Meanwhile...America's Favorite Lovers have just involved Obama in the FBI Text Scandal

New text messages from FBI agents reveal Obama wanted ‘to know everything’ about Clinton email probe

Obama once denied being in the loop regarding Hillary's e-mails, however, the recent investigation of those involved going after Trump show that POTUS asked to be updated regarding the Hillary investigation.

The classic question used to be "what did he know and when did he know it?".

In Obama's case it is now "what did he do and when did he do it?".

Obabble's finger prints are all over this scandal. That is why the Prog-Dems, their embedded henchthugs in the Executive Branch and the Media have been absolutely apoplectic to pin something on Trump. They are desperate to hide Obama and hiLIARy's criminal abuse of power.
Isn't it amazing that these Moon Bats, that voted for that Obama piece of shit, are ignoring the fact that Obama was leading the corruption?

They think Obama was honest. Can you imagine stupidity like that? Mind boggling, isn't it?
I don't think anyone believes Obama is honest, even his sycophants. They have to pretend that he is so they don't look like they support a criminal.

One of the most honest and trustworthy President's we've ever had.
Well .... he didn't imagine imaginary womd, but he covered up arms to cartels and what really happened in Benghazi ... but Reagan and el Salvador and the contras, Poppy's involvement with Noreiga .... Slick ... I mean they charged him with so much shit and only got him on lying about a bj .... there's a reason he's Slick.

You are a Benghazi conspiracy guy? Who knew?
Eh, Susan Rice lied her ass off. Of course, she was thrown under the bus. But no, Hillary did not call off the imminent rescue of the ambassador. But the whole thing was pretty relevant since Mitt's claim was Obama was a dangerous amateur who didn't appreciate the dangers Putin and Muslim terrorists posed. I think that's shown to be true. But ... shit happens.

In 63 or 64 LBJ trumped up an attack on two destoryers that they knew most likely didn't happen. In 68, Nixon torpedoed peace talks. In 2003, W concluded that because we'd no doubt find some old, usless chemical warfare artillery shells lying around somewhere, abandoned, gathering sand, we'd invade Iraq over Womd, and set in motion a civil war between shia and sunni, leading eventually to ISIS and the disintegration of Libya and Syria ... and the end of Europe as we've known it since 1948 or so.

Obama coulda been woist! LOL
Who isn't in Washington D.C.?
Some may start out with noble ideas, but they all fall in line over time.

And Trump is the first ones who didnt..

Obama had great ideas, but he got sucked in to the Washington elite establishment..


You are far too kind to this back-stabbing snake and crypto-Islamist.

Obama was always exactly what he is revealed to be today.

No I seen it first hand how Obama got sucked into the elites and wanted what they had..

It's obvious

View attachment 175413

Obama changed from a community organizer to wanting to be an elite..

Trump never changed and still has the core of himself, he is rich, didn't have to do this job and really wants to help America..

I can see it can you?

Absolutely not.

I've studied Hussein's background and upbringing.....a communist and an anti-America radical from the get go.
His parents and grandparents were as red as can be, and his mentor was Alinsky....
...a Saudi prince got him into Columbia.

Soviet apparatchiks had private dachas too.

He has always been a back-stabbing, lying, anti-America crypto-Islamist socialist.
New text messages from FBI agents reveal Obama wanted ‘to know everything’ about Clinton email probe

Obama once denied being in the loop regarding Hillary's e-mails, however, the recent investigation of those involved going after Trump show that POTUS asked to be updated regarding the Hillary investigation.

The classic question used to be "what did he know and when did he know it?".

In Obama's case it is now "what did he do and when did he do it?".

Obabble's finger prints are all over this scandal. That is why the Prog-Dems, their embedded henchthugs in the Executive Branch and the Media have been absolutely apoplectic to pin something on Trump. They are desperate to hide Obama and hiLIARy's criminal abuse of power.
hell, thank God Comey ignored his orders to stand down on Hillary.
There is nothing unusual or illegal about a president wanting to be briefed on an investigation...
Obama strangled? its not as if he has a normal 18 inch "Manly Neck"...i cant even strangle a Turkey !!!!
He gets hand me downs from Michele..
i dont think that even a pissed off Turkey can strangle Obama
That's probably why they are still together...
although I am pretty sure that Hillary has strangled dozens of Turkeys since 1992,,,then cooked them for dinner
I bet Bill had to choke his own chicken(s)...
1.Of course, there was never any doubt what a double-dealing, lying back-stabber Hussein Obama is....and, this may simply be gilding that lily, but now we catch him lying about not being at the head of the corruption in the FBI and DoJ.

