Mcdonalds Black Woman VICIOUSLY BEATS White Woman

I said: "Whites should vote their race...Black do all the time.' They stick together at the polls. Whites split vote and we get a socialist community agitator for President.

And again, your own pathetic little racist website has shown you to be full of bullshit!!!


I think I will declare victory as you have show NO hard evidence to support your side of the issue...instead I have buried you under a mountain of pure facts and stats.
an no you have not ....since your stats are skewed and your fact's's a wash and you lost...
We aren't talking about Hilary you stupid ass, we are talking about your statement that Black people ONLY vote for other Black people and White people ONLY vote for White people!!!!

So even the so called proof you posted proves you are full of bullshit!!!


You have officially been pwned, get your dumb ass off the court!!!

I said: "Whites should vote their race...Black do all the time.' They stick together at the polls. Whites split vote and we get a socialist community agitator for President.
talk about off topic bullshit....!

And even his off-topic bullshit!!!!
He can't even support his own talking point.
Well now liberals will say its not the black savages fault, you know, whitey been keeping him down all these years.


Cracker Barrel Attack: Tasha Hill Beaten In Front Of Daughter, Called Racial Slurs
At that point, West became enraged and began to beat the victim in front of her 7-year-old daughter, according to police. Hill said she told West she was an Army service member and she did not want any trouble.

West threw her to the ground and hit her in the head with his fists and feet, police said. During the exchange, witnesses said West could be heard screaming racial slurs towards the victim.
According to Hill's report, and confirmed by many witnesses, West screamed out racial slurs before punching her in the face. "He said, 'You're an fucking black ****** bitch,' is what he said," said Hill.

Well now Cons/Repubs will say it's not the White Savages fault, you know, she shouldn't have been able to eat at the same restaurant as White people anyway...

You have no idea if it did or it didn't. But I can guarantee that if a black woman were beaten by a white woman, MSDNC, and by extension you, would be screaming that it was "race motivated."

So were the folks on this board in a similar outrage when this happened or were you all making excuses??

Hey asshole I proved you wrong in that case, yet you ignore it. Typical black leftist, you ask for a response and then ignore it continuing to make the same ignorant argument!
I don't understand why you rabid bigots have to bring your fixation on the imaginary social construct of race into everything.

The audio is sketchy, can anyone make out everything the victim (the womyn in the McDonald's uniform) is saying? It sounds like this is retaliation for the white she-devil coming into the victim's place of business and saying something to get hyr fired.

well she not only will now lose her job she will be doing prison time as well.....real smart on her part....
I don't understand why you rabid bigots have to bring your fixation on the imaginary social construct of race into everything.

The audio is sketchy, can anyone make out everything the victim (the womyn in the McDonald's uniform) is saying? It sounds like this is retaliation for the white she-devil coming into the victim's place of business and saying something to get hyr fired.

I'm not sure why the violence is tolerated at all.

Perhaps the white womyn did go into McDonalds and say something that got the black womyn fired. Or perhaps they are just fight over a myn.

The blatant racism from both sides is sickening.
Why do you hate white people? Thats the only reason to misidentify that spanish lady as a white least thats what Uncensored said about Zimmerman.

Stop hating Caucasians
I dont see this one as a racial attack, but I do see this as yet another example of how fucking awful black culture is. How can a person beat a mother in front of her small child? How can those people just stand there and watch it happen, like its entertainment?

My mother was beaten in front of me when I was 5. A crazy person had her by the hair and she was on her stomach, flattened out, with this crazy person on top of her. Coincidentally, my reaction was to repeatedly kick her attacker. When that didnt work, I called 911, and I even knew the address because me and my sister had memorized it a couple days before.

An experience like that stays with you. I had nightmares for years. How could someone do that in front of a child? How could those people LET it happen in front of a small child?

This story really made my blood boil.
For future posters,
When you get your ass handed to you in a debate, don't p.m. like a little bitch....believing that calling someone a racial epithet will redeem your frayed ass strings.....

Hey monkey, you asked for a reply to your weak red herring. I tore your red herring apart and you ignore it making the same read hearing. If you are trying to make people think blacks aren't uneducated you are doing a pretty poor job of it.
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I don't understand why you rabid bigots have to bring your fixation on the imaginary social construct of race into everything...
That's funny...

And here I thought it was LIBERALS who played the Race Card, every chance they got...

If the 'rabid bigots' ARE guilty of such baiting, then, they learned it from the best Subject Matter Experts on the face of the planet, in this context, namely, LIBERALS.
...The audio is sketchy, can anyone make out everything the victim (the womyn in the McDonald's uniform) is saying? It sounds like this is retaliation for the white she-devil coming into the victim's place of business and saying something to get hyr fired.
The woman in the McDonald's uniform is the victim?

White she-devil?

Lemme guess... you're a KKK plant, designed to make Black Folk look bad?
The old loudmouth was getting off, kept up his mouthing, the younger guy was as dumb as he was and took the bait(.)

And the younger guy thought he could kick the old man's ass. The younger guy was 'shown the Bronx"...Fuck 'em.
He got his eye dotted and lost a few chicklets. That will teach him to shut the fuck up.

Too bad he didn't get a couple of .45ACP's in the chest.
By the way, are we sure this is a white woman ?
Looks like one in the original video, but when she's interviewed, she doesn't look white-European.

She is not. But thats not the point. The attack was carried out by a Black...therefore news media and public officials will do nothing. If a Black were beaten you would a bunch of dumb fucks in Georgia holding hands and singing "We Shall Overcome."
bullshit! when they catch her she'll be arrested for battery...
knock off the white race is in danger bullshit...

She's actually been charged with aggravated assault & making terrorist threats.
For future posters,
When you get your ass handed to you in a debate, don't p.m. like a little bitch....believing that calling someone a racial epithet will redeem your frayed ass strings.....

I can relate. He left me this comment in a neg rep he gave me over a post in this thread:

Mcdonalds Black Woman... 06-27-2014 01:07 PM GHook93 Oh please go suck another cock!
wheres this guy when you need him?

[ame=]McDonald's employee beats up 2 girls - YouTube[/ame]
I don't understand why you rabid bigots have to bring your fixation on the imaginary social construct of race into everything.

The audio is sketchy, can anyone make out everything the victim (the womyn in the McDonald's uniform) is saying? It sounds like this is retaliation for the white she-devil coming into the victim's place of business and saying something to get hyr fired.
So you're going to criticize people for jumping to conclusions and speculate like that? The rabid bigot is you.
I don't understand why you rabid bigots have to bring your fixation on the imaginary social construct of race into everything.

The audio is sketchy, can anyone make out everything the victim (the womyn in the McDonald's uniform) is saying? It sounds like this is retaliation for the white she-devil coming into the victim's place of business and saying something to get hyr fired.
So you're going to criticize people for jumping to conclusions and speculate like that? The rabid bigot is you.

Basically, trying to even communicate with any of the losers on the left with rationality......


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