Media now loves McCain, but in 2008 he was a racist.

Folks, what we have here is the time tested tactic of saying, “Not everyone did it”
In other words, intelligent analysis, as opposed to hamhanded, overly general fallacies. Yes, fine by me, I will let my comments sit right next to yours all day every day.

Intelligent people use statistical data and generalize for many different reasons beneficial to themselves and the public by and large.
Why do you hate the use of statistical data?
State Department orders travel advisory for Mexico after 8 bodies found in Cancun.
Mexico Travel Advisory
Do you see this as the State Department declaring all wetbacks are murderers?
I will never forget in one of the 2008 Obama-McCain debates, McCain pointed to Obama and referred to him as “that guy”. The Media went apeshit and was sure it had racial overtones from McCain.

BULLSHIT. What he said was "that one", which has never had any "racial overtones" so you're Brian WIlliamsing this one too. I remember that specifically because my wife used to call me 'that one'.

Go ahead, check me on that. Look it up all day. I don't take counterfeit news.

Why are y'all obsessed with making shit up?

McCain Calls Obama ‘That One’: Why?

I stated corrected on “that guy” vs “that one”. I stand and maintain that the left side of the media had to even ask the question if it were racist. Pathetic.

Your own link proves you wrong about that too. Dozens of comments quoted, two refer to racism, one from the right (National Review) and the other from the left (Mother Jones), both correctly dismissing the idea as absurd because it's never had such a connotation. The rest of the list of comments from all corners correctly describe it as aloofly dismissive of an inferior such as a child. Nobody claimed it was "racist". Trying to make it up now ten years later is indeed "pathetic".

The question remains on the table --- why are y'all obsessed with making shit up? Don't you get that there are witnesses here who can and will call you on it? Are y'all just not sated unless you're finding ways to divide people, or what the fuck?

McCain’s 'that one' takes off online

Politico sited Liberals who argued the term was in reference to “those people”

Don’t lecture me about trying to divide when the division was always there.

By the end of the day you will have put it there by gods.

I just don't get why y'all are obsessed with this revisionary shit. I really don't.

Nothing revisionary or obsessive about showing a Politico article in 2008 that supports what said in the first place.

You need to learn the definition of revision.
Funny, when specifically was he no longer a racist?

He was in 2008.

LMGTFY- Media :John McCain is a racist.LMGTFY

Bush, McCain, Romney, Trump....they are all racists according to the left.

The lefts playbook is thin, but often effective . :113:

Yeah, the media is now in a "love-fest" mode with McCain because by doing so, not only do they believe it reflects well on them, but it represents taking sides AGAINST TRUMP. All the "McCain love" is really just a thinly-veiled attempt at an eye-gouge to the president. The sad truth though is that McCain was only a "war hero" in the first place because the fool flew the wrong mission, went where he was told not to go and got shot down behind enemy lines. No one would have ever remembered much less ever heard of him again if not for his parleying that into a life-long political career exploiting his torture. Then as senator, he did mostly stupid shit against his OWN party over and over most of his life, trash talked his own president (something he never did to Obama), then ran TWO unsuccessful bids for the office of the president, one against a virtual unknown, what he always aspired to be to put himself in his mind's eye as equal to his Admiral father--- and failed. Then took it out on Trump mostly because he resented that Trump came in cold out of nowhere and actually WON his first election against a well-regarded career politician.

McCain? Meh. Hate to see anyone suffer and die, but that's life, and in death, his celebrations now are much more about image, guilt and politics than they are about actual accomplishment.
BULLSHIT. What he said was "that one", which has never had any "racial overtones" so you're Brian WIlliamsing this one too. I remember that specifically because my wife used to call me 'that one'.

Go ahead, check me on that. Look it up all day. I don't take counterfeit news.

Why are y'all obsessed with making shit up?

McCain Calls Obama ‘That One’: Why?

I stated corrected on “that guy” vs “that one”. I stand and maintain that the left side of the media had to even ask the question if it were racist. Pathetic.

