Media ridicules "pay-go" rhetoric

Ad hominem argument is most commonly used to refer specifically to the ad hominem abusive, or argumentum ad personam, which consists of criticizing or attacking the person who proposed the argument

Look familiar ? want I should drop down a rope so you can climb outta that hole you're digging for yourself?


An Ad hominem is attacking someone as a refute to their argument. Not just attacking someone who makes an argument. I didn't say "you are a retard, therefore you are wrong". I explained why you were wrong, and then called you retarded.

"Ad hominem argument is most commonly used to refer specifically to the ad hominem abusive, or argumentum ad personam, which consists of criticizing or attacking the person who proposed the argument"

Looks like one, quacks like one, must be one .... you truly are priceless entertainment, can you do your impression of a rational human being for us next? Or are you not finished trying to worm your way out of your previous idiotic statements yet?

Care to provide a link as to where you got that fount of wisdom from? Somehow I'm guessing that you left off the end of that quote, didn't you :lol:
Midnight said:
Riddle me this: Which number is bigger:

999,821 million
1.2 trillion
Is that with or without inflation?
It's a simple math question, just answer it.

Clearly it is not. One factor is that Bush's number doesn't count the wars, and Obama's does. 2, inflation matters.

Yea, you called the shot. Like if I were at half court and called, MISS!!!

Speaking of trillions and the Iraq war.

A Review of Iraq War Cost Estimates | Global Solutions
An Ad hominem is attacking someone as a refute to their argument. Not just attacking someone who makes an argument. I didn't say "you are a retard, therefore you are wrong". I explained why you were wrong, and then called you retarded.

"Ad hominem argument is most commonly used to refer specifically to the ad hominem abusive, or argumentum ad personam, which consists of criticizing or attacking the person who proposed the argument"

Looks like one, quacks like one, must be one .... you truly are priceless entertainment, can you do your impression of a rational human being for us next? Or are you not finished trying to worm your way out of your previous idiotic statements yet?

Care to provide a link as to where you got that fount of wisdom from? Somehow I'm guessing that you left off the end of that quote, didn't you :lol:

Since apparently it's too complex for ya, Let me help you out ...

"Ad hominem argument is most commonly used to refer specifically to the ad hominem abusive, or argumentum ad personam, which consists of criticizing or attacking the person who proposed the argument"

Looks like one, quacks like one, must be one .... you truly are priceless entertainment, can you do your impression of a rational human being for us next? Or are you not finished trying to worm your way out of your previous idiotic statements yet?

Care to provide a link as to where you got that fount of wisdom from? Somehow I'm guessing that you left off the end of that quote, didn't you :lol:

Since apparently it's too complex for ya, Let me help you out ...


Lots of different places have lots of different definitions of ad hominem. I want to know where YOU got YOUR definition, asswipe.
Care to provide a link as to where you got that fount of wisdom from? Somehow I'm guessing that you left off the end of that quote, didn't you :lol:

Since apparently it's too complex for ya, Let me help you out ...

Lots of different places have lots of different definitions of ad hominem. I want to know where YOU got YOUR definition, asswipe.

Yes, I can understand how difficult it is for someone such as yourself to copy and paste that definition into google and press "SEARCH"......
Since apparently it's too complex for ya, Let me help you out ...

Lots of different places have lots of different definitions of ad hominem. I want to know where YOU got YOUR definition, asswipe.

Yes, I can understand how difficult it is for someone such as yourself to copy and paste that definition into google and press "SEARCH"......

What a surprise that you are deflecting. Well, since thats the way you want me to do it, I will, and if you don't like the defintiion I find, you'll just have to deal.

Hey, fun, it was wikipedia. So lets see.

An ad hominem argument, also known as argumentum ad hominem (Latin: "argument to the man", "argument against the man") consists of replying to an argument or factual claim by attacking or appealing to a characteristic or belief of the person making the argument or claim, rather than by addressing the substance of the argument or producing evidence against the claim.

I wonder why you cut off definition in the middle of a sentence? What exactly was your reason for doing so?
Since apparently it's too complex for ya, Let me help you out ...

Lots of different places have lots of different definitions of ad hominem. I want to know where YOU got YOUR definition, asswipe.

Yes, I can understand how difficult it is for someone such as yourself to copy and paste that definition into google and press "SEARCH"......

Myabe he wanted the government to do it for know, nanny state and all. :lol:
Yes, I can understand how difficult it is for someone such as yourself to copy and paste that definition into google and press "SEARCH"......

Myabe he wanted the government to do it for know, nanny state and all. :lol:

Funny that you want to bitch about the government, but you don't think that someone can take the personal responsibility of providing a link to their own quotes.
Then while your at it, please pay for your roads, your military, your fire fighters and cops as well.

Whoops...suddenly you want us all to work as a team, don'tcha?

Oh....the ol' strawman defense, that won't work here sonny. You see, there are good prudent taxes that we do need for infrastructure, that we all use. I'm not against paying taxes, it's just all the bullshit that is being shoved down yours and my thoats that I'm against. Syn taxing is a start, but it won't just stop you might believe. Then there is the VAT tax that will be following, and if Barry has his way, we will have the CAP & TRADE that will be shoved on us, oh yeah, let's not forget the next stimulus bill that might be in the pipeline for this fall. You see that's not the team I'm on board with. Of course, a socialist wouldn't have any issues with it.

