Meet the Astroturfer Planning to Swift Boat Obama

"Heroes don't politicize their acts of valor,"

Somebody better tell every war hero that ever ran for office, I'm looking at McCain especially.

Amen! Obama haters are just pissed that Obama got bin Laden instead of Bush. Last I heard, Bush had given up looking for him.

They liked him better alive and scary rather than dead and gone. Also it seems these "seals" are politicizing their own military careers, better or worse?
“I did choose the risk,” the president said in an exclusive interview with Rock Center Anchor and Managing Editor Brian Williams. “The reason I was willing to make that decision of sending in our SEALs to try to capture or kill bin Laden rather than to take some other options was ultimately because I had 100 percent faith in the Navy SEALs themselves.”

Much More: Rock Center with Brian Williams - President Obama: Bin Laden raid is 'most important single day of my presidency'
I find it shocking that any past or present SEALs would want to be involved in this. I hope they don't degrade themselves to the same level as the military birthers. I would hate to see their ellite reputation tarnish.

Some will. But it will backfire on them and the press will destroy them.
I find it shocking that any past or present SEALs would want to be involved in this. I hope they don't degrade themselves to the same level as the military birthers. I would hate to see their ellite reputation tarnish.

Some will. But it will backfire on them and the press will destroy them.

I agree. I hope the SEALs don't fall into this wingnut trap.
Liberal Dictionary:
Swiftboating - to tell the truth about a Democrat

By Adam Weinstein

"Yes, it's the swift boating of the president," says the founder of a dark-money group claiming to speak for ticked-off Navy SEALs.

Veterans for a Strong America describes itself "a grassroots action organization committed to ensuring that America remains a strong nation by advancing liberty, safeguarding freedom and opposing tyranny." Founded in 2010, the ostensibly nonpartisan group kept a low profile until earlier this week, when it posted a splashy online ad that uses statements from President Barack Obama to suggest that the commander-in-chief boasted about his role in killing Osama bin Laden, dishonoring America's military in the process.

"Heroes don't politicize their acts of valor," the ad declares amid shots of American soldiers and quotes criticizing Obama's "shameless" and "despicable" attempt to claim credit for bin Laden's death. Not all of those quotes are in context: The video flashes "Obama Spikes the bin Laden Football," a headline from a post in which Mother Jones' Kevin Drum wrote that the bin Laden raid proved Obama's "leadership."

"Yes, it's the swift boating of the president, in the sense of using what's perceived to be his greatest strength and making it his greatest weakness."​

"I've been in touch with a number of Navy SEALs and special operators… We're gonna be rolling some of those folks out soon."​
The killing of Osama Bin Laden is a huge victory on the War on Terror for America.

One of the biggest successes in American foreign policy/national security ever. From the President's decision-making all throughout, to the CIA, to the SEALS, who did a remarkable job with all that data they got from the CIA and the Pentagon which enabled them to recreate the entire compound on a 1km property out in Afghanistan.

They lived and breathed it and trained at night, after they built it with their own hands.

The advice was to drone the compound. The President wanted the intelligence and he wanted pictures. They would have to do it the hard way, by helicopter on a moonless night. He remembered well the failures of such missions by Presidents Carter and Clinton.

By taking the more difficult decision, Barack Obama knew he was putting his presidency on the line should the mission fail, which would have lit up boards such as these with how incompetent he is at his job.

But he took the time to ask all the right questions and gave the CIA and the SEALS everything they needed to pull it off, including all the time the SEALS wanted to prepare so that when it came time for it, they could operate in that compound and know every little nook and cranny. Nothing would be left to chance.

Great work by everybody involved. I was so proud to be American that night and see all those people cheering in front of the White House for a change.

They will try and use this success to divide us, but this time it won't work. They'll be degrading themselves in the public eye for being cynical and for calling into question the work that other SEALS did.
The problem here is that this guy runs the risk of getting a lot of posers claiming to be Navy Seals in his group...
LOL, the whining that our military might all not care for Obama and then have the NERVE to speak out against him...

oh the HORROR..and they are now bringing back, swift boating...:lol:

Notice though mother jones has no problems with putting others in the military down..
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LOL, the whining that our military might all not care for Obama and then have the NERVE to speak out against him...

oh the HORROR..and they are now bringing back, swift boating...:lol:

Honestly, I just don't see how that would work here.

Swiftboating Kerry was effective because Kerry wanted to leave out all the parts of his biography that were less than flattering. Talk about the three purple hearts, don't talk about the fact the injuries were so minor they resulted in no lost duty time. Talk about your three months in Vietnam, don't talk about your three years as an anti-war hippy who made false claims about attrocities.

So when Vets who were in the same unit rightfully complained about these things, they had credibility. Kerry's own inability to level with people and attempt to misrepresent himself is what was his undoing.

