Leave it to the left. They only see skin color and they always relegate women to sexual objects. This is the real reason she won the primary. The “males” (and man am I using that term lightly) on the left are all like Bill Clinton and JFK. They will jump anything than moves. And they will vote for any female on the left that looks better than their own wife.

Tell us Joe “I haven’t been with a woman in 30 years” B131 - what does her looks have to do with anything? We’re supposed to be discussing her qualifications, her education, her ideology, the election, etc.

Uh, guy, Ugly people don't get elected...

And I've probably had more p***y than you ever will.

But to the point. Here you have this attractive young woman, who runs and says, "Hey, maybe health care should be a right", and she wins, and you are in an ABSOLUTE FUCKING PANIC.

"oh, my god, oh my god.... she's not a monster like Stalin! Um, um, um, a coworker didn't like how she divided the tips one night... She's eeeeeevil." (Same article said most of her coworkers loved her.)

Now, I kind of worry a bit the Dems are going too far to the left, but frankly, not surprised.

These kids get out of college with a mountain of debt, a lot of them end up with menial jobs, and you are surprised the socialism doesn't sound like a damned good idea to them?
Well...not exactly. President Trump doesn’t run around preaching to the low IQ voter that everything should be taken from those who produce and given to those who don’t.

Again, you really think that the one percent that owns 43% of the wealth did 43% of the work?

Even if you include "White People Welfare" of Social Security, Medicare and Unemployment, total "Welfare" spending was 1.098 Trillion out of a GDP of 20 Trillion. Or about 5% of GDP.

So who is taking from the "producers" again? You see why "Welfare" is attractive to some people/

US Government Welfare Spending History with Charts - a www.usgovernmentspending.com briefing
But to the point. Here you have this attractive young woman, who runs and says, "Hey, maybe health care should be a right", and she wins, and you are in an ABSOLUTE FUCKING PANIC.
Thank you for illustrating your ignorance...and her’s. Healthcare already is a “right” you dimwit. The government is not empowered to prevent you from seeking healthcare (nor is anyone else). God you are a special kind of stupid. The exact type of low IQ voter that people like her cash in on. She sells it, you blindly gobble it down.
These kids get out of college with a mountain of debt, a lot of them end up with menial jobs, and you are surprised the socialism doesn't sound like a damned good idea to them?
A.) That is 100% their own fault for making poor life decisions

B.) A “menial job” is exponentially better than socialism where there is extreme third-world poverty and absolutely no jobs.
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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the quintessential left-winger. Preach communism like a passionate preacher, hoards money like the ugliest and greediest of capitalists (even when someone else earns that money, she still won’t “share” it).
At the end of the night, when it came time to split the $560 in tips she had gotten at the bar, Ocasio-Cortez gave the waitress only $50. After the waitress complained to her manager, her take was doubled to $100, a source said. “It says so much about her character,”
Like all on the left - she has no character. And she has no actual belief in the bullshit she peddles about communism. She just knows that it’s easy to gain wealth and power by peddling that nonsense to the mindless minion.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Stiffs Co-Workers

Wow, this was your complaint, that when she was a waitress, she ticked off one co-worker?

Really, bud?

I find it hilarious to watch the Reich Wing go into an absolute panic because this pretty Hispanic girl advocated socialism and won.

It's so funny what you "find".

In truth, we could not be happier. She is one of the several leading faces of the democratic party. We want her and her politics to be as highly visible as possible.

It makes our job so much easier.

Now... the right chooses Trumpet because they are tired of the same old crap.

The left rejects an establishment politician in the hopes someone like this can find a new way to do things.

She isn't Trumpet (she has not won yet), but in many ways they are similar.
"....pretty Hispanic girl advocated socialism and won"...in the Bronx

There, fixed it for ya

So? Hey, guy, here's the thing, the Bronx isn't that different than the rest of the country.

and when the next recession comes, a lot of people are going to wonder if socialism is all that bad.
Not too bright, are you?

There are more nonliving democrat voters in the Bronx than there are registered Republicans
Leave it to the left. They only see skin color and they always relegate women to sexual objects. This is the real reason she won the primary. The “males” (and man am I using that term lightly) on the left are all like Bill Clinton and JFK. They will jump anything than moves. And they will vote for any female on the left that looks better than their own wife.

Tell us Joe “I haven’t been with a woman in 30 years” B131 - what does her looks have to do with anything? We’re supposed to be discussing her qualifications, her education, her ideology, the election, etc.

Uh, guy, Ugly people don't get elected...

And I've probably had more p***y than you ever will.

But to the point. Here you have this attractive young woman, who runs and says, "Hey, maybe health care should be a right", and she wins, and you are in an ABSOLUTE FUCKING PANIC.

"oh, my god, oh my god.... she's not a monster like Stalin! Um, um, um, a coworker didn't like how she divided the tips one night... She's eeeeeevil." (Same article said most of her coworkers loved her.)

Now, I kind of worry a bit the Dems are going too far to the left, but frankly, not surprised.

These kids get out of college with a mountain of debt, a lot of them end up with menial jobs, and you are surprised the socialism doesn't sound like a damned good idea to them?

So you're saying Barack Obama's pimping of student loans makes him the world's biggest Predatory lender?

We agree
Fourth thread about her this morning
Well it’s important to acknowledge who and what the left actually are. Frankly, I respect the hell out of her. Unlike you, she’s willing to admit that she is a communist.

Conflating democratic socialism with communism again?
Boy, some of you people surely are simpletons.
There is no such thing as democratic socialism.

Attacking people and scaring them away from the polls is not democratic.
Thank you for illustrating your ignorance...and her’s. Healthcare already is a “right” you dimwit. The government is not empowered to prevent you from seeking healthcare (nor is anyone else). God you are a special kind of stupid. The exact type of low IQ voter that people like her cash in on. She sells it, you blindly gobble it down.

again, dummy, it's not a "right" if you don't have access to it.

A.) That is 100% their own fault for making poor life decisions

B.) A “menial job” is exponentially better than socialism where there is extreme third-world poverty and absolutely no jobs.

Yawn, poodle, your scare tactics just aren't going to work anymore. The fact that young people find an appeal in socialism in this supposedly "good" economy, what's going to happen when Trump's trade war causes the next recession?
Fourth thread about her this morning
Well it’s important to acknowledge who and what the left actually are. Frankly, I respect the hell out of her. Unlike you, she’s willing to admit that she is a communist.

Conflating democratic socialism with communism again?
Boy, some of you people surely are simpletons.
There is no such thing as democratic socialism.

Attacking people and scaring them away from the polls is not democratic.

Tell that to the White Nationalists, Neo-Nazis, Klansmen and/or plain Jane racists who make up a significant chunk of Trump's base. ;-)
She seems like a bright kid who ran a sparkling campaign

Republicans best retort.......Commie....Commie.....Commie
She seems like a bright kid who ran a sparkling campaign

Republicans best retort.......Commie....Commie.....Commie
She got their attention. LOL. Bernie's probably jealous. (-:

What I really got a kick out of is the RW's attack on her for her possible fabricating (white washing) how she split tips when working in a restaurant. LOL
the following Sanders picked up was from the younger generation - thats the sign of things to come in this countrys political arena.

When the youth movement finally takes over RW idiots will really have something to whine about.
Those kids will switch to conservative the day they get their first paycheck and start wondering what they got for that 40% of their missing pay.

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