Mcdonalds Black Woman VICIOUSLY BEATS White Woman

Nothing worse than a person attempting to be funny, and not being funny. You are not funny.

From everything you post I conclude that you are nothing but an ill-mannered, arrogant, narcissistic, ignorant prick who has no definable sense of humor.

I mean......just stop.

Are you a teaper? Getting outraged over a white looking person getting in a makes me think you are indeed a teaper. I could be wrong.

But no, I was not trying to be funny. True conservatives don't blame blacks for all of the ills of the world nor do they use blacks as political fodder. My guess, you are either a Teaper or a Democrat...which are you? You fit the bill for either one.


:lol: But seriously...are you a tea partier (Teaper)?
Are you a teaper? Getting outraged over a white looking person getting in a makes me think you are indeed a teaper. I could be wrong.

But no, I was not trying to be funny. True conservatives don't blame blacks for all of the ills of the world nor do they use blacks as political fodder. My guess, you are either a Teaper or a Democrat...which are you? You fit the bill for either one.


:lol: But seriously...are you a tea partier (Teaper)?

Are you a teaper? Getting outraged over a white looking person getting in a makes me think you are indeed a teaper. I could be wrong.

But no, I was not trying to be funny. True conservatives don't blame blacks for all of the ills of the world nor do they use blacks as political fodder. My guess, you are either a Teaper or a Democrat...which are you? You fit the bill for either one.


:lol: But seriously...are you a tea partier (Teaper)?

Jeez Teaper, you always talk about the tea party, and im assuming that like Hodor, you are a retard who says his own name all the time. Isnt that right Teaper?
Sure are obsessed with an inconsequential issue. Then again, you are liberal.

When people are wrong they pretend the wrong doesnt matter.

It does because you're wrong. Embrace it :D

Wrong about what? A black woman committing violent crime? I do not think I was wrong about that.

The victim isnt white

That, is the more significant issue.

No matter how you or the hypocrites obfuscate from the actual point is the more pathetic you look.

The "actual" point isnt that this was an attack on a white women and your title is wrong?

I mean, did you want me to post all black on white crimes? I am not sure, but I am pretty sure that is what you want me to do.

The lady isnt white, but you just said that wasnt the point.

Would it make you more happy if when I say it was a black person committing a violent crime against a white person that the victim was actually white?

R U Serious? Yes when you say something it should be grounded in reality. Yes :itsok:

Cause, quite frankly when that story first came out they withheld the name and she certainly looked white to me.

Like Zimmerman you mean? Or its different because just is

But, keep on getting away from the more important point, like the typical ass clown you are, along with the ass clowns that approved your insignificant point.

Is the point still that shes white? Or you thought shes white therefore she is white? White dont matter? Whats your point again?

Now, do you want to me post black on white crimes with video? Yes or no? Thought not.

Get some debate skills.

Ok her being white isnt the point but she is white because she looked white but thats not the point, the point is um...not the title...the point is um black black black black something something yadda yadda
When people are wrong they pretend the wrong doesnt matter.

It does because you're wrong. Embrace it :D

Wrong about what? A black woman committing violent crime? I do not think I was wrong about that.

The victim isnt white

Once again, you lying piece of shit, what is it about speaking Spanish that changes someone's race?

The government breaks the demographic groupings into 'white hispanic' and 'nonwhite hispanic', so a person can be both white and Hispanic, you fucking racist.
Wrong about what? A black woman committing violent crime? I do not think I was wrong about that.

The victim isnt white

Once again, you lying piece of shit, what is it about speaking Spanish that changes someone's race?

The government breaks the demographic groupings into 'white hispanic' and 'nonwhite hispanic', so a person can be both white and Hispanic, you fucking racist.

The only reason there is a category of white Hispanic is because

I know, I even started a thread on it before in the Zimmerman case but I was told that the only reason "white hispanic" was used was because the media and racists hated whites and to further an agenda.

Now, I'm being told that when someone looks white thats good enough for them to be considered as a white person ONLY this time without the "hatred of whites" part.

It seems that they want both options to cry about. Call them a white hispanic and the accuser hates whites...cry. Call them Hispanic and the accuser wants to reserve the right to identify with the person because they "look white". :lol:
Ok her being white isnt the point but she is white because she looked white but thats not the point, the point is um...not the title...the point is um black black black black something something yadda yadda

Yadda yadda yadda? Oh, I was right about her being black? Yes, I was.

Not even sure what the fuck your point is? I showed a black woman assaulting a person who I thought was white?

Did you even express one post being disgusted by the BLACK woman beating down the woman?

Hey, are you upset that I put BLACK in title? Was that inaccurate? Cause right now it seems that is the part that offends you.

Wait a minute. I do not seem to remember left wingers going ape shit when MSNBC quickly put white in front of hispanic when they found out he was indeed half hispanic. I also do not remember left wingers going ape shit when MSNBC was caught race baiting and inciting violence when they doctored the 911 tapes.

Oh, never mind. Continue on in your demented rationality while you still have not expressed the violent actions you saw. You are just upset cause I put black in the title?

I prove once again that liberals are nothing but double talking hypocrites who feign outrage over utter bullshit. Race baiting pawns of the democrat puppet masters.

