Medical Marijuana now a reality in Pennsylvania

Cannabis has been medicine for more than 5000 yrs. How is that wrong? Most meds have side effects which you need more rx meds, etc.

Simply because its natural doesn't make it good or right to use it. The side effects are why I don't use most prescription drugs either.

I know someone what has a bleeding colon that her rx for symptoms made her hair fall out. CBD not only is healing her colon but no more hair loss or other side effects.

My dather had terminal Cancer and was offered THC-based meds. I have Glaucoma and Epileptic issues for which THC meds can be prescribed. Neither of us would choose THC-based therapies. There are preferable options. For me they include blindness abd seizures. For him it was debilitating pain.

Some might use it to relax, better than alcohol is on your body and mind. Much better for you than a handful of pills that will only bring dependency and spikes of pain. Warning, don't operate machinery, not conducive for work place.

Alcohol and those pills should be banned as well. ANY substance that creares an altered state of mind should be banned.

It was right till 1940. Now CDC is saying it is right as a medicine again for many conditions. FDA lowered the classification. Why is that wrong?

It was never tight. The Government is not the arbiter of Right and Wrong... the Divinity is.

God created cannabis and man has used it for 5000 yrs to treat different ailments. I remember leaves being give to women in labor to chew. It was used to reduce pain for stitches or minor surgery by wise women.

It has been a medicine around the world for far longer than chemical made prescriptions that cost an arm and a leg.

If you don't want the high, juice it or make tea or choose strains with no THC in them. Founding fathers used it, why should it be wrong now?

There are hundreds of uses for the plant other than THC. Fast growing, renewable source for clothing, food, paper beside medicine.

Gods pharmacy

Why is that wrong?
Hmm mm

Sanjay Gupta is Wrong About Medical Marijuana
[QUOTE="Harry Dresden, post: 14048257, member: 1629]so if i remember correctly you said you take prescription you only take them in the hospital?.........

I take 2 different eye drops for my glaucoma and a small dose of a blood pressure medication. None of those have mind altering effects.

I do currently take the lowest prescribed dosage of a neurological med for my epilepsy that can have unpleasant side effects at higher doses. The doctors want to quadruple my dosage but I've refused because of the potential side effects.[/QUOTE]

Use CBD plants with no THC. No high at all, mind altering effects.
I am not into the deities myself ...they seem touchy about being worshiped .... I am not into that ...

There was never ever any Scientific or health related reason to ban marijuana....its was STRICTLY a Racial Law with no redeeming social values...

Im not really into Science.... they seem touchy about not being reminded they're not able to prove things they call Laws.

I base my life on Morality, not Science.
Cannabis has been medicine for more than 5000 yrs. How is that wrong? Most meds have side effects which you need more rx meds, etc.

Simply because its natural doesn't make it good or right to use it. The side effects are why I don't use most prescription drugs either.
You remember that. Is this a personal recollection?

I know someone what has a bleeding colon that her rx for symptoms made her hair fall out. CBD not only is healing her colon but no more hair loss or other side effects.

My dather had terminal Cancer and was offered THC-based meds. I have Glaucoma and Epileptic issues for which THC meds can be prescribed. Neither of us would choose THC-based therapies. There are preferable options. For me they include blindness abd seizures. For him it was debilitating pain.

Some might use it to relax, better than alcohol is on your body and mind. Much better for you than a handful of pills that will only bring dependency and spikes of pain. Warning, don't operate machinery, not conducive for work place.

Alcohol and those pills should be banned as well. ANY substance that creares an altered state of mind should be banned.

It was right till 1940. Now CDC is saying it is right as a medicine again for many conditions. FDA lowered the classification. Why is that wrong?

It was never tight. The Government is not the arbiter of Right and Wrong... the Divinity is.

God created cannabis and man has used it for 5000 yrs to treat different ailments. I remember leaves being give to women in labor to chew. It was used to reduce pain for stitches or minor surgery by wise women.

It has been a medicine around the world for far longer than chemical made prescriptions that cost an arm and a leg.

If you don't want the high, juice it or make tea or choose strains with no THC in them. Founding fathers used it, why should it be wrong now?

There are hundreds of uses for the plant other than THC. Fast growing, renewable source for clothing, food, paper beside medicine.

