McDonald’s Employees Told To Vote Republican Or Not Get Raises Or Benefits

But it's okay when liberal Democratics have their puppets, the labor Unions, tell the Union members to vote Democrat or they will all go unemployed and their children will die.

Fail-low, you are a failure.

Shut the fuck up you dumbass fucking liar, you can't even admit McDonalds is wrong, its fucking voter intimidation by McDonalds.

But it's okay when liberal Democratics have their puppets, the labor Unions, tell the Union members to vote Democrat or they will all go unemployed and their children will die.

Fail-low, you are a failure.

Shut the fuck up you dumbass fucking liar, you can't even admit McDonalds is wrong, its fucking voter intimidation by McDonalds.
did you even read the story?
it seems you only read the headline
McDonalds is crap. They have crappy, bad for you food. They are a crappy place to work for, a food assembly line. Most of their employees actually appear too young to vote.

As far as this obnoxious McDonalds owner, he is probably disliked by his employees and they'll probably vote the opposite of what he says.
UPDATE 6:24 p.m.: Renacci's opponent, Rep. Jim Boccieri (D-Ohio) put out a statement about the incident: "Sadly, these voter intimidation tactics by this McDonald's franchise owner

it wasnt done by McD's
But it's okay when liberal Democratics have their puppets, the labor Unions, tell the Union members to vote Democrat or they will all go unemployed and their children will die.

Fail-low, you are a failure.

Shut the fuck up you dumbass fucking liar, you can't even admit McDonalds is wrong, its fucking voter intimidation by McDonalds.
did you even read the story?
it seems you only read the headline

Right, the headline is sensationalist. The letter actually says
"As the election season is here we wanted you to know which candidates will help our business grow in the future," reads the letter. "As you know, the better our business does it enables us to invest in our people and our restaurants. If the right people are elected we will be able to continue with raises and benefits at or above our present levels. If others are elected, we will not. As always, who you vote for is completely your personal decision and many factors go into your decision."
Shut the fuck up you dumbass fucking liar, you can't even admit McDonalds is wrong, its fucking voter intimidation by McDonalds.
did you even read the story?
it seems you only read the headline

Right, the headline is sensationalist. The letter actually says
"As the election season is here we wanted you to know which candidates will help our business grow in the future," reads the letter. "As you know, the better our business does it enables us to invest in our people and our restaurants. If the right people are elected we will be able to continue with raises and benefits at or above our present levels. If others are elected, we will not. As always, who you vote for is completely your personal decision and many factors go into your decision."
whats wrong with what that said?
did you even read the story?
it seems you only read the headline

Right, the headline is sensationalist. The letter actually says
"As the election season is here we wanted you to know which candidates will help our business grow in the future," reads the letter. "As you know, the better our business does it enables us to invest in our people and our restaurants. If the right people are elected we will be able to continue with raises and benefits at or above our present levels. If others are elected, we will not. As always, who you vote for is completely your personal decision and many factors go into your decision."
whats wrong with what that said?

There's nothing wrong with it, but it's not in the best taste, nor is it wise.

I would resent this type of electioneering by my employer.

But, the headline was sensationalist, designed to inflame, and not adhering to the highest standards of journalism. And the OP bit that hook, line, and sinker with his ridiculous thread.
Right, the headline is sensationalist. The letter actually says
whats wrong with what that said?

There's nothing wrong with it, but it's not in the best taste, nor is it wise.

I would resent this type of electioneering by my employer.

But, the headline was sensationalist, designed to inflame, and not adhering to the highest standards of journalism. And the OP bit that hook, line, and sinker with his ridiculous thread.
i dont even see that as electioneering
i see it as a business looking out for the best interest of his company and employees
Just goes to show... you can never have too many threads on the same subject!

On topic: More total crap from the HuffPuff. Wow. I never saw that coming.
If I own a business I can damn well say what I please.
And this was the franchise owner, NOT McDonalds Corporation.

But it's okay when liberal Democratics have their puppets, the labor Unions, tell the Union members to vote Democrat or they will all go unemployed and their children will die.

Fail-low, you are a failure.

Shut the fuck up you dumbass fucking liar, you can't even admit McDonalds is wrong, its fucking voter intimidation by McDonalds.

Voter intimidation is what happened in Philly dumbass. It's quite clear you don't read what you post.

"As the election season is here we wanted you to know which candidates will help our business grow in the future," reads the letter. "As you know, the better our business does it enables us to invest in our people and our restaurants. If the right people are elected we will be able to continue with raises and benefits at or above our present levels. If others are elected, we will not. As always, who you vote for is completely your personal decision and many factors go into your decision."

The only thing they are guilty of is telling the truth, and being capitalists. This has yer panties in a wad. Too bad.
Pretty mild if you compare it to the crap Obama says will happen if you don't vote Democratic. What's the point?
Eaxmple # 1,000,000,000,000,000 of why Huff n' Puff is nothing more than a herion shot for the liberal junkies that go there.

A single small employer puts a single flyer in the employee paycheck envelope telling them why he believes a certain vote will help them more than the other.

And yet, unions across the country send MILLIONS of pamphlets to employees of giant companies throughout elections seasons telling them essentially the same mention in Huff n' Puff about that.

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