I just don't see how getting guys who were Navy SEALS to criticize the president taking part of the credit for what other Navy SEALS (not them) did really falls into the same category.

Obama took nothing away from the SEALS who did the mission. He just pointed out that he was the one who took the gamble and authorized the mission. I'm just not seeing how this would be effective.

And again, these astro-turfers run the risk of having some guy claim he was a SEAL, and being unable to read a DD214, they won't figure out that he was really only some guy who served as a mechanic on an oiler.
LOL, the whining that our military might all not care for Obama and then have the NERVE to speak out against him...

oh the HORROR..and they are now bringing back, swift boating...:lol:

Honestly, I just don't see how that would work here.

Swiftboating Kerry was effective because Kerry wanted to leave out all the parts of his biography that were less than flattering. Talk about the three purple hearts, don't talk about the fact the injuries were so minor they resulted in no lost duty time. Talk about your three months in Vietnam, don't talk about your three years as an anti-war hippy who made false claims about attrocities.

So when Vets who were in the same unit rightfully complained about these things, they had credibility. Kerry's own inability to level with people and attempt to misrepresent himself is what was his undoing.

I just don't see how getting guys who were Navy SEALS to criticize the president taking part of the credit for what other Navy SEALS (not them) did really falls into the same category.

Obama took nothing away from the SEALS who did the mission. He just pointed out that he was the one who took the gamble and authorized the mission. I'm just not seeing how this would be effective.

And again, these astro-turfers run the risk of having some guy claim he was a SEAL, and being unable to read a DD214, they won't figure out that he was really only some guy who served as a mechanic on an oiler.

astro-turfers..swift boaters..
You all have no problems criticizing our military and calling them NAMES, but bitch that they might criticize Obama..
we see how that works
LOL, the whining that our military might all not care for Obama and then have the NERVE to speak out against him...

oh the HORROR..and they are now bringing back, swift boating...:lol:

Honestly, I just don't see how that would work here.

Swiftboating Kerry was effective because Kerry wanted to leave out all the parts of his biography that were less than flattering. Talk about the three purple hearts, don't talk about the fact the injuries were so minor they resulted in no lost duty time. Talk about your three months in Vietnam, don't talk about your three years as an anti-war hippy who made false claims about attrocities.

So when Vets who were in the same unit rightfully complained about these things, they had credibility. Kerry's own inability to level with people and attempt to misrepresent himself is what was his undoing.

I just don't see how getting guys who were Navy SEALS to criticize the president taking part of the credit for what other Navy SEALS (not them) did really falls into the same category.

Obama took nothing away from the SEALS who did the mission. He just pointed out that he was the one who took the gamble and authorized the mission. I'm just not seeing how this would be effective.

And again, these astro-turfers run the risk of having some guy claim he was a SEAL, and being unable to read a DD214, they won't figure out that he was really only some guy who served as a mechanic on an oiler.

astro-turfers..swift boaters..
You all have no problems criticizing our military and calling them NAMES, but bitch that they might criticize Obama..
we see how that works

Were you just incapable of processing the argument I made? Do I need to use smaller words for you?
Honestly, I just don't see how that would work here.

Swiftboating Kerry was effective because Kerry wanted to leave out all the parts of his biography that were less than flattering. Talk about the three purple hearts, don't talk about the fact the injuries were so minor they resulted in no lost duty time. Talk about your three months in Vietnam, don't talk about your three years as an anti-war hippy who made false claims about attrocities.

So when Vets who were in the same unit rightfully complained about these things, they had credibility. Kerry's own inability to level with people and attempt to misrepresent himself is what was his undoing.

I just don't see how getting guys who were Navy SEALS to criticize the president taking part of the credit for what other Navy SEALS (not them) did really falls into the same category.

Obama took nothing away from the SEALS who did the mission. He just pointed out that he was the one who took the gamble and authorized the mission. I'm just not seeing how this would be effective.

And again, these astro-turfers run the risk of having some guy claim he was a SEAL, and being unable to read a DD214, they won't figure out that he was really only some guy who served as a mechanic on an oiler.

astro-turfers..swift boaters..
You all have no problems criticizing our military and calling them NAMES, but bitch that they might criticize Obama..
we see how that works

Were you just incapable of processing the argument I made? Do I need to use smaller words for you?

I don't care what you do
This is typical of dirty wingnut politics and smear tactics. I would think the SEALs would be careful about this - it could backfire against their elite reputation - which Obama has further enhanced with his praise of their fine work.

SEALs should also keep in mind that their reputation would have been diminished if they had screwed up the bin Laden mission - but Obama would have taken all the heat and would have likely cost him being re-elected.

obama has enhanced the seals reputation..

they already had their reputation before Obama came along..

gawd you people are laughable
Well, it just seems like you didn't understand the argument I was making, and I was wondering if your comprehension skills were limited.

