Media Darling Buttigieg Accused of Sexual Assault

RICK ROLLED by SOMEONE with a lot of money and has HUGE POWER in the DeathRAT party.... How many times have we seen this scenario played out on Republicans....

The mayor of South Bend, Indiana and an upstart 2020 presidential candidate has been accused of sexual assault.

“My name is Hunter Kelly. I am 21 years old. This is by far the hardest thing I have ever had to do. For the past three nights, I have not slept even a single hour. I have vomited eight times,” Kelly said in a Medium blog post.

(Excerpt) Read more at .

George Soros also has been putting his tentacles into the Rat primary and trying to remove anyone in the way of Kamel Harris, the ignorant slut, so keep that in mind as well.

Here is the quote of the complaint from the article: "I was sexually assaulted by Mayor Pete Buttigieg. I didn’t know who he was back in February, only that he told me he was an important politician. When I started seeing him on television three weeks ago as a Presidential candidate, I thought about coming forward. I am a gay man. I have been grappling with my identity for a number of years. I live, work, and attend college in rural Michigan. I know that by coming forward, I will make a hard life even harder. But I must do so — I must do so — for my country, for other gay men like me, and most importantly to stop a very bad man from becoming President of the United States. I must confess that this is the toughest thing I have ever had to do. For two weeks now, I have been contemplating suicide. I see myself jumping from a building or a bridge. I know that years and years of counseling may lie in front of me."
Republicans are trumping up sexual assault charges on every democratic candidate.
You mean like the Dems trump up sexual assault charges on every Trump nominee or Repub candidate?
If both sides would stop this bullshit, imagine how much better things would be.
I was assaulted by gays...Really, the gay pride rally of years ago. Denver, Colorado. 2012 or so. driving innocently down the street. A gay pride thing. men in speedos so tight you can see the follicles on their testicles. And then, the blatant flashing of male sex organs as if...What OTHER group does such a thing? I felt violated, traumatized. Harvey Weinstein did that, was condemned. Why is it OK for GAY males to do this? Please.
No. Only libtards would apply a double standard allowing such deviant behavior.
I am a liberal. Or, at least I used to be years ago. When gay men flash their genitals at passers by, ceases to be a legitimate issue it goes sexual abuse. Isn't it? I was traumatized by gay flashers. Isn't this sexual abuse? Men shove their junk in my face because...of whatever their perversions are, that makes it OK?
No, I agree with you. Liberal or otherwise, when the guys start shoving their junk in your face, or anyone's face, that becomes sexual abuse. You did not solicit or invite such an up close, personal display. But they apparently get a pass for such abuse because they claim to be gay, bisexual, or some other orientation. You are not wrong to be offended and to feel violated, MaryL.
It's traumatizing. gays throw their junk in your face. Then the #metoo people get involved Gillettee has this entire thing about toxic male masculinity. I have come to realize how TOXIC liberals and their agenda has become...TOXIC LIBERAL AGENDA. Let's address that..
I was assaulted by gays...Really, the gay pride rally of years ago. Denver, Colorado. 2012 or so. driving innocently down the street. A gay pride thing. men in speedos so tight you can see the follicles on their testicles. And then, the blatant flashing of male sex organs as if...What OTHER group does such a thing? I felt violated, traumatized. Harvey Weinstein did that, was condemned. Why is it OK for GAY males to do this? Please.
No. Only libtards would apply a double standard allowing such deviant behavior.
I am a liberal. Or, at least I used to be years ago. When gay men flash their genitals at passers by, ceases to be a legitimate issue it goes sexual abuse. Isn't it? I was traumatized by gay flashers. Isn't this sexual abuse? Men shove their junk in my face because...of whatever their perversions are, that makes it OK?
No, I agree with you. Liberal or otherwise, when the guys start shoving their junk in your face, or anyone's face, that becomes sexual abuse. You did not solicit or invite such an up close, personal display. But they apparently get a pass for such abuse because they claim to be gay, bisexual, or some other orientation. You are not wrong to be offended and to feel violated, MaryL.
It's traumatizing. gays throw their junk in your face. Then the #metoo people get involved Gillettee has this entire thing about toxic male masculinity. I have come to realize how TOXIC liberals and their agenda has become...TOXIC LIBERAL AGENDA. Let's address that..
Gladly, but I think in all fairness you might start a new thread.
How's about memes? Things like, I don't know, I sacrificed my job for wet back pepe the frog? A frog on cross. I have seen a generation sacrificed to idiots that don't even know how stupid they are.
How's about memes? Things like, I don't know, I sacrificed my job for wet back pepe the frog? A frog on cross. I have seen a generation sacrificed to idiots that don't even know how stupid they are.
Memes, like old wives tales, have an origin in truth. And it is tragic how stupid this current generation seems to be. Hope is there. I know and work with several young people who have their heads on right. We oldsters are not alone but we do need to find and encourage the right-headed younger generation.
RICK ROLLED by SOMEONE with a lot of money and has HUGE POWER in the DeathRAT party.... How many times have we seen this scenario played out on Republicans....

