Meet the Astroturfer Planning to Swift Boat Obama

The funny thing is, Obama never did take any credit for killing Obama.

But, of course, that doesn't stop the lies, does it.

Anyone care to PROVE Obama took credit for killing Obama? LINKS?

Nope, didn't think so.

But hey, keep the lies coming.
The political phrase "swift boating" was created by liberals who defended John Kerry's fraudulent Military record. Kerry commanded a "swift boat" for about three months in Vietnam and during that time recommended himself for three Purple Hearts and a Silver Star. Other Sailors who served on swift boats came forward and disputed Kerry's self proclaimed heroism. Use of the political term "swift boating" is disrespectful especially when it is expanded to politicians who never served in the Military but what can you expect from desperate democrats?
CON$ervoFascists are just pathological liars.
The funny thing is, Obama never did take any credit for killing Obama.

But, of course, that doesn't stop the lies, does it.

Anyone care to PROVE Obama took credit for killing Obama? LINKS?

Nope, didn't think so.

But hey, keep the lies coming.


Obama didn't kill himself.

The political phrase "swift boating" was created by liberals who defended John Kerry's fraudulent Military record. Kerry commanded a "swift boat" for about three months in Vietnam and during that time recommended himself for three Purple Hearts and a Silver Star. Other Sailors who served on swift boats came forward and disputed Kerry's self proclaimed heroism. Use of the political term "swift boating" is disrespectful especially when it is expanded to politicians who never served in the Military but what can you expect from desperate democrats?
CON$ervoFascists are just pathological liars.

It was disgusting and despicable.
Kerry was swiftboated because he claimed unearned valor. But, he was there! obama wasn't even there. obama doesn't need to be swiftboated by others because he's doing it to himself and Bill Clinton is helping. How Clinton must despise obama. He has to. Clinton is not a stupid man. He connects with people and understands them far more than obama does. Clinton had to have known that the effect of his words describing how horrible it would be for obama had the misson failed would be devastating. If Clinton knew that this statement was far FAR removed from "I feel your pain" and deep into the territory of "I want you to feel my pain" why didn't he say something? I can't believe he didn't recognize the arrogance of that statement.

Ummm, yeah, Obama wasn't there because he was six at the time.


Some conservatives think youngins should fight in wars..

6 is fine.
LOL, the whining that our military might all not care for Obama and then have the NERVE to speak out against him...

oh the HORROR..and they are now bringing back, swift boating...:lol:

Notice though mother jones has no problems with putting others in the military down..

All the lib talk of rhetoric and tactics, yet the very title of this thread is typical of liberal tactics. Anyone who doesn't love Obama is ridiculed and called names. The way they use the term, "Swift Boating", it should actually mean bringing the truth out. That is what happened with Kerry and that is what the SEALS want now. The truth.
The political phrase "swift boating" was created by liberals who defended John Kerry's fraudulent Military record. Kerry commanded a "swift boat" for about three months in Vietnam and during that time recommended himself for three Purple Hearts and a Silver Star. Other Sailors who served on swift boats came forward and disputed Kerry's self proclaimed heroism. Use of the political term "swift boating" is disrespectful especially when it is expanded to politicians who never served in the Military but what can you expect from desperate democrats?
CON$ervoFascists are just pathological liars.

It was disgusting and despicable.

lol, they probably felt that way when they saw Kerry testifying against his fellow service actually John Kerry is the one who started, swift boating...but you all sure don't like it when the tables are turned
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Personally I give the President credit for authorizing the action by the SEALs.

I don't even think it's all that horrible to cite his own record in that regard as part of his public justification for the claim that he deserves to be re-elected.

But he IS the one who said that we don't spike such footballs. And now he is. So he can also take some heat for his duplicitous positions.

He's a grown man and a politician. He makes choices and he can suffer the political slings and arrows that go with the turf.

Recap: He deserves due credit for the authorization he gave. He is even entitled to use that part of his actual record as President in a political manner to support his contention that he deserves to be re-elected. But when he himself says we shouldn't use the demise of the scumbag bin Laden as a football to be spiked, then when he fails to adhere to his own pronouncements, that too is fair game for comment.

Republicans on ‘Politicizing’ Terrorism, Then and Now (VIDEO)

By Michael Lester

President Obama was criticized this week for “politicizing” the killing of Osama bin Laden in a campaign ad that stated that, had he been president, Mitt Romney would not have made the same call.

Republicans immediately fired back, reminding everyone that it was the Navy SEALs who carried out the raid and for the president to make any claim to success was, unfortunate, appalling and shameless “spiking the football.”

If this didn’t strike you as odd, you may have been born in 2009.

TPM took a trip down memory lane to the last time Republicans were tasked with the job of defending and promoting an incumbent president.

Eager to present themselves as staunch and strong defenders of the homeland, unafraid of tracking down terrorists wherever they were, Republicans of eight years ago were keen to let everyone know who was really keeping them safe.

