Media is in Obama's left pocket


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
They keep repeating the mantra that "it's turning around", as if there's any truth to it. But the reality is they are in denial and Americans know they are being BS'd by the media who will do and say anything to get Obama re-elected. Even Democrats who will be voting for Obama know they are being BS'd. At some point in time the media will realize it's a lost cause and throw the white towel in. Here is one of the results of the "change we can believe in" that Americans voted for in 2008:

States, federal government reduce length of jobless benefits | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Hundreds of thousands of jobless Americans are losing their federal unemployment benefits earlier than they expected due to new rules passed in February that make it harder for states to qualify for extended jobless aid, the New York Times reports. At the height of the recession, Congress passed a law to boost unemployment assistance to up to 99 weeks: The unemployed would receive federal money instead of state funds if they continued to be jobless past the traditional period of six months. In February, Congress extended this law, but added rules that would draw down the number of weeks the government would pay for, based on whether a state's jobless rate had decreased and other factors. Now, only three states still offer 99 weeks of assistance, and all three will stop doing so in September.

More than 5 million Americans have been out of work for more than six months, down from a high of more than 6 million two years ago. Supporters of extending benefits say they stimulate the economy and provide a crucial safety net for vulnerable workers, but those opposed say they discourage people from finding work.

Meanwhile, some states, independently of the federal government, have made it more difficult for people to receive jobless benefits. The National Employment Law Project (NELP), a nonprofit that advocates for more support for unemployed people, filed suit against Florida, saying it wrongfully denied people jobless benefits. The group says only 15 percent of eligible people are receiving unemployment assistance in the state, the lowest rate in the nation. This is due in part to a new law passed last year that requires unemployed people to take an online "skills test" before qualifying to receive the roughly $275 per week in benefits, the Miami Herald reported. The state's unemployment rate has fallen to 8.7 percent from 10.6 percent a year ago.
Let's face it.

We have an Affirmative Action national media doing their best to prop up our Affirmative Action POTUS.

Both fail.
The writing is on the wall. Unless a major mistake by Romney or his campaign occur, I don't see any way possible that Obama will be reelected. In my opinion the media is actually hiding how bad the polls really are against Obama.
Let's face it.

We have an Affirmative Action national media doing their best to prop up our Affirmative Action POTUS.

Both fail.
The writing is on the wall. Unless a major mistake by Romney or his campaign occur, I don't see any way possible that Obama will be reelected. In my opinion the media is actually hiding how bad the polls really are against Obama.

This should not be a surprise to anyone. When was the last time mainstream media supported a non card carrying Democrat?
Jeebus the dupes are FOS. Sorry the non Pub Propaganda Machine reports facts and what non bought off azzholes think. The Corporate Media are actually incredibly cowardly in reporting the lies Pubs tell. Change the channel...

Examples? See sig

BTW, what you listen to and read are pure Pubcrappe....
Jeebus the dupes are FOS. Sorry the non Pub Propaganda Machine reports facts and what non bought off azzholes think. The Corporate Media are actually incredibly cowardly in reporting the lies Pubs tell. Change the channel...

Examples? See sig

BTW, what you listen to and read are pure Pubcrappe....

All mega corporations are "liberal", sure.......:lol::lol::lol:
Jeebus the dupes are FOS. Sorry the non Pub Propaganda Machine reports facts and what non bought off azzholes think. The Corporate Media are actually incredibly cowardly in reporting the lies Pubs tell. Change the channel...

Examples? See sig

BTW, what you listen to and read are pure Pubcrappe....

All mega corporations are "liberal", sure.......:lol::lol::lol:
Media are mega corporations, with liberal lunatics running the asylum.
So, when Obama was trying to extend UI benefits 2 years ago, it was the worst idea ever, and "proof" that Obama is a "Marxist".

Now, when the extended benefits that Obama fought for are running out, it's Obama's fault that they're running out?
Its funny because I was driving home listening to NPR repeat Romney's false premise that Obama has mishandled the economy. If the media was truthful, they would call Romney and the GOP out on this. Obama is adding 300,000 jobs and it would be 600,000 jobs a month if it weren't for the GOP like Boehner, Ryan and McConnell. Fact.

And, the "liberal" media doesn't seem to want to point out that when Bush was still in office, Romney said the economy was fine. So did McCain. And at the time we were bleeding 700,000 jobs a month.

I think you are judging Obama differently than you judge your horrible Presidents. And when Romney gets in, he will kill 700,000 jobs a month and you will say he is doing a heck of a job, right? Fucking liars.
Jeebus the dupes are FOS. Sorry the non Pub Propaganda Machine reports facts and what non bought off azzholes think. The Corporate Media are actually incredibly cowardly in reporting the lies Pubs tell. Change the channel...

Examples? See sig

BTW, what you listen to and read are pure Pubcrappe....

All mega corporations are "liberal", sure.......:lol::lol::lol:
Media are mega corporations, with liberal lunatics running the asylum.

Sure the media is liberal. :eusa_liar: Why else did you guys do away with the Fairness Doctrine and then get Clinton to deregulate the media so 7 corporations could gobble up the media and then control the message. Are right wings so stupid they don't understand this happened? Of course they are. Fox and Rush didn't tell them so they stay ignorant to the facts. Most righties don't even realize what Citizens United is. They are soooo clueless.

