Meet the Richerals


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
this describes the whole Democrat party WITH Obama the richeral leader of it, they pass around YOUR WEALHT but hang onto theirs...and you fall for it is what's amazing
links in article at site


February 24th, 2014 - 1:41 pm

The new millennium has also given us a new American profile — the hip richeral. Richerals are, of course, well off. But they are even more cool and liberal. The two facts are not so much incompatible, as complementary.

For some, big money allows three things: wealth’s cocoon enables you to dream safely about utopia rather than being laid off and broke; it exempts you from worrying much about the high taxes and regulations needed to pay for your redistributionist fantasy agendas; and it gives you the influence, capital, and opportunities to flee from the messy ramifications of your own ideology.

The other side of being liberal is just as important for the richerals. Guilt is a primordial human emotion — usually in civilization’s history assuaged by religion and the accompanying fear of damnation in the hereafter. But richerals are more likely than average to be either agnostic or atheistic. Yet that fact does not mean that they feel any less guilty about unfairness and inequality. So they do have deities of sorts — a hip Olympic pantheon of race, class, gender, and environmental gods. Their own privilege — be it the techie lifestyle of the Silicon Valley, the Ivy League quad, the Malibu gated estate, the Montana getaway, the Upper West Side ambiance — even under Obama just cannot yet be extended to everyone.

And that’s the rub, isn’t it? How can a richeral be redistributionist and statist when such ideologies are targeted at one’s own cherished lifestyle? So penance, medieval exemption, and confessions step in as civilization’s age-old remedies for the guilt of such a pious sinner.

Wear jeans as you board your jet. Listen to rap as you review your stock options. Champion a baitfish. Hate Sarah Palin. Make Travyon into a symbol of resistance. Amnesty for your gardener and nannie alike. Being a richeral apparently means you never have to say you are sorry about the means you used to get your cash, why you mean to keep and expand it, and how you plan to pass it on to your richeral kids.
Barack Obama came to Fresno last week to address the drought. He did not mention the diversions over the last five years of precious irrigation water out to sea. Nor did he talk of any possible funding to build new mountain reservoirs. Instead, he talked mostly of climate change and some new federal loans to address it. We were to assume that both the record cold, ice, and snow back east (that the president fled from) and the record lack of rain here in the West were due to man-made global warming. In terms of “climate change” reductionism, anything counts — a drought or a monsoon, ice or fire, the doldrums or hurricanes, occurring on average, below average, or above average.

In other words, for Obama the drought was sort of like pushing radical new gun control laws in reaction to the Sandy Hook shooting tragedy: another occasion to demagogue a political agenda that most likely has nothing to do with addressing the problem at hand.

all of it here
Works and Days » Meet the Richerals
No question that there are many, many rich Liberals

The difference is that they support raising what they pay in taxes while rich conservatives support cutting what we pay to the poor
No question that there are many, many rich Liberals

The difference is that they support raising what they pay in taxes while rich conservatives support cutting what we pay to the poor

yeah sure, they have more accountants and find any tax break they can dig up

bill and the hill wrote off donating his used underwear

you're such a disgusting liar
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No question that there are many, many rich Liberals

The difference is that they support raising what they pay in taxes while rich conservatives support cutting what we pay to the poor

yeah sure, they have more accountants and find any tax break they can dig up

bill and the hill wrote off donating his used underwear

you're such a disgusting liar

Liberals vote for tax increases on the wealthy.....Rich Liberals support that

What do rich conservatives support that doesn't benefit themselves?
No question that there are many, many rich Liberals

The difference is that they support raising what they pay in taxes while rich conservatives support cutting what we pay to the poor

yeah sure, they have more accountants and find any tax break they can dig up

bill and the hill wrote off donating his used underwear

you're such a disgusting liar

Liberals vote for tax increases on the wealthy.....Rich Liberals support that

What do rich conservatives support that doesn't benefit themselves?

who did the cigarette tax increase hurt THE WORSE...not your wealthy masters

go derail another thread with your lies
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yeah sure, they have more accountants and find any tax break they can dig up

bill and the hill wrote off donating his used underwear

you're such a disgusting liar

Liberals vote for tax increases on the wealthy.....Rich Liberals support that

What do rich conservatives support that doesn't benefit themselves?

who did the cigarette tax increase hurt THE WORSE...not your wealthy masters

go derail another thread with your lies

Damn really make me laugh sometimes

I know you try your best, but you are just funny
Liberals vote for tax increases on the wealthy.....Rich Liberals support that

What do rich conservatives support that doesn't benefit themselves?

who did the cigarette tax increase hurt THE WORSE...not your wealthy masters

go derail another thread with your lies

Damn really make me laugh sometimes

I know you try your best, but you are just funny

Looks aren't everything...
No question that there are many, many rich Liberals

The difference is that they support raising what they pay in taxes while rich conservatives support cutting what we pay to the poor

How about they share their wealth first .. Give away all their income except for what the average middle class makes. Lets start with the Obamas .
When they do that then maybe I will come on board with the liberal thinking . But that will never happen
No question that there are many, many rich Liberals

The difference is that they support raising what they pay in taxes while rich conservatives support cutting what we pay to the poor

yeah sure, they have more accountants and find any tax break they can dig up

bill and the hill wrote off donating his used underwear

you're such a disgusting liar

Liberals vote for tax increases on the wealthy.....Rich Liberals support that

What do rich conservatives support that doesn't benefit themselves?
Oh yeah right, where did kerry ( democrat president nominee) where did he keep his boat? Answer, not where he lived. Why not, because he didn't want to pay the high taxes.
yeah sure, they have more accountants and find any tax break they can dig up

bill and the hill wrote off donating his used underwear

you're such a disgusting liar

Liberals vote for tax increases on the wealthy.....Rich Liberals support that

What do rich conservatives support that doesn't benefit themselves?
Oh yeah right, where did kerry ( democrat president nominee) where did he keep his boat? Answer, not where he lived. Why not, because he didn't want to pay the high taxes.

he knows all that, he's just a dishonest person tool for the Progressives

they can crow they are raising taxes on the wealthy because they know they can find a way out of PAYING THEM themselves
it's the games they play with peoples lives and sadly many fall's for it while hurting themselves by voting for them

again, take the cigarette tax Obama raised on the people weeks after he was elected as an won't hurt those WELATHY liberals and their master in government...It hurts the POOR and the MIDDLE CLASS the most
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No question that there are many, many rich Liberals

The difference is that they support raising what they pay in taxes while rich conservatives support cutting what we pay to the poor

How about they share their wealth first .. Give away all their income except for what the average middle class makes. Lets start with the Obamas .
When they do that then maybe I will come on board with the liberal thinking . But that will never happen

You support a voluntary tax structure?

How stupid is that?
yeah sure, they have more accountants and find any tax break they can dig up

bill and the hill wrote off donating his used underwear

you're such a disgusting liar

Liberals vote for tax increases on the wealthy.....Rich Liberals support that

What do rich conservatives support that doesn't benefit themselves?
Oh yeah right, where did kerry ( democrat president nominee) where did he keep his boat? Answer, not where he lived. Why not, because he didn't want to pay the high taxes.

Kerry voted to raise his own personal income tax

How many Republicans did the same?

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