Meet the Astroturfer Planning to Swift Boat Obama

So his "signature accomplishment" (only accomplishment) is giving the nod to the CIA and SEALS to complete the mission that the previous administration had put in place? The president himself acknowledged that the previous Bush administration can take some of the credit.

If all Obama can hang his hat on is an act that he was obligated to take, his election really is in serious trouble.

BTW the disgust towards Obama is not that he took action, but that he boasts about it~

But that was the point. It wasn't an easy decision.

There was a 60% chance Bin Laden wasn't there. The only way to be sure to get him was to send in troops, and that was frought with danger in that it could have brought us into armed conflict with Pakistan (nominally an ally, but has been playing both sides.)

During the Bush years, There was reluctance to go after Al Qaeda in Pakistan because of this very reason.

So, yeah, let's give him kudos for making the call.
So his "signature accomplishment" (only accomplishment) is giving the nod to the CIA and SEALS to complete the mission that the previous administration had put in place? The president himself acknowledged that the previous Bush administration can take some of the credit.

If all Obama can hang his hat on is an act that he was obligated to take, his election really is in serious trouble.

BTW the disgust towards Obama is not that he took action, but that he boasts about it~

But that was the point. It wasn't an easy decision.

There was a 60% chance Bin Laden wasn't there. The only way to be sure to get him was to send in troops, and that was frought with danger in that it could have brought us into armed conflict with Pakistan (nominally an ally, but has been playing both sides.)

During the Bush years, There was reluctance to go after Al Qaeda in Pakistan because of this very reason.

So, yeah, let's give him kudos for making the call.

We did, he needs to move FORWARD!!! Celebrating the death of someone on the one year anniversary isn't cool, unless you are Barack Obama.
It's hilarious that you're too stupid to know that negging is whining.

Grow a pair. I doubt you can, so see if you can snatch the purse of the wife of some other pussy and borrow the balls she keeps in her purse for that pussy.
What Everyone Should Know About The Secretive Group Trying To Swift Boat Barack Obama

By Judd Legum and Adam Peck

Here’s what we do know about Arends and Veterans For A Strong America:

1. In four days, the first ad by Veterans For A Strong America garnered almost 1 million views on Youtube. It has also been played frequently on TV news shows. [YouTube, 5/1/12]

2. Veterans For A Strong America is seeking to recruit Navy SEALS to attack Obama. “In the wake of a warm conservative reception for a web video trashing the president for ‘spiking the football’ on the anniversary of Osama Bin Laden’s death, the conservative group Veterans for a Strong America plans to gather Navy SEALs and Special Forces operators to criticize the White House during the 2012 campaign.” [BuzzFeed, 5/3/12]

3. Arends also tried to Swift Boat Obama in 2008. Arends, under the auspices of a similar group called “Vets for Freedom,” ran an ad accusing Obama of refusing to meet with wounded soldiers from Illinois. [NPR, 7/5/08]

4. Arends worked as a consultant for the Koch Brothers’ Americans for Prosperity. “Though he doesn’t list it on his public resume, around 2006 Arends went to work for Craig Dewey, the state director of Americans for Prosperity, an advocacy outfit that’s Astroturfed everything from the tea party and the Wisconsin union fight to public-school segregation.” The Koch Brothers and their allies have pledged to spend $100 million to defeat Obama. [Mother Jones, 5/4/12; HuffingtonPost, 2/3/12]

5. In 2008, Arends — posing as a “journalist” — organized and participated in a taxpayer-subsidized propaganda trip to Iraq. “American taxpayers are paying for politically slanted, pro-McCain, anti-Obama ‘reporters’ embedded with U.S. troops in Iraq. Vets for Freedom – a pro-war organization that buys attack ads against Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama – assembled a team of eight military veterans with dubious journalistic credentials to report ‘objectively’ on what is occurring in Iraq…Joel Arends, another “reporter,” is VFF’s executive director and was on McCain’s campaign payroll between March 2007 and February 2008.” [Charleston Gazette, 8/28/08]

