Mcdonalds Black Woman VICIOUSLY BEATS White Woman

The term was first adopted in the United States by the administration of Richard Nixon [1] and has since been used as a broad form of classification in the U.S. census, in local and federal employment, and numerous business market researches."

wow a republican too.....
the rest is your usual no basis in fact raving...

Yeah, bullshit.

When I was a kid, "hispanics" were just white - period.
Bitch needs to be thrown in jail and all those filming it should join her. If I was the one being beaten...soon as my wounds healed, I'd be huntin' a black wabbit.

Racist No.: ~

If you ever become a crime victim I will laugh until I pass out.
You think this assault and battery is justified.
That makes YOU the racist.

I have been a crime victim, both whites and a couple times, blacks, have stolen from me, many more whites than blacks. I know racism FAILS(.) "Black Wabbit" is racist; as I have written, the attacker needs time inside the walls. But the two women worked together, the assailant believes the victim said something that ALMOST got her fired, now the assailant is fired, and wanted for felony charges. Not a race issue, an employment dispute. I hope LE finds the assailant.
If it were the other way around MSNBC would get on its Travon Martin soap box. Always vote your race. Blacks do, its time Whites and Latino's do as well and put a stop to this.

What a stupid post, written by a stupid person.

So if Black people vote their race how did all of these White Democratic men and women get into office???

They are becoming extinct, Except in areas like Wisconsin and Minnesota that have lower black populations. Condi Rice, Colin Powell, etc, all life long Republican's crossed to vote for Obama. What % of blacks vote Democrat? 90+, no other racial voting demographic is that extremely racist. Why do they get a "free pass" on this? Because white conservatives are all branded as racist. Bleeding heart whites vote Democrat and then Dem's pass legislation that is racist in nature and we have an attorney general who is a racist. Hate crime laws are racist against whites. Why can't there be racism against whites in this country?Liberal context:" Oh....because white people have everything, born with silver spoon in their mouths, how could you ever have racism against an evil racist people. As a white person I feel sooooooooo guilty...better vote for Obama and let the world know I'm not racist." It's a SCAM, and I will call bullshit when I see it.
It wasn't, the reason was stated in the video report...

I'm not convinced. The beatdown could have been this severe due to race. It's quite possible that if the "white" woman had also been black, the attack may have been more restrained.

True, but it could just as easily NOT have been about race. Assault and battery are crimes, inserting race into it serves no purpose. The only reason race is a factor is because our anti-White media makes it a factor, in both whether a story is reported, and how it is reported. That and the fact that whites face more severe punishment for the same crime.

You don't seem very bright, so I'll make an example even you should be able to comprehend.

A Black robber needs money, he robs another Black person=no hate crime.

A Black robber needs money, he robs a White person=no hate crime.

A Black robber needs money or may not; he then says "I'm going to only rob White people because I want to=hate crime.

The "hate Crime" becomes such when the overwhelming excuse to commit the crime is only due to race, orientation, etc.

Please stop the ignorant bullshit that no Black people are convicted of hare crimes, it makes one appear even more dim-witted.

The second sentence is such a pathetic lie, I'm content to let you live with that ignorance.
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The term was first adopted in the United States by the administration of Richard Nixon [1] and has since been used as a broad form of classification in the U.S. census, in local and federal employment, and numerous business market researches."

wow a republican too.....
the rest is your usual no basis in fact raving...

Yeah, bullshit.

When I was a kid, "hispanics" were just white - period.
it's funny with you that every time you faux reality is broken it's bullshit.
you can still back out shame

The term "Hispanic" broadly refers to the culture, peoples, or nations with a historical link to Spain. The term commonly applies to countries once colonized by Spain, particularly the countries of Latin America that were colonized by Spain. It could be argued that the term should apply to all Spanish speaking cultures or countries, as the historical roots of the word specifically pertain to the Iberian region. It is also difficult to label a culture with one term, such as Hispanic, as the customs, traditions, beliefs and art forms (music, literature, dress, architecture, cuisine or others) vary widely depending on country and even within the regions of said country. The Spanish and Portuguese cultures are the main cultural element shared by Hispanic peoples.[6][7]
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I have been a crime victim, both whites and a couple times, blacks, have stolen from me, many more whites than blacks. I know racism FAILS(.) "Black Wabbit" is racist; as I have written, the attacker needs time inside the walls. But the two women worked together, the assailant believes the victim said something that ALMOST got her fired, now the assailant is fired, and wanted for felony charges. Not a race issue, an employment dispute. I hope LE finds the assailant.