The media is only as liberal as the corporations want it to be. So every once in awhile they do a pro gay piece so you think they are liberal. You naive fool. :lol:

Will they do a report on Oil speculators or the corruption that occurs in Private For Profit Healthcare Giants that advertise on their stations? Really? :eusa_liar: Not enough to get anything done about it. Cons don't seem to realize that for a story to stick with Americans, they media has to report it more than once. This is how they got Clinton impeached.

If you want liberal, Air America radio and if you are watching tv, MSNBC. Thom Hartmann, Randi Rhodes and Independent Bernie Sanders. Now they are liberals. The rest of the media is corporate controlled. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either a liar or a fool.

How come the liberal media didn't report that Bush lied us into Iraq or stole the 2000 and 2004 elections? How come they won't talk about privatizing our votes via rigged and hacked black box voting machines? How come they don't come out and warn people the GOP are gutting SS and Medicare? How about the record amount of filabusters the GOP have done and how that has obstructed our progress? How come I don't hear any of this on the liberal media?

Another technique the media uses is to not question the information they are given. So Romney can lie and the media just reports what he said. They don't dare call him out on the lie or they will be labeled liberal bias. And this is almost as bad as lying. The media used to be our watchdog. They would call our the corruption. Now the corruption owns the media.

Randi Rhodes would beat Rush Limbaugh if they put her head to head against him. But its not about ratings. Think about how expensive a 30 second commercial costs. Now think about how valuable it is to have Rush lying all across America for 3 hours a day. Doesn't matter if Randi would beat him. The cons that own the station don't want her message getting out.
No wonder Romney thinks he can just etch a sketch his past comments. With the mainstream media on his side, they won't remind the voters what a lying flip flopper he is.

But they sure did help swiftboat Kerry, huh? The Liberal media?? Lying ass right wingers. Either lying or stupid if they think the media is liberal.
Its funny because I was driving home listening to NPR repeat Romney's false premise that Obama has mishandled the economy. If the media was truthful, they would call Romney and the GOP out on this. Obama is adding 300,000 jobs and it would be 600,000 jobs a month if it weren't for the GOP like Boehner, Ryan and McConnell. Fact.

And, the "liberal" media doesn't seem to want to point out that when Bush was still in office, Romney said the economy was fine. So did McCain. And at the time we were bleeding 700,000 jobs a month.

I think you are judging Obama differently than you judge your horrible Presidents. And when Romney gets in, he will kill 700,000 jobs a month and you will say he is doing a heck of a job, right? Fucking liars.
"Obama has handled the economy well"? Seriously, you gotta be kidding. He spent the first two years of his presidency trying to get a health care bill passed as payback to the croonies that got him elected. A bill that is about to get knocked down by the Supreme Court. Maybe he should have focused on the economy during his first two years? And not six months before the election. Obama's chickens will be comin' home to roost.

You are clearly a dummy.........but I'll see if you can grasp this concept.

President Obama moved as quickly as he could on health care precisely because he knows that the system we had was the NUMBER ONE drain on the economy and he knew that he'd have to do it early in his term while he had the political capital to get it done.

Failure to address our BALLOONING health care costs would have been failure to address the economy.

Get it?
So that's why costs are still going up even though his health sham bill passed???

And he put a limit on medical malpractice lawsuits that drive up medical care????

Let's face it.

We have an Affirmative Action national media doing their best to prop up our Affirmative Action POTUS.

Both fail.
The writing is on the wall. Unless a major mistake by Romney or his campaign occur, I don't see any way possible that Obama will be reelected. In my opinion the media is actually hiding how bad the polls really are against Obama.

And yet, Obama is leading in the polls which count the most ...

Obama: 243
Romney: 170
Tossups: 125

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map
Jeebus the dupes are FOS. Sorry the non Pub Propaganda Machine reports facts and what non bought off azzholes think. The Corporate Media are actually incredibly cowardly in reporting the lies Pubs tell. Change the channel...

Examples? See sig

BTW, what you listen to and read are pure Pubcrappe....

Cowardly they sure are,I remember them licking GW's Ass Big Time,at the start of the Iraqi War 2.

A more pitiful sight of lap dogs was hard to imagine

But then most Americans thought that way,so I suppose they were only mirroring American society at the time.

I all proved to be a pack of lies and total BULLSHIT.

That's why most of the Real World have no time for what Americans say...You have zilch credibility.

Jeebus the Dopes.

theliq.....keeping the Bastards Honest

You are clearly a dummy.........but I'll see if you can grasp this concept.

President Obama moved as quickly as he could on health care precisely because he knows that the system we had was the NUMBER ONE drain on the economy and he knew that he'd have to do it early in his term while he had the political capital to get it done.

Failure to address our BALLOONING health care costs would have been failure to address the economy.

Get it?
No, he concentrated on jamming the health care bill down the throat of America because that was the quid pro quo for the Soros' that contributed and got him elected, and, Democrats had a majority in the House and Senate and this was his opportunity.

He made a wrong calculation, thinking that the economy will turn around by itself. And it didn't. Not well after the 2010 wake up call elections where Democrats got their butts kicked, did he realize he was wrong and started talking about the economy. By then it was too little too late.

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