6. Arends is coordinating with key Islamophobic figures on the far right. He regularly appears at events with anti-Islam conspiracy theorist Frank Gaffney, who has been condemned by mainstream conservatives for his intolerant views. He is also alligned with William “Jerry” Boykin, who was found to have violated Pentagon rules by expressing his anti-Muslim views in an official capacity. [ThinkProgress, 2/12/12; For The Common Defense; New York Times, 3/4/05]

7. Arends helped promote a documentary advocating war with Iran. Arends appeared on a panel in March 2011 in South Dakota promoting the documentary Iranium, which strongly suggests beginning a war with Iran. [Flier; ThinkProgress, 11/3/11]

8. Veterans for A Strong America is fully endorsed by Karl Rove. The man known as “Bush’s Brain” tweeted his support of their first web ad. [Twitter, 5/3/12]

More: Veterans for A Strong America: The Group Trying To Swift Boat Obama
Has begun. Well, at least the prick is being honest about the shit he's pulling.

The Swift Boating of Obama Has Begun - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

The ad also summons the memory of the 2004 Swift Boats Veterans for Truth ad campaign, which succeeded in casting doubt on Sen. Kerry's chief selling point, his Vietnam war hero status. In this respect, the Veterans for a Strong America ad chips away at one of Obama's signature stump lines: I killed bin Laden. In the ad, you'll notice a series of frames proclaiming what "real heroes do" that leave the viewer left thinking: Is that what Obama did?

No, I'm pretty sure everybody that despised him to begin with will feel as they always have, and those who respect him won't believe this steaming pile.

Obama Camp: You’re Damn Right We Take Credit For Killing Bin Laden | TPMDC

“The president hasn’t been spiking the ball,” said President Obama’s senior campaign adviser David Axelrod on ABC’s This Week. “This was the one-year anniversary. It’s part of his record. And it’s certainly a legitimate part of his record to talk about.” Axelrod said Obama followed through with his promise that catching the al-Qaeda leader would be a top priority. “And then he ordered a mission that was — was, frankly, risky, dangerous,” he said. “Bob Gates said it was one of the most courageous, one of the gutsiest decisions he’s ever seen a president make. And it turned out successfully.”
Republicans were particularly peeved that Obama’s campaign commercial about the killing quoted 2007 remarks from his likely opponent Mitt Romney saying it’s “not worth moving heaven and earth spending billions of dollars” to catch bin Laden. GOP lawmakers and strategists widely condemned the spot as an effort to “politicize” what should have been a moment of unity for the country. Romney responded that “any thinking American” in Obama’s position would have ordered the raid.
By Adam Weinstein

"Yes, it's the swift boating of the president," says the founder of a dark-money group claiming to speak for ticked-off Navy SEALs.

Veterans for a Strong America describes itself "a grassroots action organization committed to ensuring that America remains a strong nation by advancing liberty, safeguarding freedom and opposing tyranny." Founded in 2010, the ostensibly nonpartisan group kept a low profile until earlier this week, when it posted a splashy online ad that uses statements from President Barack Obama to suggest that the commander-in-chief boasted about his role in killing Osama bin Laden, dishonoring America's military in the process.

"Heroes don't politicize their acts of valor," the ad declares amid shots of American soldiers and quotes criticizing Obama's "shameless" and "despicable" attempt to claim credit for bin Laden's death. Not all of those quotes are in context: The video flashes "Obama Spikes the bin Laden Football," a headline from a post in which Mother Jones' Kevin Drum wrote that the bin Laden raid proved Obama's "leadership."

