Mcdonalds Black Woman VICIOUSLY BEATS White Woman

When Sheldon on Big Bang doesn't understand sarcasm, we assume genius. When you don't, we can only assume the reverse. Having said that, your post was self-evident in the first place.
you need to take lessons in sarcasm my post was sarcasm.
your answer proves you need training..
Great comeback there. I'll bet it struck you like a bolt of genius.:badgrin:
no it's a standard disclaimer ...your second attempt at the great comeback line is sheer desperation..
it wasn't humorous the first time...
you need to take lessons in sarcasm my post was sarcasm.
your answer proves you need training..
Great comeback there. I'll bet it struck you like a bolt of genius.:badgrin:
no it's a standard disclaimer ...your second attempt at the great comeback line is sheer desperation..
it wasn't humorous the first time...
Sorry, simplicity of thought is self-evident. When one is presumed to be genius, understandable. When one is obviously obtuse in intellect, stupidity is a given.

You never stood a chance. Pick your fights better in the future.

Intellect is a problem for you, I understand.
Great comeback there. I'll bet it struck you like a bolt of genius.:badgrin:
no it's a standard disclaimer ...your second attempt at the great comeback line is sheer desperation..
it wasn't humorous the first time...
Sorry, simplicity of thought is self-evident. When one is presumed to be genius, understandable. When one is obviously obtuse in intellect, stupidity is a given.

You never stood a chance. Pick your fights better in the future.

Intellect is a problem for you, I understand.
now that's how you rationalize!
Back to can you align yourself with racists who want you dead?
[MENTION=5035]GHook93[/MENTION] Do you deny the holocaust?
What is your idea of who you think I support? I strongly support Evangelicals and I stand by my comment if there was a one world religion we would be lucky if it was Evangelical Christianity. Evangelicals aren't the KKK or other racist groups. In fact the fast growing religion in Latin America is Evangelical Christianity. By 2050 they will out number the Catholics! They do not support gay marriage, but they aren't supporting segregation, murder or exclusion of gays from society!
Well after all the far left media taught us all about "white" Hispanics during the Zimmerman case.

And the zombies that follow that mantra still exist because of their programming!

Even selective racism is still racism.


Those awful police had an agenda when they identified Zimmerman as a white guy...Just like Owl identifying this hispanic lady as being white.


Wait, only ONE HATES WHITE PEOPLE!!! Yeah!! :lol:

The media referred to them as white you stupid fuck!
Back to can you align yourself with racists who want you dead?
[MENTION=5035]GHook93[/MENTION] Do you deny the holocaust?
What is your idea of who you think I support? I strongly support Evangelicals and I stand by my comment if there was a one world religion we would be lucky if it was Evangelical Christianity. Evangelicals aren't the KKK or other racist groups. In fact the fast growing religion in Latin America is Evangelical Christianity. By 2050 they will out number the Catholics! They do not support gay marriage, but they aren't supporting segregation, murder or exclusion of gays from society!

Um, no.

ANY one world religion would be a curse because people would not be allowed to follow their own conscience.

That is why God gave us free will.
Back to can you align yourself with racists who want you dead?
[MENTION=5035]GHook93[/MENTION] Do you deny the holocaust?
What is your idea of who you think I support? I strongly support Evangelicals and I stand by my comment if there was a one world religion we would be lucky if it was Evangelical Christianity. Evangelicals aren't the KKK or other racist groups. In fact the fast growing religion in Latin America is Evangelical Christianity. By 2050 they will out number the Catholics! They do not support gay marriage, but they aren't supporting segregation, murder or exclusion of gays from society!

I find it to be ridiculous that you are a Jew and a racist. You don't find many racist Jews...if for no other fact than their allies are anti-Semites. I find you to be fascinating. Do you believe in the holocaust?

This has nothing to do with Evangelical Christians...I would be an Evangelical. This has nothing to do with whatever you are talking about. It has to do with Jew racists. Or am I mistaken and you are not Jewish?
Back to can you align yourself with racists who want you dead?
[MENTION=5035]GHook93[/MENTION] Do you deny the holocaust?
What is your idea of who you think I support? I strongly support Evangelicals and I stand by my comment if there was a one world religion we would be lucky if it was Evangelical Christianity. Evangelicals aren't the KKK or other racist groups. In fact the fast growing religion in Latin America is Evangelical Christianity. By 2050 they will out number the Catholics! They do not support gay marriage, but they aren't supporting segregation, murder or exclusion of gays from society!

Um, no.

ANY one world religion would be a curse because people would not be allowed to follow their own conscience.

That is why God gave us free will.

There can be only one true faith and only one true God.

Those awful police had an agenda when they identified Zimmerman as a white guy...Just like Owl identifying this hispanic lady as being white.


Wait, only ONE HATES WHITE PEOPLE!!! Yeah!! :lol:

The media referred to them as white you stupid fuck!

I know that faggot AFTER the police Identified Zimmerman as White dumbass.

