McConnell Stuffs Coronavirus Bill Full Of Unrelated Goodies For Republicans

As I predicted, the Republicans in the Senate stuffed all kinds of goodies for their special interests in the $2 trillion re-election campaign slush fund.

Community banks are being granted their long-held wish of being freed to reduce the amount of capital they have to hold in reserve.

And for-profit colleges will be able to keep federal loan money from students who drop out because of the coronavirus.

Tucked into the largest bailout in United States history — a $2 trillion federal stimulus package agreed to by congressional leaders and the White House early Wednesday in an effort to reduce the economic devastation of the coronavirus outbreak — are a range of provisions that stand to benefit specific industries and interest groups.
How quickly you've forgotten the Democrats doing the same damn thing, with items that had absolutely NO business to do with stimulus or the emergency in anyway.

Personally I don't think there should be any such riders included in this or any other covid related bill, from either side. Right now we need to only address this.

Although it would also depend on the full text of the Banks & colleges parts...if it is a result of or could help in some way from the virus or panic from it...….then maybe. But the Dems pushing for abortion rights has the least if anything, to do with this emergency

:link: about the push for abortion rights.
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As I predicted, the Republicans in the Senate stuffed all kinds of goodies for their special interests in the $2 trillion re-election campaign slush fund.

Community banks are being granted their long-held wish of being freed to reduce the amount of capital they have to hold in reserve.

And for-profit colleges will be able to keep federal loan money from students who drop out because of the coronavirus.

Tucked into the largest bailout in United States history — a $2 trillion federal stimulus package agreed to by congressional leaders and the White House early Wednesday in an effort to reduce the economic devastation of the coronavirus outbreak — are a range of provisions that stand to benefit specific industries and interest groups.
How quickly you've forgotten the Democrats doing the same damn thing, with items that had absolutely NO business to do with stimulus or the emergency in anyway.

Personally I don't think there should be any such riders included in this or any other covid related bill, from either side. Right now we need to only address this.

Although it would also depend on the full text of the Banks & colleges parts...if it is a result of or could help in some way from the virus or panic from it...….then maybe. But the Dems pushing for abortion rights has the least if anything, to do with this emergency

:link: about the push for abortion rights.
The OP included that link elsewhere in this thread.....
As I predicted, the Republicans in the Senate stuffed all kinds of goodies for their special interests in the $2 trillion re-election campaign slush fund.

Community banks are being granted their long-held wish of being freed to reduce the amount of capital they have to hold in reserve.

And for-profit colleges will be able to keep federal loan money from students who drop out because of the coronavirus.

Tucked into the largest bailout in United States history — a $2 trillion federal stimulus package agreed to by congressional leaders and the White House early Wednesday in an effort to reduce the economic devastation of the coronavirus outbreak — are a range of provisions that stand to benefit specific industries and interest groups.

As I predicted, the Republicans in the Senate stuffed all kinds of goodies for their special interests in the $2 trillion re-election campaign slush fund.

Community banks are being granted their long-held wish of being freed to reduce the amount of capital they have to hold in reserve.

And for-profit colleges will be able to keep federal loan money from students who drop out because of the coronavirus.

Tucked into the largest bailout in United States history — a $2 trillion federal stimulus package agreed to by congressional leaders and the White House early Wednesday in an effort to reduce the economic devastation of the coronavirus outbreak — are a range of provisions that stand to benefit specific industries and interest groups.
you do know that the provisions in this bill are only meant to cover a specific period of time don't you?

Here is the actual text of the bill and not some newspaper's interpretation.

Pay attention to the term "covered period" which is Feb 15 to June 30 of this year.
As I predicted, the Republicans in the Senate stuffed all kinds of goodies for their special interests in the $2 trillion re-election campaign slush fund.

Community banks are being granted their long-held wish of being freed to reduce the amount of capital they have to hold in reserve.

And for-profit colleges will be able to keep federal loan money from students who drop out because of the coronavirus.

Tucked into the largest bailout in United States history — a $2 trillion federal stimulus package agreed to by congressional leaders and the White House early Wednesday in an effort to reduce the economic devastation of the coronavirus outbreak — are a range of provisions that stand to benefit specific industries and interest groups.
How quickly you've forgotten the Democrats doing the same damn thing, with items that had absolutely NO business to do with stimulus or the emergency in anyway.
No, I did not forget. Look at the topic with the same title except it has "Pelosi" and "Democrats".

You will see I predicted in that topic that when the bill got the Senate the Republicans would stuff it full of THEIR goodies.


So you admit the Dems did the same thing.......and conveniently leave out part of my post that addresses the differences of the content of Dems riders vs Repub riders. Showing your dumbassedry there arntcha???

I'll admit the entire system runs on duplicity and endless bipartisan corruption for the enrichment of the donor class.
Oh no doubt about that and I really don't think either side should have put any riders in the package. This is SUPPOSED to be about containing and/or stopping the virus, the economic fall out from it and helping the people get thru this mess. That may have to include money to business's and even corporations to do whatever they need to do in preparation of putting people back to work,, boosting our supplies both commodities and medical, etc

Just keep the other shit for another time. This is not it
Well this doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Moscow Mitch McTurtle likely arranged a sweet kickback for his buddy Oleg Deripaska to repay him for that shiny new aluminum plant he built in KY as repayment for killing sanctions and trashing election security.

Now wait a minute. Obama was subservant to Iran. And Iran is in Russia's circle of influence.
Well this doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Moscow Mitch McTurtle likely arranged a sweet kickback for his buddy Oleg Deripaska to repay him for that shiny new aluminum plant he built in KY as repayment for killing sanctions and trashing election security.

Now wait a minute. Obama was subservant to Iran. And Iran is in Russia's circle of influence.

How was Obama subservient to Iran - You mean when he gave them their OWN MONEY BACK and came up with a plan to hold them into account on nukes - The deal that Donnie stupidly undone?

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