"Yes, it's the swift boating of the president, in the sense of using what's perceived to be his greatest strength and making it his greatest weakness."​

"I've been in touch with a number of Navy SEALs and special operators… We're gonna be rolling some of those folks out soon."​

Much More: Meet the Astroturfer Planning to Swift Boat Obama | Mother Jones

Why does President Obama take so much credit for killing Bin Laden? - YouTube

You say this as if it's bad thing, it isn't. Whether affective or not, I've not a clue, but the right for them to speak out? Yeah, bring it on.
Joel Arends, Veterans for a Strong America's founder, chairman, and sole staffer, tells me he's proud of his organization's viral video, even if it's characterized as swift boating. "Yes, it's the swift boating of the president, in the sense of using what's perceived to be his greatest strength and making it his greatest weakness."

Wait, how can it be his greatest strength? I thought it was Bush's intel.

Meet the Astroturfer Planning to Swift Boat Obama | Mother Jones
Joel Arends, Veterans for a Strong America's founder, chairman, and sole staffer, tells me he's proud of his organization's viral video, even if it's characterized as swift boating. "Yes, it's the swift boating of the president, in the sense of using what's perceived to be his greatest strength and making it his greatest weakness."

Wait, how can it be his greatest strength? I thought it was Bush's intel.

Meet the Astroturfer Planning to Swift Boat Obama | Mother Jones

and that was denied. Obama did it on his own.

Veterans for a Strong America | Barack Obama | Osama Bin Laden | The Daily Caller

TV future planned for video slamming Obama’s credit-grab on bin Laden kill
Published: 12:12 AM 05/05/2012

By Neil Munro

Veterans for a Strong America is looking for a place to run its hit online video — on television.

The ad praises the quiet heroism of the military personnel who killed Osama bin Laden in May 2011, and portrays President Barack Obama as a glory-hound eager to hog the credit.

With dramatic background images and a banner reading “Heroes don’t seek credit,” the ad shows a catalog of Obama’s statements describing his own responsibility for the mission: “I can report … I directed Leon Panetta … I was briefed … I met repeatedly … At my direction …”

“We’re at a point where we have no choice but to run that ad on TV,” Veterans for a Strong America director Joel Arends told The Daily Caller.

“We have an obligation to start educating and informing the rest of America.”

The public’s response “has been incredible … it evoked very powerful feedback” both among veterans and swing-voters, Arends said. The online video attracted 700,000 viewers on Youtube during its first four days, and generated 3,500 emails.

Veterans for a Strong America, he said, does not have support from GOP-affiliated groups.

The video got a lot of attention from veterans “who are upset about their comrades actions being used in President Obama’s campaign,” he explained.

“I think we will start see those coming out and speaking in the election, [and] I think other veterans groups will come and speak out,” he said.

Swing voters “want a commander-in-chief who is going to make a decision about whether or not to send men and women into harms way, not on a political calculus, but based on the best interests of the nation,” Arends told TheDC.

“President Obama himself made this an issue,” he insisted.

“He said he would bring people together. Instead … he’s using [the bin Laden killing] in a divisive way as part of his campaign.”

Joel Arends, Veterans for a Strong America's founder, chairman, and sole staffer, tells me he's proud of his organization's viral video, even if it's characterized as swift boating. "Yes, it's the swift boating of the president, in the sense of using what's perceived to be his greatest strength and making it his greatest weakness."

Wait, how can it be his greatest strength? I thought it was Bush's intel.

Meet the Astroturfer Planning to Swift Boat Obama | Mother Jones

and that was denied. Obama did it on his own.

Veterans for a Strong America | Barack Obama | Osama Bin Laden | The Daily Caller

TV future planned for video slamming Obama’s credit-grab on bin Laden kill
Published: 12:12 AM 05/05/2012

By Neil Munro

Veterans for a Strong America is looking for a place to run its hit online video — on television.

The ad praises the quiet heroism of the military personnel who killed Osama bin Laden in May 2011, and portrays President Barack Obama as a glory-hound eager to hog the credit.

