McChrystal Says He's Talked With Obama Once Since Taking Afghanistan Command

We've been sitting right here listening to you bitch every time President Bush took a breath. That's where we've been.

Just asking....WHAT military experience do you have ?

Just trying to gauge what experience has led this poster to question the way in which he THINKS Obama is dealing with his commanders in the field is all. Is that OK with you, DiveCon? You know how important it is for me to have your approval of my posts and all. They should make you a moderator or something.
Hey, doesn't the general watch Letterman?

Barry said he will soon ask 'tough questions' on Afghanistan....probaly to oprah.

The Question may be is the "Mission" (whatever that may be now) salvagable and at what cost?
Theatre commanders, since that fiasco of an American Caesar, Douglas MacArthur, in Korea 1950 - 1951, are tightly controlled by the chain of command. That means if the General talked to BHO in the last few weeks, I am very suprised. The commander will be asked for his evaluation, he will be given his orders, and then he will carry them out to the best of his ability or resign or be fired.

You armchair generals of the lunatic rightwing fringe are funny to read. You have no idea how the military chain of command in the American armed services works.
Not to rain on the parade of a nice rant, but Truman fucked that up roayaly, insured that Korea would be a stalemate and set the pattern for years of stagnent attrition warfare.

MacArthur was trying to win.
That, PI2, is the only question. We must not let a zero-sum argument influence the discussion. What is amazing to me is the thinking over in Pakistan. If the bad guys get anywhere the Pakistani nukes, our administration (whether GOP or Dem) will demand that the nukes be turned over to us. I have no doubt that if the Pakis refuse that our administration will nuke the arsenals as a final resort.
Theatre commanders, since that fiasco of an American Caesar, Douglas MacArthur, in Korea 1950 - 1951, are tightly controlled by the chain of command. That means if the General talked to BHO in the last few weeks, I am very suprised. The commander will be asked for his evaluation, he will be given his orders, and then he will carry them out to the best of his ability or resign or be fired.

You armchair generals of the lunatic rightwing fringe are funny to read. You have no idea how the military chain of command in the American armed services works.
Not to rain on the parade of a nice rant, but Truman fucked that up roayaly, insured that Korea would be a stalemate and set the pattern for years of stagnent attrition warfare.

MacArthur was trying to win.

What, Xenophon the military-con, you would have had us engaging in a land war in China?

Xeno, the bad guys moved a quarter million troops in the dead of winter through the mountains, without our military intelligence really catching what was going on and MacArthur unwilling to listen to anything different than he was thinking. Then the bad guys kicked us in the balls, head slapped us, and drove us south beyond Seoul again. My father got his 3rd Purple Heart on the retreat from the Chosen reservoir to the east coast.

Do you have any idea what you are talking about?
Hey, doesn't the general watch Letterman?

Barry said he will soon ask 'tough questions' on Afghanistan....probaly to oprah.

The Question may be is the "Mission" (whatever that may be now) salvagable and at what cost?

Communications are vital this is obvious. Yes, Obama might be micromanaging if he were to talk with the general every so often, but BHO is the commander in chief. which means he OVERVIEWS military operations, and the generals take care of the nitty gritty details of the actual management. But of course Obama cares about our soldiers, or he wouldn't be president.
as far as the Afghanistan, pulling out right now would embarrass everybody, especially the military, and correct me if i'm wrong but they don't like being embarrassed. We won't pull out until we find a really good excuse to pull out, or we actually succeed. Since we can't bank on a good excuse as far as planning, the only real solution is succeeding. So then you only have to decide on how to succeed, which might mean redefining our goals of being in Afghanistan in the first place.
Hey, doesn't the general watch Letterman?

Barry said he will soon ask 'tough questions' on Afghanistan....probaly to oprah.

The Question may be is the "Mission" (whatever that may be now) salvagable and at what cost?

Communications are vital this is obvious. Yes, Obama might be micromanaging if he were to talk with the general every so often, but BHO is the commander in chief. which means he OVERVIEWS military operations, and the generals take care of the nitty gritty details of the actual management. But of course Obama cares about our soldiers, or he wouldn't be president.
as far as the Afghanistan, pulling out right now would embarrass everybody, especially the military, and correct me if i'm wrong but they don't like being embarrassed. We won't pull out until we find a really good excuse to pull out, or we actually succeed. Since we can't bank on a good excuse as far as planning, the only real solution is succeeding. So then you only have to decide on how to succeed, which might mean redefining our goals of being in Afghanistan in the first place.

