McCarthy to remove Omar from Foreign Relations Committee.

Moving the goal posts when your hypocrisy is exposed is a loser’s tactic. There is nothing fascist about the democratic agenda. No white nationalism, misogyny, or scapegoating of minorities, gays, or non-Christians which characterize recent Republican behaviour.

Republicans campaigned on fighting crime and yet not a word out of them on the mass shooting in a Colorado gay bar. Just promised to harass and pursue the Biden Family in the same manner you’ve attacked and pursued the Clintons for 30 years.

How’d that work out for Republicans????
moving the goalposts? how s that? i’ve been calling your party the demafasict since the obama admin when you fully embraced it. You seem to be projecting

what do you expect a republican to say? the shooting is sadly yet another tragic event and what we come to expect in xiden’s america
One of those ant-gay statements from the left you maga fuckups claim.
oh so you accept Paul’s life style?
Moving the goal posts when your hypocrisy is exposed is a loser’s tactic. There is nothing fascist about the democratic agenda. No white nationalism, misogyny, or scapegoating of minorities, gays, or non-Christians which characterize recent Republican behaviour.

Republicans campaigned on fighting crime and yet not a word out of them on the mass shooting in a Colorado gay bar. Just promised to harass and pursue the Biden Family in the same manner you’ve attacked and pursued the Clintons for 30 years.

How’d that work out for Republicans????
Why should I give a damn about some queers getting snuffed out?
moving the goalposts? how s that? i’ve been calling your party the demafasict since the obama admin when you fully embraced it. You seem to be projecting

what do you expect a republican to say? the shooting is sadly yet another tragic event and what we come to expect in xiden’s america

oh so you accept Paul’s life style?
Lies and stupid one at that.
Sure, under 30 voter broke 3 to 1 for the future not you old idea less fossils.
the climate cult has successfully brainwashed young people
now stop using fossil fuel, no car, no bus, no train, no plane, no plastic, no internet, no cellphone
can't do it can you
the climate cult has successfully brainwashed young people
now stop using fossil fuel, no car, no bus, no train, no plane, no plastic, no internet, no cellphone
can't do it can you
The brainwashing is the maga fuckup cult of fascism.
Makes sense. Shouldn’t have an anti-smite on that one, or any for that matter. Hell, he should remove all “Squad” members from all committees.

But it's ok to have Q fascists like MTG & Gosar in congress, right, Ace? Or how about McCarthy, a Trump asskisser who resurrected him even though he's a traitor?
But it's ok to have Q fascists like MTG & Gosar in congress, right, Ace? Or how about McCarthy, a Trump asskisser who resurrected him even though he's a traitor?
Your butthurt is cute.
McCarthy also said he'd get rid of Schiff and Swalwell.

On Swalwell: “Yes, I will. I’ll keep that promise. One thing I have said from the very beginning is Eric Swalwell cannot get a security clearance in the public sector. Why would we ever give him a security clearance and the secrets to America? So I will not allow him to be on Intel.”

Great answer.

On Schiff: “You have Adam Schiff, who lied to the American public time and again. We will not allow him to be on the Intel committee either.”

Good. Could’ve said more but fine.

On Omar: “Look, Congresswoman Omar, her anti-semitic comments that have gone forward, we’re not going to allow her to be on Foreign Affairs, but we’re also going to stand up to what’s happening not just in the halls of Congress, but what’s happening to our higher education institutions, the antisemitism that’s going on on these campuses and others.”

Wandered a little, but also great.

He adds: “We’ll investigate that as well and stop this to make sure that America does have the freedom that we said we would keep, and we will stand up to it as we move forward with.”

Again, good answer. IF he becomes Speaker, he better keep this promise. If he becomes Speaker and does NOT keep it, there better be HELL to pay. ‘

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