He swore that he had nothing to do with the, 'matter'....of Hillary Clinton's law breaking with her emails....
Now it turns out the very opposite is true.

2.“On Sept. 2, 2016 — just weeks away from election day — Ms. Page texted Mr. Strzok, her lover, about preparing a report for then-FBI Director James B. Comey because “potus wants to know everything we’re doing.”
That raises questions about Mr. Obama’s involvement in the Clinton investigation, the report said.”
New texts between FBI’s Peter Strzok, Lisa Page show Obama wanted updates on Clinton investigation

3.“…reveal that President Barack Obama wanted “to know everything we’re doing” about the bureau’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails, according to a report Wednesday.

FBI lawyer Lisa Page wrote to her lover and fellow agent Peter Strzok in September 2016 about preparing talking points for FBI Director James Comey when he updated Obama on the probe because “potus wants to know everything we’re doing,” Fox News reported.

Earlier that spring, Obama had vowed not to interfere.

“I do not talk to the attorney general about pending investigations. I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations. We have a strict line,” he told Fox News in an interview in April 2016.

“I guarantee it. I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department or the FBI, not just in this case but in any case. Full stop. Period, ” he said.

The FBI agents’ text messages were included in a new batch recovered as part of the Department of Justice inspector general’s investigation into how the FBI handled the investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server."

C'mon, Democrats/Liberals......put into words that shrug you've evinced about every revelation of corruption in support of a police state.

Where is the INTERFERENCE?

A simple simple that I believe that even one of your limited ability can answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?


1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Take your time.
Some may start out with noble ideas, but they all fall in line over time.

And Trump is the first ones who didnt..

Obama had great ideas, but he got sucked in to the Washington elite establishment..


You are far too kind to this back-stabbing snake and crypto-Islamist.

Obama was always exactly what he is revealed to be today.

No I seen it first hand how Obama got sucked into the elites and wanted what they had..

It's obvious

View attachment 175413

Obama changed from a community organizer to wanting to be an elite..

Trump never changed and still has the core of himself, he is rich, didn't have to do this job and really wants to help America..

I can see it can you?

Absolutely not.

I've studied Hussein's background and upbringing.....a communist and an anti-America radical from the get go.
His parents and grandparents were as red as can be, and his mentor was Alinsky....
...a Saudi prince got him into Columbia.

Soviet apparatchiks had private dachas too.

He has always been a back-stabbing, lying, anti-America crypto-Islamist socialist.
His mentor was Alinsky, yeah he took Barrack under his wing and they bombed cities in the US...
Some may start out with noble ideas, but they all fall in line over time.

And Trump is the first ones who didnt..

Obama had great ideas, but he got sucked in to the Washington elite establishment..


You are far too kind to this back-stabbing snake and crypto-Islamist.

Obama was always exactly what he is revealed to be today.

No I seen it first hand how Obama got sucked into the elites and wanted what they had..

It's obvious

View attachment 175413

Obama changed from a community organizer to wanting to be an elite..

Trump never changed and still has the core of himself, he is rich, didn't have to do this job and really wants to help America..

I can see it can you?

Absolutely not.

I've studied Hussein's background and upbringing.....a communist and an anti-America radical from the get go.
His parents and grandparents were as red as can be, and his mentor was Alinsky....
...a Saudi prince got him into Columbia.

Soviet apparatchiks had private dachas too.

He has always been a back-stabbing, lying, anti-America crypto-Islamist socialist.

Funny alinsky died in 1972, how old was Obama 14 years old then????

Alinsky was Hillary's mentor.

1.Of course, there was never any doubt what a double-dealing, lying back-stabber Hussein Obama is....and, this may simply be gilding that lily, but now we catch him lying about not being at the head of the corruption in the FBI and DoJ.

He swore that he had nothing to do with the, 'matter'....of Hillary Clinton's law breaking with her emails....
Now it turns out the very opposite is true.

