he would provide them with "military information" if they took him to a hospital. Hackworth said "He provided aid and comfort to the enemy." He said also about McCain > "He signed a confession and declared himself a 'black criminal who performed deeds of an air pirate.'
These and other interviews were used as propaganda to fan the flames of the anti-war movement, which was blazing hot at the time. While McCain claims to have endured beatings, torture, and broken bones, during 5 years with the North Vietnamese, "no other POW was witness to these accounts", according to Hackworth.
Hackworth also said the refusal of an offer of early release was not a heroic action by McCain (as he has been lauded for). Actually, he was ordered to turn it down by his commander, and he just followed orders (2 ex-POWs told Hackworth)

2. Hugh E. Scott, a Vietnam vet and journalist, says McCain was nicknamed "Songbird" by his captors, because he sang like a canary, freely giving them information.

3. Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Sydney Schanberg claimed McCain "worked very hard to hide from the public, stunning information about American prisoners in Vietnam who, unlike him, didn't return home." Schanberg also states that McCain got outrageous perks from his North Vietnamese captors including "a woman companion and all kinds if things like that." The Globe claims that the internet has lit up with posts supporting Trump for unmasking McCain. It ends it's article by saying > "Trump doesn't need to apologize for anything - he told the truth."

Not part of the Globe article, but I have read things saying that McCain's medals came to him only because of help from his father, who was a Navy admiral.

Front page Globe Magazine

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Conservatives do enjoy attacking Veterans.

Especially combat Veterans.
That's what liberals are doing right here on this page, And a guy with 90 medals including 2 Silver Stars. Clean own kitchen liberals. :biggrin:
David Hackworth is one of the most self-serving guys out there...along with Oliver North and Duke Cunningham.
He didn't serve himself his dozens of medals, including 2 Silver Stars.The US military served them to him. And he didn't have and admiral father to recommend them.
I said nothing about medals, I said he fucked up the Iran hostage rescue mission, and I say he tried to lie his way out of it, and was retired. He demeans himself, and you demean yourself by lying for him.
I said nothing about medals, I said he fucked up the Iran hostage rescue mission, and I say he tried to lie his way out of it, and was retired. He demeans himself, and you demean yourself by lying for him.
You're talking like an idiot. Hackworth is one of the greatest military heros this country has ever had. You just shot your credibility in the foot (if you ever had any)
I said nothing about medals, I said he fucked up the Iran hostage rescue mission, and I say he tried to lie his way out of it, and was retired. He demeans himself, and you demean yourself by lying for him.
You're talking like an idiot. Hackworth is one of the greatest military heros this country has ever had. You just shot your credibility in the foot (if you ever had any)
So was Benedict Arnold. He was the best combat commander the Patriots had at general level, yet he turned traitor. At least Hackworth did not sell out to the enemy, to his credit. He did try to sell out others on the hostage rescue fiasco, and got caught.

And, yes, every liberal has said "let Trump get the nomination."
I said nothing about medals, I said he fucked up the Iran hostage rescue mission, and I say he tried to lie his way out of it, and was retired. He demeans himself, and you demean yourself by lying for him.
You're talking like an idiot. Hackworth is one of the greatest military heros this country has ever had. You just shot your credibility in the foot (if you ever had any)
on the hostage rescue fiasco, and got caught.


And it doesn't matter what Republican gets the nomination. Hillary is in free fall. Biden's a joke. Sanders is too fringe. Demmies have lost already.
The August 10, 2015 issue of Globe magazine has a stunning headline on its front page.
It reads >> "TRUMP IS RIGHT! McCAIN US NOT A WAR HERO" Experts who have reviewed McCain's military record, have been saying the same thing for years. Some even accuse him of being a stool pigeon and blabbing military secrets to the North Vietnamese.

And it looks like the Globe has some strong sources to back up their claim.

1. Colonel David Hackworth, who earned more than 90 medals, including 10 Silver Stars while serving in World War II and Vietnam, said when McCain surrendered to the North Vietnamese in 1967, he told his captors he would provide them with "military information" if they took him to a hospital. Hackworth said "He provided aid and comfort to the enemy." He said also about McCain > "He signed a confession and declared himself a 'black criminal who performed deeds of an air pirate.'
These and other interviews were used as propaganda to fan the flames of the anti-war movement, which was blazing hot at the time. While McCain claims to have endured beatings, torture, and broken bones, during 5 years with the North Vietnamese, "no other POW was witness to these accounts", according to Hackworth.
Hackworth also said the refusal of an offer of early release was not a heroic action by McCain (as he has been lauded for). Actually, he was ordered to turn it down by his commander, and he just followed orders (2 ex-POWs told Hackworth)

2. Hugh E. Scott, a Vietnam vet and journalist, says McCain was nicknamed "Songbird" by his captors, because he sang like a canary, freely giving them information.

3. Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Sydney Schanberg claimed McCain "worked very hard to hide from the public, stunning information about American prisoners in Vietnam who, unlike him, didn't return home." Schanberg also states that McCain got outrageous perks from his North Vietnamese captors including "a woman companion and all kinds if things like that." The Globe claims that the internet has lit up with posts supporting Trump for unmasking McCain. It ends it's article by saying > "Trump doesn't need to apologize for anything - he told the truth."

Not part of the Globe article, but I have read things saying that McCain's medals came to him only because of help from his father, who was a Navy admiral.

Front page Globe Magazine

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Conservatives do enjoy attacking Veterans.

Especially combat Veterans.
That's what liberals are doing right here on this page,

Just pointing out- Conservatives love to attack veterans- especially combat veterans.

Long history of it- McCain- Kerry- Max Cleland.
David Hackworth is one of the most self-serving guys out there...along with Oliver North and Duke Cunningham.
He didn't serve himself his dozens of medals, including 2 Silver Stars.The US military served them to him. And he didn't have and admiral father to recommend them.
Same applies for John Kerry and John see?
I said nothing about medals, I said he fucked up the Iran hostage rescue mission, and I say he tried to lie his way out of it, and was retired. He demeans himself, and you demean yourself by lying for him.
You're talking like an idiot. Hackworth is one of the greatest military heros this country has ever had. You just shot your credibility in the foot (if you ever had any)
on the hostage rescue fiasco, and got caught.

And it doesn't matter what Republican gets the nomination. Hillary is in free fall. Biden's a joke. Sanders is too fringe. Demmies have lost already.

You keep telling yourself that.

Meanwhile- Run trump Run!
Just pointing out- Conservatives love to attack veterans- especially combat veterans.

Long history of it- McCain- Kerry- Max Cleland.
Liberals do it every day. Used to spit at us routinely, when we walked past them in uniform, back in the Vietnam war days. They do it to the current soldiers and veterans too.

As for >> "Conservatives love to attack veterans- especially combat veterans." No more ludicrous words were ever spoken in this forum, AND YOU KNOW IT, LIAR.

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