The difference between finding a really good excuse, and redefining or finally defining our goals in Afghanistan, may be alot closer than you think.
The Question may be is the "Mission" (whatever that may be now) salvagable and at what cost?

Communications are vital this is obvious. Yes, Obama might be micromanaging if he were to talk with the general every so often, but BHO is the commander in chief. which means he OVERVIEWS military operations, and the generals take care of the nitty gritty details of the actual management. But of course Obama cares about our soldiers, or he wouldn't be president.
as far as the Afghanistan, pulling out right now would embarrass everybody, especially the military, and correct me if i'm wrong but they don't like being embarrassed. We won't pull out until we find a really good excuse to pull out, or we actually succeed. Since we can't bank on a good excuse as far as planning, the only real solution is succeeding. So then you only have to decide on how to succeed, which might mean redefining our goals of being in Afghanistan in the first place.

The difference between finding a really good excuse, and redefining or finally defining our goals in Afghanistan, may be alot closer than you think.
I'm curious as to how either would happen without communication with the command.
I'm talking without a huge base of knowledge here, but getting out of Afghanistan won't be an easy process if we try to achieve our goals we haven now. And i agree our excuse will probably go along with redefining our goals. We rationalize. One way or another were gonna have to realize someone is gonna get screwed. We also have to realize the middle east isnt the only part of the world with things that shoot. What the US needs to do is re prioritize, to fit what is best for AMERICA
That, PI2, is the only question. We must not let a zero-sum argument influence the discussion. What is amazing to me is the thinking over in Pakistan. If the bad guys get anywhere the Pakistani nukes, our administration (whether GOP or Dem) will demand that the nukes be turned over to us. I have no doubt that if the Pakis refuse that our administration will nuke the arsenals as a final resort.

I don't think that any U.S. administration GOP Or Dem will ever exercise the nuclear option.
Just leaving a smoking hole leaves too many questions and the collateral damage would be incalculable.
Communications are vital this is obvious. Yes, Obama might be micromanaging if he were to talk with the general every so often, but BHO is the commander in chief. which means he OVERVIEWS military operations, and the generals take care of the nitty gritty details of the actual management. But of course Obama cares about our soldiers, or he wouldn't be president.
as far as the Afghanistan, pulling out right now would embarrass everybody, especially the military, and correct me if i'm wrong but they don't like being embarrassed. We won't pull out until we find a really good excuse to pull out, or we actually succeed. Since we can't bank on a good excuse as far as planning, the only real solution is succeeding. So then you only have to decide on how to succeed, which might mean redefining our goals of being in Afghanistan in the first place.

The difference between finding a really good excuse, and redefining or finally defining our goals in Afghanistan, may be alot closer than you think.
I'm curious as to how either would happen without communication with the command.

And you HONESTLY believe that Obama has not kept abreast of what is going on in Afghanistan? Honestly?
The difference between finding a really good excuse, and redefining or finally defining our goals in Afghanistan, may be alot closer than you think.
I'm curious as to how either would happen without communication with the command.

And you HONESTLY believe that Obama has not kept abreast of what is going on in Afghanistan? Honestly?
Without the input of the command, he has been negligent in being thoroughly informed. Seriously, there is little excuse for this.
Communications are vital this is obvious. Yes, Obama might be micromanaging if he were to talk with the general every so often, but BHO is the commander in chief. which means he OVERVIEWS military operations, and the generals take care of the nitty gritty details of the actual management. But of course Obama cares about our soldiers, or he wouldn't be president.
as far as the Afghanistan, pulling out right now would embarrass everybody, especially the military, and correct me if i'm wrong but they don't like being embarrassed. We won't pull out until we find a really good excuse to pull out, or we actually succeed. Since we can't bank on a good excuse as far as planning, the only real solution is succeeding. So then you only have to decide on how to succeed, which might mean redefining our goals of being in Afghanistan in the first place.

The difference between finding a really good excuse, and redefining or finally defining our goals in Afghanistan, may be alot closer than you think.
I'm curious as to how either would happen without communication with the command.

You do realize that the discussion has eclipsed your silly talking point?
I'm curious as to how either would happen without communication with the command.

And you HONESTLY believe that Obama has not kept abreast of what is going on in Afghanistan? Honestly?
Without the input of the command, he has been negligent in being thoroughly informed. Seriously, there is little excuse for this.

