Meet Taylor Wilson

You're missing the point, one took his to school, one didn't. If a kid walked into a school with a nuke? Yeah there would be an issue

Nope, you're missing the point... kid builds bombs and gets off scot-free, the other kid builds clocks gets arrested.

Who was making bombs?

You should always your own research - look it up yourself.
Hint - it isn't Ahmed Mohammed.


So the kid made a "bomb" out of a plastic pill bottle and some household chemicals.
So we can assume it's along the lines of a vinegar baking soda bomb.
Whoopty shit..I dont know anyone who didnt do that as a kid.
And the fact still remains,he didnt take em to school.

You should try harder, your research is incomplete...

Excerpts from:
at 10, he built his first bomb. At 14, he made a nuclear reactor. Now he’s 17…

Wilson isn’t an across-the-board thrill-seeker. Roller coasters scare him. He was reluctant to obtain his driver’s license and avoids getting behind the wheel. The only time he was grounded was when he let the family’s golden retriever out in the backyard while he was detonating bombs (not nuclear ones, Wilson clarifies, just garden-variety explosives made from household chemicals like stump remover).

Wilson returned home, went to the hardware store, bought a five-gallon drum, and filled it with water. He mixed in gadolinium, a chemical element that emits light when hit with radioactive particles. Because those flashes would be too weak to be seen with the naked eye, Wilson bored a hole into the drum and inserted a highly sensitive light detector, which he hooked up to his computer. He then placed the drum next to his nuclear reactor, behind the lead wall, and flipped the reactor’s switch to produce a silent explosion of radiation. Checking his computer, Wilson was delighted to see that his detector had picked up brief emissions of light. The detector worked—and unlike helium-3 testers, which cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, Wilson’s cost a few hundred bucks.

"The Arkansas teen built his first bomb out of a pill bottle and household chemicals at the age of ten, attempted to construct his own particle accelerator at age eleven and, at age fourteen,"

And what?
Kids make bombs all the damn time,I know I did.
But I didnt take em to school.

OH MY GOD!!!!! Someone call the FBI!!!!

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