You actually had one liberal say the one doing the beating was the victim. Of course that liberal whore thought the one being beaten was white too. Not that a closed caption would notice. Like the hypocritical, left wing dick he is.
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Ok her being white isnt the point but she is white because she looked white but thats not the point, the point is um...not the title...the point is um black black black black something something yadda yadda

Yadda yadda yadda? Oh, I was right about her being black? Yes, I was.

Not even sure what the fuck your point is? I showed a black woman assaulting a person who I thought was white?

Ok, but shes not white, understand?
Only a crazy bastard would want to resort to violence because some idiot screwed up a fast food order.
Ok her being white isnt the point but she is white because she looked white but thats not the point, the point is um...not the title...the point is um black black black black something something yadda yadda

Yadda yadda yadda? Oh, I was right about her being black? Yes, I was.

Not even sure what the fuck your point is? I showed a black woman assaulting a person who I thought was white?

Ok, but shes not white, understand?

Oh I get the only thing you picked up on. That was hardly the point. However you ought to keep on focusing on what color the victim was. That way, you can keep on making sense to your fellow liberal morons.

Still not sure what your point is. Is it that you want me to post black on white crimes? Is it the person doing the beating is black? Is it that you do not want me to put the color of the person who is doing the beating cause some how that flames racial tensions? If it is that, then are you equally as pissed at MSNBC for doing that when they deliberately showed Trayvon's 13 year old photo, doctored the 911 tapes, and perpetually put white in front of hispanic when they found out a person with last name of "Zimmerman" was in fact half hispanic?

Oh wait a minute. You are illustrating your double standards and clear hypocrisy by declaring such selective outrage.

If, that is not what you are doing, then explain to all of us how what MSNBC did was not stoking racial tensions in order to target their liberal demographic does not piss you off, or at the least concern you in the same way it concerns you about me stating that a black woman brutalized what I thought was a white woman.

Catch all of that. Let us see the classic left wing two step.
Every time a black person hits a white person, the righties feel sheer rapture. Any such incident means weeks of victimhood orgasms for them.

Not righties...Teapers. True conservatives aren't victims.

Nothing worse than a person attempting to be funny, and not being funny. You are not funny.

From everything you post I conclude that you are nothing but an ill-mannered, arrogant, narcissistic, ignorant prick who has no definable sense of humor.

I mean......just stop.
you must be defining yourself..
Yadda yadda yadda? Oh, I was right about her being black? Yes, I was.

Not even sure what the fuck your point is? I showed a black woman assaulting a person who I thought was white?

Ok, but shes not white, understand?

Oh I get the only thing you picked up on. That was hardly the point. However you ought to keep on focusing on what color the victim was. That way, you can keep on making sense to your fellow liberal morons.

Still not sure what your point is. Is it that you want me to post black on white crimes? Is it the person doing the beating is black? Is it that you do not want me to put the color of the person who is doing the beating cause some how that flames racial tensions? If it is that, then are you equally as pissed at MSNBC for doing that when they deliberately showed Trayvon's 13 year old photo, doctored the 911 tapes, and perpetually put white in front of hispanic when they found out a person with last name of "Zimmerman" was in fact half hispanic?

Oh wait a minute. You are illustrating your double standards and clear hypocrisy by declaring such selective outrage.

If, that is not what you are doing, then explain to all of us how what MSNBC did was not stoking racial tensions in order to target their liberal demographic does not piss you off, or at the least concern you in the same way it concerns you about me stating that a black woman brutalized what I thought was a white woman.

Catch all of that. Let us see the classic left wing two step.
can you rationalize any harder....?
Who among us hasn't wanted to beat the crap out of some fast flood flunky for screwing up our order? :)

Except you have it wrong. The McDonald's worker beat the shit out of the customer, who probably complained about slow service or incorrect order!
For future posters,
When you get your ass handed to you in a debate, don't p.m. like a little bitch....believing that calling someone a racial epithet will redeem your frayed ass strings.....

I can relate. He left me this comment in a neg rep he gave me over a post in this thread:

Mcdonalds Black Woman... 06-27-2014 01:07 PM GHook93 Oh please go suck another cock!

Hey, if he doesn't have the intellectual prowess to debate, his natural abilities surface...simple minded and stupid insults.

It actually makes me smile to know that he's sitting at mom's computer mad as
Yadda yadda yadda? Oh, I was right about her being black? Yes, I was.

Not even sure what the fuck your point is? I showed a black woman assaulting a person who I thought was white?

Ok, but shes not white, understand?

Oh I get the only thing you picked up on. That was hardly the point. However you ought to keep on focusing on what color the victim was. That way, you can keep on making sense to your fellow liberal morons.

If her being white wasn't the point then why is it the title of this thread??
Ok, but shes not white, understand?

Oh I get the only thing you picked up on. That was hardly the point. However you ought to keep on focusing on what color the victim was. That way, you can keep on making sense to your fellow liberal morons.

If her being white wasn't the point then why is it the title of this thread??

It really is not hard to figure out. I said she looked white to me.

That is not the big point.

You continue to harp on it, instead of showing your disgust for the action.

Oh I get the only thing you picked up on. That was hardly the point. However you ought to keep on focusing on what color the victim was. That way, you can keep on making sense to your fellow liberal morons.

If her being white wasn't the point then why is it the title of this thread??

It really is not hard to figure out. I said she looked white to me.

That is not the big point.

You continue to harp on it, instead of showing your disgust for the action.

bullshit......still back pedaling I SEE...

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