Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez...the gift that keeps on giving.
"By the end of the Green New Deal resolution (and accompanying fact sheet) I was laughing so hard I nearly cried," Strassel wrote on Twitter. "If a bunch of GOPers plotted to forge a fake Democratic bill showing how bonkers the party is, they could not have done a better job. It is beautiful."
Even by normal left-wing standards of astounding stupidity, she is a special kind of dumb. Which means, I’m sure she will be their leader within 3-5 years and eventually their nominee for President of the United States.

WSJ Writer Has Absolute Blast Shredding Ocasio-Cortez's Idiotic Green New Deal
This is a real problem though - the media at large is NOT discussing this as thought is insane. Most serious coverage treats this bill as though it reflected lofty but real goals.

I don't even understand how they can cover this with a straight face let alone act as though any of this is even remotely possible.

I also continue to hear it will cost <insert whatever number you want here> dollars. This is blatantly insane - it will not cost anything because so much of it is flatly IMPOSSIBLE no matter how much money you have. That should simply end the discussion right there.
NEW YORK — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 28-year-old former bartender and Bernie Sanders campaign organizer who won a stunning congressional primary victory against a powerful New York incumbent Tuesday, said she would support impeaching President Donald Trump if she wins in November.

Primaries upend political landscape ahead of midterm elections and could spell trouble for Trump

so - the left says the constitution is out dated and needs to be "fixed" so guns can be controlled, yet they now go to a concern from the 1700s where franklin got a box of diamonds from the king of france and john jay got a horse from the king of spain.

yet neither of them were presidents.

just another noise maker pimping hate it would seem. but lets dig deeper. let's see who was at her victory party, shall we?

Ocasio-Cortez invited anti-Semitic, racist to victory party

"Not only did Ocasio-Cortez, the new darling of the Communist Democrat movement win, she brought known anti-Semite and racist called Jews “Greedy Jewish Landlord” and blacks the N-word. He even campaigned for Oscasio-Cortez using his vile anti-Semite rhetoric. "

i'm glad to see the democrats advocating change. but it looks like they're doubling down on the direction that is currently bringing them down.

buckle up.

Why do republicans keep trying to sell this? Your leader is a racist and you support him.

Why don't you go paint your face black and run for office in Virginia.

Odds are you will win.
NEW YORK — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 28-year-old former bartender and Bernie Sanders campaign organizer who won a stunning congressional primary victory against a powerful New York incumbent Tuesday, said she would support impeaching President Donald Trump if she wins in November.

Primaries upend political landscape ahead of midterm elections and could spell trouble for Trump

so - the left says the constitution is out dated and needs to be "fixed" so guns can be controlled, yet they now go to a concern from the 1700s where franklin got a box of diamonds from the king of france and john jay got a horse from the king of spain.

yet neither of them were presidents.

just another noise maker pimping hate it would seem. but lets dig deeper. let's see who was at her victory party, shall we?

Ocasio-Cortez invited anti-Semitic, racist to victory party

"Not only did Ocasio-Cortez, the new darling of the Communist Democrat movement win, she brought known anti-Semite and racist called Jews “Greedy Jewish Landlord” and blacks the N-word. He even campaigned for Oscasio-Cortez using his vile anti-Semite rhetoric. "

i'm glad to see the democrats advocating change. but it looks like they're doubling down on the direction that is currently bringing them down.

buckle up.

Why do republicans keep trying to sell this? Your leader is a racist and you support him.

Why don't you go paint your face black and run for office in Virginia.

Odds are you will win.

Well, he'll certainly fit in. Apparently every Democrat in the state has worn blackface at some point.
Truly shes an air head. If folks won't buy that her square peg will fit into the round hole, she flip flops to attempt convincing folks her round peg will fit into a square hole.

Socialists, like leftists, will spew forth whatever lying narrative to push their socialist agenda. They're a plague upon our Republic. Shame on all mindless minions who vote them into office.

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