So on politicizing national security, you might say they don’t have a leg to stand on an aircraft carrier to land on.

Watch: 2004 Republicans v 2012 Republicans On Who Keeps The Country Safe | TPM2012
The political phrase "swift boating" was created by liberals who defended John Kerry's fraudulent Military record. Kerry commanded a "swift boat" for about three months in Vietnam and during that time recommended himself for three Purple Hearts and a Silver Star. Other Sailors who served on swift boats came forward and disputed Kerry's self proclaimed heroism. Use of the political term "swift boating" is disrespectful especially when it is expanded to politicians who never served in the Military but what can you expect from desperate democrats?

John Kerry is history. This is about righties trying to unfairly tarnish President Obama's signature achievement as president of getting bin Laden. President Obama did exactly what he said he'd do while campaigning for president - including going into Pakistan to get him if necessary.

This will BACKFIRE in a very bad way against all swiftboaters involved.

Call it what you want but it's typical of lefties not to understand that the term is disrespectful to the Military.
The political phrase "swift boating" was created by liberals who defended John Kerry's fraudulent Military record. Kerry commanded a "swift boat" for about three months in Vietnam and during that time recommended himself for three Purple Hearts and a Silver Star. Other Sailors who served on swift boats came forward and disputed Kerry's self proclaimed heroism. Use of the political term "swift boating" is disrespectful especially when it is expanded to politicians who never served in the Military but what can you expect from desperate democrats?

John Kerry is history. This is about righties trying to unfairly tarnish President Obama's signature achievement as president of getting bin Laden. President Obama did exactly what he said he'd do while campaigning for president - including going into Pakistan to get him if necessary.

This will BACKFIRE in a very bad way against all swiftboaters involved.

So his "signature accomplishment" (only accomplishment) is giving the nod to the CIA and SEALS to complete the mission that the previous administration had put in place? The president himself acknowledged that the previous Bush administration can take some of the credit.

If all Obama can hang his hat on is an act that he was obligated to take, his election really is in serious trouble.

BTW the disgust towards Obama is not that he took action, but that he boasts about it~
The political phrase "swift boating" was created by liberals who defended John Kerry's fraudulent Military record. Kerry commanded a "swift boat" for about three months in Vietnam and during that time recommended himself for three Purple Hearts and a Silver Star. Other Sailors who served on swift boats came forward and disputed Kerry's self proclaimed heroism. Use of the political term "swift boating" is disrespectful especially when it is expanded to politicians who never served in the Military but what can you expect from desperate democrats?

John Kerry is history. This is about righties trying to unfairly tarnish President Obama's signature achievement as president of getting bin Laden. President Obama did exactly what he said he'd do while campaigning for president - including going into Pakistan to get him if necessary.

This will BACKFIRE in a very bad way against all swiftboaters involved.

So his "signature accomplishment" (only accomplishment) is giving the nod to the CIA and SEALS to complete the mission that the previous administration had put in place? The president himself acknowledged that the previous Bush administration can take some of the credit.

If all Obama can hang his hat on is an act that he was obligated to take, his election really is in serious trouble.

BTW the disgust towards Obama is not that he took action, but that he boasts about it~

President Obama fulfilled a major campaign promise to get bin Laden - even in Pakistan if necessary. He has every right to boast, especially when you factor in that bin Laden was plotting to assassinate him.
John Kerry is history. This is about righties trying to unfairly tarnish President Obama's signature achievement as president of getting bin Laden. President Obama did exactly what he said he'd do while campaigning for president - including going into Pakistan to get him if necessary.

This will BACKFIRE in a very bad way against all swiftboaters involved.

So his "signature accomplishment" (only accomplishment) is giving the nod to the CIA and SEALS to complete the mission that the previous administration had put in place? The president himself acknowledged that the previous Bush administration can take some of the credit.

If all Obama can hang his hat on is an act that he was obligated to take, his election really is in serious trouble.

BTW the disgust towards Obama is not that he took action, but that he boasts about it~

President Obama fulfilled a major campaign promise to get bin Laden - even in Pakistan if necessary. He has every right to boast, especially when you factor in that bin Laden was plotting to assassinate him.

OMG! Bin Laden wanted to kill every American and as many American's as he could... i.e. 3000 on 9/11. Of course like ALL of us, Obama, KNEW Bin Laden was in of course that's where he would be killed or captured- since it was KNOWN that is where he fled to.

No, he has no right to boast- NONE! It makes him look small and weak and desperate. It is arrogant and undignified for a president to boast "spike the football" which he said he would not do.
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Si modo just negged me. Negging is all wingnuts have.

Si modo just negged me again. Wingnuts are such whining cowards.
And, I'll neg you again for more whining about negs.

Hopefully you'll start another dramatic exit thread.

Fucking pussy, grow a pair. No wonder you are a lefty; you have no balls.

I negged him as well. there's nothing I despise more than a pussy who whines about being negged.
It's hilarious that you're too stupid to know that negging is whining.

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