Meet the 37 Rs who could lose their jobs because they shut down govt

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Meet The 37 House Republicans Who Could Lose Their Jobs For Shutting Down The Government

The 16-day federal government shutdown that furloughed 800,000 workers and cost the U.S. economy $24 billion dollars has largely been pinned on House Republicans, making many of them vulnerable in the 2014 midterm elections.

Numerous polls have shown that a majority of Americans assign a larger share of blame for the shutdown to congressional Republicans, who tried to tie government funding provisions to defunding the Affordable Care Act. Even prominent Republicans like Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) have criticized their colleagues in the House for damaging the GOP's image.

Fifty-four percent of Americans now oppose Republican control of the House, according to a CNN-ORC poll released on Monday. And a series of polls commissioned by progressive advocacy group and conducted by Public Policy Polling released in batches over the last several days indicate Democrats may have enough momentum to take back the House.

While its true they're being blamed for what they did, there are some people who just don't get that the Rs want only one thing - ruin the United States.

Plus, the gerrymandering and voter suppression that got them the House seats last time are still in place this time.

I think we will see a lot more illegal voter suppression because they know that lying, cheating and stealing is the only way they will keep their place at the trough. And, there's no way they would ever want to actually work for a living again.

Edited to add - do look at the list though. Its interesting.
LOL. This is funny.

If anyone should be losing their job, it should be Kathleen "I don't work for the people" Sebelius.
Meet The 37 House Republicans Who Could Lose Their Jobs For Shutting Down The Government

The 16-day federal government shutdown that furloughed 800,000 workers and cost the U.S. economy $24 billion dollars has largely been pinned on House Republicans, making many of them vulnerable in the 2014 midterm elections.

Numerous polls have shown that a majority of Americans assign a larger share of blame for the shutdown to congressional Republicans, who tried to tie government funding provisions to defunding the Affordable Care Act. Even prominent Republicans like Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) have criticized their colleagues in the House for damaging the GOP's image.

Fifty-four percent of Americans now oppose Republican control of the House, according to a CNN-ORC poll released on Monday. And a series of polls commissioned by progressive advocacy group and conducted by Public Policy Polling released in batches over the last several days indicate Democrats may have enough momentum to take back the House.

While its true they're being blamed for what they did, there are some people who just don't get that the Rs want only one thing - ruin the United States.

Plus, the gerrymandering and voter suppression that got them the House seats last time are still in place this time.

I think we will see a lot more illegal voter suppression because they know that lying, cheating and stealing is the only way they will keep their place at the trough. And, there's no way they would ever want to actually work for a living again.

Edited to add - do look at the list though. Its interesting.

There's got to be a way to work around the Gerrymandering. It's ridiculous they can set themselves up for life like that especially when the voters are finding out what it is they're doing at this point.
Meet The 37 House Republicans Who Could Lose Their Jobs For Shutting Down The Government

The 16-day federal government shutdown that furloughed 800,000 workers and cost the U.S. economy $24 billion dollars has largely been pinned on House Republicans, making many of them vulnerable in the 2014 midterm elections.

Numerous polls have shown that a majority of Americans assign a larger share of blame for the shutdown to congressional Republicans, who tried to tie government funding provisions to defunding the Affordable Care Act. Even prominent Republicans like Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) have criticized their colleagues in the House for damaging the GOP's image.

Fifty-four percent of Americans now oppose Republican control of the House, according to a CNN-ORC poll released on Monday. And a series of polls commissioned by progressive advocacy group and conducted by Public Policy Polling released in batches over the last several days indicate Democrats may have enough momentum to take back the House.

While its true they're being blamed for what they did, there are some people who just don't get that the Rs want only one thing - ruin the United States.

Plus, the gerrymandering and voter suppression that got them the House seats last time are still in place this time.

I think we will see a lot more illegal voter suppression because they know that lying, cheating and stealing is the only way they will keep their place at the trough. And, there's no way they would ever want to actually work for a living again.

Edited to add - do look at the list though. Its interesting.

It would be interesting if you did a thread on all the Democrats who will lose their seats due to the abortion that is Obamacare.

The shutdown is already largely forgotten.

What the Republicans will remind the American people is the reason for the shutdown was to protect folks from Obamacare. The reality is this disaster only gets worse for Dems. The Obamacare misery will be going on for months and months, and it will hurt Dems in a big way. Count on it.
well, its problematic, if obama has to suspend the mandate this will be a dim memory and at the end of the day do little harm to these '37'.......

you should go meet the senators and house dems who are scared they are going to take the pipe if obamacare continues on its present path.....:lol:...
and notice not one Democrat got blamed FOR ANYTHING again

not the Irs, Benghazi, now this shutdown
these sheep are pathetic and so is Hufferpuffer post
but this gets their cult members all wet just thinking about
Meet The 37 House Republicans Who Could Lose Their Jobs For Shutting Down The Government

The 16-day federal government shutdown that furloughed 800,000 workers and cost the U.S. economy $24 billion dollars has largely been pinned on House Republicans, making many of them vulnerable in the 2014 midterm elections.

