Meet the Astroturfer Planning to Swift Boat Obama

But that was the point. It wasn't an easy decision.

There was a 60% chance Bin Laden wasn't there. The only way to be sure to get him was to send in troops, and that was frought with danger in that it could have brought us into armed conflict with Pakistan (nominally an ally, but has been playing both sides.)

During the Bush years, There was reluctance to go after Al Qaeda in Pakistan because of this very reason.

So, yeah, let's give him kudos for making the call.

I agree. Kudos to Barry for making the call. I'd give kudos to an POTUS who made that call.

As for him taking credit?? What POTUS wouldn't take credit?

Its the one bright spot in an otherwise abysmal 3 plus years in office.

I believe he got and took credit for this, over and over and over again. Perhaps if he hadn't flown to Afghanistan to celebrate the anniversary of killing someone it might have been a little different. His celebratory visit kinda spiked the football. :)

When its your only bright spot and accomplishment ya gotta run with it. LOL
This is typical of dirty wingnut politics and smear tactics. I would think the SEALs would be careful about this - it could backfire against their elite reputation - which Obama has further enhanced with his praise of their fine work.

SEALs should also keep in mind that their reputation would have been diminished if they had screwed up the bin Laden mission - but Obama would have taken all the heat and would have likely cost him being re-elected.

I' d imagine SEALs are more concerned with their teammates and the objectives of their missions than the impact of any mission on their reputation. SEALs know of other SEALs who've been killed or wounded on missions, some deemed successful, some failure, and some aborted, with or without wounded/killed involved.

That's how it goes and they'd be the first to tell you they won't ever bat 1.000.
Soros has unlimited funds to spend on smearing Mitt Romney. That's why this kind of whining always cracks me up. Seriously, how much cash do you think Soros & Left hate-groups are gonna spend on calling Romney a 'Racist?' and claiming he hates da po folk? Think people, think. It's all Bullshit. Romney/Obama? Who cares? They're both Big Government Globalists in the end. They work for the same Bosses. Oh well, yet another American Election scam. Go figure? :(
By Adam Weinstein

"Yes, it's the swift boating of the president," says the founder of a dark-money group claiming to speak for ticked-off Navy SEALs.

Veterans for a Strong America describes itself "a grassroots action organization committed to ensuring that America remains a strong nation by advancing liberty, safeguarding freedom and opposing tyranny." Founded in 2010, the ostensibly nonpartisan group kept a low profile until earlier this week, when it posted a splashy online ad that uses statements from President Barack Obama to suggest that the commander-in-chief boasted about his role in killing Osama bin Laden, dishonoring America's military in the process.

"Heroes don't politicize their acts of valor," the ad declares amid shots of American soldiers and quotes criticizing Obama's "shameless" and "despicable" attempt to claim credit for bin Laden's death. Not all of those quotes are in context: The video flashes "Obama Spikes the bin Laden Football," a headline from a post in which Mother Jones' Kevin Drum wrote that the bin Laden raid proved Obama's "leadership."

"Yes, it's the swift boating of the president, in the sense of using what's perceived to be his greatest strength and making it his greatest weakness."​

"I've been in touch with a number of Navy SEALs and special operators… We're gonna be rolling some of those folks out soon."​

Much More: Meet the Astroturfer Planning to Swift Boat Obama | Mother Jones

Why does President Obama take so much credit for killing Bin Laden? - YouTube

Yes, that reminds me.... Thank You Swift Boater's from saving us from Kerry. :):):) :clap:
I just cannot understand why the left does not want their candidate vetted?? They did this in 2008 and are trying to do it again in 2012.

Where are his college friends, where are his college roommates, where are his college transcripts?? What is he hiding?? Why are his records sealed?? What doesn't he want anyone to know??

Are any of you lefties even curious?? Do you even care what the most transparent President, evah, is really about???

Dark Money Group Darkens Obama's Skin Color in Ad | Mother Jones
that he was in office only a month and I dont think the Bush 41 team left him instuctions on how to stop the plan hatched and planned on his watch

so we can same the Bush then? He was in office eight months..

Bin Ladin determined to strike US ring a bell?

Yeah, it was mentioned in a PDB along with some other stuff, but nothing about who, what, when, where, how, etc. as pertaining to 9/11 (the "when").
LOL, the whining that our military might all not care for Obama and then have the NERVE to speak out against him...

oh the HORROR..and they are now bringing back, swift boating...:lol:

Notice though mother jones has no problems with putting others in the military down..

This comment was written by a former Air Force officer and J.A.G.

"In the military...many constitutional rights that we as civilians enjoy are severely abridged in order to serve a higher goal: provide good order and discipline in order to protect the whole panoply of constitutional rights for the rest of us. One of those rights is free speech..."
-Michael L. Weinstein
By Adam Weinstein

"Yes, it's the swift boating of the president," says the founder of a dark-money group claiming to speak for ticked-off Navy SEALs.

Veterans for a Strong America describes itself "a grassroots action organization committed to ensuring that America remains a strong nation by advancing liberty, safeguarding freedom and opposing tyranny." Founded in 2010, the ostensibly nonpartisan group kept a low profile until earlier this week, when it posted a splashy online ad that uses statements from President Barack Obama to suggest that the commander-in-chief boasted about his role in killing Osama bin Laden, dishonoring America's military in the process.

