McMichael Fails Miserably In Taking The Stand In His Own Defense In Arbery Case

He was trespassing....and then left the scene in a hurry.
And if he's trying to grab a gun from someone...he's committed assault.
Anyone with half a brain who's had a gun trained on them like I have knows you don't ever try to disarm the person holding the gun...especially when he's pointing it at you. Chances are pretty good you're gonna get shot. If you keep your fucking mouth shut and do what you're told chances are you'll live thru it.
If you're a black man in America and a white man wants a gun at you with two other white men to back him up I don't think the black man would expect being treated properly by the three white men. Their aggression caused the whole situation. They are responsible for what transpired.
If you're a black man in America and a white man wants a gun at you with two other white men to back him up I don't think the black man would expect being treated properly by the three white men. Their aggression caused the whole situation. They are responsible for what transpired.
Typo; " points a gun at you "
Wouldn't you? I bet you would, rather than just stand there like a dodo and get shot. I sure would try.
Well I don’t commit crimes that would piss people off so much to pull a gun on me. So there’s that.
I haven't watched much of this trial, but I did see a bit of his cross examination and I agree. He's toast.
I must say though.......the medias portrayal of Arbury is a joke. I love the photos they put up of him......his graduation photo, the nice cute photo of him smiling tipping his cap, why dont they ever put up any of his mug shot photos?

The three men who chased him down are idiots. They wanted to be cops and should have allowed the police to handle it......then of course we would be hearing about how cops abuse their authority, but thats their problem. Let them deal with it.
If you're a black man in America and a white man wants a gun at you with two other white men to back him up I don't think the black man would expect being treated properly by the three white men. Their aggression caused the whole situation. They are responsible for what transpired.
They didn't lay a finger on him till he jumped one of them.
What I keep seeing is systemic racism...where the black perp is always innocent and the white victim is always guilty.
The primary reason I say this is because the media lied about what Arbery was doing. He wasn't jogging.
He was trying to escape capture.

Maybe.....just maybe....if he hadn't tried to get away...none of this would have happened.
You folks love to assume that white people are evil and want to shoot blacks.
That's the problem here.
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They didn't lay a finger on him till he jumped one of them.
What I keep seeing is systemic racism...where the black perp is always innocent and the white victim is always guilty.
The primary reason I say this is because the media lied about what Arbery was doing. He wasn't jogging.
He was trying to escape capture.

Maybe.....just maybe....if he hadn't tried to get away...none of this would have happened.
You folks love to assume that white people are evil and want to shoot blacks.
That's the problem here.
If that were true, why on Earth did he run towards them.
But nobody went looking for black people either.
What are you trying to say?

Are we all supposed to look the other way when someone of a particular race breaks the law?
That must be what you're saying.
These white guys created the situation that's the bottom line, and hopefully they will pay for what they've done.
I saw the entire timeline.
Arbery started running from the construction site when he noticed a neighbor calling the cops.
They pretty much caught him before he had a chance to take anything.....and he took off running.
The fact that even though several people tried to get him to stop and answer some questions means he was feeling guilty.

I don't think so, most people stop at construction sites. A white couple stopped as well, do you think they stole suff?
I don't think so, most people stop at construction sites. A white couple stopped as well, do you think they stole suff?
Where's this video of a white couple going all over a construction site looking for stuff to steal?
Nobody has produced all of these videos. Most likely if neighbors had seen them walking thru the sight they would have said something to them and they would have asked questions of that neighbor. But this guy took off he was guilty of something. One thing....there is usually nails and sharp objects on the ground and floors that would have injured the person not wearing safety-shoes. Nobody wants to get sued because someone wasn't wearing the PPE. (Personal Protective Equipment)

There's a few of reasons they aren't supposed to do it.

  • The site is anyone who is there that isn't supposed to be there is trespassing
  • Only a Real Estate Agent can bring customers into a construction site without being accused of trespassing
  • Sometimes contractors leave behind tools and lights...and they don't want that stuff growing legs
  • Kids are definitely not allowed on new construction sites because of safety
Wouldn't you? I bet you would, rather than just stand there like a dodo and get shot. I sure would try.
If someone points a gun at me, I tend to be very cooperative. Trying to disarm a person with a gun is an act of desperation and should only be undertaken as a last resort to being shot. If someone is placing you under citizen’s arrest, the smart thing to do is cooperate and let the lawyers sort it out. You can easily be dead right.
jogging while black
So you think the safety factor is a laughing matter?
And he wasn't jogging....he was trying to get away.
Stop lying.

So you think the safety factor is a laughing matter?
And he wasn't jogging....he was trying to get away.
Stop lying.

I was the safety officer at work before I retired.
I had to give classes to the workers every week on electrical safety, fire safety, wearing safety equipment, and working on construction sites. I had to be certified to be a safety officer.
I can give you a class on the subject if you think this is all a joke.
Where's this video of a white couple going all over a construction site looking for stuff to steal?
Nobody has produced all of these videos. Most likely if neighbors had seen them walking thru the sight they would have said something to them and they would have asked questions of that neighbor. But this guy took off he was guilty of something. One thing....there is usually nails and sharp objects on the ground and floors that would have injured the person not wearing safety-shoes. Nobody wants to get sued because someone wasn't wearing the PPE. (Personal Protective Equipment)

There's a few of reasons they aren't supposed to do it.

  • The site is anyone who is there that isn't supposed to be there is trespassing
  • Only a Real Estate Agent can bring customers into a construction site without being accused of trespassing
  • Sometimes contractors leave behind tools and lights...and they don't want that stuff growing legs
  • Kids are definitely not allowed on new construction sites because of safety
Everybody trespasses one time or another, fortunately most people are murdered because of it.

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