Because, frankly, I just don't see how any thinking person could read what I said and come to the conclusion I was criticizing the armed forces. (Not to mention I'm a vet myself.)
The political phrase "swift boating" was created by liberals who defended John Kerry's fraudulent Military record. Kerry commanded a "swift boat" for about three months in Vietnam and during that time recommended himself for three Purple Hearts and a Silver Star. Other Sailors who served on swift boats came forward and disputed Kerry's self proclaimed heroism. Use of the political term "swift boating" is disrespectful especially when it is expanded to politicians who never served in the Military but what can you expect from desperate democrats?

And let us not forget the other literary "gift" liberals bequeathed to the unsuspecting and innocent public: BORKING.

Teddy Kennedy, Joe Biden and a whole bunch of their similar mentally and morally challenged cohorts totally destroyed a decent person, an honest and honorable jurist, in order to promote their sick and twisted view of the world.

Judge Robert Bork, you and your reputation will live long after the punks who thought they destroyed you rot in their graves.

Bork was nuts.

He held the idea that corporations could legally sterilize their female employees.

Kennedy was completely right..

Following Bork's nomination to the Court, Sen. Ted Kennedy took to the Senate floor with a strong condemnation of Bork declaring:

Robert Bork's America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens' doors in midnight raids, schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists could be censored at the whim of the Government, and the doors of the Federal courts would be shut on the fingers of millions of citizens for whom the judiciary is—and is often the only—protector of the individual rights that are the heart of our democracy ... President Reagan is still our president. But he should not be able to reach out from the muck of Irangate, reach into the muck of Watergate and impose his reactionary vision of the Constitution on the Supreme Court and the next generation of Americans. No justice would be better than this injustice.[17][18]
Robert Bork - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Liberal Dictionary:
Swiftboating - to tell the truth about a Democrat

By Adam Weinstein

"Yes, it's the swift boating of the president," says the founder of a dark-money group claiming to speak for ticked-off Navy SEALs.

Veterans for a Strong America describes itself "a grassroots action organization committed to ensuring that America remains a strong nation by advancing liberty, safeguarding freedom and opposing tyranny." Founded in 2010, the ostensibly nonpartisan group kept a low profile until earlier this week, when it posted a splashy online ad that uses statements from President Barack Obama to suggest that the commander-in-chief boasted about his role in killing Osama bin Laden, dishonoring America's military in the process.

"Heroes don't politicize their acts of valor," the ad declares amid shots of American soldiers and quotes criticizing Obama's "shameless" and "despicable" attempt to claim credit for bin Laden's death. Not all of those quotes are in context: The video flashes "Obama Spikes the bin Laden Football," a headline from a post in which Mother Jones' Kevin Drum wrote that the bin Laden raid proved Obama's "leadership."

"Yes, it's the swift boating of the president, in the sense of using what's perceived to be his greatest strength and making it his greatest weakness."​

"I've been in touch with a number of Navy SEALs and special operators… We're gonna be rolling some of those folks out soon."​

[ame=]Kerry Grills Swift Boat Donor - YouTube[/ame]

The swift boaters and their supporters were a bunch of liars.

And it was a disgusting and despicable display of how much conservatives really "love" the military. Because they trash the war records of people they don't like..even if they are heroes.

No one trashed John McCain's or Bob Dole's war record.
Carl Rove is still alive.

The right will try to claim the victory of killing Osama.

I dont know that the American people are as sleazy as the republican party hopes they are.
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Liberal Dictionary:
Swiftboating - to tell the truth about a Democrat

[ame=]Kerry Grills Swift Boat Donor - YouTube[/ame]

The swift boaters and their supporters were a bunch of liars.

And it was a disgusting and despicable display of how much conservatives really "love" the military. Because they trash the war records of people they don't like..even if they are heroes.

No one trashed John McCain's or Bob Dole's war record.

LOl, think George Bush...get off the high horse
Liberal Dictionary:
Swiftboating - to tell the truth about a Democrat

The swift boaters and their supporters were a bunch of liars.

And it was a disgusting and despicable display of how much conservatives really "love" the military. Because they trash the war records of people they don't like..even if they are heroes.

No one trashed John McCain's or Bob Dole's war record.

No. But Bob Dole was never caught hanging with Axis Sally or had his pictures displayed in the Tokyo War Museum as someone who helped their war effort.

John Kerry got in trouble because he intentionally tried to hide the parts of his past that didn't make him look like someone you'd trust defending America.

It wasn't the "Taking Purple Hearts for minor injuries" that got him in trouble, because a lot of guys did that in nearly every war. My dad knew guys who got Purple Hearts for cutting themselves on C-ration cans in WWII.

What made people rightfully angry was that after the war, he claimed they were committing all sorts of attrocities and hung around with people like Jane Fonda. And Kerry was trying to pretend like none of that stuff happened.

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