Your own link proves you wrong about that too. Dozens of comments quoted, two refer to racism, one from the right (National Review) and the other from the left (Mother Jones), both correctly dismissing the idea as absurd because it's never had such a connotation. The rest of the list of comments from all corners correctly describe it as aloofly dismissive of an inferior such as a child. Nobody claimed it was "racist". Trying to make it up now ten years later is indeed "pathetic".

The question remains on the table --- why are y'all obsessed with making shit up? Don't you get that there are witnesses here who can and will call you on it? Are y'all just not sated unless you're finding ways to divide people, or what the fuck?

McCain’s 'that one' takes off online

Politico sited Liberals who argued the term was in reference to “those people”

Don’t lecture me about trying to divide when the division was always there.

By the end of the day you will have put it there by gods.

I just don't get why y'all are obsessed with this revisionary shit. I really don't.

Nothing revisionary or obsessive about showing a Politico article in 2008 that supports what said in the first place.

You need to learn the definition of revision.

You need to learn to read. Because your own Politico link, just as your previous one, FAILS to make any such point. You keep trying to insert it in there as if the rest of the world is somehow incapable of reading your links, but the fact remains it doesn't exist. Pretend all you like but it ain't there.

THAT's revisionism. And as long as you keep pulling that shit you'll continue to be called on it.
McCain Calls Obama ‘That One’: Why?

I stated corrected on “that guy” vs “that one”. I stand and maintain that the left side of the media had to even ask the question if it were racist. Pathetic.

Your own link proves you wrong about that too. Dozens of comments quoted, two refer to racism, one from the right (National Review) and the other from the left (Mother Jones), both correctly dismissing the idea as absurd because it's never had such a connotation. The rest of the list of comments from all corners correctly describe it as aloofly dismissive of an inferior such as a child. Nobody claimed it was "racist". Trying to make it up now ten years later is indeed "pathetic".

The question remains on the table --- why are y'all obsessed with making shit up? Don't you get that there are witnesses here who can and will call you on it? Are y'all just not sated unless you're finding ways to divide people, or what the fuck?

McCain’s 'that one' takes off online

Politico sited Liberals who argued the term was in reference to “those people”

Don’t lecture me about trying to divide when the division was always there.

By the end of the day you will have put it there by gods.

I just don't get why y'all are obsessed with this revisionary shit. I really don't.

Nothing revisionary or obsessive about showing a Politico article in 2008 that supports what said in the first place.

You need to learn the definition of revision.

You need to learn to read. Because your own Politico link, just as your previous one, FAILS to make any such point. You keep trying to insert it in there as if the rest of the world is somehow incapable of reading your links, but the fact remains it doesn't exist. Pretend all you like but it ain't there.

THAT's revisionism. And as long as you keep pulling that shit you'll continue to be called on it.

The Politico link article said Liberals thought it was racist. You keep calling me revisionist. You are in Denial.
Your own link proves you wrong about that too. Dozens of comments quoted, two refer to racism, one from the right (National Review) and the other from the left (Mother Jones), both correctly dismissing the idea as absurd because it's never had such a connotation. The rest of the list of comments from all corners correctly describe it as aloofly dismissive of an inferior such as a child. Nobody claimed it was "racist". Trying to make it up now ten years later is indeed "pathetic".

The question remains on the table --- why are y'all obsessed with making shit up? Don't you get that there are witnesses here who can and will call you on it? Are y'all just not sated unless you're finding ways to divide people, or what the fuck?

McCain’s 'that one' takes off online

Politico sited Liberals who argued the term was in reference to “those people”

Don’t lecture me about trying to divide when the division was always there.

By the end of the day you will have put it there by gods.

I just don't get why y'all are obsessed with this revisionary shit. I really don't.

Nothing revisionary or obsessive about showing a Politico article in 2008 that supports what said in the first place.

You need to learn the definition of revision.

You need to learn to read. Because your own Politico link, just as your previous one, FAILS to make any such point. You keep trying to insert it in there as if the rest of the world is somehow incapable of reading your links, but the fact remains it doesn't exist. Pretend all you like but it ain't there.