With dramatic background images and a banner reading “Heroes don’t seek credit,” the ad shows a catalog of Obama’s statements describing his own responsibility for the mission: “I can report … I directed Leon Panetta … I was briefed … I met repeatedly … At my direction …”

“We’re at a point where we have no choice but to run that ad on TV,” Veterans for a Strong America director Joel Arends told The Daily Caller.

“We have an obligation to start educating and informing the rest of America.”

The public’s response “has been incredible … it evoked very powerful feedback” both among veterans and swing-voters, Arends said. The online video attracted 700,000 viewers on Youtube during its first four days, and generated 3,500 emails.

Veterans for a Strong America, he said, does not have support from GOP-affiliated groups.

The video got a lot of attention from veterans “who are upset about their comrades actions being used in President Obama’s campaign,” he explained.

“I think we will start see those coming out and speaking in the election, [and] I think other veterans groups will come and speak out,” he said.

Swing voters “want a commander-in-chief who is going to make a decision about whether or not to send men and women into harms way, not on a political calculus, but based on the best interests of the nation,” Arends told TheDC.

“President Obama himself made this an issue,” he insisted.

“He said he would bring people together. Instead … he’s using [the bin Laden killing] in a divisive way as part of his campaign.”


By most of the conservatives on the board? I think not. There are only a handful of R's on this board (and that's me being generous) who are willing to give Obama any credit for the actions he kicked off that night.
LOL, the whining that our military might all not care for Obama and then have the NERVE to speak out against him...

oh the HORROR..and they are now bringing back, swift boating...:lol:

Notice though mother jones has no problems with putting others in the military down..

All the lib talk of rhetoric and tactics, yet the very title of this thread is typical of liberal tactics. Anyone who doesn't love Obama is ridiculed and called names. The way they use the term, "Swift Boating", it should actually mean bringing the truth out. That is what happened with Kerry and that is what the SEALS want now. The truth.

"Typical of liberal tactics?" Really? Do you KNOW where the name came from? It's what the Republicans did to Kerry. So - no. It really isn't rubber/glue blah-blah bullshit you keep spouting. "Accuse the opposition of what you're guilty of," indeed. Mr. Limbaugh taught you well.
By Adam Weinstein

"Yes, it's the swift boating of the president," says the founder of a dark-money group claiming to speak for ticked-off Navy SEALs.

Veterans for a Strong America describes itself "a grassroots action organization committed to ensuring that America remains a strong nation by advancing liberty, safeguarding freedom and opposing tyranny." Founded in 2010, the ostensibly nonpartisan group kept a low profile until earlier this week, when it posted a splashy online ad that uses statements from President Barack Obama to suggest that the commander-in-chief boasted about his role in killing Osama bin Laden, dishonoring America's military in the process.

"Heroes don't politicize their acts of valor," the ad declares amid shots of American soldiers and quotes criticizing Obama's "shameless" and "despicable" attempt to claim credit for bin Laden's death. Not all of those quotes are in context: The video flashes "Obama Spikes the bin Laden Football," a headline from a post in which Mother Jones' Kevin Drum wrote that the bin Laden raid proved Obama's "leadership."

"Yes, it's the swift boating of the president, in the sense of using what's perceived to be his greatest strength and making it his greatest weakness."​

"I've been in touch with a number of Navy SEALs and special operators… We're gonna be rolling some of those folks out soon."​

Much More: Meet the Astroturfer Planning to Swift Boat Obama | Mother Jones

Why does President Obama take so much credit for killing Bin Laden? - YouTube

You say this as if it's bad thing, it isn't. Whether affective or not, I've not a clue, but the right for them to speak out? Yeah, bring it on.

Oh, absolutely bring it on! Because the audio/video is out there, fuck-all everywhere, of Obama thanking everybody but Kenny Rogers and the First Edition. He did it. Repeatedly. Every time he mentioned it, he thanked them.
Wait, how can it be his greatest strength? I thought it was Bush's intel.