Show evidence that the women worked together?

I've seen no reports that state this - but then this isn't getting much coverage by the Party Media...
I'm not convinced. The beatdown could have been this severe due to race. It's quite possible that if the "white" woman had also been black, the attack may have been more restrained.

True, but it could just as easily NOT have been about race. Assault and battery are crimes, inserting race into it serves no purpose. The only reason race is a factor is because our anti-White media makes it a factor, in both whether a story is reported, and how it is reported. That and the fact that whites face more severe punishment for the same crime.

You don't seem very bright, so I'll make an example even you should be able to comprehend.

A Black robber needs money, he robs another Black person=no hate crime.

A Black robber needs money, he robs a White person=no hate crime.

A Black robber needs money or may not; he then says "I'm going to only rob White people because I want to=hate crime.

The "hate Crime" becomes such when the overwhelming excuse to commit the crime is only due to race, orientation, etc.

Please stop the ignorant bullshit that no Black people are convicted of hare crimes, it makes one appear even more dim-witted.
Your premise is off and Holder has said as much:
[ame=]Holder Admits No Equality Under Hate Crime Bill - YouTube[/ame]
If it were the other way around MSNBC would get on its Travon Martin soap box. Always vote your race. Blacks do, its time Whites and Latino's do as well and put a stop to this.

What a stupid post, written by a stupid person.

So if Black people vote their race how did all of these White Democratic men and women get into office???

They are becoming extinct, Except in areas like Wisconsin and Minnesota that have lower black populations. Condi Rice, Colin Powell, etc, all life long Republican's crossed to vote for Obama. What % of blacks vote Democrat? 90+, no other racial voting demographic is that extremely racist. Why do they get a "free pass" on this? Because white conservatives are all branded as racist. Bleeding heart whites vote Democrat and then Dem's pass legislation that is racist in nature and we have an attorney general who is a racist. Hate crime laws are racist against whites. Why can't there be racism against whites in this country?Liberal context:" Oh....because white people have everything, born with silver spoon in their mouths, how could you ever have racism against an evil racist people. As a white person I feel sooooooooo guilty...better vote for Obama and let the world know I'm not racist." It's a SCAM, and I will call bullshit when I see it.
do us a favor and step out in front of a fast moving bus...
it's funny with you that every time you faux reality is broken it's bullshit.
you can still back out shame

It's bullshit because it is a fabrication, a fantasy created by you. It is an extrapolation by your handlers of the EEOC classification of "Non-White Hispanic" on racial categorizing forms to fulfill title VII requirements. The inclusion of the category had NOTHING to do with Nixon, and the inclusion of the term "non-white" does not equate to "white hispanic" anywhere save your imagination.
I have been a crime victim, both whites and a couple times, blacks, have stolen from me, many more whites than blacks. I know racism FAILS(.) "Black Wabbit" is racist; as I have written, the attacker needs time inside the walls. But the two women worked together, the assailant believes the victim said something that ALMOST got her fired, now the assailant is fired, and wanted for felony charges. Not a race issue, an employment dispute. I hope LE finds the assailant.

Show evidence that the women worked together?

I've seen no reports that state this - but then this isn't getting much coverage by the Party Media...

Your missing the issue: Technically it falls under "hate crime." If the roles were reversed are you really going to believe that media would not explode and DOJ would be after white assailant? What fantasy land are you in?
I'm not convinced. The beatdown could have been this severe due to race. It's quite possible that if the "white" woman had also been black, the attack may have been more restrained.

True, but it could just as easily NOT have been about race. Assault and battery are crimes, inserting race into it serves no purpose. The only reason race is a factor is because our anti-White media makes it a factor, in both whether a story is reported, and how it is reported. That and the fact that whites face more severe punishment for the same crime.

You don't seem very bright, so I'll make an example even you should be able to comprehend.

A Black robber needs money, he robs another Black person=no hate crime.

A Black robber needs money, he robs a White person=no hate crime.

A Black robber needs money or may not; he then says "I'm going to only rob White people because I want to=hate crime.

The "hate Crime" becomes such when the overwhelming excuse to commit the crime is only due to race, orientation, etc.

Please stop the ignorant bullshit that no Black people are convicted of hare crimes, it makes one appear even more dim-witted.

The second sentence is such a pathetic lie, I'm content to let you live with that ignorance.
take it from me. as I'm, his self proclaimed arch enemy (proclaimed by him that is) he's as sharp as marble...
If it were the other way around MSNBC would get on its Travon Martin soap box. Always vote your race. Blacks do, its time Whites and Latino's do as well and put a stop to this.

