imagine being this stupid! she's the left's Sarah Palin

Ocasio-Castro is a boorish, primitive neanderthal

She's an idiot. She is also the future of the Democrat party according to the DNC.

I wish more people would tell both parties to go to hell and register as an Independent. Bad part is that you have to register to one in order to participate in the primaries. This is bull. It would scare the hell out of every politician in Washington if people were to walk away from both parties.

The small percent of politicians in Washington are united. The Dems and Repubs are just the right and left cheeks on the same ass. Things remain the same despite the shift of control from one side to the other. They are all playing us. As long as they keep people divided, they can continue doing the same things. Half support them, half oppose them but the split means people do not have any say in things. That is why they keep us divided. Both sides are guilty.

Divide and conquer. They've been doing that forever and we just keep letting them.
she is one thing: dumb...and also stupid

Economic experts have called Ocasio-Cortez’s claims regarding the economy “false” and “uninformed.” Hard economic data also proves her “two jobs” theory incorrect.

In an ironic twist, just two weeks before the bungling interview, Ocasio-Cortez had been bragging on twitter about her economics degree and wondering if her assumed future House colleagues would be able to match her educational prowess.
In a tweet, the socialist asked “Wondering: How many other House Democrats have a degree in Economics like I do? Trying to find who out here is going to be in the Gini Coefficient Appreciation Squad.”

Socialist Ocasio-Cortez Bragged About Her Economics Degree Before Pushing False Economic Data
Sarah was a governor and much smarter.
Cortez is just stupid.
She has crazy eyes, indicative of a thorough indoctrination by an extreme leftist professor.

She seems to me to be a hippie fad. (hippie---like the marijuana
smoking, twinkie gobbling dorks of the 1960s-------and their spawn--
the old hippies like Sanders)
these socialist kids are giving up before they even start. look at America. look at what capitalism gave us!

let me be crass: don't you want to make money?!

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