The mayor of South Bend, Indiana and an upstart 2020 presidential candidate has been accused of sexual assault.

“My name is Hunter Kelly. I am 21 years old. This is by far the hardest thing I have ever had to do. For the past three nights, I have not slept even a single hour. I have vomited eight times,” Kelly said in a Medium blog post.

(Excerpt) Read more at .

George Soros also has been putting his tentacles into the Rat primary and trying to remove anyone in the way of Kamel Harris, the ignorant slut, so keep that in mind as well.

Here is the quote of the complaint from the article: "I was sexually assaulted by Mayor Pete Buttigieg. I didn’t know who he was back in February, only that he told me he was an important politician. When I started seeing him on television three weeks ago as a Presidential candidate, I thought about coming forward. I am a gay man. I have been grappling with my identity for a number of years. I live, work, and attend college in rural Michigan. I know that by coming forward, I will make a hard life even harder. But I must do so — I must do so — for my country, for other gay men like me, and most importantly to stop a very bad man from becoming President of the United States. I must confess that this is the toughest thing I have ever had to do. For two weeks now, I have been contemplating suicide. I see myself jumping from a building or a bridge. I know that years and years of counseling may lie in front of me."
LGBT people are mentally insane
How's about memes? Things like, I don't know, I sacrificed my job for wet back pepe the frog? A frog on cross. I have seen a generation sacrificed to idiots that don't even know how stupid they are.
Memes, like old wives tales, have an origin in truth. And it is tragic how stupid this current generation seems to be. Hope is there. I know and work with several young people who have their heads on right. We oldsters are not alone but we do need to find and encourage the right-headed younger generation.
I live with wetbacks. People think they can steal legitimacy because somebody gives them sanctuary without our consent? These people are just new age slaves repackaged. I know real immigrants, and no matter what, you can't steal legacy on the cheap. Nobody voted to give illegal aliens sanctuary, just the enslavers wanted this. The people with deep pockets .That's democracy. Goody Gumdrops.
How's about memes? Things like, I don't know, I sacrificed my job for wet back pepe the frog? A frog on cross. I have seen a generation sacrificed to idiots that don't even know how stupid they are.
Memes, like old wives tales, have an origin in truth. And it is tragic how stupid this current generation seems to be. Hope is there. I know and work with several young people who have their heads on right. We oldsters are not alone but we do need to find and encourage the right-headed younger generation.
I live with wetbacks. People think they can steal legitimacy because somebody gives them sanctuary without our consent? These people are just new age slaves repackaged. I know real immigrants, and no matter what, you can't steal legacy on the cheap. Nobody voted to give illegal aliens sanctuary, just then enslavers wanted this. Goody Gumdrops.
I work with lots of legal immigrants. They have to be to get the security clearance to work where we do. Some are already naturalized, others eagerly await their chance. I can tell you, legal immigrants HATE these interlopers. They consider being here a privilege. Illegal invaders not only cheapen the work market, they cheapen the whole process and the reason to be here.
How's about memes? Things like, I don't know, I sacrificed my job for wet back pepe the frog? A frog on cross. I have seen a generation sacrificed to idiots that don't even know how stupid they are.
Memes, like old wives tales, have an origin in truth. And it is tragic how stupid this current generation seems to be. Hope is there. I know and work with several young people who have their heads on right. We oldsters are not alone but we do need to find and encourage the right-headed younger generation.
I live with wetbacks. People think they can steal legitimacy because somebody gives them sanctuary without our consent? These people are just new age slaves repackaged. I know real immigrants, and no matter what, you can't steal legacy on the cheap. Nobody voted to give illegal aliens sanctuary, just then enslavers wanted this. Goody Gumdrops.
I work with lots of legal immigrants. They have get the security clearance to work where we do. Some are already naturalized, others eagerly await their chance. I can tell you, legal immigrants HATE these interlopers. They consider being here a privilege. Illegal invaders not only cheapen the work market, they cheapen the whole process and the reason to be here.
