Measuring success in Afghanistan withdrawal

Retard, we've been doing it for almost 20 years now. Under Bush-R (7 years), Obama-D (8 years), Trump-R (4 years), Biden-D (7 months).

So what's with the "you" bullshit?
You, who voted for the blame shifting, sundownng, buffoon that just abandoned thousands of Americans.
Biden’s decision to end the war is opposed by: Donald Trump, Tony Blair, Bush, The New York Times, The New York Post, Fox News, MSNBC, the intelligence community, the generals, etc., etc.
The thousands they abandoned in Afghanistan….

In his remarks Tuesday, Biden said there are about 100 to 200 Americans who remain in Afghanistan. Most are dual citizens, he said, who initially didn't want to leave because of family roots in the country.
Biden’s decision to end the war is opposed by: Donald Trump, Tony Blair, Bush, The New York Times, The New York Post, Fox News, MSNBC, the intelligence community, the generals, etc., etc.
The real reason the media is attacking President Joe from all sides is that this is the second cash cow he's killed off in less than a year. First tRump and now endless war. They're gonna hafta work at their jobs for a change and they're pissed as hell about it.

In his remarks Tuesday, Biden said there are about 100 to 200 Americans who remain in Afghanistan. Most are dual citizens, he said, who initially didn't want to leave because of family roots in the country.
Yes, yes, he would never lie about that.
A successful withdrawal of Afghanistan will be if every American soldier and civil service worker gets out alive. How else will you measure success?

So what is it then?

without the media holding the Taliban accountable, the killing would never have stopped. thank god for the free press
So how do you know they exist?
I’m going on what Jen Psaki told us on August 17th…that there were 11,000 people that “self reported” to the State dept….

11k - 5,500 = ? To you?

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