Meet the Astroturfer Planning to Swift Boat Obama

Liberal Dictionary:
Swiftboating - to tell the truth about a Democrat

[ame=]Kerry Grills Swift Boat Donor - YouTube[/ame]

The swift boaters and their supporters were a bunch of liars.

And it was a disgusting and despicable display of how much conservatives really "love" the military. Because they trash the war records of people they don't like..even if they are heroes.

No one trashed John McCain's or Bob Dole's war record.

LOl, think George Bush...get off the high horse

He never fought in a war.

He used his father's influence to get out of going to Vietnam.

"I was not prepared to shoot my eardrum out with a shotgun in order to get a deferment. Nor was I willing to go to Canada. So I chose to better myself by learning how to fly airplanes." -George W. Bush

Daily Kos: Comparing Bush and Kerry's military records
Kerry Grills Swift Boat Donor - YouTube

The swift boaters and their supporters were a bunch of liars.

And it was a disgusting and despicable display of how much conservatives really "love" the military. Because they trash the war records of people they don't like..even if they are heroes.

No one trashed John McCain's or Bob Dole's war record.

LOl, think George Bush...get off the high horse

He never fought in a war.

He used his father's influence to get out of going to Vietnam.

"I was not prepared to shoot my eardrum out with a shotgun in order to get a deferment. Nor was I willing to go to Canada. So I chose to better myself by learning how to fly airplanes." -George W. Bush

Daily Kos: Comparing Bush and Kerry's military records

really, dailykos?
Liberal Dictionary:
Swiftboating - to tell the truth about a Democrat

The swift boaters and their supporters were a bunch of liars.

And it was a disgusting and despicable display of how much conservatives really "love" the military. Because they trash the war records of people they don't like..even if they are heroes.

No one trashed John McCain's or Bob Dole's war record.

No. But Bob Dole was never caught hanging with Axis Sally or had his pictures displayed in the Tokyo War Museum as someone who helped their war effort.

John Kerry got in trouble because he intentionally tried to hide the parts of his past that didn't make him look like someone you'd trust defending America.

It wasn't the "Taking Purple Hearts for minor injuries" that got him in trouble, because a lot of guys did that in nearly every war. My dad knew guys who got Purple Hearts for cutting themselves on C-ration cans in WWII.

What made people rightfully angry was that after the war, he claimed they were committing all sorts of attrocities and hung around with people like Jane Fonda. And Kerry was trying to pretend like none of that stuff happened.

NEWSFLASH: There were all sorts of atrocities in Vietnam. Several million people were killed as a result of US actions. And the reason?

Go on..let us know. What justified Vietnam?
LOl, think George Bush...get off the high horse

He never fought in a war.

He used his father's influence to get out of going to Vietnam.

"I was not prepared to shoot my eardrum out with a shotgun in order to get a deferment. Nor was I willing to go to Canada. So I chose to better myself by learning how to fly airplanes." -George W. Bush

Daily Kos: Comparing Bush and Kerry's military records

really, dailykos?

Point out where they get it wrong.

Feel free.
Sorry, I have a HUGE problem with him worrying about being re-elected instead of the lives of our guys in uniform. One has to wonder if the mission failed would we have even heard about the objective?? Obama never put his presidency on the line. Funny, right there it shows his narcissism, what about the Navy Seals that put their lives on the line??

Call me a right wing lunatic if you want, but politicizing the killing of anyone is just not cool. He couldn't handle the fact that the plan the military put it place worked and let others tout his success. No.........he has to claim personal victory over and over and over and over.

I personally find it totally disgusting to publicly celebrate the murder of anyone, criminal or not. His lack of class is unmatched.
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Sorry, I have a HUGE problem with him worrying about being re-elected instead of the lives of our guys in uniform. One has to wonder if the mission failed would we have even heard about the objective?? Obama never put his presidency on the line. Funny, right there it shows his narcissism, what about the Navy Seals that put their lives on the line??

Call me a right wing lunatic if you want, but politicizing the killing of anyone is just not cool. He couldn't handle the fact that the plan the military put it place worked and let others tout his success. No.........he has to claim personal victory over and over and over and over.

I personally find it totally disgusting to publicly celebrate the murder of anyone, criminal or not. His lack of class is unmatched.

If the mission failed, Obama's chances for re-election would have been dramatically reduced. It happened to Carter. The Republicans brought up Operation Eagle Claw over and over again.
Sorry, I have a HUGE problem with him worrying about being re-elected instead of the lives of our guys in uniform. One has to wonder if the mission failed would we have even heard about the objective?? Obama never put his presidency on the line. Funny, right there it shows his narcissism, what about the Navy Seals that put their lives on the line??

Call me a right wing lunatic if you want, but politicizing the killing of anyone is just not cool. He couldn't handle the fact that the plan the military put it place worked and let others tout his success. No.........he has to claim personal victory over and over and over and over.