And you are basing your allegations of "negligence" against the President of the United States on WHAT, specifically?
Theatre commanders, since that fiasco of an American Caesar, Douglas MacArthur, in Korea 1950 - 1951, are tightly controlled by the chain of command. That means if the General talked to BHO in the last few weeks, I am very suprised. The commander will be asked for his evaluation, he will be given his orders, and then he will carry them out to the best of his ability or resign or be fired.

You armchair generals of the lunatic rightwing fringe are funny to read. You have no idea how the military chain of command in the American armed services works.
Not to rain on the parade of a nice rant, but Truman fucked that up roayaly, insured that Korea would be a stalemate and set the pattern for years of stagnent attrition warfare.

MacArthur was trying to win.

What, Xenophon the military-con, you would have had us engaging in a land war in China?

Xeno, the bad guys moved a quarter million troops in the dead of winter through the mountains, without our military intelligence really catching what was going on and MacArthur unwilling to listen to anything different than he was thinking. Then the bad guys kicked us in the balls, head slapped us, and drove us south beyond Seoul again. My father got his 3rd Purple Heart on the retreat from the Chosen reservoir to the east coast.

Do you have any idea what you are talking about?
Don't post stupid shit boy, all it does is make you look like a fool.

Its clear you have no idea what you are talking about here, first Truman should not have committed US forces to 'UN' operations, after making that error he didn't try to win the war.

You are defending Truman means either you have zero clue about the Korean war or are just being obtuse.

Now tell us, since you say I don't know what i am talking about, what was MacArthur's plan for victory in Korea.

Never mind, I will tell you, Mac wanted to send aireal strikes at staging areas North of the Yalu river and destroy Chinese communications, using nukes if conventional bombs failed.

This would have worked, mao had ONE army, the one he used in Korea which was fresh off kicking Chiang Kai Shek's ass to taiwan.

If they lost that army it meant conscripts and ineffectivness.

Going to waste my time some more now?
Oh, and last warning, I am not a 'con' or any other stupid catigory you care to make up Ringo.

I see 'con' in any fashion directed at me again it Neg city with no warnings.
Gen. Stanley McChrystal says he's talked to President Obama only once since taking command of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan over the summer, a revelation that drew swift criticism from some who are concerned that the president is putting off McChrystal's request for more troops.

"It's startling," Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H., told FOX News.

McChrystal talked about his interaction with the president in an interview with CBS News.

"I've talked to the president since I've been here once on a (video teleconference)," he said.

"You talked to him once in 70 days?" CBS' David Martin asked.

"That's correct," McChrystal said.

McChrystal, who warned in a recent assessment of the war in Afghanistan that the United States risks failure without more troops, submitted a request for more resources on Friday.

But the White House says it will review the overall strategy in Afghanistan before addressing troop levels.

The disclosure that the president and his top Afghanistan commander have spoken just once added to concerns that the administration is waiting too long to deal with the troop level issue.

Gregg said that former President George W. Bush spoke with his then-top Iraq commander, Gen. David Petraeus, on a regular basis. He said that while Obama may be speaking regularly with Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Petraeus, who is now head of Central Command, the president should still keep in regular contact with McChrystal.

"I would think you'd want to hear one-on-one from your field commander more than once in six months," he said.

Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer, with the Center for Advanced Defense Studies, said he found it "extraordinarily surprising" that McChrystal, once in regular contact with former Vice President Dick Cheney, has talked to Obama only once since taking command.

"It's not really a good sign," he said.

But White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said Monday that Obama is trying to be very deliberative in assessing the strategy going forward in Afghanistan, and he urged patience.

"I assume that any decision is a number of weeks away," Gibbs said. He said it can be detrimental to put resource decisions ahead of strategy decisions.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, speaking on CBS' "Face the Nation" Sunday, said McChrystal's assessment needs to be seen as part of a broader strategy.

"It doesn't stand alone. It is part of a process," she said. "There's other input that's coming throughout the government that the president will take on board. But I think we ought to look at it in context."

McChrystal Says He's Talked With Obama Once Since Taking Afghanistan Command - Political News -

Is anyone really surprised? He is a terrible leader, his single largest accomplishment is Cash for Clunkers, LMAO!!!!

When Health Care Reform fails, he will be a lame duck in less than 12 months, he is the most naive POTUS we have ever had!!!!

How do 69,000,000 voters feel after they elected this failure? :oops:
Without the input of the command, he has been negligent in being thoroughly informed. Seriously, there is little excuse for this.

Obama hasn't gotten the input of the command?

Do you understand how the chain of command works?

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