Numerous polls have shown that a majority of Americans assign a larger share of blame for the shutdown to congressional Republicans, who tried to tie government funding provisions to defunding the Affordable Care Act. Even prominent Republicans like Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) have criticized their colleagues in the House for damaging the GOP's image.

Fifty-four percent of Americans now oppose Republican control of the House, according to a CNN-ORC poll released on Monday. And a series of polls commissioned by progressive advocacy group and conducted by Public Policy Polling released in batches over the last several days indicate Democrats may have enough momentum to take back the House.

While its true they're being blamed for what they did, there are some people who just don't get that the Rs want only one thing - ruin the United States.

Plus, the gerrymandering and voter suppression that got them the House seats last time are still in place this time.

I think we will see a lot more illegal voter suppression because they know that lying, cheating and stealing is the only way they will keep their place at the trough. And, there's no way they would ever want to actually work for a living again.

Edited to add - do look at the list though. Its interesting.

There's got to be a way to work around the Gerrymandering. It's ridiculous they can set themselves up for life like that especially when the voters are finding out what it is they're doing at this point.

What is very disheartening is that the rw voter is absolutely in favor of lying, cheating and stealing to keep these criminals in office. What Ds refuse to tolerate in their representatives, rw's celebrate and reward.

rw voters really don't mind that R congress does nothing for 125 days a year, brags about doing nothing for 125 days a year, vacations the rest of the year and gets paid more than $125K for it.
Blinded by the White, cut loose like a duece another runner in the night
"The shutdown is already forgotten" is not reflected in the polling.

The ACA website is being fixed with GOP support.

You TeaPs and reactionaries are going to get shell lacked next year.
The obamacare holocaust. Millions are being cut off from their current health care.

But, but, but....Obama said you can keep your insurance! He said you can keep you doctor! He said Obamacare would save the average family of four $2500 a year in health care costs!

And remember, he said on the day the website rolled out, that you can compare costs as easy as!

Do you mean none of that was true? It can't be happening!!!! :rofl:
The obamacare holocaust. Millions are being cut off from their current health care.

But, but, but....Obama said you can keep your insurance! He said you can keep you doctor! He said Obamacare would save the average family of four $2500 a year in health care costs!

And remember, he said on the day the website rolled out, that you can compare costs as easy as!

Do you mean none of that was true? It can't be happening!!!! :rofl:

I remember along with hundreds of millions. Its lie after intricately woven web of deceit.
Edited to add - do look at the list though. Its interesting.

"The shutdown is already forgotten" is not reflected in the polling.

The ACA website is being fixed with GOP support.

You TeaPs and reactionaries are going to get shell lacked next year.

Jake, do you really think Obamacare...with all its problems....will get fixed in a few weeks? Do you really believe that? Do you really think the sole problem is the website?

If you don't think 16 million people losing their insurance won't be pissed, or the millions who will see a huge increase in their insurance costs won't be pissed, you're crazy.

The Dems are all in on Obamacare. They own it....100%. I seriously doubt the American public or the media will let them forget it.
ole luddie wishes for one party rule with a dictator I do believe

he a good little Democrat sheep
Meet The 37 House Republicans Who Could Lose Their Jobs For Shutting Down The Government

While its true they're being blamed for what they did, there are some people who just don't get that the Rs want only one thing - ruin the United States.

Plus, the gerrymandering and voter suppression that got them the House seats last time are still in place this time.

I think we will see a lot more illegal voter suppression because they know that lying, cheating and stealing is the only way they will keep their place at the trough. And, there's no way they would ever want to actually work for a living again.

Edited to add - do look at the list though. Its interesting.

There's got to be a way to work around the Gerrymandering. It's ridiculous they can set themselves up for life like that especially when the voters are finding out what it is they're doing at this point.

What is very disheartening is that the rw voter is absolutely in favor of lying, cheating and stealing to keep these criminals in office. What Ds refuse to tolerate in their representatives, rw's celebrate and reward.

rw voters really don't mind that R congress does nothing for 125 days a year, brags about doing nothing for 125 days a year, vacations the rest of the year and gets paid more than $125K for it.

I keep remembering the minorities in Florida standing for hours and hours while the polling places took their good old time allowing them to vote. The more these things get out, the less effect Republican obstruction has.
The obamacare holocaust. Millions are being cut off from their current health care.

Actually, NO. That's just the shit from talk radio you're believing. It isn't true.

yeah, just keep denying it.... maybe someone will believe you
we've posted article after article on it here, but bury you little heads... the truth about Obama and his fascist government entitlement obamafailno care can hurt
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