I personally find it totally disgusting to publicly celebrate the murder of anyone, criminal or not. His lack of class is unmatched.

If the mission failed, Obama's chances for re-election would have been dramatically reduced. It happened to Carter. The Republicans brought up Operation Eagle Claw over and over again.

If you say so Sallow. I'm thinking there may have been a blip on the news channels about losing Bin Laden again, Fox News would have talked about the failed mission, Obama would have said he had no control, the left wing would flame Fox News and it would have been forgotten in a week. No his presidency was never on the line, the lives of our men in uniform were.
You see pretending that the antics of GWB in any way compared to the service John Kerry provided is what makes you so fucking sleazy
Calling our military men and women who want to speak out, swift boaters-astroturfers is how low you all will crawl..

Of course you all did with Kerry too...
these people are right wing fucking hacks who would lie about their grandma to win elections
the right is yet again bringing in military people willing to lie about their fellow military
Sorry, I have a HUGE problem with him worrying about being re-elected instead of the lives of our guys in uniform. One has to wonder if the mission failed would we have even heard about the objective?? Obama never put his presidency on the line. Funny, right there it shows his narcissism, what about the Navy Seals that put their lives on the line??

Call me a right wing lunatic if you want, but politicizing the killing of anyone is just not cool. He couldn't handle the fact that the plan the military put it place worked and let others tout his success. No.........he has to claim personal victory over and over and over and over.

I personally find it totally disgusting to publicly celebrate the murder of anyone, criminal or not. His lack of class is unmatched.

If the mission failed, Obama's chances for re-election would have been dramatically reduced. It happened to Carter. The Republicans brought up Operation Eagle Claw over and over again.

If you say so Sallow. I'm thinking there may have been a blip on the news channels about losing Bin Laden again, Fox News would have talked about the failed mission, Obama would have said he had no control, the left wing would flame Fox News and it would have been forgotten in a week. No his presidency was never on the line, the lives of our men in uniform were.

There would have been absolutely no way for Obama to walk away from a failed mission. None.
If the mission failed, Obama's chances for re-election would have been dramatically reduced. It happened to Carter. The Republicans brought up Operation Eagle Claw over and over again.

If you say so Sallow. I'm thinking there may have been a blip on the news channels about losing Bin Laden again, Fox News would have talked about the failed mission, Obama would have said he had no control, the left wing would flame Fox News and it would have been forgotten in a week. No his presidency was never on the line, the lives of our men in uniform were.

There would have been absolutely no way for Obama to walk away from a failed mission. None.

But what if no one ever knew about that mission. It wasn't made public before the take down. Stop a minute and think, would we really have known it failed??
If you say so Sallow. I'm thinking there may have been a blip on the news channels about losing Bin Laden again, Fox News would have talked about the failed mission, Obama would have said he had no control, the left wing would flame Fox News and it would have been forgotten in a week. No his presidency was never on the line, the lives of our men in uniform were.

There would have been absolutely no way for Obama to walk away from a failed mission. None.

But what if no one ever knew about that mission. It wasn't made public before the take down. Stop a minute and think, would we really have known it failed??

The mission didn't take place in some lonely part of the took place in a heavily populated neighborhood. One of the things that "went wrong" was that a guy on a midnight walk "tweeted" he saw helicopters flying over his street..something that you don't see every day. But consider Operation Eagle Claw..that took place is a remote area.

And still made it to the media.
swift-boating = telling the truth about someone.

Lots of people will be telling the truth about Obama this year. Maybe if he wasnt a crappy leaders with evil intentions he wouldnt have a problem with it.
Kerry was swiftboated because he claimed unearned valor. But, he was there! obama wasn't even there. obama doesn't need to be swiftboated by others because he's doing it to himself and Bill Clinton is helping. How Clinton must despise obama. He has to. Clinton is not a stupid man. He connects with people and understands them far more than obama does. Clinton had to have known that the effect of his words describing how horrible it would be for obama had the misson failed would be devastating. If Clinton knew that this statement was far FAR removed from "I feel your pain" and deep into the territory of "I want you to feel my pain" why didn't he say something? I can't believe he didn't recognize the arrogance of that statement.
If you say so Sallow. I'm thinking there may have been a blip on the news channels about losing Bin Laden again, Fox News would have talked about the failed mission, Obama would have said he had no control, the left wing would flame Fox News and it would have been forgotten in a week. No his presidency was never on the line, the lives of our men in uniform were.

There would have been absolutely no way for Obama to walk away from a failed mission. None.

But what if no one ever knew about that mission. It wasn't made public before the take down. Stop a minute and think, would we really have known it failed??

obama couldn't help himself. He would have made it public and blamed whoever it was to be blamed. He would have said that it was Bush's fault because his policies led to inaccurate intelligence. He would have blamed Admiral McRaven for a flawed plan. He would have blamed the inept Navy Seals and questioned the necessity of the program's existence. He would have been the innocent victim. Why did the Seals fail? They wanted him to look bad because they were all racists.

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