McDonalds Pays $15 an hour and still turns a huge profit

Quit flattering yurselves, you can not claim you are any more useful than a fast food worker, unless you are an ignorant supremacist. At the end of the day, you are just a button pusher.
How do you measure "useful" exactly? I can make a fair claim that in a year I generate far more revenue for my company than a fast-food worker does for their company.

The question is, do you do more than pushing buttons?

Your lives are ran by computers. Nobody should claim that he/she has any significance in this process.

Therefore, yes, $15 toooo much for a fast food worker in this country, just like whatever you are making is tooo dam high for whatever you are doin. Because nobody does anything anymore. Without a computer, most people here probably could not be able to take a dump.

Thats not true, there are a whole bunch of jobs that require you to roll up your sleeves and get to work and not sit behind a pc.
Well, comparing to the rest of the world, any doctor, any lawyer, any computer programmer, any cab driver, any fast food worker simply is overpaid.
Pointless comparison if we are paying the salary to someone here, not there.

Same skill, same experience, and what makes you worth more than an Indian or a Chinese programmer?
Being here where pay is higher and cost of living is higher.

Any company could outsource your job and still keep making millions. That is the reason US is in this mess at the first place.
Not true, every company doesn't make millions regardless of who they hire.

And also, I could replace 90% of the people blabbering about how useless the fast food workers are, simply by a software.
Not true, there isn't software to do everything that people do. You have quite the imagination.

Tell you what, you go open a company and pay the janitor the same as the general counsel. Good luck.
Market decided that the US wages are too dam high. That is the reason there is a recession in this country. Because you can get the same job done for much less in anywhere in the world. And on top of that, you can get the same job done without the need of a person at all.
God you are naive on this whole "automate anything" rant you keep prattling about.

When will you be building C3PO?
Market decided that the US wages are too dam high. That is the reason there is a recession in this country. Because you can get the same job done for much less in anywhere in the world. And on top of that, you can get the same job done without the need of a person at all.
God you are naive on this whole "automate anything" rant you keep prattling about.

When will you be building C3PO?

You'll have to excuse him. He was replaced by an illiterate Mexican illegal and is kinda bitter.
Well, comparing to the rest of the world, any doctor, any lawyer, any computer programmer, any cab driver, any fast food worker simply is overpaid.
Pointless comparison if we are paying the salary to someone here, not there.

Same skill, same experience, and what makes you worth more than an Indian or a Chinese programmer?
Being here where pay is higher and cost of living is higher.

Any company could outsource your job and still keep making millions. That is the reason US is in this mess at the first place.
Not true, every company doesn't make millions regardless of who they hire.

And also, I could replace 90% of the people blabbering about how useless the fast food workers are, simply by a software.
Not true, there isn't software to do everything that people do. You have quite the imagination.

Tell you what, you go open a company and pay the janitor the same as the general counsel. Good luck.

Good start. You will get there.

The cost of living is high, because wages are high. Therefore, production costs are high. Thats why US can not compete in the world market as far as the production is concerned.

Meaning you are just another expensive piece of junk who could easily be replaced by a much cheaper piece of junk.

And dont twist my words when your retarded logic is drained down the toilet. I did not claim everybody should be paid the same. What I am saying is in avarage the wages are too dam high for a country going through the biggest financial crisis of its history. And you kids acting up like you are the irreplacable, indispensable saviors of the world is just RIDICILOUS!
How do you measure "useful" exactly? I can make a fair claim that in a year I generate far more revenue for my company than a fast-food worker does for their company.

The question is, do you do more than pushing buttons?

Your lives are ran by computers. Nobody should claim that he/she has any significance in this process.

Therefore, yes, $15 toooo much for a fast food worker in this country, just like whatever you are making is tooo dam high for whatever you are doin. Because nobody does anything anymore. Without a computer, most people here probably could not be able to take a dump.

Thats not true, there are a whole bunch of jobs that require you to roll up your sleeves and get to work and not sit behind a pc.

And what do you do to get those things done, seriously.

Technology providing you everything, all the tools you need.

Any construction worker should compare himself to the pyramid workers before claiming how tough his job is.

Technology made everything easier guys, this is something to admit. And the reality is screaming this fact to our faces. How? Look at the world. Anybody can do anything now. US being superior in tdchnology did give it the edge for the last century, so any idiot could contribute to the production. But now, any country matching the same technology can do the same thing, and for much cheaper. I know factories having humans work in just because otherwise it would be producing more than they could have sold.

It is not destiny why every piece of crap you take in your hand is made in China. Because they can do the same shit you do, for much less. If you keep doing what you are doing, and keep getting paid what you are getting paid, any person with a little bit of brain will tell you how it will end, bankruptcy. So what do you need to do?


Meaning cut all the wages, drop the cost of living, which will end up lowering your production cost which will eventually allow US compete, rather than consume itself.

Sorry to break the news for you folks but this is how nature works.
You really are an envious poorly educated fucktard, aren't you?
You have no idea what I do yet you blabber on about whatever.
Newsflash: if any job could be replaced more economically with a machine, it would have been done.

Already have retard. Why do you think this country is in recession?

I bet this is newsflash for you...

First we are not in a recession.
Second, we have problems because economic illiterates like you vote white guilt and elect glib liars like Obama.
Third, go fuck yourself.

This is as mature as it gets for you.

You are not in recession, than what are you in to? A booming economy?

Dont get stuck with the numbers and terms, just know "you are in big trouble". The way it goes, US will consume itself, unless there is a change of plan.

A great mind said once; only idiots would expect to get a different outcome while they are doing the same thing. I guess he mentioned your kind.