Obviously its because the police, the media and owl hates whites fuck face
Back to can you align yourself with racists who want you dead?
[MENTION=5035]GHook93[/MENTION] Do you deny the holocaust?
What is your idea of who you think I support? I strongly support Evangelicals and I stand by my comment if there was a one world religion we would be lucky if it was Evangelical Christianity. Evangelicals aren't the KKK or other racist groups. In fact the fast growing religion in Latin America is Evangelical Christianity. By 2050 they will out number the Catholics! They do not support gay marriage, but they aren't supporting segregation, murder or exclusion of gays from society!

I find it to be ridiculous that you are a Jew and a racist. You don't find many racist Jews...if for no other fact than their allies are anti-Semites. I find you to be fascinating. Do you believe in the holocaust?

This has nothing to do with Evangelical Christians...I would be an Evangelical. This has nothing to do with whatever you are talking about. It has to do with Jew racists. Or am I mistaken and you are not Jewish?

Where is the racism in what he said?
What is your idea of who you think I support? I strongly support Evangelicals and I stand by my comment if there was a one world religion we would be lucky if it was Evangelical Christianity. Evangelicals aren't the KKK or other racist groups. In fact the fast growing religion in Latin America is Evangelical Christianity. By 2050 they will out number the Catholics! They do not support gay marriage, but they aren't supporting segregation, murder or exclusion of gays from society!

Um, no.

ANY one world religion would be a curse because people would not be allowed to follow their own conscience.

That is why God gave us free will.

There can be only one true faith and only one true God.

Ummm, where do you get that idea?

All faiths think themselves to be the best or most true faith, or else they wouldn't bother.

But that is a far cry from justifying forcing people to join your religion.
Those awful police had an agenda when they identified Zimmerman as a white guy...Just like Owl identifying this hispanic lady as being white.


Wait, only ONE HATES WHITE PEOPLE!!! Yeah!! :lol:

Sure are obsessed with an inconsequential issue. Then again, you are liberal.

When people are wrong they pretend the wrong doesnt matter.

It does because you're wrong. Embrace it :D

Wrong about what? A black woman committing violent crime? I do not think I was wrong about that.

That, is the more significant issue.

No matter how you or the hypocrites obfuscate from the actual point is the more pathetic you look.

I mean, did you want me to post all black on white crimes? I am not sure, but I am pretty sure that is what you want me to do.

Would it make you more happy if when I say it was a black person committing a violent crime against a white person that the victim was actually white?

Cause, quite frankly when that story first came out they withheld the name and she certainly looked white to me.

But, keep on getting away from the more important point, like the typical ass clown you are, along with the ass clowns that approved your insignificant point.

Now, do you want to me post black on white crimes with video? Yes or no? Thought not.

Get some debate skills.
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Every time a black person hits a white person, the righties feel sheer rapture. Any such incident means weeks of victimhood orgasms for them.
Every time a black person hits a white person, the righties feel sheer rapture. Any such incident means weeks of victimhood orgasms for them.

Not righties...Teapers. True conservatives aren't victims.
Every time a black person hits a white person, the righties feel sheer rapture. Any such incident means weeks of victimhood orgasms for them.

Not righties...Teapers. True conservatives aren't victims.

Nothing worse than a person attempting to be funny, and not being funny. You are not funny.

From everything you post I conclude that you are nothing but an ill-mannered, arrogant, narcissistic, ignorant prick who has no definable sense of humor.

I mean......just stop.
Every time a black person hits a white person, the righties feel sheer rapture. Any such incident means weeks of victimhood orgasms for them.

Not righties...Teapers. True conservatives aren't victims.

Nothing worse than a person attempting to be funny, and not being funny. You are not funny.

From everything you post I conclude that you are nothing but an ill-mannered, arrogant, narcissistic, ignorant prick who has no definable sense of humor.

I mean......just stop.

Are you a teaper? Getting outraged over a white looking person getting in a makes me think you are indeed a teaper. I could be wrong.

But no, I was not trying to be funny. True conservatives don't blame blacks for all of the ills of the world nor do they use blacks as political fodder. My guess, you are either a Teaper or a Democrat...which are you? You fit the bill for either one.
Not righties...Teapers. True conservatives aren't victims.

Nothing worse than a person attempting to be funny, and not being funny. You are not funny.

From everything you post I conclude that you are nothing but an ill-mannered, arrogant, narcissistic, ignorant prick who has no definable sense of humor.

I mean......just stop.

Are you a teaper? Getting outraged over a white looking person getting in a makes me think you are indeed a teaper. I could be wrong.

But no, I was not trying to be funny. True conservatives don't blame blacks for all of the ills of the world nor do they use blacks as political fodder. My guess, you are either a Teaper or a Democrat...which are you? You fit the bill for either one.

What is your idea of who you think I support? I strongly support Evangelicals and I stand by my comment if there was a one world religion we would be lucky if it was Evangelical Christianity. Evangelicals aren't the KKK or other racist groups. In fact the fast growing religion in Latin America is Evangelical Christianity. By 2050 they will out number the Catholics! They do not support gay marriage, but they aren't supporting segregation, murder or exclusion of gays from society!

Um, no.

ANY one world religion would be a curse because people would not be allowed to follow their own conscience.

That is why God gave us free will.

There can be only one true faith and only one true God.
There is no god but God.

And Muhammed is His Prophet.
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