I don't use roads, actually, I live in a city and don't drive. So why am I paying for them again?

And no, nothing I said was a strawman. There is no difference between healthcare and roads and firefighters and police, etc, etc.

Your not against taxes...just any new taxes :lol:

By the way...a public plan will save money.

Would it be too strawmanny of me to ask how everyone feels about property taxes which in most states go to pay for schools? Every year, there is a battle royal with certain property owners screaming WHY SHOULD I PAY FOR YOUR KID TO GO TO SCHOOL?

There are many taxes that are not "fair" to 100% of all the people. But this is still the UNITED States of America, and people that bitch and moan that they, personally, won't see some benefit from a tax is, to me, an unAmerican attitude.
but you don't think that someone can take the personal responsibility of providing a link to their own quotes.

It was an idiot test ... congratulations you passed with flying colors. :clap2:

It's just amazing how extraordinarily predictable left wingers are ..........
And? Of course its going to hit consumers, its passed directly onto them. :cuckoo:

And you have a right to screw up your body. You just have to pay for it. Its amusing that a "right" to do some things (like screw up your body) means that the "right" should be cheap, but other rights like healthcare, well it doesn't matter if you can't afford.

How very fucked up of you.

So how are we going to tax skateboarding, basketball, rock-climbing, ATV-ing, cliff diving, spelunking, scuba diving, swimming, mountain biking, and the other 100,000 ways one can end up in the hospital.

Colorodoman is going to pissed when he finds out his carabiner are going to be $500 apiece.

Do I hear a recreational tax coming down the pipeline?

Good gawd, you people are such hysterical Chicken Littles. You're all hilarious.
Good gawd, you people are such hysterical Chicken Littles. You're all hilarious.

There you go again, RUSH ! :tongue:

you should really stop listening to Rush Limbaugh btw, I hear it can cause brain damage and thus according to what some people say should be taxed.
but you don't think that someone can take the personal responsibility of providing a link to their own quotes.

It was an idiot test ... congratulations you passed with flying colors. :clap2:

It's just amazing how extraordinarily predictable left wingers are ..........

No, it wasn't. You were trying to skew, distort and deflect from the fact that you flat out lied. You quoted a source only halfway to make it appear to support your position, when it really did the opposite. You have absolutely zero integrity.
sealybobo said:
Single Payer is in Congress right now debunking all your false claims.

While single payer may still be one of the options, it's a weak one, and it will never happen at this stage of the game for the very obvious reason that Obama himself has stated:

"If I were starting a system from scratch, then I think that the idea of moving towards a single-payer system could very well make sense...[But] we don't want a huge disruption as we go into health care reform where suddenly we're trying to completely reinvent one-sixth of the economy."
So your argument is that its socialist to have new publicly funded things, but capitalist to keep having old publicly funded things continuing to be public funded?

How absurd. Surely even you can come up with something better than that.

You already do pay for other peoples coverage. ER visits are guaranteed. By the way, a public plan would drive down your healthcare costs because now there would be actual, real competition.

Oh, I do take public transportation provided to me by my city. Of course I pay for that, but generally I walk everywhere.

So my taxes won't go up with nationalized healthcare? :cuckoo:
The plan would eventually eliminate my healthcare coverage, and would have to have your socialized healthcare coverage which I don't want.....GET IT! You want the government to take care of you....I don't want the government to take care of me...I can do that all by myself.

The bill that will pass, if any, will give you the option of keeping your own existing insurance, going without, or selecting a policy bid out to private insurers (probably around ten plans selected at varying premium costs). Once and for all, universal health care will not happen this year, and probably not until a major health crisis forces the government into one.
An Ad hominem is attacking someone as a refute to their argument. Not just attacking someone who makes an argument. I didn't say "you are a retard, therefore you are wrong". I explained why you were wrong, and then called you retarded.

"Ad hominem argument is most commonly used to refer specifically to the ad hominem abusive, or argumentum ad personam, which consists of criticizing or attacking the person who proposed the argument"

Looks like one, quacks like one, must be one .... you truly are priceless entertainment, can you do your impression of a rational human being for us next? Or are you not finished trying to worm your way out of your previous idiotic statements yet?

Care to provide a link as to where you got that fount of wisdom from? Somehow I'm guessing that you left off the end of that quote, didn't you :lol:

Nik, in case you haven't guessed by now, Libertyguy prefers to attack the messenger rather than the message. Ignore him or he'll stalk you like Jack the Ripper.
Nik, in case you haven't guessed by now, Libertyguy prefers to attack the messenger rather than the message. Ignore him or he'll stalk you like Jack the Ripper.

You should really learn how to read Maggie (and probably how to mind your own business while you're at it), Nik was the one attacking the messenger not me, just like you were the one attacking the messenger (poking your nose into another AB conversation I might add, just like you're doing here) the other day when you started crying about being picked on....

If you can't stand the heat of the kitchen, you shouldn't start crap with your betters.....

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