What a stupid post, written by a stupid person.

So if Black people vote their race how did all of these White Democratic men and women get into office???

They are becoming extinct, Except in areas like Wisconsin and Minnesota that have lower black populations. Condi Rice, Colin Powell, etc, all life long Republican's crossed to vote for Obama. What % of blacks vote Democrat? 90+, no other racial voting demographic is that extremely racist. Why do they get a "free pass" on this? Because white conservatives are all branded as racist. Bleeding heart whites vote Democrat and then Dem's pass legislation that is racist in nature and we have an attorney general who is a racist. Hate crime laws are racist against whites. Why can't there be racism against whites in this country?Liberal context:" Oh....because white people have everything, born with silver spoon in their mouths, how could you ever have racism against an evil racist people. As a white person I feel sooooooooo guilty...better vote for Obama and let the world know I'm not racist." It's a SCAM, and I will call bullshit when I see it.

I see that the post I called you out on was so full of bullshit that even you attempted to deflect from it.....:eusa_shifty:

So, once again, you stated that Whites should only vote for Whites because other minorities only vote for their race.

Once again, if Black people only voted for Black people, how did we get all of these Democratic White men and women in office??
Try to stay on point this time, unless you simply want to admit that you are full of shit...
how so? you silly fuck? they both have some African blood in them...some white too.
the interracial ploy doesn't fly...

Remember, George Zimmerman was a "White-Hispanic." DOUBLE STANDARD
The term was first adopted in the United States by the administration of Richard Nixon [1] and has since been used as a broad form of classification in the U.S. census, in local and federal employment, and numerous business market researches."
you have no point....but psychotic ass hats need none...

Who cares how it was first used in census? It was used by NY Times to fan flames of issue of racism against blacks in America. DOUBLE STANDARD.
it's funny with you that every time you faux reality is broken it's bullshit.
you can still back out shame

It's bullshit because it is a fabrication, a fantasy created by you. It is an extrapolation by your handlers of the EEOC classification of "Non-White Hispanic" on racial categorizing forms to fulfill title VII requirements. The inclusion of the category had NOTHING to do with Nixon, and the inclusion of the term "non-white" does not equate to "white hispanic" anywhere save your imagination.
love it when you start spewing total intelligent sounding goobeltygoop...
I have been a crime victim, both whites and a couple times, blacks, have stolen from me, many more whites than blacks. I know racism FAILS(.) "Black Wabbit" is racist; as I have written, the attacker needs time inside the walls. But the two women worked together, the assailant believes the victim said something that ALMOST got her fired, now the assailant is fired, and wanted for felony charges. Not a race issue, an employment dispute. I hope LE finds the assailant.

Show evidence that the women worked together?

I've seen no reports that state this - but then this isn't getting much coverage by the Party Media...

In one of several media reports already posted, I'll find for you. :eusa_whistle:
it's funny with you that every time you faux reality is broken it's bullshit.
you can still back out shame

It's bullshit because it is a fabrication, a fantasy created by you. It is an extrapolation by your handlers of the EEOC classification of "Non-White Hispanic" on racial categorizing forms to fulfill title VII requirements. The inclusion of the category had NOTHING to do with Nixon, and the inclusion of the term "non-white" does not equate to "white hispanic" anywhere save your imagination.
love it when you start spewing total intelligent sounding goobeltygoop...

You mean "facts?"
I have been a crime victim, both whites and a couple times, blacks, have stolen from me, many more whites than blacks. I know racism FAILS(.) "Black Wabbit" is racist; as I have written, the attacker needs time inside the walls. But the two women worked together, the assailant believes the victim said something that ALMOST got her fired, now the assailant is fired, and wanted for felony charges. Not a race issue, an employment dispute. I hope LE finds the assailant.

Show evidence that the women worked together?

I've seen no reports that state this - but then this isn't getting much coverage by the Party Media...

Your missing the issue: Technically it falls under "hate crime." If the roles were reversed are you really going to believe that media would not explode and DOJ would be after white assailant? What fantasy land are you in?
nope it's at best a local crime and will be prosecuted by the local authorities ....the rest is masturbation...
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Wait...the chick who got beat up was hispanic and the OP and the whiners thought she was white like George Zimmerman...

But I thought they called Zimmerman white because they hate you're telling me that the OP and Uncensored hate white people too?


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