Meet the Astroturfer Planning to Swift Boat Obama | Mother Jones

and that was denied. Obama did it on his own.

Veterans for a Strong America | Barack Obama | Osama Bin Laden | The Daily Caller

TV future planned for video slamming Obama’s credit-grab on bin Laden kill
Published: 12:12 AM 05/05/2012

By Neil Munro

Veterans for a Strong America is looking for a place to run its hit online video — on television.

The ad praises the quiet heroism of the military personnel who killed Osama bin Laden in May 2011, and portrays President Barack Obama as a glory-hound eager to hog the credit.

With dramatic background images and a banner reading “Heroes don’t seek credit,” the ad shows a catalog of Obama’s statements describing his own responsibility for the mission: “I can report … I directed Leon Panetta … I was briefed … I met repeatedly … At my direction …”

“We’re at a point where we have no choice but to run that ad on TV,” Veterans for a Strong America director Joel Arends told The Daily Caller.

“We have an obligation to start educating and informing the rest of America.”

The public’s response “has been incredible … it evoked very powerful feedback” both among veterans and swing-voters, Arends said. The online video attracted 700,000 viewers on Youtube during its first four days, and generated 3,500 emails.

Veterans for a Strong America, he said, does not have support from GOP-affiliated groups.

The video got a lot of attention from veterans “who are upset about their comrades actions being used in President Obama’s campaign,” he explained.

“I think we will start see those coming out and speaking in the election, [and] I think other veterans groups will come and speak out,” he said.

Swing voters “want a commander-in-chief who is going to make a decision about whether or not to send men and women into harms way, not on a political calculus, but based on the best interests of the nation,” Arends told TheDC.

“President Obama himself made this an issue,” he insisted.

“He said he would bring people together. Instead … he’s using [the bin Laden killing] in a divisive way as part of his campaign.”


By most of the conservatives on the board? I think not. There are only a handful of R's on this board (and that's me being generous) who are willing to give Obama any credit for the actions he kicked off that night.

Why would anyone have to give him credit, when he did so himself? At the expense of many that put their lives and concerns for troops on the line. Here's the thing, he took the credit, loudly and personally, we all get that. What you are hearing are those saying, "Stop. You didn't do this alone. The intelligence was years in the making, the immediate dangers weren't yourself, but those of young people, not looking towards an election, but towards making the country safer." Those young people, they were willing to die. Obama? He made the call, wearing his golf clothes.
Who needs to "swiftboat" Obama ?

His record is going to be more than enough to send him back to Chicago come Jan 2013.
Exactly! If he sucks 16 ways from Sunday as you all oh so firmly believe, then why go there? His record sucks - have at it.

Unless. Things aren't near as bad as you believe. Then it makes sense.
Who needs to "swiftboat" Obama ?

His record is going to be more than enough to send him back to Chicago come Jan 2013.

The whole nomenclature of 'swiftboating' is wrong. It was spin then, same here.
Exactly! If he sucks 16 ways from Sunday as you all oh so firmly believe, then why go there? His record sucks - have at it.

Unless. Things aren't near as bad as you believe. Then it makes sense.

His record is more than just "things" being a certain way.

He has abused his power and passed unconstitutional leglislation.

Add that to a messed up economy and it looks like a one-termer to me.
Which does nothing to address what both of us said - it's like I agree with you, so you promptly change your mind.

If he is all. that. bad. There should be no need for this. Unless they fear he will win, anyway.
Which does nothing to address what both of us said - it's like I agree with you, so you promptly change your mind.

If he is all. that. bad. There should be no need for this. Unless they fear he will win, anyway.

Cute but meaningless...just like you (if you are cute).

What you said was "Unless: things aren't as bad as you think...."

The economy could be getting better...but Obama is still a wanna be monarch.

Not going to be hard to show that from his record.

Looking foward to November 2012....

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