THAT's revisionism. And as long as you keep pulling that shit you'll continue to be called on it.

The Politico link article said Liberals thought it was racist. You keep calling me revisionist. You are in Denial.

No, it does not, and your sitting on a message board CLAIMING it says that, will not make it magically appear retroactively. You're just flat-out lying.
Folks, what we have here is the time tested tactic of saying, “Not everyone did it”
In other words, intelligent analysis, as opposed to hamhanded, overly general fallacies. Yes, fine by me, I will let my comments sit right next to yours all day every day.
Your comments next to his?

It’s like you’re the guy on a moped telling the person in the new corvette next you his car sucks.

The left was calling McCain a racist right up until noon yesterday. Suddenly he’s a lefty hero.
Folks, what we have here is the time tested tactic of saying, “Not everyone did it”
In other words, intelligent analysis, as opposed to hamhanded, overly general fallacies. Yes, fine by me, I will let my comments sit right next to yours all day every day.
Your comments next to his?

It’s like you’re the guy on a moped telling the person in the new corvette next you his car sucks.

The left was calling McCain a racist right up until noon yesterday. Suddenly he’s a lefty hero.

Again --- bullshit revisionist history.
And yes I know that's redundant but it's also exactly what's going on here. "Retroactive strawman".
Folks, what we have here is the time tested tactic of saying, “Not everyone did it”
In other words, intelligent analysis, as opposed to hamhanded, overly general fallacies. Yes, fine by me, I will let my comments sit right next to yours all day every day.
Your comments next to his?

It’s like you’re the guy on a moped telling the person in the new corvette next you his car sucks.

The left was calling McCain a racist right up until noon yesterday. Suddenly he’s a lefty hero.

Again --- bullshit revisionist history.
And yes I know that's redundant but it's also exactly what's going on here. "Retroactive strawman".

You are the lone voice calling revision and bullshit. It’s denial.
I bet most of this forum's lefties who were active when McCain was running leveled the same old accusations that they do to every republican candidate.
Folks, what we have here is the time tested tactic of saying, “Not everyone did it”
In other words, intelligent analysis, as opposed to hamhanded, overly general fallacies. Yes, fine by me, I will let my comments sit right next to yours all day every day.
Your comments next to his?

It’s like you’re the guy on a moped telling the person in the new corvette next you his car sucks.

The left was calling McCain a racist right up until noon yesterday. Suddenly he’s a lefty hero.

Again --- bullshit revisionist history.
And yes I know that's redundant but it's also exactly what's going on here. "Retroactive strawman".

You are the lone voice calling revision and bullshit. It’s denial.

It’s there for you to see if you want to open your eyes.

Are you willfully blind?

Click the link. It’s a google search on: John McCain racist 2008.
Funny, when specifically was he no longer a racist?

He was in 2008.

LMGTFY- Media :John McCain is a racist.LMGTFY

Bush, McCain, Romney, Trump....they are all racists according to the left.

The lefts playbook is thin, but often effective . :113:

And in 2008, the Right selected him as their candidate for the Presidency.
Are Liberals who support a racist like John McCain, in their own words, racist themselves?
I will never forget in one of the 2008 Obama-McCain debates, McCain pointed to Obama and referred to him as “that guy”. The Media went apeshit and was sure it had racial overtones from McCain.
And what trumpanzees will never forgive is McCain's answer to that woman who called Obama an Arab.
Funny, when specifically was he no longer a racist?

He was in 2008.

LMGTFY- Media :John McCain is a racist.LMGTFY

Bush, McCain, Romney, Trump....they are all racists according to the left.