"Heroes don't politicize their acts of valor," the ad declares amid shots of American soldiers and quotes criticizing Obama's "shameless" and "despicable" attempt to claim credit for bin Laden's death. Not all of those quotes are in context: The video flashes "Obama Spikes the bin Laden Football," a headline from a post in which Mother Jones' Kevin Drum wrote that the bin Laden raid proved Obama's "leadership."

"Yes, it's the swift boating of the president, in the sense of using what's perceived to be his greatest strength and making it his greatest weakness."​

"I've been in touch with a number of Navy SEALs and special operators… We're gonna be rolling some of those folks out soon."​

Much More: Meet the Astroturfer Planning to Swift Boat Obama | Mother Jones

Why does President Obama take so much credit for killing Bin Laden? - YouTube

'dark' money...:lol: kinda like your brain.....dark
I find it shocking that any past or present SEALs would want to be involved in this. I hope they don't degrade themselves to the same level as the military birthers. I would hate to see their ellite reputation tarnish.

Some will. But it will backfire on them and the press will destroy them.

And if that happens, they'll have only themselves to blame.

stretch, meet credulity.......the 'press' will destroy/denigrate anyone who doesn't tow the obama line, or keep their mouth shut- swift boat tug boat rubber ducky you name it...please huh...:rolleyes:
But that was the point. It wasn't an easy decision.

There was a 60% chance Bin Laden wasn't there. The only way to be sure to get him was to send in troops, and that was frought with danger in that it could have brought us into armed conflict with Pakistan (nominally an ally, but has been playing both sides.)

During the Bush years, There was reluctance to go after Al Qaeda in Pakistan because of this very reason.

So, yeah, let's give him kudos for making the call.

I agree. Kudos to Barry for making the call. I'd give kudos to an POTUS who made that call.

As for him taking credit?? What POTUS wouldn't take credit?

Its the one bright spot in an otherwise abysmal 3 plus years in office.

I believe he got and took credit for this, over and over and over again. Perhaps if he hadn't flown to Afghanistan to celebrate the anniversary of killing someone it might have been a little different. His celebratory visit kinda spiked the football. :)

Spiking the football... doesn't quite measure up to the hubris of bush landing on a carrier in a flight suit and declaring major combat operations ended under a "Mission Accomplished" banner.
Some will. But it will backfire on them and the press will destroy them.

And if that happens, they'll have only themselves to blame.

stretch, meet credulity.......the 'press' will destroy/denigrate anyone who doesn't tow the obama line, or keep their mouth shut- swift boat tug boat rubber ducky you name it...please huh...:rolleyes:

Lol that's the same "reasoning" I remember from Clinton, bush, etc. If there's positive news about Dems it's only because they have the press in their back pockets; if there's negative news it's because the righteous prevailed to get out the truth. So silly.
This is typical of dirty wingnut politics and smear tactics. I would think the SEALs would be careful about this - it could backfire against their elite reputation - which Obama has further enhanced with his praise of their fine work.

SEALs should also keep in mind that their reputation would have been diminished if they had screwed up the bin Laden mission - but Obama would have taken all the heat and would have likely cost him being re-elected.
You don't have the class to throw dirt on Navy Seals nor to diminish their reputation. Keep trying, and yours is going to be in the rubbish heap of history.
I agree. Kudos to Barry for making the call. I'd give kudos to an POTUS who made that call.

As for him taking credit?? What POTUS wouldn't take credit?

Its the one bright spot in an otherwise abysmal 3 plus years in office.

I believe he got and took credit for this, over and over and over again. Perhaps if he hadn't flown to Afghanistan to celebrate the anniversary of killing someone it might have been a little different. His celebratory visit kinda spiked the football. :)

Spiking the football... doesn't quite measure up to the hubris of bush landing on a carrier in a flight suit and declaring major combat operations ended under a "Mission Accomplished" banner.
That only mattered to craven, naive little pantywaists who wouldn't know one end of a cannon from another like America's finest do.
The swift boaters and their supporters were a bunch of liars.

And it was a disgusting and despicable display of how much conservatives really "love" the military. Because they trash the war records of people they don't like..even if they are heroes.

No one trashed John McCain's or Bob Dole's war record.

No. But Bob Dole was never caught hanging with Axis Sally or had his pictures displayed in the Tokyo War Museum as someone who helped their war effort.

John Kerry got in trouble because he intentionally tried to hide the parts of his past that didn't make him look like someone you'd trust defending America.

It wasn't the "Taking Purple Hearts for minor injuries" that got him in trouble, because a lot of guys did that in nearly every war. My dad knew guys who got Purple Hearts for cutting themselves on C-ration cans in WWII.

What made people rightfully angry was that after the war, he claimed they were committing all sorts of attrocities and hung around with people like Jane Fonda. And Kerry was trying to pretend like none of that stuff happened.

NEWSFLASH: There were all sorts of atrocities in Vietnam. Several million people were killed as a result of US actions. And the reason?

Go on..let us know. What justified Vietnam?

Ask John F Kennedy or Lyndon B Johnson.

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