2.“On Sept. 2, 2016 — just weeks away from election day — Ms. Page texted Mr. Strzok, her lover, about preparing a report for then-FBI Director James B. Comey because “potus wants to know everything we’re doing.”
That raises questions about Mr. Obama’s involvement in the Clinton investigation, the report said.”
New texts between FBI’s Peter Strzok, Lisa Page show Obama wanted updates on Clinton investigation

3.“…reveal that President Barack Obama wanted “to know everything we’re doing” about the bureau’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails, according to a report Wednesday.

FBI lawyer Lisa Page wrote to her lover and fellow agent Peter Strzok in September 2016 about preparing talking points for FBI Director James Comey when he updated Obama on the probe because “potus wants to know everything we’re doing,” Fox News reported.

Earlier that spring, Obama had vowed not to interfere.

“I do not talk to the attorney general about pending investigations. I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations. We have a strict line,” he told Fox News in an interview in April 2016.

“I guarantee it. I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department or the FBI, not just in this case but in any case. Full stop. Period, ” he said.

The FBI agents’ text messages were included in a new batch recovered as part of the Department of Justice inspector general’s investigation into how the FBI handled the investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server."

C'mon, Democrats/Liberals......put into words that shrug you've evinced about every revelation of corruption in support of a police state.

Where is the INTERFERENCE?

A simple simple that I believe that even one of your limited ability can answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?


1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Take your time.

Answer the question retard.

You do this EVERY FUCKING TIME. Instead of honestly answering the question you deflect to some bullshit.

I'll ask it again: Where is the evidence of any interference from Obama.
Last edited:
Is anyone surprised Obama was involved and lied about it? Even liberals understand he is a lying sack of shit.
Who isn't in Washington D.C.?
Some may start out with noble ideas, but they all fall in line over time.

And Trump is the first ones who didnt..

Obama had great ideas, but he got sucked in to the Washington elite establishment..

Obama was a failure. A complete disaster in every area. His plans resulted in giving billions of tax payer money to terrorists regimes, doubled the cost of healthcare coverage, and couldn't even manage a single year of 3% growth despite adding $9 trillion to the deficit. Now that more of his lies are coming to light, we are finally seeing how corrupt he truly was/is.
This is shocking news...NOT!


Tell me about it. That meat puppet faggot never opened his mouth without a lie coming out. Either of his own creation or whomever had their hand up his ass while his cock holster was flapping.

I'd love to see that malignant pile of diseased rat shit thrown into prison with his minions where all leftist traitors belong, but it would lead to military "pacifying operations" in the ghettos if the DNC plantation was shut down and the owners held accountable.
Isn't it amazing that these Moon Bats, that voted for that Obama piece of shit, are ignoring the fact that Obama was leading the corruption?

They think Obama was honest. Can you imagine stupidity like that? Mind boggling, isn't it?
I don't think anyone believes Obama is honest, even his sycophants. They have to pretend that he is so they don't look like they support a criminal.

One of the most honest and trustworthy President's we've ever had.

To suggest that the worthless corrupt piece of shit Obama was honest is one of the most laughable things ever to be posted on this forum.

If you are confused about his honesty would you like for me to educate you by posting one of the numerous lists of the blatant lies that he told while in office?

Nope. You are a fucking nutbag moron. No need.
Some may start out with noble ideas, but they all fall in line over time.

And Trump is the first ones who didnt..

Obama had great ideas, but he got sucked in to the Washington elite establishment..


You are far too kind to this back-stabbing snake and crypto-Islamist.

Obama was always exactly what he is revealed to be today.

No I seen it first hand how Obama got sucked into the elites and wanted what they had..

It's obvious

View attachment 175413

Obama changed from a community organizer to wanting to be an elite..

Trump never changed and still has the core of himself, he is rich, didn't have to do this job and really wants to help America..

I can see it can you?

Absolutely not.

I've studied Hussein's background and upbringing.....a communist and an anti-America radical from the get go.
His parents and grandparents were as red as can be, and his mentor was Alinsky....
...a Saudi prince got him into Columbia.

Soviet apparatchiks had private dachas too.

He has always been a back-stabbing, lying, anti-America crypto-Islamist socialist.
Red diaper baby.
And Trump is the first ones who didnt..

Obama had great ideas, but he got sucked in to the Washington elite establishment..


You are far too kind to this back-stabbing snake and crypto-Islamist.

Obama was always exactly what he is revealed to be today.