Gods pharmacy

Why is that wrong?

You remember women given marijuana to chew. Is this a personal recollection?
Since pot is so beneficial, pottys need never use a doctor. Think of the savings in medical care. Hospitals can be emptied.
God created cannabis and man has used it for 5000 yrs to treat different ailments. I remember leaves being give to women in labor to chew. It was used to reduce pain for stitches or minor surgery by wise women.

It has been a medicine around the world for far longer than chemical made prescriptions that cost an arm and a leg.

If you don't want the high, juice it or make tea or choose strains with no THC in them. Founding fathers used it, why should it be wrong now?

There are hundreds of uses for the plant other than THC. Fast growing, renewable source for clothing, food, paper beside medicine.

Gods pharmacy

Why is that wrong?

Are you sure that Cannabis plant wasn't simply another "Apple tree"? A test from the Divine to see whether people would do the Right thing or the fun/easy thing.

You make the mistake of believing anything the Divine created cannot be bad. Some of us understand better.
The Divine created the Christians Right...I always pray dear God please save me ...from your followers...they are a Judgemental brutal group...fortunately I am the kind of heathen built to last so if they mess with me I put my foot up their your followers..

I been smoking going on 45 years I plan to smoke another 45
It's amazing what all these pro potty sites come up with. It's not like they are legitimate.

It isn't all bad. With the number of cures pot provides, pottys don't need any other medical care. There's a money saver right there.
so here is my question to you once again,maybe this time you will put the drink down and actually answer it.....why are you still living in that liberal pot infested State?....why are you not in a State that has people with your mind set like Alabama or the like?...
If you are going to make claims about me, please prove them. Otherwise you are just a liar. Probably a druggie whose brain has been damaged.

I am here for business reasons. I had left, but I had to come back.
what did i lie about? claimed you live here that a lie? it isnt is it? whose brain has been damaged?...and no,you did not HAVE to come back because you have claimed you are are you lying?....
If you make the claim that I drink, prove it. Surely you have some way of proving up your assertions.

I was retired but I returned to help some friends with their business interests. They brought me back. Retirement is not a sentence you know. It's not like you can't make another decision ever, like drug addiction. Once you start you can never stop.

You are exceptionally sensitive about drug use. It's a personal attack against you. Why? Is it because you use drugs yourself and you fear that a contrary opinion threatens your use?

I don't use drugs. I don't drink. I find no reason to justify either drug use or drinking. It's very interesting that you do.
If you make the claim that I drink, prove it.
you are the one who said if you smoked pot 30 years ago you must still be an using your "logic" im sure since you may have had a drink or 2 in your life must still be an alcohol addict.... you dont like it when you get called one do you?....but you sure as hell dont mind using that word on anyone else you dont agree with do you?...
You are exceptionally sensitive about drug use. It's a personal attack against you. Why?
it has to do with the bullshit you throw around.....when someone who has no personal experience with pot,and im talking how it affects you, is telling 10-15 people who have had experience with it, that it is not how they say it is, because i read about it in the latest anti-pot publication.....yea then i will say something.....there many here who are against pot usage and legalization but, you can tell they have experience with it just by the stuff they say about it....not these fantastically rare occurrences you like to post about OR these absolutely ridiculous so called personal experiences you throw at us ...... you claimed you use to be a Lawyer .....if i was saying stuff about the profession that was bullshit,would you not say something?....
The Divine created the Christians Right...I always pray dear God please save me ...from your followers...they are a Judgemental brutal group...fortunately I am the kind of heathen built to last so if they mess with me I put my foot up their your followers..

I been smoking going on 45 years I plan to smoke another 45

No. The Christians are an abomination to the Divine.
[QUOTE="Harry Dresden, post: 14048257, member: 1629]so if i remember correctly you said you take prescription you only take them in the hospital?.........

I take 2 different eye drops for my glaucoma and a small dose of a blood pressure medication. None of those have mind altering effects.

I do currently take the lowest prescribed dosage of a neurological med for my epilepsy that can have unpleasant side effects at higher doses. The doctors want to quadruple my dosage but I've refused because of the potential side effects.[/QUOTE]

sorry but you said....."the third "prescription drugs" should only be available in hospitals under the direct supervision of medical want to explain why you dont have to follow those rules?..

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