I also live with illegal aliens and have for 25+ years. I have also known people that fled the Communists. Hungarians, Russians, Lithuanians Cubans. Mexicans get so much much more gravitas, even though they never earned it or deserve it . They are just cheap laborers, that's it. They get Sanctuary from Federal immigration law and entire cities devoted to them? Why? The American Constitution says : NOBODY is above the law. Not even Mexicans that skirt immigration laws or especially those that hire them...nope. But Mexicans get entire cities given to them vague groups that passed these laws without our approval...ANYONE remember when you were asked when you wanted to a sanctuary for wetbacks? Nope. Without our consent. Anyone get to vote on whether or not your state became a sanctuary? Wasn 't that rather... unconstitutional? Seems like we can together have a class action suit against those that have stolen jobs and taken away livelihoods against American citizens to their benefit. Sue the bastards.
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How's about memes? Things like, I don't know, I sacrificed my job for wet back pepe the frog? A frog on cross. I have seen a generation sacrificed to idiots that don't even know how stupid they are.
Memes, like old wives tales, have an origin in truth. And it is tragic how stupid this current generation seems to be. Hope is there. I know and work with several young people who have their heads on right. We oldsters are not alone but we do need to find and encourage the right-headed younger generation.
I live with wetbacks. People think they can steal legitimacy because somebody gives them sanctuary without our consent? These people are just new age slaves repackaged. I know real immigrants, and no matter what, you can't steal legacy on the cheap. Nobody voted to give illegal aliens sanctuary, just then enslavers wanted this. Goody Gumdrops.
I work with lots of legal immigrants. They have get the security clearance to work where we do. Some are already naturalized, others eagerly await their chance. I can tell you, legal immigrants HATE these interlopers. They consider being here a privilege. Illegal invaders not only cheapen the work market, they cheapen the whole process and the reason to be here.
I also live with illegal aliens and have for 25+ years. I have also known people that fled the Communists. Hungarians, Russians, Lithuanians Cubans. Mexicans get so much much more gravitas, even though they never earned it or deserve it . They are just cheap laborers, that's it. They get Sanctuary from Federal immigration law and entire cities devoted to them? Why? The American Constitution says : NOBODY is above the law. Not even Mexicans that skirt immigration laws or especially those that hire them...nope.
So true. I know loads of refugees of the former Soviet Union as well as satellite nations. Most of the Hispanics I know come from the Philippines. I also work with loads of immigrants from Asia. Mexicans and other South Americans don't get this far north but I'm sure they are here. Anyone trying to subvert our laws should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and deported.
I live like a thousand miles from the border, years ago Mexicans were welcomed. They acclimated, I know my best friends were Hispanic Mexicans.. I actually relish when there were no borders. Now? Its a recipe for abuse. Mexicans NOW? Americans now? We are all just a bunch of pricks. A few rich white alabaster elitist American pricks that exploit poor dumb illegal Mexican pricks, that's not what I call"Diversity" You dumb manipulated liberal liberals might.
The mayor of South Bend, Indiana and an upstart 2020 presidential candidate has been accused of sexual assault.

“My name is Hunter Kelly. I am 21 years old. This is by far the hardest thing I have ever had to do. For the past three nights, I have not slept even a single hour. I have vomited eight times,” Kelly said in a Medium blog post.
You dumb SUCKERS will believe anything! :rofl::lmao:
Why would the Right do that to a 3rd place guy behind Biden and Bernie....No it was a lefty doing it to perhaps keep Jojo up front....hell the stupid firefighters union came out endorsing the pedophile Biden yesterday....wonder what he promised them?
Wohl and Burkman are known Tramp trolls, they got caught trying the same smear on Mueller for Tramp, Tramp owns this 100%.

A Republican source told The Daily Beast that lobbyist Jack Burkman and internet troll Jacob Wohl approached him last week to try to convince him to falsely accuse Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, of engaging him sexually while he was too drunk to consent.

The source who spoke to The Daily Beast said Burkman and Wohl made clear that their goal was to kneecap Buttigieg’s momentum in the 2020 presidential race. The man asked to remain anonymous out of a concern that the resulting publicity might imperil his employment, and because he said Wohl and Burkman have a reputation for vindictiveness.

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