Mcdonalds Black Woman VICIOUSLY BEATS White Woman

For future posters,
When you get your ass handed to you in a debate, don't p.m. like a little bitch....believing that calling someone a racial epithet will redeem your frayed ass strings.....

Hey monkey, you asked for a reply to your weak red herring. I tore your red herring apart and you ignore it making the same read hearing. If you are trying to make people think blacks aren't uneducated you are doing a pretty poor job of it.

I answered your weak red herring and you ignore it. Still bring up an red herring, because you know your cracker barrel comparison is bullshit!
For future posters,
When you get your ass handed to you in a debate, don't p.m. like a little bitch....believing that calling someone a racial epithet will redeem your frayed ass strings.....

You are smart enough to grasp that you are the one who got your ass handed to you, right?

When someone PM's you in anger and uses a racial slur, everyone knows that the person sending the PM is feeling like they got their ass handed to them.

Race slur in monkey, Ok it is, but it also means a dumb ass. Which Reconmark clearly is.
For future posters,
When you get your ass handed to you in a debate, don't p.m. like a little bitch....believing that calling someone a racial epithet will redeem your frayed ass strings.....

Hey monkey, you asked for a reply to your weak red herring. I tore your red herring apart and you ignore it making the same read hearing. If you are trying to make people think blacks aren't uneducated you are doing a pretty poor job of it.

I answered your weak red herring and you ignore it. Still bring up an red herring, because you know your cracker barrel comparison is bullshit!

It's the self hating Jew! What is it like to be a racist and align yourself with characters who hate you and support the gassing and murder of your people. You must be of German descent and you probably were one of those Jews who helped Hitler gas your own people.

What a fucking maroon. You disgust me.
For getting in a fight? lol, I guess that is the price you pay for getting in a fight and winning. I sure hope you never get in a fight and win...wait, that is doubtful, no wonder you want such a harsh penalty for a fight amongst co-workers over gossip in the workplace.
(sarcasm) everybody knows all black people should be in jail!

Of have seen the stats...all blacks are criminals and there is no such thing as white crime because of proportions. :lmao: Racist teapers are so comical.

This white girl squared up to a better fighter and lost. CPS should be investigating her and take her child away for putting her child in that situation. What a horrible mother...she should loose her kid!

Squared up ? Didn't look like a fight to me, it looked like an attack.
(sarcasm) everybody knows all black people should be in jail!

Of have seen the stats...all blacks are criminals and there is no such thing as white crime because of proportions. :lmao: Racist teapers are so comical.

This white girl squared up to a better fighter and lost. CPS should be investigating her and take her child away for putting her child in that situation. What a horrible mother...she should loose her kid!

Squared up ? Didn't look like a fight to me, it looked like an attack.

Did you watch the video and the CNN interview?

apparently, in America this is ok to the media .. Because they dont make a deal out of this like it would be if the white girl did the same to a black girl

Is there a video out there of a white girl beating up a black girl ?
Seems to me, the entire white race has forgotten how to protect themselves, or how to fight back.
Just sayin'.

I am sure there is. Just like you guys search the dredges of the internet to find blacks beating up whites, you would probably find the opposite if you put that much effort into it.

Then again, you guys would make the white person out to be a hero...

Wait, I have seen a thread like that on this forum...where a white guy beat up a black guy and all of the racist teapers were proud.
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I'll take some of that back. Whites do know how to protect themselves. It's called curling up in the fetal position.
I'll take some of that back. Whites do know how to protect themselves. It's called curling up in the fetal position.

LOL..that is what they do after they realize it isn't blackies fault that they live in a trailer.
(sarcasm) everybody knows all black people should be in jail!

Of have seen the stats...all blacks are criminals and there is no such thing as white crime because of proportions. :lmao: Racist teapers are so comical.

This white girl squared up to a better fighter and lost. CPS should be investigating her and take her child away for putting her child in that situation. What a horrible mother...she should loose her kid!

Squared up ? Didn't look like a fight to me, it looked like an attack.
"we" didn't see the whole thing...knowing that passing judgment is stupid...
Of have seen the stats...all blacks are criminals and there is no such thing as white crime because of proportions. :lmao: Racist teapers are so comical.

This white girl squared up to a better fighter and lost. CPS should be investigating her and take her child away for putting her child in that situation. What a horrible mother...she should loose her kid!

Squared up ? Didn't look like a fight to me, it looked like an attack.

Did you watch the video and the CNN interview?

I watched what the OP posted, is there more ?
What a stupid thread.

I viciously beat white, black, yellow, red, and brown men in boxing in the Army.

I got viciously beat as well.
Did you watch the video and the CNN interview?

I watched what the OP posted, is there more ?

CNN did a story on it and interviewed the wigger white girl. I watched it live, I am sure there is video of it on CNN.

Looked all around for it. Could not find it. Give us the summary. Obvious you think the white girl is not a victim.

Wait, closed caption seems to obsessed with the fact that she may not be white.

Obama is half white. Oooooops.....did I have a point?

Zimmerman was half hispanic. Ooooops....did I have a point?
What a stupid thread.

I viciously beat white, black, yellow, red, and brown men in boxing in the Army.

I got viciously beat as well.

Awwwww liberals really hate black on white crimes being mentioned.......don't they?

The fact that they seem to be so bothered by it (they will deny this and yet closed caption thanks the moron liberal for his pointless post) is inspiring me to post a daily report of a black onwhite crime.

One to report something that people may not know, but more importantly to piss off the know it all, hypocritical, white guilt, left wing morons.
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What a stupid thread.

I viciously beat white, black, yellow, red, and brown men in boxing in the Army.

I got viciously beat as well.

Awwwww liberals really hate black on white crimes being mentioned.......don't they?

Just wondering why you're doing it at all while complaining about race cards, not seeing race and other contradictory things. But we all know the answer to that you're just a bigot hiding behind the computer

The fact that they seem to be so bothered by it (they will deny this and yet closed caption thanks the moron liberal for his pointless post) is inspiring me to post a daily report of a black onwhite crime.

One to report something that people may not know, but more importantly to piss off the know it all, hypocritical, white guilt, left wing morons.

I thanked him because when you're fighting someone it isnt about their skin color. I've boxed and fought against tons of races too and not once was it because of their skin color.

The girl wasnt white btw but I guess hispanics are white people to you...except when they arent.

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