Climate change happens, regardless. We should be learning new technologies and building new cities in more optimum locations.
Why do we need “new cities”? :uhh:

I think we have more than enough cities already, snowflake. Stop being a communist Chinese central planner. They too thought that new cities should be built. Now they sit completely empty.
Climate change happens, regardless. We should be learning new technologies and building new cities in more optimum locations.
Why do we need “new cities”? :uhh:

I think we have more than enough cities already, snowflake. Stop being a communist Chinese central planner. They too thought that new cities should be built. Now they sit completely empty.
global sea rising is rendering some locations less habitable.

with new cities in more optimal locations, better flooding mitigation can happen.
Climate change happens, regardless. We should be learning new technologies and building new cities in more optimum locations.
Why do we need “new cities”? :uhh:

I think we have more than enough cities already, snowflake. Stop being a communist Chinese central planner. They too thought that new cities should be built. Now they sit completely empty.
apples and oranges.

building new cities requires manufacturing jobs.
global sea rising is rendering some locations less habitable. it’s not. :lmao:
with new cities in more optimal locations, better flooding mitigation can happen.
So basically you’re advocating for a “solution” to a problem that doesn’t exist. Got it.
simply appealing to ignorance doesn't mean it doesn't exist. right wingers are merely too lazy to learn how to fish new arguments for their Cause.
Climate change happens, regardless. We should be learning new technologies and building new cities in more optimum locations.
Why do we need “new cities”? :uhh:

I think we have more than enough cities already, snowflake. Stop being a communist Chinese central planner. They too thought that new cities should be built. Now they sit completely empty.
global sea rising is rendering some locations less habitable.

with new cities in more optimal locations, better flooding mitigation can happen.
Down here in Florida half the state is gone. And the keys went under water years ago.
Climate change happens, regardless. We should be learning new technologies and building new cities in more optimum locations.
Why do we need “new cities”? :uhh:

I think we have more than enough cities already, snowflake. Stop being a communist Chinese central planner. They too thought that new cities should be built. Now they sit completely empty.
global sea rising is rendering some locations less habitable.

with new cities in more optimal locations, better flooding mitigation can happen.
Down here in Florida half the state is gone. And the keys went under water years ago.
a larger wetlands to absorb more storm energy. new cities in more optimum locations requires manufacturing jobs.
Down here in Florida half the state is gone.
Down here in Florida half the state is gone.
Is there anything more comical than leftists trying to convince people that reality isn't really reality? If half the state of Florida was gone, it would literally be the biggest news in world history. It would be bigger than 9/11. Bigger than WWII. Millions would be displaced. Pro and college stadiums (and teams) would be completely gone.

And yet....every single pro and college stadium is still there and not a single game has been disrupted because "half the state is gone".
right wingers are merely too lazy to learn how to fish new arguments for their Cause.
DP just gave you folks a peak into the mindset of the idiot leftist. See, conservatives don't "fish for new arguments". They simply discuss reality. Nothing less. Nothing more. But the left...they have to fish and they have to create arguments because they are on the wrong side of the facts and on the wrong side of reality.

She's nearly 30.

That makes her WAY, WAY too old for most Republicans.

Trump wouldn't like her.

She looks nothing like his daughter.

You know she's a bleeding idiot when she claims 'Climate Change' will end the world in 12 years. That alone should disqualify her from being believed.

Back in 2005, "the man bear pig" Al Gore was being mouthpiece of global warmers claims that "in ten years New York will be under water" or that "Mt. Kilimanjaro will be snow free" by 2015. Media and Hollywood were repeating those claims even though they knew it was all lie.

How many celebrities, news or TV personalities, or leftists in general moved out of coastal cities due to those predictions? In fact, in 2014 CNN announced and recently (last year) moved their global headquarters from inland (Atlanta) to Hudson Yards, Manhattan. Why if New York is going to be under water?

Nobody is buying their shit stories anymore, but they keep repeating them over and over...
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez...the gift that keeps on giving.
"By the end of the Green New Deal resolution (and accompanying fact sheet) I was laughing so hard I nearly cried," Strassel wrote on Twitter. "If a bunch of GOPers plotted to forge a fake Democratic bill showing how bonkers the party is, they could not have done a better job. It is beautiful."
Even by normal left-wing standards of astounding stupidity, she is a special kind of dumb. Which means, I’m sure she will be their leader within 3-5 years and eventually their nominee for President of the United States.

WSJ Writer Has Absolute Blast Shredding Ocasio-Cortez's Idiotic Green New Deal
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez...the gift that keeps on giving.
See Ron Bailey for look at sheer number of turbines, solar panels, facilities necessary just for the 'renewable electricity' bit. Wud need 500k square km, bigger than California. Also note, govt will pay for these -- not private sector," she wrote.
This is what happens when individuals allow idealism and ideology to supersede common sense and reality.

WSJ Writer Has Absolute Blast Shredding Ocasio-Cortez's Idiotic Green New Deal

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