If you ask me, republicans are much dumber than democrats because they had Ron Paul, who offered exactly what I am offering now, which is the only way out if anybody thinks staight(but of course you need a brain for that first), and they still voted for that retraded guy whatever his name is. At least democrats have nobody telling them the truth, so there is a reason for them being in the lala land.

But this is no political matter. This is a matter of nature. Chaos you are living in and if you expect everything to stay the same for the eternity, you are no different from a child, living in a fantasy.

Things did and will change, and you will have to adapt. If not, you simply get eliminated.

But of course, for you to realize all this, first you need to GROW UP!
Here's where the $15 minimum wage will end: Robotics.

No longer will they say, “He’s going to end up flipping burgers.” Because now, robots are taking even these ignobly esteemed jobs. Alpha machine from Momentum Machines cooks up a tasty burger with all the fixins. And it does it with such quality and efficiency it’ll produce “gourmet quality burgers at fast food prices.”

With a conveyor belt-type system the burgers are freshly ground, shaped and grilled to the customer’s liking. And only when the burger’s finished cooking does Alpha slice the tomatoes and pickles and place them on the burger as fresh as can be. Finally, the machine wraps the burger up for serving.

And while you fret over how many people you invited to the barbecue, Alpha churns out a painless 360 hamburgers per hour.

San Francisco-based Momentum Machines claim that using Alpha will save a restaurant enough money that it pays for itself in a year, and it enables the restaurant to spend about twice as much on ingredients as they normally would – so they can buy the gourmet stuff. Saving money with Alpha is pretty easy to imagine. You don’t even need cashiers or servers. Customers could just punch in their order, pay, and wait at a dispensing window....

Robot Serves Up 360 Hamburgers Per Hour | Singularity Hub
Thats why US can not compete in the world market as far as the production is concerned.
Lol what an absolutely asinine statement.


Yup, the US cannot compete in the world market as far as production is concerned.
Thats why US can not compete in the world market as far as the production is concerned.
Lol what an absolutely asinine statement.


Yup, the US cannot compete in the world market as far as production is concerned.

Do you see that red line? That is called hyperbolic.

If you don't know what that means, than it is no surprise this graph is no more meaningful than a cartoon for you...
Again, the minimum wage in Australia is $15. So McDonald's is paying their employees minimum wage in Australia, just like everywhere else.

The OP fails.

Difference is that our minimum wage is a living wage. Is yours? Australia

The Magical World Where McDonald's Pays $15 an Hour? It's Australia

The Magical World Where McDonald's Pays $15 an Hour? It's Australia - Jordan Weissmann - The Atlantic

The land down under is, of course, not the only high-wage country in the world where McDonald's does lucrative business. The company actually earns more revenue out of Europe than than it does from the United States. France, with its roughly $12.00 hourly minimum, has more than 1,200 locations. (Australia has about 900).
That said, not every extra dollar of worker compensation seems to get passed onto the consumer. Again, take Australia. According to the The Economist, Aussies have paid anywhere from 6 cents to 70 cents extra for their Big Macs compared to Americans over the past two years, a 1 percent to 17 percent premium. If you were to simply double the cost of labor at your average U.S. Mickey D's and tack it onto the price of a sandwich, you'd expect customers to be paying at least a dollar more.

Dishonest POS

Care to compare COL and menu prices?
Thats why US can not compete in the world market as far as the production is concerned.
Lol what an absolutely asinine statement.


Yup, the US cannot compete in the world market as far as production is concerned.

Do you see that red line? That is called hyperbolic.

If you don't know what that means, than it is no surprise this graph is no more meaningful than a cartoon for you...

Do you know the difference between competition & China's unfair import tariff? Australia

The Magical World Where McDonald's Pays $15 an Hour? It's Australia

The Magical World Where McDonald's Pays $15 an Hour? It's Australia - Jordan Weissmann - The Atlantic

The land down under is, of course, not the only high-wage country in the world where McDonald's does lucrative business. The company actually earns more revenue out of Europe than than it does from the United States. France, with its roughly $12.00 hourly minimum, has more than 1,200 locations. (Australia has about 900).

That said, not every extra dollar of worker compensation seems to get passed onto the consumer. Again, take Australia. According to the The Economist, Aussies have paid anywhere from 6 cents to 70 cents extra for their Big Macs compared to Americans over the past two years, a 1 percent to 17 percent premium. If you were to simply double the cost of labor at your average U.S. Mickey D's and tack it onto the price of a sandwich, you'd expect customers to be paying at least a dollar more.


In the United States, industry analysts tend to peg the figure a bit lower -- labor might make up anywhere from about a quarter of all expenses at your average franchise to about a third.* But generally speaking, in countries where pay is higher, so is the cost of two all beef patties, as shown in the chart below by Princeton economist Orley Ashenfelter. Note Western Europe way up there in the upper-right hand corner, with its high McWages and high Big Mac prices.

this needs an explanation?
Here is the other side of the Story, pay may be up but so are prices:
For example, US used to 59 cent cheeseburgers. AUS cheeseburgers are 2$.

The dollar menu in america means everything is a dollar. In Australia, we have the "Loose Change" Menu and the prices range from 1-5$. Most burgers cost around 5$ which is considered pretty expensive for a mcdonalds burger in america.

In Australia: Mcflurries are 4$, Burger meals come to around 6/8$, Drinks are around 4$, Fries are 2.50$ (Or 1$ for small, but it's TINY)

The serving sizes are also much bigger in America, a Medium in America would equal a small in Australia.

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