McMaster: Donald Trump has the intelligence of a "kindergartener"

Uninformed sources told me that a guys who built a real estate empire from scratch and has been on Forbes 400 for 3 decades is like dumb or something

From scratch? Are you on drugs? That is daddy’s company that was worth close to a billion dollars in today’s money that he is over.

From scratch? That is the funniest thing I have read I a long time.

Amazing how ill-informed people are, and you are still allowed to vote

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His Daddy was a middle and low market developer and gave Donald maybe $1 million, not $1 Billion. Fred Trump never dreamed of converting the bankrupt Commodore Hotel to a Hyatt or developing Trump Towers on the site formerly own by Tiffany.

The million was just the money his daddy gave him in cash, the business was worth way more than that. It was worth about $200 million when he took it over in 1971. Which in today's dollars is about a billion.

What's your point? Fred and Donald were related, got it. Are you saying Fred Trump converted the Commodore Hotel or developed Trump Tower?

I am saying that Trump did not start anything from "scratch" as you falsely claimed.

Early Donald Trump was able to do what he did because of his daddy's reputation and his daddy's contacts, oh and the money and business that he was handed.
Uninformed sources told me that a guys who built a real estate empire from scratch and has been on Forbes 400 for 3 decades is like dumb or something

His father, Fred Trump, built that real estate empire and hired little dumbfuck Donnie as soon as he got out of college.
From there Donnie went bat shit, invested in everything from an airline to Atlantic City casinos and promptly went broke in the 1990s, then filed for six bankruptcies.
So after that, Daddy had to co-sign notes and mortgages for little Donnie until he died in 1999, wherein Donnie inherited Fred's business.
But what saved his ass after losing almost $1Bn was Mark Burnett.
Who's that you ask? The guy who had the idea for "The Apprentice" which made Trump a TV star so he could grab women by the pussies and sell his name to anyone who wanted name-recognition for their sleaze operations like hotels in Panama where drug cartels launder their money.

That's your lesson in reality for today, Frank.

Trump worth $1B a decade before his Dad passed away

Newsday - The Long Island and New York City News Source

That was before he lost it all in Atlantic City - twice.

He didn't "lose it all" in AC. You need some math and common sense
"You're going to have such great healthcare at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it is going to be so easy!"

I heard from a friend that Hillary is a moron who has screwed up everything she's touched in her political career, they suggested a brick is smarter than Hillary.

I have a friend that says every trump supporter can't tell the difference between a giant douche and a turd sandwich, so they order a giant douche to wash down the turd sandwich.
That's a good one. Save it for the campaign in 2020. It's a real winner.
^^ thinks Trump will last until 2020. Lol
I’m sure you love your fellow neonazi Bannon and he’s said Trump only has a 30% chance of finishing his term.
Would Steve Bannon lie to you?
If true, get the turd out of there.

McMasters' problem is that he was one of the political Obama ass-kissers anyway.

Trump picked him anyway, didn't he? hahahahah Love it.

Trump picked him because nobody else would take the job. As a serving member of the military, McMaster couldn’t refuse an order from the Commander-in-Chief. He had to do it or resign his commission.

Judging from the looks on General Kelly’s face as Trump speaks, you have to know that he thinks the same thing.

It must suck having a boss you have no respect for when you are honour and duty bound to serve the useless lying twit.

Link to where he was ordered?

Trump Chooses H.R. McMaster as National Security Adviser

I must have missed in that article where he was ordered. Perhaps you can help?
"Putin's not going into Ukraine, OK, just so you understand. You can mark it down."

5 sources directly heard Donald Trump's National Security advisor Steve McMaster state that mr. Trump is an "idiot" whose intelligence is equivalent to that of a kindergartener.
A 6th source who did not directly hear the statement said that McMaster separately told him that Trump "lacks the necessary brainpower" to understand foreign policy issues:

Over a July dinner with Oracle CEO Safra Catz — who has been mentioned as a candidate for several potential administration jobs — McMaster bluntly trashed his boss, said the sources, four of whom told BuzzFeed News they heard about the exchange directly from Catz. The top national security official dismissed the president variously as an “idiot” and a “dope” with the intelligence of a “kindergartner,” the sources said.
Sources: McMaster Mocked Trump’s Intelligence At A Private Dinner
Does anyone EVER remember a top member of a president’s staff calling him the equivalence of a moron?
Me neither.
From scratch? Are you on drugs? That is daddy’s company that was worth close to a billion dollars in today’s money that he is over.

From scratch? That is the funniest thing I have read I a long time.

Amazing how ill-informed people are, and you are still allowed to vote

Sent from my iPhone using

His Daddy was a middle and low market developer and gave Donald maybe $1 million, not $1 Billion. Fred Trump never dreamed of converting the bankrupt Commodore Hotel to a Hyatt or developing Trump Towers on the site formerly own by Tiffany.

The million was just the money his daddy gave him in cash, the business was worth way more than that. It was worth about $200 million when he took it over in 1971. Which in today's dollars is about a billion.

What's your point? Fred and Donald were related, got it. Are you saying Fred Trump converted the Commodore Hotel or developed Trump Tower?