No I seen it first hand how Obama got sucked into the elites and wanted what they had..

It's obvious

View attachment 175413

Obama changed from a community organizer to wanting to be an elite..

Trump never changed and still has the core of himself, he is rich, didn't have to do this job and really wants to help America..

I can see it can you?

Absolutely not.

I've studied Hussein's background and upbringing.....a communist and an anti-America radical from the get go.
His parents and grandparents were as red as can be, and his mentor was Alinsky....
...a Saudi prince got him into Columbia.

Soviet apparatchiks had private dachas too.

He has always been a back-stabbing, lying, anti-America crypto-Islamist socialist.

Funny alinsky died in 1972, how old was Obama 14 years old then????

Alinsky was Hillary's mentor.

Don't stop her now she's be gettin' high on lies....
But But they Say he was the best president evah.
Is anyone surprised Obama was involved and lied about it? Even liberals understand he is a lying sack of shit.
Who isn't in Washington D.C.?
Some may start out with noble ideas, but they all fall in line over time.

And Trump is the first ones who didnt..

Obama had great ideas, but he got sucked in to the Washington elite establishment..

Obama was a failure. A complete disaster in every area. His plans resulted in giving billions of tax payer money to terrorists regimes, doubled the cost of healthcare coverage, and couldn't even manage a single year of 3% growth despite adding $9 trillion to the deficit. Now that more of his lies are coming to light, we are finally seeing how corrupt he truly was/is.[/QUOTE
And Trump is the first ones who didnt..

Obama had great ideas, but he got sucked in to the Washington elite establishment..


You are far too kind to this back-stabbing snake and crypto-Islamist.

Obama was always exactly what he is revealed to be today.

No I seen it first hand how Obama got sucked into the elites and wanted what they had..

It's obvious

View attachment 175413

Obama changed from a community organizer to wanting to be an elite..

Trump never changed and still has the core of himself, he is rich, didn't have to do this job and really wants to help America..

I can see it can you?

Absolutely not.

I've studied Hussein's background and upbringing.....a communist and an anti-America radical from the get go.
His parents and grandparents were as red as can be, and his mentor was Alinsky....
...a Saudi prince got him into Columbia.

Soviet apparatchiks had private dachas too.

He has always been a back-stabbing, lying, anti-America crypto-Islamist socialist.

Funny alinsky died in 1972, how old was Obama 14 years old then????

Alinsky was Hillary's mentor.


Obama was schooled in the Alinsky program and taught it.

Not only was Obama trained in Marxist ideologue Saul Alinsky’s community communist organizer tactics, Obama also trained Chicago youth in those tactics as well as taught Alinsky as a professor lecturer at Chicago University’s School of Law. Now we learn that Obama steered funds to an Alinsky Academy Communist Cadre School.

Lastly, don’t ever forget that Alinsky had dedicated his book, Rules for Radicals, to Lucifer, aka Satan

Teaches tactics of direct action, confrontation and intimidationBy Aaron Klein - WorldNetDaily – Mar 18, 2010

Saul Alinsky

A Chicago nonprofit on which President Obama served as paid director provided startup capital and later funding to Midwest Academy, an activist organization described as teaching tactics of direct action, confrontation and intimidation, WND has learned.

Also, in 1998, Obama participated on a panel discussion alongside Midwest Academy founder Heather Booth, an extremist organizer and dedicated disciple of radical community organizer Saul Alinsky.

The Woods Fund, a nonprofit on which Obama served as paid director from 1999 to December 2002, provided startup funding and later capital to the Midwest Academy. WND first reported Obama sat on the Woods Fund board alongside William Ayers, founder of the Weather Underground domestic terrorist organization.

Midwest was co-founded by Booth’s husband, Paul Booth, a founder and the former national secretary of Students for a Democratic Society, the radical 1960s anti-war movement from which Ayers’ Weathermen splintered.

In 1999, Booth’s Midwest Academy received $75,000 from the Woods Fund. In 2002, with Obama still serving on the Woods Fund, Midwest received another $23,500 for its Young Organizers Development Program. Midwest describes itself as “one of the nation’s oldest and best-known schools for community organizations, citizen organizations and individuals committed to progressive social change.” It later morphed into a national organizing institute for an emerging network of organizations known as Citizen Action. Midwest teaches Alinsky tactics of community organizing. Discover the Networks describes Midwest as “teach[ing] tactics of direct action, confrontation, and intimidation.”