The lefts playbook is thin, but often effective . :113:

Yeah, the media is now in a "love-fest" mode with McCain because by doing so, not only do they believe it reflects well on them, but it represents taking sides AGAINST TRUMP. All the "McCain love" is really just a thinly-veiled attempt at an eye-gouge to the president. The sad truth though is that McCain was only a "war hero" in the first place because the fool flew the wrong mission, went where he was told not to go and got shot down behind enemy lines. No one would have ever remembered much less ever heard of him again if not for his parleying that into a life-long political career exploiting his torture. Then as senator, he did mostly stupid shit against his OWN party over and over most of his life, trash talked his own president (something he never did to Obama), then ran TWO unsuccessful bids for the office of the president, one against a virtual unknown, what he always aspired to be to put himself in his mind's eye as equal to his Admiral father--- and failed. Then took it out on Trump mostly because he resented that Trump came in cold out of nowhere and actually WON his first election against a well-regarded career politician.

McCain? Meh. Hate to see anyone suffer and die, but that's life, and in death, his celebrations now are much more about image, guilt and politics than they are about actual accomplishment.

So the media backed a racist McCain against racist Trump because Trump is racist, but worse than racist Romney.
Media now loves McCain, but in 2008 he was a racist.

Funny, when specifically was he no longer a racist?

He was in 2008.

LMGTFY- Media :John McCain is a racist.LMGTFY

Bush, McCain, Romney, Trump....they are all racists according to the left.

The lefts playbook is thin, but often effective . :113:

Never heard of this characterization. And if you took the minute and a half to watch your own video instead of just salivating at a bullshit title --- he's saying the opposite of what you want him to say. So you lied.

Pretty goddam desperate stretch too, jumping on the dead to score message board points before rigor mortis sets in.


The media likes the fact that that spineless McCain is dead now, and that he was never serious candidate for president
Folks, what we have here is the time tested tactic of saying, “Not everyone did it”
In other words, intelligent analysis, as opposed to hamhanded, overly general fallacies. Yes, fine by me, I will let my comments sit right next to yours all day every day.
Your comments next to his?

It’s like you’re the guy on a moped telling the person in the new corvette next you his car sucks.

The left was calling McCain a racist right up until noon yesterday. Suddenly he’s a lefty hero.

Again --- bullshit revisionist history.
And yes I know that's redundant but it's also exactly what's going on here. "Retroactive strawman".

House Dems Call McCain Racist, Sexist and Say He 'Battered' Susan Rice - American Renaissance
Folks, what we have here is the time tested tactic of saying, “Not everyone did it”
In other words, intelligent analysis, as opposed to hamhanded, overly general fallacies. Yes, fine by me, I will let my comments sit right next to yours all day every day.
Your comments next to his?

It’s like you’re the guy on a moped telling the person in the new corvette next you his car sucks.

The left was calling McCain a racist right up until noon yesterday. Suddenly he’s a lefty hero.

Again --- bullshit revisionist history.
And yes I know that's redundant but it's also exactly what's going on here. "Retroactive strawman".

You are the lone voice calling revision and bullshit. It’s denial.

I simply did what you couldn't do --- I READ YOUR LINKS. And what you claim is there --- AIN'T.

Simple as that. Not rocket surgery.

Go ahead and prove me wrong. Quote them.
Media now loves McCain, but in 2008 he was a racist.

Funny, when specifically was he no longer a racist?

He was in 2008.

LMGTFY- Media :John McCain is a racist.LMGTFY

Bush, McCain, Romney, Trump....they are all racists according to the left.

The lefts playbook is thin, but often effective . :113:

Never heard of this characterization. And if you took the minute and a half to watch your own video instead of just salivating at a bullshit title --- he's saying the opposite of what you want him to say. So you lied.

Pretty goddam desperate stretch too, jumping on the dead to score message board points before rigor mortis sets in.


Obama telling spineless McCain to shut the fuck up...
Folks, what we have here is the time tested tactic of saying, “Not everyone did it”
In other words, intelligent analysis, as opposed to hamhanded, overly general fallacies. Yes, fine by me, I will let my comments sit right next to yours all day every day.

Intelligent people use statistical data and generalize for many different reasons beneficial to themselves and the public by and large.
Why do you hate the use of statistical data?
State Department orders travel advisory for Mexico after 8 bodies found in Cancun.
Mexico Travel Advisory
Do you see this as the State Department declaring all wetbacks are murderers?
Or all Christians?

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