I am saying that Trump did not start anything from "scratch" as you falsely claimed.

Early Donald Trump was able to do what he did because of his daddy's reputation and his daddy's contacts, oh and the money and business that he was handed.
Uninformed sources told me that a guys who built a real estate empire from scratch and has been on Forbes 400 for 3 decades is like dumb or something

His father, Fred Trump, built that real estate empire and hired little dumbfuck Donnie as soon as he got out of college.
From there Donnie went bat shit, invested in everything from an airline to Atlantic City casinos and promptly went broke in the 1990s, then filed for six bankruptcies.
So after that, Daddy had to co-sign notes and mortgages for little Donnie until he died in 1999, wherein Donnie inherited Fred's business.
But what saved his ass after losing almost $1Bn was Mark Burnett.
Who's that you ask? The guy who had the idea for "The Apprentice" which made Trump a TV star so he could grab women by the pussies and sell his name to anyone who wanted name-recognition for their sleaze operations like hotels in Panama where drug cartels launder their money.

That's your lesson in reality for today, Frank.

Trump worth $1B a decade before his Dad passed away

Newsday - The Long Island and New York City News Source

That was before he lost it all in Atlantic City - twice.

He didn't "lose it all" in AC. You need some math and common sense

This is true, he did not lose it all he was bailed out by connections he had from his father's business. But Atlantic City was the perfect example of Trump's business sense. When everyone else knew it was dying Trump refused to listen and built the Trump Mahal which was over priced and was his downfall. His company didn't actually start to thrive again till Trump himself got out of the business of making decisions. The current edition of Trump Inc is just a holding company that sells the Trump name.
I heard from a friend that Hillary is a moron who has screwed up everything she's touched in her political career, they suggested a brick is smarter than Hillary.

I have a friend that says every trump supporter can't tell the difference between a giant douche and a turd sandwich, so they order a giant douche to wash down the turd sandwich.
That's a good one. Save it for the campaign in 2020. It's a real winner.
^^ thinks Trump will last until 2020. Lol
I’m sure you love your fellow neonazi Bannon and he’s said Trump only has a 30% chance of finishing his term.
Would Steve Bannon lie to you?

Trump should make it till 2020, it would set a very bad precedent if he were forced from office prior to that. That is not the road we want to start down
On his wife to one of the GQteam in an interview in 2009
"My wife says I'm the biggest star in the world. But she might just be saying that because she's intelligent."
I heard from a friend that Hillary is a moron who has screwed up everything she's touched in her political career, they suggested a brick is smarter than Hillary.

I have a friend that says every trump supporter can't tell the difference between a giant douche and a turd sandwich, so they order a giant douche to wash down the turd sandwich.
That's a good one. Save it for the campaign in 2020. It's a real winner.
^^ thinks Trump will last until 2020. Lol
I’m sure you love your fellow neonazi Bannon and he’s said Trump only has a 30% chance of finishing his term.
Would Steve Bannon lie to you?

Trump should make it till 2020, it would set a very bad precedent if he were forced from office prior to that. That is not the road we want to start down
You’re kidding, right. He needs to leave immediately before he starts a nuclear war or starts drilling off the Atlantic coast or etc
“First of all, you never have to default because you print the money, I hate to tell you, OK? So there’s never a default.”

I heard from a friend that Hillary is a moron who has screwed up everything she's touched in her political career, they suggested a brick is smarter than Hillary.

I have a friend that says every trump supporter can't tell the difference between a giant douche and a turd sandwich, so they order a giant douche to wash down the turd sandwich.
That's a good one. Save it for the campaign in 2020. It's a real winner.
^^ thinks Trump will last until 2020. Lol
I’m sure you love your fellow neonazi Bannon and he’s said Trump only has a 30% chance of finishing his term.
Would Steve Bannon lie to you?

Trump should make it till 2020, it would set a very bad precedent if he were forced from office prior to that. That is not the road we want to start down
You’re kidding, right. He needs to leave immediately before he starts a nuclear war or starts drilling off the Atlantic coast or etc

Look, I do not like the guy any more than you do, but if we start booting presidents based on who we like and do not like it will never end. I do not like or dislike Trump any more than I did Obama or Bush II.

Right now my biggest wish is for the Dems to take back the Senate to stop him from putting paranormal bloggers on the bench as Federal Judges
“I feel like a supermodel except, like, times 10, OK? It’s true. I’m a supermodel.”

“I’m the king of debt. I understand debt better than probably anybody. I know how to deal with debt, so well. I love debt.

Trump couldn't even spell kindergartner without suffering a stroke.

I think he turns his phone over to his mistress, Hope Hicks, and dictates tweets to her. Before she was the White House Communications Director, she was a runway model. Runway models don't spell as well as Wharton grads.
Notice how the Party of "57 States" keeps telling everyone "republicans r stewpit!!"

Sorry, but as much as I dislike Obama, the 57 states does not match this beauty...“This is an island surrounded by water, big water, ocean water,
It’s not only that he has the intelligence of a gerbil but that he doesn’t want to learn the machinations of being a president.
But still thinks he’s an Einstein.

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