In August 1998, Obama participated in a panel discussion following the opening performance in Chicago of the play “The Love Song of Saul Alinsky,” a work described by the Chicago Sun-Times as “bringing to life one of America’s greatest community organizers.” Obama participated in the discussion alongside other Alinskyites, including Booth, political analyst Aaron Freeman, Don Turner of the Chicago Federation of Labor and Northwestern University history professor Charles Paine. “Alinsky had so much fire burning within,” stated local actor Gary Houston, who portrayed Alinsky in the play. “There was a lot of complexity to him. Yet he was a really cool character.”

Booth herself is a notorious radical community activist and self-described dedicated disciple of Alinsky, of whom she says: “Alinsky is to community-organizing as Freud is to psychoanalysis.” Booth’s vision of uniting various left-leaning organizations and factions has also been the subject of her two books: “Toward a Radical Movement and Citizen Action” and “The New American Populism.”

Former 1960s radical and FrontPageMagazine Editor David Horowitz describes Alinsky as the “communist/Marxist fellow-traveler who helped establish the dual political tactics of confrontation and infiltration that characterized the 1960s and have remained central to all subsequent revolutionary movements in the United States.” Horowitz writes in his 2009 pamphlet “Barack Obama’s Rules for Revolution. The Alinsky Model”:

“The strategy of working within the system until you can accumulate enough power to destroy it was what sixties radicals called ‘boring from within.’ …. Like termites, they set about to eat away at the foundations of the building in expectation that one day they could cause it to collapse.”

As WND reported, Obama approached Northwestern University professor John L. McKnight – a loyal student of Alinsky’s radical tactics – to pen a letter of recommendation for him when he applied to Harvard Law School. Under the tutelage of McKnight and other hardcore students of Alinsky, Obama said he got the “best education I ever had, better than anything I got at Harvard Law School.”

In a letter to the editor of the Boston Globe, Alinsky’s son praised Obama for stirring up the masses at the 2008 Democratic National Convention “Saul Alinsky style,” saying, “Obama learned his lesson well.” The letter, signed L. David Alinsky, closed with, “I am proud to see that my father’s model for organizing is being applied successfully.”

Obama Funded Alinsky Cadre School
1.Of course, there was never any doubt what a double-dealing, lying back-stabber Hussein Obama is....and, this may simply be gilding that lily, but now we catch him lying about not being at the head of the corruption in the FBI and DoJ.

He swore that he had nothing to do with the, 'matter'....of Hillary Clinton's law breaking with her emails....
Now it turns out the very opposite is true.

2.“On Sept. 2, 2016 — just weeks away from election day — Ms. Page texted Mr. Strzok, her lover, about preparing a report for then-FBI Director James B. Comey because “potus wants to know everything we’re doing.”
That raises questions about Mr. Obama’s involvement in the Clinton investigation, the report said.”
New texts between FBI’s Peter Strzok, Lisa Page show Obama wanted updates on Clinton investigation

3.“…reveal that President Barack Obama wanted “to know everything we’re doing” about the bureau’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails, according to a report Wednesday.

FBI lawyer Lisa Page wrote to her lover and fellow agent Peter Strzok in September 2016 about preparing talking points for FBI Director James Comey when he updated Obama on the probe because “potus wants to know everything we’re doing,” Fox News reported.

Earlier that spring, Obama had vowed not to interfere.

“I do not talk to the attorney general about pending investigations. I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations. We have a strict line,” he told Fox News in an interview in April 2016.

“I guarantee it. I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department or the FBI, not just in this case but in any case. Full stop. Period, ” he said.

The FBI agents’ text messages were included in a new batch recovered as part of the Department of Justice inspector general’s investigation into how the FBI handled the investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server."

C'mon, Democrats/Liberals......put into words that shrug you've evinced about every revelation of corruption in support of a police state.

Where is the INTERFERENCE?

A simple simple that I believe that even one of your limited ability can answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?


1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Take your time.

Answer the question retard.

You do this EVERY FUCKING TIME. Instead of honestly answering the question you deflect to some bullshit.

I'll ask it again: Where is the evidence of any interference from Obama.

A simple simple that I believe that even one of your limited ability can answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?


1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Take your time.

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